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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:quickness doesnt seem to work on phantasmal berserker :)

I just tested it 10 seconds ago and quickness does apply to the phantasmal berserker

applies? yes, does it impact the speed of its attack? no.

Maybe it was never meant to increase the speed of the phantasm but rather work with Persistence of Memory instead. In which case, boonstripping builds in WvW that take Illusions specifically for Phantasmal Berserker's quickness are even worse now lol, since it'll never improve its boonstrip and the whole Illusions traitline becomes useless.

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@Veprovina.4876 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:quickness doesnt seem to work on phantasmal berserker :)

I just tested it 10 seconds ago and quickness does apply to the phantasmal berserker

applies? yes, does it impact the speed of its attack? no.

Maybe it was never meant to increase the speed of the phantasm but rather work with
instead. In which case, boonstripping builds in WvW that take Illusions specifically for Phantasmal Berserker's quickness are even worse now lol, since it'll never improve its boonstrip and the whole Illusions traitline becomes useless.

I tried that, by the time berserker turns into a clone its quickness is almost gone or fully gone and thus is useless anyways.It works correctly on many phantasms, but some just have set in stone speed of animation and are thus useless. It works fine of torch or pistol phantasm for example.

@Axl.8924I think in general it applies to all phantasms, but some have animation that can not be speed up, and thus quickness doesnt nothing, its poor coding if I had to guess.

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@Infusion.7149 said:Well that is why I wrote that is one of the builds people are running , the general premise is the same (sword mainhand, CCs / boonrips). On my server we never use illusions on chronos ; the metabattle build is Chaos , Domination, Chronomancer as well.

I'm not shitting on the build, i don't care who runs it or not, i'm just saying that mesmer has some core problems and bugs that make that build highly unreliable. Many other builds as well for that matter, currently there's very little that you can do that's "ok", the rest are "for fun" builds.

The Chrono/Illusion/Domination build itself would be fine if for instance, clones were time based and not affected by damage, you could pump them out, and use shatterstorm to rip boons comparable to what other classes have available. I doubt anything will ever be as effective at that as a Spellbreaker but that whole elite's shtick is boon ripping so that's understandable. And if berserker had quickness it would help too. I'd run that build. On Wanderer's gear, it would be pretty decent as a "background DPS" as well...

But what bothers me is how unreliable our skills are that you can't make such cool builds because you always have to be aware of the bugs and things not working.Don't focus on my comments about that Illusion boonrip too much, it's just one of many examples. There' nothing fundamentally wrong with the build itself, it's a good idea, but it's crippled by how messed up mesmers are currently.

@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:quickness doesnt seem to work on phantasmal berserker :)

I just tested it 10 seconds ago and quickness does apply to the phantasmal berserker

applies? yes, does it impact the speed of its attack? no.

Maybe it was never meant to increase the speed of the phantasm but rather work with
instead. In which case, boonstripping builds in WvW that take Illusions specifically for Phantasmal Berserker's quickness are even worse now lol, since it'll never improve its boonstrip and the whole Illusions traitline becomes useless.

I tried that, by the time berserker turns into a clone its quickness is almost gone or fully gone and thus is useless anyways.It works correctly on many phantasms, but some just have set in stone speed of animation and are thus useless. It works fine of torch or pistol phantasm for example.

@"Axl.8924"I think in general it applies to all phantasms, but some have animation that can not be speed up, and thus quickness doesnt nothing, its poor coding if I had to guess.

Ah, i see, that makes sense. I mean, if you have tons of concentration, maybe the quickness will still be transferred, idk, but it's a weak combo nonetheless. For that matter, that whole trait is weak, by the time phantasms become clones, there's not much boon left on them, unless it somehow "restarts" when it transferrs to you?

But if some phantasms are locked in an animation like berserker is, then yeah, not much use for it on that. It's good that it works on others though.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:@Veprovina.4876 yes, it ticks down, so if there is 0,1s left when phantasm ends its all you get. Its REALLY good with torch since people dont expect it to actually land a hit, and when it does it deals reasonable damage. I use since there is nothing that is better, I just use it to get 1,5s quickness to auto-attack faster lol.

Heh, nice! I also use Phantasmals haste on some of my builds, if nothing else, then for the quickness i get when i summon a phantasm.In condi builds i use Maim the Disillusioned instead, Mirage can appy lots of tormet in PvE if you play it like a piano. :tongue:

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:quickness doesnt seem to work on phantasmal berserker :)

I just tested it 10 seconds ago and quickness does apply to the phantasmal berserker

applies? yes, does it impact the speed of its attack? no.

Maybe it was never meant to increase the speed of the phantasm but rather work with
instead. In which case, boonstripping builds in WvW that take Illusions specifically for Phantasmal Berserker's quickness are even worse now lol, since it'll never improve its boonstrip and the whole Illusions traitline becomes useless.

I tried that, by the time berserker turns into a clone its quickness is almost gone or fully gone and thus is useless anyways.It works correctly on many phantasms, but some just have set in stone speed of animation and are thus useless. It works fine of torch or pistol phantasm for example.

@Axl.8924I think in general it applies to all phantasms, but some have animation that can not be speed up, and thus quickness doesnt nothing, its poor coding if I had to guess.

Some tests show that phantasm avenger has the same bug

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