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pvp engineer problem

Noah Salazar.5430

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@Noah Salazar.5430 said:

because elixer u is instant cast you can just use the rifle 4 first and while its casting use elixer u
good tip, but still i think 1s is bit too short in my opinion

1s stab is fine, its there to prevent you from getting insta-cced, buy you enough time to dodge or something,its self CC from overcharged that is stupid IMO.IF anything they could make overcharged have knockback only but its launch WHEN you use it while having stability, and that stability is removed the moment you use it or something.

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I wouldn't be opposed to a game-wide buff to 1s boon durations. It was an over nerf in most cases. Especially here where it's yet another nerf to an underperforming core spec. Regardless, in this specific context the problem is easily solvable.

Simply adjust your combo from: Elixir U > Overcharged Shot


Overcharged Shot > Elixir U

If you have trouble hitting Elixir U fast enough to prevent self CC, the issue may stem from poor keybinds. GW2's default uses 1-9, but anything past 5 (6 if you have long fingers) is going to force you to reach across your keyboard, wasting precious time.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

because elixer u is instant cast you can just use the rifle 4 first and while its casting use elixer u
good tip, but still i think 1s is bit too short in my opinion

1s stab is fine, its there to prevent you from getting insta-cced, buy you enough time to dodge or something,its self CC from overcharged that is stupid IMO.IF anything they could make overcharged have knockback only but its launch WHEN you use it while having stability, and that stability is removed the moment you use it or something.

Or they could simply remove the self cc and leave the rest as is...As far as I know, this was already discussed internally. I wonder what happened to that.

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@Kodama.6453 said:

because elixer u is instant cast you can just use the rifle 4 first and while its casting use elixer u
good tip, but still i think 1s is bit too short in my opinion

1s stab is fine, its there to prevent you from getting insta-cced, buy you enough time to dodge or something,its self CC from overcharged that is stupid IMO.IF anything they could make overcharged have knockback only but its launch WHEN you use it while having stability, and that stability is removed the moment you use it or something.

Or they could simply remove the self cc and leave the rest as is...As far as I know, this was already discussed internally. I wonder what happened to that.

they were busy buffing engi shield, doing all in their power to not nerf explosive entrance, making sure rev is perpetually broken and ensuring that 2v2 is bunker fiesta as it should be

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It used to have longer Stability, was removed because it was too good. Use Toss Elixir B if you want longer Stability.

You can be definitely sure that if they bring it back the way it was, Holos are gonna jump on that and abuse the hell out of it then people are gonna complain that it's super OP again and core will get nerfed somewhere else.

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Simply adjust your combo from: Elixir U > Overcharged Shot


Overcharged Shot > Elixir U

yeh but when you press elixir u first, you cast stun 50% faster

It used to have longer Stability, was removed because it was too good.

i'm ok with 1,1/4, that problem is solved if you take alchemy tree, but if you try take other you have not inaf time until you press overcharged shot first

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