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Could Riposting Shadows have aiming included?


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title ^as the only stunbreak of the Shiro legend it sometimes takes you in the entire different direction than you want to go. Sure, we can call managing your positioning skillful, but it's kind of unnecessary and it would be much more comfortable if you could decide which way you wanted to roll.

Perhaps this has been suggested before, if so, apologies.

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IMO the skill is balanced with its current design in mind and it should stay as is. Even at 40e the skill is very strong. The risk of being poorly positioned at the time of a stun is part of the counterplay to the skill. Just as an example, being stunned with your back facing an enemy group means you are put in a more precarious position than if you had the option of rolling forward away from the group. With options like about about-face, you still have the option of using the skill as a mobility tool in a sufficiently fluid way. Having a bit of a skill cap for it is a good thing. If they changed it to your suggestion, I am sure they would wanna bump up the energy cost to 45 or 50, and we have already ventured too far down that path with Rev.

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No.Riposting Shadows is already plenty for what it does.

If yu wanna use it as a forward movement skill, learn to use About Face.If yu get CC'd and can't About Face, the skill isn't garbage either, RS can be used to "turn cancel" melee enemies by rolling behind them once they walk up to yu.

This is all plenty for a single button press.There is absolutely no need to turn it into something as potentially broken as a "Dash" which works as a stunbreak as well.

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Never said it's garbage, it's quite a good skill.You might consider it skillful, but in truth it's also extremely limiting.

I don't see why it would need a cost increase and it's certainly not like dash, doesn't even become more spammable.

PS: i know how to About Face.

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Hmm, it would be nice to be able to stun break without rolling off a cliff or going the wrong way because of fear. You'd have to do the same change to Withdraw, Roll for Initiative and Lightning Reflexes though, and I don't think the associated professions of those skills need even better mobility.

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@"rdigeri.7935" said:Never said it's garbage, it's quite a good skill.You might consider it skillful, but in truth it's also extremely limiting.

What do yu have against limits?

Yu know, I feel like 80% of the players begging for buffs or changes or reworks in the forum have only one thing in their mind, and that's like "ugh this thing I want changed can be better, its just short of perfect"

Hey guess what, nothing has to be better if it is sufficient in what it is doing, and intended to do.It doesn't have to be better, and the limitation is a design flaw baked into the skill as a deterrent from becoming an all encompassing one-hit-wonder.

Power Herald has always been using Shiro, but do yu wanna know the real reason Shiro is used on most Power builds?Because Ripositing Shadows is the single most overloaded one press Stunbreak Revenants have accessed to.

It's just so good that it has been nerfed several times in an attempt to make it less appealing, and guess what, people still use it because it's functionally superior to whatever the Revenant has access to.

This is why @"Za Shaloc.3908" thinks that this change may potentially cause the devs to wanna bump competitive Energy Cost up to 45 or 50, because this "simple change" would make Riposting Shadows EVEN BETTER than it currently is in its already bloated state by giving it free aim directional control.

At that point, it's not about making Riposting Shadows less attractive to use, it's about making it so unusable that players just drop Shiro entirely.

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@Yasai.3549 said:

@"rdigeri.7935" said:Never said it's garbage, it's quite a good skill.You might consider it skillful, but in truth it's also extremely limiting.

What do yu have against limits?

Yu know, I feel like 80% of the players begging for buffs or changes or reworks in the forum have only one thing in their mind, and that's like "ugh this thing I want changed can be better, its just short of perfect"Hey guess what, nothing has to be better if it is sufficient in what it is doing, and intended to do.It doesn't have to be better, and the limitation is a design flaw baked into the skill as a deterrent from becoming an all encompassing one-hit-wonder.

Correct, nothing has to be better, no changes have to be made at all to anything, there is little objectivity in all balancing, etc etc. I suggested this because i think it would feel better.I personally would rather have a reliable stunbreak that's only decent, than one that has everything but in specific scenarios is guaranteed to fail you. I wouldn't mind the endurance gain taken away or the distance reduced for this change (energy cost increase is the worst way to go about it though.)

It is also not such a one hit wonder as you say, since most things you'd do with it, like dashing, are already possible with about face.

Power Herald has always been using Shiro, but do yu wanna know the real reason Shiro is used on most Power builds?

Uhm, the real reason they use shiro is the teleport, the burst potential, the cc potential, and YES the good evasive stunbreak. Saying that the reason it is good is RS only is wrong.Also, rev has only 2 core power legends, not very surprising if one is used in power builds, eh?

Because Ripositing Shadows is the single most overloaded one press Stunbreak Revenants have accessed to.It's just so good that it has been nerfed several times in an attempt to make it less appealing, and guess what, people still use it because it's functionally superior to whatever the Revenant has access to.

They didn't nerf it to make it less appealing (i hope), they did it to stop it from overperforming. Not the same. Things should be appealing to use despite their performance.

@LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:This is 10000% a user skill issue. The skill is fine. If you want to aim it a certain direction then learn to position your character properly first before casting it. If it became a ground target type skill it would become awkward as all hell to use

HARD NO from meSkill issue, i suppose true since it can be played around by maticulous positioning and rotating of your character in case of any and all immobilizes, taunts, fears and hard cc that hits you. But awkward? i disagree, how it works now is much more awkward for me than if you could aim it.

@Clownmug.8357 said:Hmm, it would be nice to be able to stun break without rolling off a cliff or going the wrong way because of fear. You'd have to do the same change to Withdraw, Roll for Initiative and Lightning Reflexes though, and I don't think the associated professions of those skills need even better mobility.Agreed. I think it's much more significant on rev though since it's simply the only stunbreak you can take on Shiro.

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