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Let's talk about Lightning Orb


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@Megametzler.5729 said:Naah, in team fights it is not good anymore, because it only shoots the nearest target. So it usually spreads its damage across multiple players, illusions, pets, anything.

It is a fun bunker breaker though indeed. But there are far far more pressing issues at the moment. I barely encounter anyone else trolling with this in actual games.

You heard it here first, folks. 15k+ damage into a team fight isn't good.

Are elementalists this spoiled?

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@bethekey.8314 said:

@"Kuma.1503" said:We can kill two birds with one stone here.

Increase the speed lightning orb travels by double or more. Leave the rate at which it fires projectiles the same.The end result is less total hits, less damage, but the skill can actually hit someone who is paying attention.

That said, the skill in its current state is fine for a number of reasons.
  1. It is
    easy to avoid. You don't even need to use a dodge, just walk perpendicular to the skill and it won't hit you.
  2. In a teamfight, it's more difficult to notice it among all the noise, but it will also spread out its damage among all targets in range, resulting in less damage per target
  3. In a 1v1 where it can actually down someone, it's trivially easy to avoid.

It's one of those skills that seems rediculous on paper, but doesn't pose many issues in practice. It's a slow moving nuke trading speed and consistency for raw power. These kinds of skills are fine to have in a game, and tend to be some of the more fair/balanced skills in spite of their power in ideal scenarios. It would benefit from a more noticeable animation though.

The speed increase might help. I believe you contradicted yourself saying more speed would reduce damage at first, but also say it's a nuke that traded speed for power.

I don't see the difference between reasons 1 and 3.

I also believe it's narrow-minded to say it's trivial to avoid. Endurance isn't infinite, stuns exist, and movement may be restricted in corridors or to important conquest nodes.
  • 100 Blades was trivial to avoid until paired with Bulls Charge
  • 100 Nades kit swap ability was trivial to avoid until paired with Magnet
  • DH traps are trivial to avoid until paired with Maw
  • Etc

I stand firm that no one skill should be able to 100 - 0 you this quickly. Yes, big damage skills should have more noticeable animations.

I apologize for the misunderstanding. I read over your post a few times, but I'm not sure I completely understand the contradiction you're pointing out.To clarify I was making two separate points.

Point A. The skill is balanced in spite of the damage it deals because it's extremely slow and avoidable.

Point B. If you were to increase the projectile speed of lightning orb, you would also reduce the damage.

The reason why increasing projectile velocity would reduce the damage is because when lightning orb is within range of an enemy, it fires projectiles at them at a fixed rate.If the orb moves more quickly, it will be within your vicinity for a shorter amount of time, therefore it shoots a smaller number of projectiles at you.

This change would accomplish two things.

  1. Reduce the damage lightning orb deals
  2. Increase the consistency in which the skill lands.

Smoothing out the two extremes in which the skill either A. Doesn't land and does no damage or B. Manages to land its full damage against one target and chunks them.

In regards to your second point... you're right, reasons 1 and 3 were redundant.

Finally point 3...

I'd like to start by saying... Lightning orb does hit hard. Like, oh, boy, does it hit hard. But the difference between a warhorn tempest and a warrior or DH is the potency and/or amount of CC both have.

DH can set up its damage with dragon's maw or Chains of lightWarrior has Shield bash, Bulls Charge, Headbutt, ect.

How does a warhorn tempest set up into lightning orb? For context, because I play a fair bit of warhorn tempest whenever I want to have fun, this is the build I commonly use:


Because I'm so squishy, it helps to have mist form as a "Oh f***" button and Lightning Flash to reposition or make aggressive plays. Earth Shield is there to prevent the enemy team from simply focusing me in teamfights. Whenever I'm the primary focus, I can simply pull it out and kite them around, buying my team enough time to get a lead in damage.

What the build lacks is a way to set up lightning orb on it's own. Cyclone's pull doesn't last long enough. The pull from Earth shield also does not last long enough, and is easy to avoid. Magnetic surge is a daze, not a stun. My best bet is to hit the final pulse of my Earth overload, and then swap into Air (while still under the influence of Transcendent tempest) and cast Lightning orb, but this is extremely easy to see coming. If you see a tempest earth overloading, and you do not dodge the final pulse, and worse, don't cleanse the immob, you deserve what comes next.

For this reason, if lightning orb lands, it's safe to say, my opponent misplayed and deserves to get chunked.

As for the argument "It lands more consistently in teamfights". There are much harder hitting skills in teamfights. Lightning Orb damage is absurd when it hits an isolated target (and y'know... actually hits) but in a teamfight, you can do more damage with your average AoE. A Barrage on node, A reaper dropping well of darkness or using soul spiral, ect. AoE skills easily outperform lightning orb in terms of dps in teamfights.

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@"Kuma.1503" said:

I apologize for the misunderstanding. I read over your post a few times, but I'm not sure I completely understand the contradiction you're pointing out.To clarify I was making two separate points.

Point A. The skill is balanced in spite of the damage it deals because it's extremely slow and avoidable.

Point B. If you were to increase the projectile speed of lightning orb, you would also reduce the damage.

No worries, thanks for taking the time to read it a few times even. I understood your point about increasing the speed and I agreed, it might help.

The contradiction (at least in my mind) was with how you valued speed and really isn't that important.

Finally point 3...

I understand what you're saying and agree that getting hit repeatedly by Lightning Orb should chunk you. Chunk, not kill.

Regarding teamfights, I think you're selling its long range, multi-hit, and auto-targeting qualities vastly short. To focus only on the damage aspect, I tested Grenade Barrage using my berserker Engi and Lightning Orb using your build with berserker amulet. On the Heavy Golem pack in HOTM, Grenade Barrage did 17,079 damage. Lightning Orb did 19,891 damage. Note that these are ideal conditions for Grenade Barrage: 5 targets hit by all grenades. Lightning Orb does this level of damage almost regardless of target number.

Based on my test, your claim about team fights is wrong, especially for "average" AoE.

I can't comment on whether Tempest needs a rework to offset dependence on a broken skill like Lightning Orb, but that's a separate issue.

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@bethekey.8314 said:

@"Kuma.1503" said:

I apologize for the misunderstanding. I read over your post a few times, but I'm not sure I completely understand the contradiction you're pointing out.To clarify I was making two separate points.

Point A. The skill is balanced in spite of the damage it deals because it's extremely slow and avoidable.

Point B. If you were to increase the projectile speed of lightning orb, you would also reduce the damage.

No worries, thanks for taking the time to read it a few times even. I understood your point about increasing the speed and I agreed, it might help.

The contradiction (at least in my mind) was with how you valued speed and really isn't that important.

Finally point 3...

I understand what you're saying and agree that getting hit repeatedly by Lightning Orb should chunk you. Chunk, not kill.

Regarding teamfights, I think you're selling its long range, multi-hit, and auto-targeting qualities vastly short. To focus only on the damage aspect, I tested Grenade Barrage using my berserker Engi and Lightning Orb using your build with berserker amulet. On the Heavy Golem pack in HOTM, Grenade Barrage did 17,079 damage. Lightning Orb did 19,891 damage. Note that these are
conditions for Grenade Barrage: 5 targets hit by all grenades. Lightning Orb does this level of damage almost regardless of target number.

Based on my test, your claim about team fights is wrong, especially for "average" AoE.

I can't comment on whether Tempest needs a rework to offset dependence on a broken skill like Lightning Orb, but that's a separate issue.

This actually brings up something very funny. Did you that, after the nerfs, Shrapnel Grenade does more damage than grenade barrage?

Even without factoring in the bleed. Good ol' Anet balancing. Makes perfect sense.

That aside, the build runs marauder for a very good reason, and that's because, while engi can get away with zerker amulet thanks to it's higher base hp (18k if running explosives), the scepter warhorn build really wants the extra vitality from marauder amulet, because otherwise you will explode if a thief or power rev so much as looks at you funny.

For a more realistic test, i'd reccomend running it with marauder amulet. Also for a laugh, try the engi burst with shrapnel grenade instead of barrage.

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@Kuma.1503 said:This actually brings up something very funny. Did you that, after the nerfs, Shrapnel Grenade does more damage than grenade barrage?Even without factoring in the bleed. Good ol' Anet balancing. Makes perfect sense.

Yes, and it's sad to see.

That aside, the build runs marauder for a very good reason, and that's because, while engi can get away with zerker amulet thanks to it's higher base hp (18k if running explosives), the scepter warhorn build really wants the extra vitality from marauder amulet, because otherwise you will explode if a thief or power rev so much as looks at you funny.For a more realistic test, i'd reccomend running it with marauder amulet. Also for a laugh, try the engi burst with shrapnel grenade instead of barrage.

You're missing the point. Lightning Orb is over the top. Single target damage and team fight damage.

How fast you do or do not die to a thief does not validate a broken skill. If Tempest is truly lacking in other areas, buff those.

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@bethekey.8314 said:

@"Kuma.1503" said:This actually brings up something very funny. Did you that, after the nerfs, Shrapnel Grenade does more damage than grenade barrage?Even without factoring in the bleed. Good ol' Anet balancing. Makes perfect sense.

Yes, and it's sad to see.

That aside, the build runs marauder for a very good reason, and that's because, while engi can get away with zerker amulet thanks to it's higher base hp (18k if running explosives), the scepter warhorn build really wants the extra vitality from marauder amulet, because otherwise you will
if a thief or power rev so much as looks at you funny.For a more realistic test, i'd reccomend running it with marauder amulet. Also for a laugh, try the engi burst with shrapnel grenade instead of barrage.

You're missing the point. Lightning Orb is over the top. Single target damage and team fight damage.

How fast you do or do not die to a thief does not validate a broken skill. If Tempest is truly lacking in other areas, buff those.

I see where you're coming from. When it comes to doing tests especially, you want your variables to remain consistent. That said, it does warrant noting because skills do not exist in a vacuum.

If you don't mind me bringing up smash bros as an example. I mained Charizard back in Smash 4. Now Zard was considered to be one of, if not the worst characters in the entire game. He was riddled with flaws. Large hurtbox, god awful disadvantage state, combo food, and god forbid you opponent crosses up your shield. Because of all these flaws and more, he was not a good character.

But Flamethrower? Busted.

Hey, I noticed you trying to literally exsist offstage. Let me just press B in this specific angle aaand... you're dead. Either that or you took a billion percent for free.

In spite of that very obnoxious abuse case, the skill overall wasn't broken. And that's because

A. The opponent was putting charizard offstage far more often than he was putting them offstage because he naturally loses neutral interactionsandB. This one strength, however good, does not begin to outweigh all of his other cons.

In the same way, yes, Zerker tempest can dish out absurd damage with lightning orb, but that build is a gimmick at best because if you get blown up in a teamfight (and you most likely will), your dps drops to zero.

...So you're probaby going to wonder why I bothered saying any of that because in the end, I agree with you. Specifically your last statement. I'd be 100% okay with Anet saying: "Lets tone down lightning orb's abuse cases, but also buff them in other ways".

One way you could do that is by changing the skill itself. If it travels faster it won't do as much damage as it does now... and you've just made the skill more consistent. Less obnoxious abuse case. It won't deal nearly as much damage, but it would probably still be a net buff overall because it becomes usable in a 1v1.

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@"Ragnar.4257" said:What even is this forum any more???

"Symbol of punishment does 18k damage"

"Ranger has almost no stability access"

I'm coming to realise that this entire forum is an experiment in AI designed to troll me.

Or you could always test it yourself rather than posting to be funny, I wouldn't say anything without knowing it's real. That Symbol specifically has such random explosive damage that even without all optimal damaging options, it's still reaches whack numbers;

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@Shao.7236 said:

@Shao.7236 said:Comparable to Symbol of Punishement really, skills that do a little too much than they should for how often they can be used.

Do you guys think...any dev will take you seriously?

Should any skill by itself alone be allowed to do quite literally damage that can kill someone in 2 seconds? That's the argument here but all we're getting is "just dodge lol".

People want gameplay that's not braindead yet we're okay with having a single button capable of ending the fight this easily? I'm not sure we're on the same page here.

Not saying that pressing 5 buttons hard here, just think about how one button shouldn't be able to do so much, that's all OP is asking for and I'm just dipping in the fact that Symbol of Punishement whether you can step out of the AoE or not, being able to kill someone with one skill is not okay.

Dealing 15k+ damage with one skill is definitely overdoing it. The fact that people complain about Sevenshot being able to do 5k damage every 7 seconds while this stuff exists shows the inconsistency in complains rather than reliable evidence of overperformance because "just dodge lol".

10k~ Damage is about as good as any power skill should be depending on CD, follow ups and excluding conditions because playing Hybrid to buff damage further has it's costs in stats.

If we can't agree with all that and we're dumbing down gameplay then why did we nerf Sevenshot, just dodge lol. (As the rev main I can attest that I'm glad they nerfed it because it was definitely OP.) As little reason there is to not play anything else but Renegade still, let's not make it even more mandatory by restoring what it used to be because we can just dodge, there's way more to it that just what OP just showed Lighting Orb to be doing to him.

Really? You guys ask for nerfs....but you never bring any evidence.....can we have you playing a marauder warhorn ele in PvP ranked? A video of you dealing this....15k dmg with lightning orb.....

Not xd before that I want to see you and the OP playing a tempest marauder with warhorn...the truth is not you or the OP even know where to start with ele.....let alone a marauder ele..with warhorn ..I'd pay to see you guys playing marauder warhorn ele in Ranked

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@Shao.7236 said:

@"Ragnar.4257" said:What even is this forum any more???

"Symbol of punishment does 18k damage"

"Ranger has almost no stability access"

I'm coming to realise that this entire forum is an experiment in AI designed to troll me.

Or you could always test it yourself rather than posting to be funny, I wouldn't say anything without knowing it's real. That Symbol specifically has such random explosive damage that even without all optimal damaging options, it's still reaches whack numbers;

Mmmk, having gone in and tried, apparently this is theoretically possible.

However, the combination of traits, runes, sigils, utilities, amulet, and other circumstantial conditions that make this possible are simply not realistic in an actual game and on an actual viable build.

It's about as valid a test as saying that Arc Divider can hit for 18k+...... I mean yeah, it can, if the planets align and you take a wholly unrealistic set of traits and gear.

For example, you've had to take Zeal, Radiance, Virtues, which means zero sustain. You've also had to take every single DPS trait in those trait-lines.

It's with Unscathed Contender (increased damage while under Aegis) which is something you'd never have for the full duration of a symbol, and its also with things like Scholar rune for the 90% HP buff, which again would never happen, and 2x damage bonus sigils on the weapon, meaning no energy, no cleansing, etc etc.

It also only works when you're using Save Yourselves to give a big stack of boons, in order to benefit from Power of the Virtuous (1% damage per boon), which is not something you can do every time the symbol is available, and means burning a 50s stunbreak for the damage boost.

And, finally, you must have tested this ALOT to get all 13 hits in a row to crit. Not to mention that the target is standing still and just taking it, which again is something you'll never see.

I play zerker guardian alot, and the usual damage for symbol of punishment is in the 3k-5k region. Reminder, that's with zerker amulet (so 11k HP) and 2 full damage trait-lines, so a very very glassy build. And the reason its typically in the 3k-5k region is that nobody ever takes more than 2 hits from it. You don't even need to dodge, just walk out of it. Even if the immobilise hits you, you'll take at most 3 hits, so pushing up into the 5k-6k region.

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@"Arheundel.6451" said:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stability

Ranger stability...my bad....I guess that "Strength of the pack" counts as great stability uptime for some people.......let me throw in also "Dolyak stance"

People try to be funny..on the contrary though I find nothing of it as funny.....

If a boonbeast is properly juggling boons back and forth with pet and beastmode plus nature-magic and we heal as one, then yes, the stability uptime gets kinda stupid. I think only a meme-Firebrand with Hallowed Ground would be able to pump out more.

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@Ragnar.4257 said:

@"Arheundel.6451" said:

Ranger stability...my bad....I guess that "Strength of the pack" counts as great stability uptime for some people.......let me throw in also "Dolyak stance"

People try to be funny..on the contrary though I find nothing of it as funny.....

If a boonbeast is properly juggling boons back and forth with pet and beastmode plus nature-magic and we heal as one, then yes, the stability uptime gets kinda stupid.

Boonbeast..with nature magic ...and heal as one...why don't you show a build link with this "innovative idea",.....so show us how you make boonbeast work in PvP

P.S and remember you use Nature Magic

I see no meme build here and I need no "Hollowed Ground"http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PWAUMMYm4RNl++B-z5AfCecA

Do please show us this nature magic boonbeast with incredible stability uptime

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@Arheundel.6451 said:

Ranger stability...my bad....I guess that "Strength of the pack" counts as great stability uptime for some people.......let me throw in also "Dolyak stance"

People try to be funny..on the contrary though I find nothing of it as funny.....

If a boonbeast is properly juggling boons back and forth with pet and beastmode plus nature-magic and we heal as one, then yes, the stability uptime gets kinda stupid.

Boonbeast..with nature magic ...and heal as one...why don't you show a build link with this "innovative idea",.....so show us how you make boonbeast work in PvP

P.S and remember
you use Nature Magic

I see no meme build here and I need no "Hollowed Ground"

Do please show us this
nature magic boonbeast with incredible stability uptime

I mean, I'm not ranger expert, but something like http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POwEcEWoMDWIrj9wQxk7a9lPi5A-zZJ8MyUK0rKQoDA

Would be able to keep stability up for a very long time by juggling with We Heal as One, Fresh Reinforcement and Fortifying Bond, and extending with Essence of Speed.

Is it meta right now? No, but 2 years ago people were basically running this build and it was dominating hard, so its not a totally ridiculous idea.

Pre-nerf boonbeast basically had 100% uptime. You can't do that anymore, which is entirely appropriate. But you said "almost no stability access on ranger" which is just wrong.

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@Ragnar.4257 said:

Ranger stability...my bad....I guess that "Strength of the pack" counts as great stability uptime for some people.......let me throw in also "Dolyak stance"

People try to be funny..on the contrary though I find nothing of it as funny.....

If a boonbeast is properly juggling boons back and forth with pet and beastmode plus nature-magic and we heal as one, then yes, the stability uptime gets kinda stupid.

Boonbeast..with nature magic ...and heal as one...why don't you show a build link with this "innovative idea",.....so show us how you make boonbeast work in PvP

P.S and remember
you use Nature Magic

I see no meme build here and I need no "Hollowed Ground"

Do please show us this
nature magic boonbeast with incredible stability uptime

I mean, I'm not ranger expert, but something like

Would be able to keep stability up for a very long time by juggling with We Heal as One, Fresh Reinforcement and Fortifying Bond, and extending with Essence of Speed.

Is it meta right now? No, but 2 years ago people were basically running this build and it was dominating hard, so its not a totally ridiculous idea.

Pre-nerf boonbeast basically had 100% uptime. You can't do that anymore, which is entirely appropriate. But you said "almost no stability access on ranger" which is just wrong.

I was answering to somebody stating why ranger has short CD stunbreaks compared to ele....comparing anything to ele is already bad but anyway.....first of all ranger is not the only class with short CD on stunbreaks, I mean guardian itself has several stunbreaks on same or lower CD so....

Then I stated that ranger "has almost no stability compared to even an ele which is true...as I have been playing both professions for years now like guardian btw; finally your build doesn't work as you think.

-essence of speed needs "quickness"-given the CD of stability utilities...you still would suffer from one application to another by around 60s CD on average between each other..and the duration would last only for 5s max...using we heal as one, fortify bond..whatever you want in PvP-There is like..."zero" condi clear in your build...that's not what boonbeast used to be

What even is the point of talking about something from 2-3 years ago?

Why do you make wild claims when you don't even play the class?, it's the same question I ask to people like the OP who claims about Unicorn lightning orb, I'd like to see him and others like him playing ele warhorn in PvP....with a marauder amulet in order to deal dmg

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@Arheundel.6451 said:

Ranger stability...my bad....I guess that "Strength of the pack" counts as great stability uptime for some people.......let me throw in also "Dolyak stance"

People try to be funny..on the contrary though I find nothing of it as funny.....

If a boonbeast is properly juggling boons back and forth with pet and beastmode plus nature-magic and we heal as one, then yes, the stability uptime gets kinda stupid.

Boonbeast..with nature magic ...and heal as one...why don't you show a build link with this "innovative idea",.....so show us how you make boonbeast work in PvP

P.S and remember
you use Nature Magic

I see no meme build here and I need no "Hollowed Ground"

Do please show us this
nature magic boonbeast with incredible stability uptime

I mean, I'm not ranger expert, but something like

Would be able to keep stability up for a very long time by juggling with We Heal as One, Fresh Reinforcement and Fortifying Bond, and extending with Essence of Speed.

Is it meta right now? No, but 2 years ago people were basically running this build and it was dominating hard, so its not a totally ridiculous idea.

Pre-nerf boonbeast basically had 100% uptime. You can't do that anymore, which is entirely appropriate. But you said "almost no stability access on ranger" which is just wrong.

I was answering to somebody stating why ranger has short CD stunbreaks compared to ele....comparing anything to ele is already bad but anyway.....first of all ranger is not the only class with short CD on stunbreaks, I mean guardian itself has several stunbreaks on same or lower CD so....

Then I stated that ranger "has
no stability compared to even an ele which is true...as I have been playing both professions for years now like guardian btw; finally your build doesn't work as you think.

-essence of speed needs "quickness"-given the CD of stability utilities...you still would suffer from one application to another by around 60s CD on average between each other..and the duration would last only for 5s max...using we heal as one, fortify bond..whatever you want in PvP-There is like..."zero" condi clear in your build...that's not what boonbeast used to be

What even is the point of talking about something from 2-3 years ago?

Yes, essence of speed needs quickness. Lucky, this build has 5 different sources of quickness.

No, the duration would not be 5s max. You could in theory take one application of 5s and drag it out up to 15s or more. If you stagger dolyak stance and SotP so they're 30s apart, then you're approaching 50% stability uptime.

Zero-condi clear? 2 separate sources of resistance, which can again be extended to 10s or more. As well as dolyak stance cleansing movement conditions, cleanse sigils, and a 2-condi cleanse on 20s CD with the beast ability. That's pretty decent anti-condi.

Look, I'm not here to argue that boonbeast is secretly amazing, I just made a comment that ranger doesn't actually have awful stability access.

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Lightning Orb is dumb, but the way this thread reads, you really just sound like a salty boi who got blasted by a super meme build. Nobody is landing 15k on a single target unless the user is running zerk ammy (or AT LEAST marauder) against a completely stationary, zero-toughness-investment target (and on top of that, there's probably some user might stacks involved). The only reason I say this is because I've occasionally used a power tempest meme build, and I am legitimately the only person I've ever seen run warhorn in PvP. I mean, despite Lightning Orb's silliness, the weapon is not really a justifiable option when there's so much low-effort garbage like evade-rotation weaver and focus off-hand.

It's a forum, and anything is free game (not like any aspect of GW2's PvP is beyond criticism anyway), but this just seems like such a random thread that the topic seems more personal and spiteful rather than anything which would advance the creative development of the metagame (then again, that's probably just the baseline nature of anybody who takes GW2 PvP remotely seriously).

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@Ragnar.4257 Was testing how much it took for damage to get absurd under many different traits and skills. For as long as Zeal was taken, it would break around 12k constantly even while running actual sustain and it could reach 15k without Save Yourselves given some other types of buffs or conditions were involved which is not far out there let's be honest as shown in the last one, especially how this AoE is used in teamfights.

The boon 8% increase in damage is honestly insignificant as it depends more on the RNG of the hits, which IMO is stupid. Having it more consistent and at around 10k damage to punish people wanting to contest a guardian is more under the realm of fair, just me though. Symbols are not particularly difficult to manage and Punish is an annoying one reaching out there outside the AoE without notice.

Point being, yes we were testing it around for 15 mins or so but that doesn't stop from showing how strong it is currently. Going full degenerate with the damage is stupid and not worth the increase of around 6k damage based on RNG in exchange for sustain, but as an AoE 12k is 12k and on 8 seconds cooldown, can potentially go to 18k with readily available Might and Vulnerability without going full stupid, it's rather disgusting.

Not here to say, kill the skill. Just to fine tune it a little, it's stronger than what I'd consider normal for something often used. Can't recall any other AoE that does so much on a cooldown this low outside of Staff Fire 2 on Elementalist.

Looking at the versions in between gamemodes, it's clear that damage could use some changes. Maybe take the WvW version as an example and adjust as seen.

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@Ragnar.4257 said:

Ranger stability...my bad....I guess that "Strength of the pack" counts as great stability uptime for some people.......let me throw in also "Dolyak stance"

People try to be funny..on the contrary though I find nothing of it as funny.....

If a boonbeast is properly juggling boons back and forth with pet and beastmode plus nature-magic and we heal as one, then yes, the stability uptime gets kinda stupid.

Boonbeast..with nature magic ...and heal as one...why don't you show a build link with this "innovative idea",.....so show us how you make boonbeast work in PvP

P.S and remember
you use Nature Magic

I see no meme build here and I need no "Hollowed Ground"

Do please show us this
nature magic boonbeast with incredible stability uptime

I mean, I'm not ranger expert, but something like

Would be able to keep stability up for a very long time by juggling with We Heal as One, Fresh Reinforcement and Fortifying Bond, and extending with Essence of Speed.

Is it meta right now? No, but 2 years ago people were basically running this build and it was dominating hard, so its not a totally ridiculous idea.

Pre-nerf boonbeast basically had 100% uptime. You can't do that anymore, which is entirely appropriate. But you said "almost no stability access on ranger" which is just wrong.

I was answering to somebody stating why ranger has short CD stunbreaks compared to ele....comparing anything to ele is already bad but anyway.....first of all ranger is not the only class with short CD on stunbreaks, I mean guardian itself has several stunbreaks on same or lower CD so....

Then I stated that ranger "has
no stability compared to even an ele which is true...as I have been playing both professions for years now like guardian btw; finally your build doesn't work as you think.

-essence of speed needs "quickness"-given the CD of stability utilities...you still would suffer from one application to another by around 60s CD on average between each other..and the duration would last only for 5s max...using we heal as one, fortify bond..whatever you want in PvP-There is like..."zero" condi clear in your build...that's not what boonbeast used to be

What even is the point of talking about something from 2-3 years ago?

Yes, essence of speed needs quickness. Lucky, this build has 5 different sources of quickness.

No, the duration would not be 5s max. You could in theory take one application of 5s and drag it out up to 15s or more. If you stagger dolyak stance and SotP so they're 30s apart, then you're approaching 50% stability uptime.

Zero-condi clear? 2 separate sources of resistance, which can again be extended to 10s or more. As well as dolyak stance cleansing movement conditions, cleanse sigils, and a 2-condi cleanse on 20s CD with the beast ability. That's pretty decent anti-condi.

Look, I'm not here to argue that boonbeast is secretly amazing, I just made a comment that ranger doesn't actually have awful stability access.

Where are you getting these numbers from? From 5s to 15s..that's like 200% boon increase...and 5 sources of quickness?...1 requires you to be at 50% and the other needs a pet swap, lastly there is the stunbreak..so where are these 5 sources of quickness? 50% stability uptime...just what are you talking about?

In the end I only corrected a poster about the need for ranger stunbreak access and low access to stability...I dunno there is even need to prove it, your "build" wouldn't work anywhere not even in WvW with the unnerfed version of the utilities

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@Arheundel.6451 said:

Ranger stability...my bad....I guess that "Strength of the pack" counts as great stability uptime for some people.......let me throw in also "Dolyak stance"

People try to be funny..on the contrary though I find nothing of it as funny.....

If a boonbeast is properly juggling boons back and forth with pet and beastmode plus nature-magic and we heal as one, then yes, the stability uptime gets kinda stupid.

Boonbeast..with nature magic ...and heal as one...why don't you show a build link with this "innovative idea",.....so show us how you make boonbeast work in PvP

P.S and remember
you use Nature Magic

I see no meme build here and I need no "Hollowed Ground"

Do please show us this
nature magic boonbeast with incredible stability uptime

I mean, I'm not ranger expert, but something like

Would be able to keep stability up for a very long time by juggling with We Heal as One, Fresh Reinforcement and Fortifying Bond, and extending with Essence of Speed.

Is it meta right now? No, but 2 years ago people were basically running this build and it was dominating hard, so its not a totally ridiculous idea.

Pre-nerf boonbeast basically had 100% uptime. You can't do that anymore, which is entirely appropriate. But you said "almost no stability access on ranger" which is just wrong.

I was answering to somebody stating why ranger has short CD stunbreaks compared to ele....comparing anything to ele is already bad but anyway.....first of all ranger is not the only class with short CD on stunbreaks, I mean guardian itself has several stunbreaks on same or lower CD so....

Then I stated that ranger "has
no stability compared to even an ele which is true...as I have been playing both professions for years now like guardian btw; finally your build doesn't work as you think.

-essence of speed needs "quickness"-given the CD of stability utilities...you still would suffer from one application to another by around 60s CD on average between each other..and the duration would last only for 5s max...using we heal as one, fortify bond..whatever you want in PvP-There is like..."zero" condi clear in your build...that's not what boonbeast used to be

What even is the point of talking about something from 2-3 years ago?

Yes, essence of speed needs quickness. Lucky, this build has 5 different sources of quickness.

No, the duration would not be 5s max. You could in theory take one application of 5s and drag it out up to 15s or more. If you stagger dolyak stance and SotP so they're 30s apart, then you're approaching 50% stability uptime.

Zero-condi clear? 2 separate sources of resistance, which can again be extended to 10s or more. As well as dolyak stance cleansing movement conditions, cleanse sigils, and a 2-condi cleanse on 20s CD with the beast ability. That's pretty decent anti-condi.

Look, I'm not here to argue that boonbeast is secretly amazing, I just made a comment that ranger doesn't actually have awful stability access.

Where are you getting these numbers from? From 5s to 15s..that's like 200% boon increase...and 5 sources of quickness?...1 requires you to be at 50% and the other needs a pet swap, lastly there is the stunbreak..so where are these 5 sources of quickness? 50% stability uptime...just what are you talking about?

In the end I only corrected a poster about the need for ranger stunbreak access and low access to stability...I dunno there is even need to prove it, your "build" wouldn't work anywhere not even in WvW with the unnerfed version of the utilities

Its very simple. Take the initial 6s from SotP, boost it to 8s with 1 application of quickness, then boost it again after 5s to make it 10s, then merge with Fortifying Bond to get up to 15s. Didn't even need to use We Heal as One, which would let you get up over 20s.

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@Ragnar.4257 said:

Ranger stability...my bad....I guess that "Strength of the pack" counts as great stability uptime for some people.......let me throw in also "Dolyak stance"

People try to be funny..on the contrary though I find nothing of it as funny.....

If a boonbeast is properly juggling boons back and forth with pet and beastmode plus nature-magic and we heal as one, then yes, the stability uptime gets kinda stupid.

Boonbeast..with nature magic ...and heal as one...why don't you show a build link with this "innovative idea",.....so show us how you make boonbeast work in PvP

P.S and remember
you use Nature Magic

I see no meme build here and I need no "Hollowed Ground"

Do please show us this
nature magic boonbeast with incredible stability uptime

I mean, I'm not ranger expert, but something like

Would be able to keep stability up for a very long time by juggling with We Heal as One, Fresh Reinforcement and Fortifying Bond, and extending with Essence of Speed.

Is it meta right now? No, but 2 years ago people were basically running this build and it was dominating hard, so its not a totally ridiculous idea.

Pre-nerf boonbeast basically had 100% uptime. You can't do that anymore, which is entirely appropriate. But you said "almost no stability access on ranger" which is just wrong.

I was answering to somebody stating why ranger has short CD stunbreaks compared to ele....comparing anything to ele is already bad but anyway.....first of all ranger is not the only class with short CD on stunbreaks, I mean guardian itself has several stunbreaks on same or lower CD so....

Then I stated that ranger "has
no stability compared to even an ele which is true...as I have been playing both professions for years now like guardian btw; finally your build doesn't work as you think.

-essence of speed needs "quickness"-given the CD of stability utilities...you still would suffer from one application to another by around 60s CD on average between each other..and the duration would last only for 5s max...using we heal as one, fortify bond..whatever you want in PvP-There is like..."zero" condi clear in your build...that's not what boonbeast used to be

What even is the point of talking about something from 2-3 years ago?

Yes, essence of speed needs quickness. Lucky, this build has 5 different sources of quickness.

No, the duration would not be 5s max. You could in theory take one application of 5s and drag it out up to 15s or more. If you stagger dolyak stance and SotP so they're 30s apart, then you're approaching 50% stability uptime.

Zero-condi clear? 2 separate sources of resistance, which can again be extended to 10s or more. As well as dolyak stance cleansing movement conditions, cleanse sigils, and a 2-condi cleanse on 20s CD with the beast ability. That's pretty decent anti-condi.

Look, I'm not here to argue that boonbeast is secretly amazing, I just made a comment that ranger doesn't actually have awful stability access.

Where are you getting these numbers from? From 5s to 15s..that's like 200% boon increase...and 5 sources of quickness?...1 requires you to be at 50% and the other needs a pet swap, lastly there is the stunbreak..so where are these 5 sources of quickness? 50% stability uptime...just what are you talking about?

In the end I only corrected a poster about the need for ranger stunbreak access and low access to stability...I dunno there is even need to prove it, your "build" wouldn't work anywhere not even in WvW with the unnerfed version of the utilities

Its very simple. Take the initial 6s from SotP, boost it to 8s with 1 application of quickness, then boost it again after 5s to make it 10s, then merge with Fortifying Bond to get up to 15s. Didn't even need to use We Heal as One, which would let you get up over 20s.

Did you actually try in game?...I really think you should


you increase number of stacks..no duration

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@Arheundel.6451 said:

Ranger stability...my bad....I guess that "Strength of the pack" counts as great stability uptime for some people.......let me throw in also "Dolyak stance"

People try to be funny..on the contrary though I find nothing of it as funny.....

If a boonbeast is properly juggling boons back and forth with pet and beastmode plus nature-magic and we heal as one, then yes, the stability uptime gets kinda stupid.

Boonbeast..with nature magic ...and heal as one...why don't you show a build link with this "innovative idea",.....so show us how you make boonbeast work in PvP

P.S and remember
you use Nature Magic

I see no meme build here and I need no "Hollowed Ground"

Do please show us this
nature magic boonbeast with incredible stability uptime

I mean, I'm not ranger expert, but something like

Would be able to keep stability up for a very long time by juggling with We Heal as One, Fresh Reinforcement and Fortifying Bond, and extending with Essence of Speed.

Is it meta right now? No, but 2 years ago people were basically running this build and it was dominating hard, so its not a totally ridiculous idea.

Pre-nerf boonbeast basically had 100% uptime. You can't do that anymore, which is entirely appropriate. But you said "almost no stability access on ranger" which is just wrong.

I was answering to somebody stating why ranger has short CD stunbreaks compared to ele....comparing anything to ele is already bad but anyway.....first of all ranger is not the only class with short CD on stunbreaks, I mean guardian itself has several stunbreaks on same or lower CD so....

Then I stated that ranger "has
no stability compared to even an ele which is true...as I have been playing both professions for years now like guardian btw; finally your build doesn't work as you think.

-essence of speed needs "quickness"-given the CD of stability utilities...you still would suffer from one application to another by around 60s CD on average between each other..and the duration would last only for 5s max...using we heal as one, fortify bond..whatever you want in PvP-There is like..."zero" condi clear in your build...that's not what boonbeast used to be

What even is the point of talking about something from 2-3 years ago?

Yes, essence of speed needs quickness. Lucky, this build has 5 different sources of quickness.

No, the duration would not be 5s max. You could in theory take one application of 5s and drag it out up to 15s or more. If you stagger dolyak stance and SotP so they're 30s apart, then you're approaching 50% stability uptime.

Zero-condi clear? 2 separate sources of resistance, which can again be extended to 10s or more. As well as dolyak stance cleansing movement conditions, cleanse sigils, and a 2-condi cleanse on 20s CD with the beast ability. That's pretty decent anti-condi.

Look, I'm not here to argue that boonbeast is secretly amazing, I just made a comment that ranger doesn't actually have awful stability access.

Where are you getting these numbers from? From 5s to 15s..that's like 200% boon increase...and 5 sources of quickness?...1 requires you to be at 50% and the other needs a pet swap, lastly there is the stunbreak..so where are these 5 sources of quickness? 50% stability uptime...just what are you talking about?

In the end I only corrected a poster about the need for ranger stunbreak access and low access to stability...I dunno there is even need to prove it, your "build" wouldn't work anywhere not even in WvW with the unnerfed version of the utilities

Its very simple. Take the initial 6s from SotP, boost it to 8s with 1 application of quickness, then boost it again after 5s to make it 10s, then merge with Fortifying Bond to get up to 15s. Didn't even need to use We Heal as One, which would let you get up over 20s.

Did you actually try in game?...I really think you should

you increase number of stacks..no duration

Yes, just tried, no issue getting over 15s from a single SotP. Rotation isn't exactly as I wrote there, but it still works. You don't just press all the buttons at once, you use things like merge just as your current stab is about to expire.

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@Ragnar.4257 said:

Ranger stability...my bad....I guess that "Strength of the pack" counts as great stability uptime for some people.......let me throw in also "Dolyak stance"

People try to be funny..on the contrary though I find nothing of it as funny.....

If a boonbeast is properly juggling boons back and forth with pet and beastmode plus nature-magic and we heal as one, then yes, the stability uptime gets kinda stupid.

Boonbeast..with nature magic ...and heal as one...why don't you show a build link with this "innovative idea",.....so show us how you make boonbeast work in PvP

P.S and remember
you use Nature Magic

I see no meme build here and I need no "Hollowed Ground"

Do please show us this
nature magic boonbeast with incredible stability uptime

I mean, I'm not ranger expert, but something like

Would be able to keep stability up for a very long time by juggling with We Heal as One, Fresh Reinforcement and Fortifying Bond, and extending with Essence of Speed.

Is it meta right now? No, but 2 years ago people were basically running this build and it was dominating hard, so its not a totally ridiculous idea.

Pre-nerf boonbeast basically had 100% uptime. You can't do that anymore, which is entirely appropriate. But you said "almost no stability access on ranger" which is just wrong.

I was answering to somebody stating why ranger has short CD stunbreaks compared to ele....comparing anything to ele is already bad but anyway.....first of all ranger is not the only class with short CD on stunbreaks, I mean guardian itself has several stunbreaks on same or lower CD so....

Then I stated that ranger "has
no stability compared to even an ele which is true...as I have been playing both professions for years now like guardian btw; finally your build doesn't work as you think.

-essence of speed needs "quickness"-given the CD of stability utilities...you still would suffer from one application to another by around 60s CD on average between each other..and the duration would last only for 5s max...using we heal as one, fortify bond..whatever you want in PvP-There is like..."zero" condi clear in your build...that's not what boonbeast used to be

What even is the point of talking about something from 2-3 years ago?

Yes, essence of speed needs quickness. Lucky, this build has 5 different sources of quickness.

No, the duration would not be 5s max. You could in theory take one application of 5s and drag it out up to 15s or more. If you stagger dolyak stance and SotP so they're 30s apart, then you're approaching 50% stability uptime.

Zero-condi clear? 2 separate sources of resistance, which can again be extended to 10s or more. As well as dolyak stance cleansing movement conditions, cleanse sigils, and a 2-condi cleanse on 20s CD with the beast ability. That's pretty decent anti-condi.

Look, I'm not here to argue that boonbeast is secretly amazing, I just made a comment that ranger doesn't actually have awful stability access.

Where are you getting these numbers from? From 5s to 15s..that's like 200% boon increase...and 5 sources of quickness?...1 requires you to be at 50% and the other needs a pet swap, lastly there is the stunbreak..so where are these 5 sources of quickness? 50% stability uptime...just what are you talking about?

In the end I only corrected a poster about the need for ranger stunbreak access and low access to stability...I dunno there is even need to prove it, your "build" wouldn't work anywhere not even in WvW with the unnerfed version of the utilities

Its very simple. Take the initial 6s from SotP, boost it to 8s with 1 application of quickness, then boost it again after 5s to make it 10s, then merge with Fortifying Bond to get up to 15s. Didn't even need to use We Heal as One, which would let you get up over 20s.

Did you actually try in game?...I really think you should

you increase number of stacks..no duration

Yes, just tried, no issue getting over 15s from a single SotP. Rotation isn't exactly as I wrote there, but it still works. You don't just press all the buttons at once, you use things like merge just as your current stab is about to expire.

Ranger stability...my bad....I guess that "Strength of the pack" counts as great stability uptime for some people.......let me throw in also "Dolyak stance"

People try to be funny..on the contrary though I find nothing of it as funny.....

If a boonbeast is properly juggling boons back and forth with pet and beastmode plus nature-magic and we heal as one, then yes, the stability uptime gets kinda stupid.

Boonbeast..with nature magic ...and heal as one...why don't you show a build link with this "innovative idea",.....so show us how you make boonbeast work in PvP

P.S and remember
you use Nature Magic

I see no meme build here and I need no "Hollowed Ground"

Do please show us this
nature magic boonbeast with incredible stability uptime

I mean, I'm not ranger expert, but something like

Would be able to keep stability up for a very long time by juggling with We Heal as One, Fresh Reinforcement and Fortifying Bond, and extending with Essence of Speed.

Is it meta right now? No, but 2 years ago people were basically running this build and it was dominating hard, so its not a totally ridiculous idea.

Pre-nerf boonbeast basically had 100% uptime. You can't do that anymore, which is entirely appropriate. But you said "almost no stability access on ranger" which is just wrong.

I was answering to somebody stating why ranger has short CD stunbreaks compared to ele....comparing anything to ele is already bad but anyway.....first of all ranger is not the only class with short CD on stunbreaks, I mean guardian itself has several stunbreaks on same or lower CD so....

Then I stated that ranger "has
no stability compared to even an ele which is true...as I have been playing both professions for years now like guardian btw; finally your build doesn't work as you think.

-essence of speed needs "quickness"-given the CD of stability utilities...you still would suffer from one application to another by around 60s CD on average between each other..and the duration would last only for 5s max...using we heal as one, fortify bond..whatever you want in PvP-There is like..."zero" condi clear in your build...that's not what boonbeast used to be

What even is the point of talking about something from 2-3 years ago?

Yes, essence of speed needs quickness. Lucky, this build has 5 different sources of quickness.

No, the duration would not be 5s max. You could in theory take one application of 5s and drag it out up to 15s or more. If you stagger dolyak stance and SotP so they're 30s apart, then you're approaching 50% stability uptime.

Zero-condi clear? 2 separate sources of resistance, which can again be extended to 10s or more. As well as dolyak stance cleansing movement conditions, cleanse sigils, and a 2-condi cleanse on 20s CD with the beast ability. That's pretty decent anti-condi.

Look, I'm not here to argue that boonbeast is secretly amazing, I just made a comment that ranger doesn't actually have awful stability access.

Where are you getting these numbers from? From 5s to 15s..that's like 200% boon increase...and 5 sources of quickness?...1 requires you to be at 50% and the other needs a pet swap, lastly there is the stunbreak..so where are these 5 sources of quickness? 50% stability uptime...just what are you talking about?

In the end I only corrected a poster about the need for ranger stunbreak access and low access to stability...I dunno there is even need to prove it, your "build" wouldn't work anywhere not even in WvW with the unnerfed version of the utilities

Its very simple. Take the initial 6s from SotP, boost it to 8s with 1 application of quickness, then boost it again after 5s to make it 10s, then merge with Fortifying Bond to get up to 15s. Didn't even need to use We Heal as One, which would let you get up over 20s.

Did you actually try in game?...I really think you should

you increase number of stacks..no duration

Yes, just tried, no issue getting over 15s from a single SotP. Rotation isn't exactly as I wrote there, but it still works. You don't just press all the buttons at once, you use things like merge just as your current stab is about to expire.

Ranger stability...my bad....I guess that "Strength of the pack" counts as great stability uptime for some people.......let me throw in also "Dolyak stance"

People try to be funny..on the contrary though I find nothing of it as funny.....

If a boonbeast is properly juggling boons back and forth with pet and beastmode plus nature-magic and we heal as one, then yes, the stability uptime gets kinda stupid.

Boonbeast..with nature magic ...and heal as one...why don't you show a build link with this "innovative idea",.....so show us how you make boonbeast work in PvP

P.S and remember
you use Nature Magic

I see no meme build here and I need no "Hollowed Ground"

Do please show us this
nature magic boonbeast with incredible stability uptime

I mean, I'm not ranger expert, but something like

Would be able to keep stability up for a very long time by juggling with We Heal as One, Fresh Reinforcement and Fortifying Bond, and extending with Essence of Speed.

Is it meta right now? No, but 2 years ago people were basically running this build and it was dominating hard, so its not a totally ridiculous idea.

Pre-nerf boonbeast basically had 100% uptime. You can't do that anymore, which is entirely appropriate. But you said "almost no stability access on ranger" which is just wrong.

I was answering to somebody stating why ranger has short CD stunbreaks compared to ele....comparing anything to ele is already bad but anyway.....first of all ranger is not the only class with short CD on stunbreaks, I mean guardian itself has several stunbreaks on same or lower CD so....

Then I stated that ranger "has
no stability compared to even an ele which is true...as I have been playing both professions for years now like guardian btw; finally your build doesn't work as you think.

-essence of speed needs "quickness"-given the CD of stability utilities...you still would suffer from one application to another by around 60s CD on average between each other..and the duration would last only for 5s max...using we heal as one, fortify bond..whatever you want in PvP-There is like..."zero" condi clear in your build...that's not what boonbeast used to be

What even is the point of talking about something from 2-3 years ago?

Yes, essence of speed needs quickness. Lucky, this build has 5 different sources of quickness.

No, the duration would not be 5s max. You could in theory take one application of 5s and drag it out up to 15s or more. If you stagger dolyak stance and SotP so they're 30s apart, then you're approaching 50% stability uptime.

Zero-condi clear? 2 separate sources of resistance, which can again be extended to 10s or more. As well as dolyak stance cleansing movement conditions, cleanse sigils, and a 2-condi cleanse on 20s CD with the beast ability. That's pretty decent anti-condi.

Look, I'm not here to argue that boonbeast is secretly amazing, I just made a comment that ranger doesn't actually have awful stability access.

Where are you getting these numbers from? From 5s to 15s..that's like 200% boon increase...and 5 sources of quickness?...1 requires you to be at 50% and the other needs a pet swap, lastly there is the stunbreak..so where are these 5 sources of quickness? 50% stability uptime...just what are you talking about?

In the end I only corrected a poster about the need for ranger stunbreak access and low access to stability...I dunno there is even need to prove it, your "build" wouldn't work anywhere not even in WvW with the unnerfed version of the utilities

Its very simple. Take the initial 6s from SotP, boost it to 8s with 1 application of quickness, then boost it again after 5s to make it 10s, then merge with Fortifying Bond to get up to 15s. Didn't even need to use We Heal as One, which would let you get up over 20s.

Did you actually try in game?...I really think you should

you increase number of stacks..no duration

Yes, just tried, no issue getting over 15s from a single SotP. Rotation isn't exactly as I wrote there, but it still works. You don't just press all the buttons at once, you use things like merge just as your current stab is about to expire.

I think you're confused between stacks and duration which remains at 6s even after renewal by merging with the pet or using WHAO or quickness

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@Arheundel.6451 said:

Ranger stability...my bad....I guess that "Strength of the pack" counts as great stability uptime for some people.......let me throw in also "Dolyak stance"

People try to be funny..on the contrary though I find nothing of it as funny.....

If a boonbeast is properly juggling boons back and forth with pet and beastmode plus nature-magic and we heal as one, then yes, the stability uptime gets kinda stupid.

Boonbeast..with nature magic ...and heal as one...why don't you show a build link with this "innovative idea",.....so show us how you make boonbeast work in PvP

P.S and remember
you use Nature Magic

I see no meme build here and I need no "Hollowed Ground"

Do please show us this
nature magic boonbeast with incredible stability uptime

I mean, I'm not ranger expert, but something like

Would be able to keep stability up for a very long time by juggling with We Heal as One, Fresh Reinforcement and Fortifying Bond, and extending with Essence of Speed.

Is it meta right now? No, but 2 years ago people were basically running this build and it was dominating hard, so its not a totally ridiculous idea.

Pre-nerf boonbeast basically had 100% uptime. You can't do that anymore, which is entirely appropriate. But you said "almost no stability access on ranger" which is just wrong.

I was answering to somebody stating why ranger has short CD stunbreaks compared to ele....comparing anything to ele is already bad but anyway.....first of all ranger is not the only class with short CD on stunbreaks, I mean guardian itself has several stunbreaks on same or lower CD so....

Then I stated that ranger "has
no stability compared to even an ele which is true...as I have been playing both professions for years now like guardian btw; finally your build doesn't work as you think.

-essence of speed needs "quickness"-given the CD of stability utilities...you still would suffer from one application to another by around 60s CD on average between each other..and the duration would last only for 5s max...using we heal as one, fortify bond..whatever you want in PvP-There is like..."zero" condi clear in your build...that's not what boonbeast used to be

What even is the point of talking about something from 2-3 years ago?

Yes, essence of speed needs quickness. Lucky, this build has 5 different sources of quickness.

No, the duration would not be 5s max. You could in theory take one application of 5s and drag it out up to 15s or more. If you stagger dolyak stance and SotP so they're 30s apart, then you're approaching 50% stability uptime.

Zero-condi clear? 2 separate sources of resistance, which can again be extended to 10s or more. As well as dolyak stance cleansing movement conditions, cleanse sigils, and a 2-condi cleanse on 20s CD with the beast ability. That's pretty decent anti-condi.

Look, I'm not here to argue that boonbeast is secretly amazing, I just made a comment that ranger doesn't actually have awful stability access.

Where are you getting these numbers from? From 5s to 15s..that's like 200% boon increase...and 5 sources of quickness?...1 requires you to be at 50% and the other needs a pet swap, lastly there is the stunbreak..so where are these 5 sources of quickness? 50% stability uptime...just what are you talking about?

In the end I only corrected a poster about the need for ranger stunbreak access and low access to stability...I dunno there is even need to prove it, your "build" wouldn't work anywhere not even in WvW with the unnerfed version of the utilities

Its very simple. Take the initial 6s from SotP, boost it to 8s with 1 application of quickness, then boost it again after 5s to make it 10s, then merge with Fortifying Bond to get up to 15s. Didn't even need to use We Heal as One, which would let you get up over 20s.

Did you actually try in game?...I really think you should

you increase number of stacks..no duration

Yes, just tried, no issue getting over 15s from a single SotP. Rotation isn't exactly as I wrote there, but it still works. You don't just press all the buttons at once, you use things like merge just as your current stab is about to expire.

Ranger stability...my bad....I guess that "Strength of the pack" counts as great stability uptime for some people.......let me throw in also "Dolyak stance"

People try to be funny..on the contrary though I find nothing of it as funny.....

If a boonbeast is properly juggling boons back and forth with pet and beastmode plus nature-magic and we heal as one, then yes, the stability uptime gets kinda stupid.

Boonbeast..with nature magic ...and heal as one...why don't you show a build link with this "innovative idea",.....so show us how you make boonbeast work in PvP

P.S and remember
you use Nature Magic

I see no meme build here and I need no "Hollowed Ground"

Do please show us this
nature magic boonbeast with incredible stability uptime

I mean, I'm not ranger expert, but something like

Would be able to keep stability up for a very long time by juggling with We Heal as One, Fresh Reinforcement and Fortifying Bond, and extending with Essence of Speed.

Is it meta right now? No, but 2 years ago people were basically running this build and it was dominating hard, so its not a totally ridiculous idea.

Pre-nerf boonbeast basically had 100% uptime. You can't do that anymore, which is entirely appropriate. But you said "almost no stability access on ranger" which is just wrong.

I was answering to somebody stating why ranger has short CD stunbreaks compared to ele....comparing anything to ele is already bad but anyway.....first of all ranger is not the only class with short CD on stunbreaks, I mean guardian itself has several stunbreaks on same or lower CD so....

Then I stated that ranger "has
no stability compared to even an ele which is true...as I have been playing both professions for years now like guardian btw; finally your build doesn't work as you think.

-essence of speed needs "quickness"-given the CD of stability utilities...you still would suffer from one application to another by around 60s CD on average between each other..and the duration would last only for 5s max...using we heal as one, fortify bond..whatever you want in PvP-There is like..."zero" condi clear in your build...that's not what boonbeast used to be

What even is the point of talking about something from 2-3 years ago?

Yes, essence of speed needs quickness. Lucky, this build has 5 different sources of quickness.

No, the duration would not be 5s max. You could in theory take one application of 5s and drag it out up to 15s or more. If you stagger dolyak stance and SotP so they're 30s apart, then you're approaching 50% stability uptime.

Zero-condi clear? 2 separate sources of resistance, which can again be extended to 10s or more. As well as dolyak stance cleansing movement conditions, cleanse sigils, and a 2-condi cleanse on 20s CD with the beast ability. That's pretty decent anti-condi.

Look, I'm not here to argue that boonbeast is secretly amazing, I just made a comment that ranger doesn't actually have awful stability access.

Where are you getting these numbers from? From 5s to 15s..that's like 200% boon increase...and 5 sources of quickness?...1 requires you to be at 50% and the other needs a pet swap, lastly there is the stunbreak..so where are these 5 sources of quickness? 50% stability uptime...just what are you talking about?

In the end I only corrected a poster about the need for ranger stunbreak access and low access to stability...I dunno there is even need to prove it, your "build" wouldn't work anywhere not even in WvW with the unnerfed version of the utilities

Its very simple. Take the initial 6s from SotP, boost it to 8s with 1 application of quickness, then boost it again after 5s to make it 10s, then merge with Fortifying Bond to get up to 15s. Didn't even need to use We Heal as One, which would let you get up over 20s.

Did you actually try in game?...I really think you should

you increase number of stacks..no duration

Yes, just tried, no issue getting over 15s from a single SotP. Rotation isn't exactly as I wrote there, but it still works. You don't just press all the buttons at once, you use things like merge just as your current stab is about to expire.

Ranger stability...my bad....I guess that "Strength of the pack" counts as great stability uptime for some people.......let me throw in also "Dolyak stance"

People try to be funny..on the contrary though I find nothing of it as funny.....

If a boonbeast is properly juggling boons back and forth with pet and beastmode plus nature-magic and we heal as one, then yes, the stability uptime gets kinda stupid.

Boonbeast..with nature magic ...and heal as one...why don't you show a build link with this "innovative idea",.....so show us how you make boonbeast work in PvP

P.S and remember
you use Nature Magic

I see no meme build here and I need no "Hollowed Ground"

Do please show us this
nature magic boonbeast with incredible stability uptime

I mean, I'm not ranger expert, but something like

Would be able to keep stability up for a very long time by juggling with We Heal as One, Fresh Reinforcement and Fortifying Bond, and extending with Essence of Speed.

Is it meta right now? No, but 2 years ago people were basically running this build and it was dominating hard, so its not a totally ridiculous idea.

Pre-nerf boonbeast basically had 100% uptime. You can't do that anymore, which is entirely appropriate. But you said "almost no stability access on ranger" which is just wrong.

I was answering to somebody stating why ranger has short CD stunbreaks compared to ele....comparing anything to ele is already bad but anyway.....first of all ranger is not the only class with short CD on stunbreaks, I mean guardian itself has several stunbreaks on same or lower CD so....

Then I stated that ranger "has
no stability compared to even an ele which is true...as I have been playing both professions for years now like guardian btw; finally your build doesn't work as you think.

-essence of speed needs "quickness"-given the CD of stability utilities...you still would suffer from one application to another by around 60s CD on average between each other..and the duration would last only for 5s max...using we heal as one, fortify bond..whatever you want in PvP-There is like..."zero" condi clear in your build...that's not what boonbeast used to be

What even is the point of talking about something from 2-3 years ago?

Yes, essence of speed needs quickness. Lucky, this build has 5 different sources of quickness.

No, the duration would not be 5s max. You could in theory take one application of 5s and drag it out up to 15s or more. If you stagger dolyak stance and SotP so they're 30s apart, then you're approaching 50% stability uptime.

Zero-condi clear? 2 separate sources of resistance, which can again be extended to 10s or more. As well as dolyak stance cleansing movement conditions, cleanse sigils, and a 2-condi cleanse on 20s CD with the beast ability. That's pretty decent anti-condi.

Look, I'm not here to argue that boonbeast is secretly amazing, I just made a comment that ranger doesn't actually have awful stability access.

Where are you getting these numbers from? From 5s to 15s..that's like 200% boon increase...and 5 sources of quickness?...1 requires you to be at 50% and the other needs a pet swap, lastly there is the stunbreak..so where are these 5 sources of quickness? 50% stability uptime...just what are you talking about?

In the end I only corrected a poster about the need for ranger stunbreak access and low access to stability...I dunno there is even need to prove it, your "build" wouldn't work anywhere not even in WvW with the unnerfed version of the utilities

Its very simple. Take the initial 6s from SotP, boost it to 8s with 1 application of quickness, then boost it again after 5s to make it 10s, then merge with Fortifying Bond to get up to 15s. Didn't even need to use We Heal as One, which would let you get up over 20s.

Did you actually try in game?...I really think you should

you increase number of stacks..no duration

Yes, just tried, no issue getting over 15s from a single SotP. Rotation isn't exactly as I wrote there, but it still works. You don't just press all the buttons at once, you use things like merge just as your current stab is about to expire.

I think you're confused between stacks and duration which remains at 6s even after renewal by merging with the pet or using WHAO or quickness

No. I've literally just done it in game. Go and try it yourself before arguing further.

Essence of speed doesn't add additional stacks, it extends the duration of existing stacks.

And with Merge/We Heal As One/Fortifying Bond..... if I have a 6s stacks, I let it run down to 1s left, then merge, which gives me a new stack for 5s, so the total uptime of 10s. No, it's not the same stack, but I've none the less extended stability uptime.

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@Ragnar.4257 said:

Ranger stability...my bad....I guess that "Strength of the pack" counts as great stability uptime for some people.......let me throw in also "Dolyak stance"

People try to be funny..on the contrary though I find nothing of it as funny.....

If a boonbeast is properly juggling boons back and forth with pet and beastmode plus nature-magic and we heal as one, then yes, the stability uptime gets kinda stupid.

Boonbeast..with nature magic ...and heal as one...why don't you show a build link with this "innovative idea",.....so show us how you make boonbeast work in PvP

P.S and remember
you use Nature Magic

I see no meme build here and I need no "Hollowed Ground"

Do please show us this
nature magic boonbeast with incredible stability uptime

I mean, I'm not ranger expert, but something like

Would be able to keep stability up for a very long time by juggling with We Heal as One, Fresh Reinforcement and Fortifying Bond, and extending with Essence of Speed.

Is it meta right now? No, but 2 years ago people were basically running this build and it was dominating hard, so its not a totally ridiculous idea.

Pre-nerf boonbeast basically had 100% uptime. You can't do that anymore, which is entirely appropriate. But you said "almost no stability access on ranger" which is just wrong.

I was answering to somebody stating why ranger has short CD stunbreaks compared to ele....comparing anything to ele is already bad but anyway.....first of all ranger is not the only class with short CD on stunbreaks, I mean guardian itself has several stunbreaks on same or lower CD so....

Then I stated that ranger "has
no stability compared to even an ele which is true...as I have been playing both professions for years now like guardian btw; finally your build doesn't work as you think.

-essence of speed needs "quickness"-given the CD of stability utilities...you still would suffer from one application to another by around 60s CD on average between each other..and the duration would last only for 5s max...using we heal as one, fortify bond..whatever you want in PvP-There is like..."zero" condi clear in your build...that's not what boonbeast used to be

What even is the point of talking about something from 2-3 years ago?

Yes, essence of speed needs quickness. Lucky, this build has 5 different sources of quickness.

No, the duration would not be 5s max. You could in theory take one application of 5s and drag it out up to 15s or more. If you stagger dolyak stance and SotP so they're 30s apart, then you're approaching 50% stability uptime.

Zero-condi clear? 2 separate sources of resistance, which can again be extended to 10s or more. As well as dolyak stance cleansing movement conditions, cleanse sigils, and a 2-condi cleanse on 20s CD with the beast ability. That's pretty decent anti-condi.

Look, I'm not here to argue that boonbeast is secretly amazing, I just made a comment that ranger doesn't actually have awful stability access.

Where are you getting these numbers from? From 5s to 15s..that's like 200% boon increase...and 5 sources of quickness?...1 requires you to be at 50% and the other needs a pet swap, lastly there is the stunbreak..so where are these 5 sources of quickness? 50% stability uptime...just what are you talking about?

In the end I only corrected a poster about the need for ranger stunbreak access and low access to stability...I dunno there is even need to prove it, your "build" wouldn't work anywhere not even in WvW with the unnerfed version of the utilities

Its very simple. Take the initial 6s from SotP, boost it to 8s with 1 application of quickness, then boost it again after 5s to make it 10s, then merge with Fortifying Bond to get up to 15s. Didn't even need to use We Heal as One, which would let you get up over 20s.

Did you actually try in game?...I really think you should

you increase number of stacks..no duration

Yes, just tried, no issue getting over 15s from a single SotP. Rotation isn't exactly as I wrote there, but it still works. You don't just press all the buttons at once, you use things like merge just as your current stab is about to expire.

Ranger stability...my bad....I guess that "Strength of the pack" counts as great stability uptime for some people.......let me throw in also "Dolyak stance"

People try to be funny..on the contrary though I find nothing of it as funny.....

If a boonbeast is properly juggling boons back and forth with pet and beastmode plus nature-magic and we heal as one, then yes, the stability uptime gets kinda stupid.

Boonbeast..with nature magic ...and heal as one...why don't you show a build link with this "innovative idea",.....so show us how you make boonbeast work in PvP

P.S and remember
you use Nature Magic

I see no meme build here and I need no "Hollowed Ground"

Do please show us this
nature magic boonbeast with incredible stability uptime

I mean, I'm not ranger expert, but something like

Would be able to keep stability up for a very long time by juggling with We Heal as One, Fresh Reinforcement and Fortifying Bond, and extending with Essence of Speed.

Is it meta right now? No, but 2 years ago people were basically running this build and it was dominating hard, so its not a totally ridiculous idea.

Pre-nerf boonbeast basically had 100% uptime. You can't do that anymore, which is entirely appropriate. But you said "almost no stability access on ranger" which is just wrong.

I was answering to somebody stating why ranger has short CD stunbreaks compared to ele....comparing anything to ele is already bad but anyway.....first of all ranger is not the only class with short CD on stunbreaks, I mean guardian itself has several stunbreaks on same or lower CD so....

Then I stated that ranger "has
no stability compared to even an ele which is true...as I have been playing both professions for years now like guardian btw; finally your build doesn't work as you think.

-essence of speed needs "quickness"-given the CD of stability utilities...you still would suffer from one application to another by around 60s CD on average between each other..and the duration would last only for 5s max...using we heal as one, fortify bond..whatever you want in PvP-There is like..."zero" condi clear in your build...that's not what boonbeast used to be

What even is the point of talking about something from 2-3 years ago?

Yes, essence of speed needs quickness. Lucky, this build has 5 different sources of quickness.

No, the duration would not be 5s max. You could in theory take one application of 5s and drag it out up to 15s or more. If you stagger dolyak stance and SotP so they're 30s apart, then you're approaching 50% stability uptime.

Zero-condi clear? 2 separate sources of resistance, which can again be extended to 10s or more. As well as dolyak stance cleansing movement conditions, cleanse sigils, and a 2-condi cleanse on 20s CD with the beast ability. That's pretty decent anti-condi.

Look, I'm not here to argue that boonbeast is secretly amazing, I just made a comment that ranger doesn't actually have awful stability access.

Where are you getting these numbers from? From 5s to 15s..that's like 200% boon increase...and 5 sources of quickness?...1 requires you to be at 50% and the other needs a pet swap, lastly there is the stunbreak..so where are these 5 sources of quickness? 50% stability uptime...just what are you talking about?

In the end I only corrected a poster about the need for ranger stunbreak access and low access to stability...I dunno there is even need to prove it, your "build" wouldn't work anywhere not even in WvW with the unnerfed version of the utilities

Its very simple. Take the initial 6s from SotP, boost it to 8s with 1 application of quickness, then boost it again after 5s to make it 10s, then merge with Fortifying Bond to get up to 15s. Didn't even need to use We Heal as One, which would let you get up over 20s.

Did you actually try in game?...I really think you should

you increase number of stacks..no duration

Yes, just tried, no issue getting over 15s from a single SotP. Rotation isn't exactly as I wrote there, but it still works. You don't just press all the buttons at once, you use things like merge just as your current stab is about to expire.

Ranger stability...my bad....I guess that "Strength of the pack" counts as great stability uptime for some people.......let me throw in also "Dolyak stance"

People try to be funny..on the contrary though I find nothing of it as funny.....

If a boonbeast is properly juggling boons back and forth with pet and beastmode plus nature-magic and we heal as one, then yes, the stability uptime gets kinda stupid.

Boonbeast..with nature magic ...and heal as one...why don't you show a build link with this "innovative idea",.....so show us how you make boonbeast work in PvP

P.S and remember
you use Nature Magic

I see no meme build here and I need no "Hollowed Ground"

Do please show us this
nature magic boonbeast with incredible stability uptime

I mean, I'm not ranger expert, but something like

Would be able to keep stability up for a very long time by juggling with We Heal as One, Fresh Reinforcement and Fortifying Bond, and extending with Essence of Speed.

Is it meta right now? No, but 2 years ago people were basically running this build and it was dominating hard, so its not a totally ridiculous idea.

Pre-nerf boonbeast basically had 100% uptime. You can't do that anymore, which is entirely appropriate. But you said "almost no stability access on ranger" which is just wrong.

I was answering to somebody stating why ranger has short CD stunbreaks compared to ele....comparing anything to ele is already bad but anyway.....first of all ranger is not the only class with short CD on stunbreaks, I mean guardian itself has several stunbreaks on same or lower CD so....

Then I stated that ranger "has
no stability compared to even an ele which is true...as I have been playing both professions for years now like guardian btw; finally your build doesn't work as you think.

-essence of speed needs "quickness"-given the CD of stability utilities...you still would suffer from one application to another by around 60s CD on average between each other..and the duration would last only for 5s max...using we heal as one, fortify bond..whatever you want in PvP-There is like..."zero" condi clear in your build...that's not what boonbeast used to be

What even is the point of talking about something from 2-3 years ago?

Yes, essence of speed needs quickness. Lucky, this build has 5 different sources of quickness.

No, the duration would not be 5s max. You could in theory take one application of 5s and drag it out up to 15s or more. If you stagger dolyak stance and SotP so they're 30s apart, then you're approaching 50% stability uptime.

Zero-condi clear? 2 separate sources of resistance, which can again be extended to 10s or more. As well as dolyak stance cleansing movement conditions, cleanse sigils, and a 2-condi cleanse on 20s CD with the beast ability. That's pretty decent anti-condi.

Look, I'm not here to argue that boonbeast is secretly amazing, I just made a comment that ranger doesn't actually have awful stability access.

Where are you getting these numbers from? From 5s to 15s..that's like 200% boon increase...and 5 sources of quickness?...1 requires you to be at 50% and the other needs a pet swap, lastly there is the stunbreak..so where are these 5 sources of quickness? 50% stability uptime...just what are you talking about?

In the end I only corrected a poster about the need for ranger stunbreak access and low access to stability...I dunno there is even need to prove it, your "build" wouldn't work anywhere not even in WvW with the unnerfed version of the utilities

Its very simple. Take the initial 6s from SotP, boost it to 8s with 1 application of quickness, then boost it again after 5s to make it 10s, then merge with Fortifying Bond to get up to 15s. Didn't even need to use We Heal as One, which would let you get up over 20s.

Did you actually try in game?...I really think you should

you increase number of stacks..no duration

Yes, just tried, no issue getting over 15s from a single SotP. Rotation isn't exactly as I wrote there, but it still works. You don't just press all the buttons at once, you use things like merge just as your current stab is about to expire.

Ranger stability...my bad....I guess that "Strength of the pack" counts as great stability uptime for some people.......let me throw in also "Dolyak stance"

People try to be funny..on the contrary though I find nothing of it as funny.....

If a boonbeast is properly juggling boons back and forth with pet and beastmode plus nature-magic and we heal as one, then yes, the stability uptime gets kinda stupid.

Boonbeast..with nature magic ...and heal as one...why don't you show a build link with this "innovative idea",.....so show us how you make boonbeast work in PvP

P.S and remember
you use Nature Magic

I see no meme build here and I need no "Hollowed Ground"

Do please show us this
nature magic boonbeast with incredible stability uptime

I mean, I'm not ranger expert, but something like

Would be able to keep stability up for a very long time by juggling with We Heal as One, Fresh Reinforcement and Fortifying Bond, and extending with Essence of Speed.

Is it meta right now? No, but 2 years ago people were basically running this build and it was dominating hard, so its not a totally ridiculous idea.

Pre-nerf boonbeast basically had 100% uptime. You can't do that anymore, which is entirely appropriate. But you said "almost no stability access on ranger" which is just wrong.

I was answering to somebody stating why ranger has short CD stunbreaks compared to ele....comparing anything to ele is already bad but anyway.....first of all ranger is not the only class with short CD on stunbreaks, I mean guardian itself has several stunbreaks on same or lower CD so....

Then I stated that ranger "has
no stability compared to even an ele which is true...as I have been playing both professions for years now like guardian btw; finally your build doesn't work as you think.

-essence of speed needs "quickness"-given the CD of stability utilities...you still would suffer from one application to another by around 60s CD on average between each other..and the duration would last only for 5s max...using we heal as one, fortify bond..whatever you want in PvP-There is like..."zero" condi clear in your build...that's not what boonbeast used to be

What even is the point of talking about something from 2-3 years ago?

Yes, essence of speed needs quickness. Lucky, this build has 5 different sources of quickness.

No, the duration would not be 5s max. You could in theory take one application of 5s and drag it out up to 15s or more. If you stagger dolyak stance and SotP so they're 30s apart, then you're approaching 50% stability uptime.

Zero-condi clear? 2 separate sources of resistance, which can again be extended to 10s or more. As well as dolyak stance cleansing movement conditions, cleanse sigils, and a 2-condi cleanse on 20s CD with the beast ability. That's pretty decent anti-condi.

Look, I'm not here to argue that boonbeast is secretly amazing, I just made a comment that ranger doesn't actually have awful stability access.

Where are you getting these numbers from? From 5s to 15s..that's like 200% boon increase...and 5 sources of quickness?...1 requires you to be at 50% and the other needs a pet swap, lastly there is the stunbreak..so where are these 5 sources of quickness? 50% stability uptime...just what are you talking about?

In the end I only corrected a poster about the need for ranger stunbreak access and low access to stability...I dunno there is even need to prove it, your "build" wouldn't work anywhere not even in WvW with the unnerfed version of the utilities

Its very simple. Take the initial 6s from SotP, boost it to 8s with 1 application of quickness, then boost it again after 5s to make it 10s, then merge with Fortifying Bond to get up to 15s. Didn't even need to use We Heal as One, which would let you get up over 20s.

Did you actually try in game?...I really think you should

you increase number of stacks..no duration

Yes, just tried, no issue getting over 15s from a single SotP. Rotation isn't exactly as I wrote there, but it still works. You don't just press all the buttons at once, you use things like merge just as your current stab is about to expire.

Ranger stability...my bad....I guess that "Strength of the pack" counts as great stability uptime for some people.......let me throw in also "Dolyak stance"

People try to be funny..on the contrary though I find nothing of it as funny.....

If a boonbeast is properly juggling boons back and forth with pet and beastmode plus nature-magic and we heal as one, then yes, the stability uptime gets kinda stupid.

Boonbeast..with nature magic ...and heal as one...why don't you show a build link with this "innovative idea",.....so show us how you make boonbeast work in PvP

P.S and remember
you use Nature Magic

I see no meme build here and I need no "Hollowed Ground"

Do please show us this
nature magic boonbeast with incredible stability uptime

I mean, I'm not ranger expert, but something like

Would be able to keep stability up for a very long time by juggling with We Heal as One, Fresh Reinforcement and Fortifying Bond, and extending with Essence of Speed.

Is it meta right now? No, but 2 years ago people were basically running this build and it was dominating hard, so its not a totally ridiculous idea.

Pre-nerf boonbeast basically had 100% uptime. You can't do that anymore, which is entirely appropriate. But you said "almost no stability access on ranger" which is just wrong.

I was answering to somebody stating why ranger has short CD stunbreaks compared to ele....comparing anything to ele is already bad but anyway.....first of all ranger is not the only class with short CD on stunbreaks, I mean guardian itself has several stunbreaks on same or lower CD so....

Then I stated that ranger "has
no stability compared to even an ele which is true...as I have been playing both professions for years now like guardian btw; finally your build doesn't work as you think.

-essence of speed needs "quickness"-given the CD of stability utilities...you still would suffer from one application to another by around 60s CD on average between each other..and the duration would last only for 5s max...using we heal as one, fortify bond..whatever you want in PvP-There is like..."zero" condi clear in your build...that's not what boonbeast used to be

What even is the point of talking about something from 2-3 years ago?

Yes, essence of speed needs quickness. Lucky, this build has 5 different sources of quickness.

No, the duration would not be 5s max. You could in theory take one application of 5s and drag it out up to 15s or more. If you stagger dolyak stance and SotP so they're 30s apart, then you're approaching 50% stability uptime.

Zero-condi clear? 2 separate sources of resistance, which can again be extended to 10s or more. As well as dolyak stance cleansing movement conditions, cleanse sigils, and a 2-condi cleanse on 20s CD with the beast ability. That's pretty decent anti-condi.

Look, I'm not here to argue that boonbeast is secretly amazing, I just made a comment that ranger doesn't actually have awful stability access.

Where are you getting these numbers from? From 5s to 15s..that's like 200% boon increase...and 5 sources of quickness?...1 requires you to be at 50% and the other needs a pet swap, lastly there is the stunbreak..so where are these 5 sources of quickness? 50% stability uptime...just what are you talking about?

In the end I only corrected a poster about the need for ranger stunbreak access and low access to stability...I dunno there is even need to prove it, your "build" wouldn't work anywhere not even in WvW with the unnerfed version of the utilities

Its very simple. Take the initial 6s from SotP, boost it to 8s with 1 application of quickness, then boost it again after 5s to make it 10s, then merge with Fortifying Bond to get up to 15s. Didn't even need to use We Heal as One, which would let you get up over 20s.

Did you actually try in game?...I really think you should

you increase number of stacks..no duration

Yes, just tried, no issue getting over 15s from a single SotP. Rotation isn't exactly as I wrote there, but it still works. You don't just press all the buttons at once, you use things like merge just as your current stab is about to expire.

I think you're confused between stacks and duration which remains at 6s even after renewal by merging with the pet or using WHAO or quickness

No. I've literally just done it in game. Go and try it yourself before arguing further.

Essence of speed doesn't add additional stacks, it extends the duration of existing stacks.

And with Merge/We Heal As One/Fortifying Bond..... if I have a 6s stacks, I let it run down to 1s left, then merge, which gives me a new stack for 5s, so the total uptime of 10s. No, it's not the same stack, but I've none the less extended stability uptime.

A claim of 15s duration is 15s..not 5s now...then another 5s later, you have first claimed it was 15s...now down to 10s after blowing both sources of stability sitting on a 60s CD each and in the end...the boon stacks in intensity and not duration as I have explained already while you've claimed that you had a continuous 15s stability duration with no interruptions just from the elite

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@Arheundel.6451 said:

Ranger stability...my bad....I guess that "Strength of the pack" counts as great stability uptime for some people.......let me throw in also "Dolyak stance"

People try to be funny..on the contrary though I find nothing of it as funny.....

If a boonbeast is properly juggling boons back and forth with pet and beastmode plus nature-magic and we heal as one, then yes, the stability uptime gets kinda stupid.

Boonbeast..with nature magic ...and heal as one...why don't you show a build link with this "innovative idea",.....so show us how you make boonbeast work in PvP

P.S and remember
you use Nature Magic

I see no meme build here and I need no "Hollowed Ground"

Do please show us this
nature magic boonbeast with incredible stability uptime

I mean, I'm not ranger expert, but something like

Would be able to keep stability up for a very long time by juggling with We Heal as One, Fresh Reinforcement and Fortifying Bond, and extending with Essence of Speed.

Is it meta right now? No, but 2 years ago people were basically running this build and it was dominating hard, so its not a totally ridiculous idea.

Pre-nerf boonbeast basically had 100% uptime. You can't do that anymore, which is entirely appropriate. But you said "almost no stability access on ranger" which is just wrong.

I was answering to somebody stating why ranger has short CD stunbreaks compared to ele....comparing anything to ele is already bad but anyway.....first of all ranger is not the only class with short CD on stunbreaks, I mean guardian itself has several stunbreaks on same or lower CD so....

Then I stated that ranger "has
no stability compared to even an ele which is true...as I have been playing both professions for years now like guardian btw; finally your build doesn't work as you think.

-essence of speed needs "quickness"-given the CD of stability utilities...you still would suffer from one application to another by around 60s CD on average between each other..and the duration would last only for 5s max...using we heal as one, fortify bond..whatever you want in PvP-There is like..."zero" condi clear in your build...that's not what boonbeast used to be

What even is the point of talking about something from 2-3 years ago?

Yes, essence of speed needs quickness. Lucky, this build has 5 different sources of quickness.

No, the duration would not be 5s max. You could in theory take one application of 5s and drag it out up to 15s or more. If you stagger dolyak stance and SotP so they're 30s apart, then you're approaching 50% stability uptime.

Zero-condi clear? 2 separate sources of resistance, which can again be extended to 10s or more. As well as dolyak stance cleansing movement conditions, cleanse sigils, and a 2-condi cleanse on 20s CD with the beast ability. That's pretty decent anti-condi.

Look, I'm not here to argue that boonbeast is secretly amazing, I just made a comment that ranger doesn't actually have awful stability access.

Where are you getting these numbers from? From 5s to 15s..that's like 200% boon increase...and 5 sources of quickness?...1 requires you to be at 50% and the other needs a pet swap, lastly there is the stunbreak..so where are these 5 sources of quickness? 50% stability uptime...just what are you talking about?

In the end I only corrected a poster about the need for ranger stunbreak access and low access to stability...I dunno there is even need to prove it, your "build" wouldn't work anywhere not even in WvW with the unnerfed version of the utilities

Its very simple. Take the initial 6s from SotP, boost it to 8s with 1 application of quickness, then boost it again after 5s to make it 10s, then merge with Fortifying Bond to get up to 15s. Didn't even need to use We Heal as One, which would let you get up over 20s.

Did you actually try in game?...I really think you should

you increase number of stacks..no duration

Yes, just tried, no issue getting over 15s from a single SotP. Rotation isn't exactly as I wrote there, but it still works. You don't just press all the buttons at once, you use things like merge just as your current stab is about to expire.

Ranger stability...my bad....I guess that "Strength of the pack" counts as great stability uptime for some people.......let me throw in also "Dolyak stance"

People try to be funny..on the contrary though I find nothing of it as funny.....

If a boonbeast is properly juggling boons back and forth with pet and beastmode plus nature-magic and we heal as one, then yes, the stability uptime gets kinda stupid.

Boonbeast..with nature magic ...and heal as one...why don't you show a build link with this "innovative idea",.....so show us how you make boonbeast work in PvP

P.S and remember
you use Nature Magic

I see no meme build here and I need no "Hollowed Ground"

Do please show us this
nature magic boonbeast with incredible stability uptime

I mean, I'm not ranger expert, but something like

Would be able to keep stability up for a very long time by juggling with We Heal as One, Fresh Reinforcement and Fortifying Bond, and extending with Essence of Speed.

Is it meta right now? No, but 2 years ago people were basically running this build and it was dominating hard, so its not a totally ridiculous idea.

Pre-nerf boonbeast basically had 100% uptime. You can't do that anymore, which is entirely appropriate. But you said "almost no stability access on ranger" which is just wrong.

I was answering to somebody stating why ranger has short CD stunbreaks compared to ele....comparing anything to ele is already bad but anyway.....first of all ranger is not the only class with short CD on stunbreaks, I mean guardian itself has several stunbreaks on same or lower CD so....

Then I stated that ranger "has
no stability compared to even an ele which is true...as I have been playing both professions for years now like guardian btw; finally your build doesn't work as you think.

-essence of speed needs "quickness"-given the CD of stability utilities...you still would suffer from one application to another by around 60s CD on average between each other..and the duration would last only for 5s max...using we heal as one, fortify bond..whatever you want in PvP-There is like..."zero" condi clear in your build...that's not what boonbeast used to be

What even is the point of talking about something from 2-3 years ago?

Yes, essence of speed needs quickness. Lucky, this build has 5 different sources of quickness.

No, the duration would not be 5s max. You could in theory take one application of 5s and drag it out up to 15s or more. If you stagger dolyak stance and SotP so they're 30s apart, then you're approaching 50% stability uptime.

Zero-condi clear? 2 separate sources of resistance, which can again be extended to 10s or more. As well as dolyak stance cleansing movement conditions, cleanse sigils, and a 2-condi cleanse on 20s CD with the beast ability. That's pretty decent anti-condi.

Look, I'm not here to argue that boonbeast is secretly amazing, I just made a comment that ranger doesn't actually have awful stability access.

Where are you getting these numbers from? From 5s to 15s..that's like 200% boon increase...and 5 sources of quickness?...1 requires you to be at 50% and the other needs a pet swap, lastly there is the stunbreak..so where are these 5 sources of quickness? 50% stability uptime...just what are you talking about?

In the end I only corrected a poster about the need for ranger stunbreak access and low access to stability...I dunno there is even need to prove it, your "build" wouldn't work anywhere not even in WvW with the unnerfed version of the utilities

Its very simple. Take the initial 6s from SotP, boost it to 8s with 1 application of quickness, then boost it again after 5s to make it 10s, then merge with Fortifying Bond to get up to 15s. Didn't even need to use We Heal as One, which would let you get up over 20s.

Did you actually try in game?...I really think you should

you increase number of stacks..no duration

Yes, just tried, no issue getting over 15s from a single SotP. Rotation isn't exactly as I wrote there, but it still works. You don't just press all the buttons at once, you use things like merge just as your current stab is about to expire.

Ranger stability...my bad....I guess that "Strength of the pack" counts as great stability uptime for some people.......let me throw in also "Dolyak stance"

People try to be funny..on the contrary though I find nothing of it as funny.....

If a boonbeast is properly juggling boons back and forth with pet and beastmode plus nature-magic and we heal as one, then yes, the stability uptime gets kinda stupid.

Boonbeast..with nature magic ...and heal as one...why don't you show a build link with this "innovative idea",.....so show us how you make boonbeast work in PvP

P.S and remember
you use Nature Magic

I see no meme build here and I need no "Hollowed Ground"

Do please show us this
nature magic boonbeast with incredible stability uptime

I mean, I'm not ranger expert, but something like

Would be able to keep stability up for a very long time by juggling with We Heal as One, Fresh Reinforcement and Fortifying Bond, and extending with Essence of Speed.

Is it meta right now? No, but 2 years ago people were basically running this build and it was dominating hard, so its not a totally ridiculous idea.

Pre-nerf boonbeast basically had 100% uptime. You can't do that anymore, which is entirely appropriate. But you said "almost no stability access on ranger" which is just wrong.

I was answering to somebody stating why ranger has short CD stunbreaks compared to ele....comparing anything to ele is already bad but anyway.....first of all ranger is not the only class with short CD on stunbreaks, I mean guardian itself has several stunbreaks on same or lower CD so....

Then I stated that ranger "has
no stability compared to even an ele which is true...as I have been playing both professions for years now like guardian btw; finally your build doesn't work as you think.

-essence of speed needs "quickness"-given the CD of stability utilities...you still would suffer from one application to another by around 60s CD on average between each other..and the duration would last only for 5s max...using we heal as one, fortify bond..whatever you want in PvP-There is like..."zero" condi clear in your build...that's not what boonbeast used to be

What even is the point of talking about something from 2-3 years ago?

Yes, essence of speed needs quickness. Lucky, this build has 5 different sources of quickness.

No, the duration would not be 5s max. You could in theory take one application of 5s and drag it out up to 15s or more. If you stagger dolyak stance and SotP so they're 30s apart, then you're approaching 50% stability uptime.

Zero-condi clear? 2 separate sources of resistance, which can again be extended to 10s or more. As well as dolyak stance cleansing movement conditions, cleanse sigils, and a 2-condi cleanse on 20s CD with the beast ability. That's pretty decent anti-condi.

Look, I'm not here to argue that boonbeast is secretly amazing, I just made a comment that ranger doesn't actually have awful stability access.

Where are you getting these numbers from? From 5s to 15s..that's like 200% boon increase...and 5 sources of quickness?...1 requires you to be at 50% and the other needs a pet swap, lastly there is the stunbreak..so where are these 5 sources of quickness? 50% stability uptime...just what are you talking about?

In the end I only corrected a poster about the need for ranger stunbreak access and low access to stability...I dunno there is even need to prove it, your "build" wouldn't work anywhere not even in WvW with the unnerfed version of the utilities

Its very simple. Take the initial 6s from SotP, boost it to 8s with 1 application of quickness, then boost it again after 5s to make it 10s, then merge with Fortifying Bond to get up to 15s. Didn't even need to use We Heal as One, which would let you get up over 20s.

Did you actually try in game?...I really think you should

you increase number of stacks..no duration

Yes, just tried, no issue getting over 15s from a single SotP. Rotation isn't exactly as I wrote there, but it still works. You don't just press all the buttons at once, you use things like merge just as your current stab is about to expire.

I think you're confused between stacks and duration which remains at 6s even after renewal by merging with the pet or using WHAO or quickness

No. I've literally just done it in game. Go and try it yourself before arguing further.

Essence of speed doesn't add additional stacks, it extends the duration of existing stacks.

And with Merge/We Heal As One/Fortifying Bond..... if I have a 6s stacks, I let it run down to 1s left, then merge, which gives me a new stack for 5s, so the total uptime of 10s. No, it's not the same stack, but I've none the less extended stability uptime.

Ranger stability...my bad....I guess that "Strength of the pack" counts as great stability uptime for some people.......let me throw in also "Dolyak stance"

People try to be funny..on the contrary though I find nothing of it as funny.....

If a boonbeast is properly juggling boons back and forth with pet and beastmode plus nature-magic and we heal as one, then yes, the stability uptime gets kinda stupid.

Boonbeast..with nature magic ...and heal as one...why don't you show a build link with this "innovative idea",.....so show us how you make boonbeast work in PvP

P.S and remember
you use Nature Magic

I see no meme build here and I need no "Hollowed Ground"

Do please show us this
nature magic boonbeast with incredible stability uptime

I mean, I'm not ranger expert, but something like

Would be able to keep stability up for a very long time by juggling with We Heal as One, Fresh Reinforcement and Fortifying Bond, and extending with Essence of Speed.

Is it meta right now? No, but 2 years ago people were basically running this build and it was dominating hard, so its not a totally ridiculous idea.

Pre-nerf boonbeast basically had 100% uptime. You can't do that anymore, which is entirely appropriate. But you said "almost no stability access on ranger" which is just wrong.

I was answering to somebody stating why ranger has short CD stunbreaks compared to ele....comparing anything to ele is already bad but anyway.....first of all ranger is not the only class with short CD on stunbreaks, I mean guardian itself has several stunbreaks on same or lower CD so....

Then I stated that ranger "has
no stability compared to even an ele which is true...as I have been playing both professions for years now like guardian btw; finally your build doesn't work as you think.

-essence of speed needs "quickness"-given the CD of stability utilities...you still would suffer from one application to another by around 60s CD on average between each other..and the duration would last only for 5s max...using we heal as one, fortify bond..whatever you want in PvP-There is like..."zero" condi clear in your build...that's not what boonbeast used to be

What even is the point of talking about something from 2-3 years ago?

Yes, essence of speed needs quickness. Lucky, this build has 5 different sources of quickness.

No, the duration would not be 5s max. You could in theory take one application of 5s and drag it out up to 15s or more. If you stagger dolyak stance and SotP so they're 30s apart, then you're approaching 50% stability uptime.

Zero-condi clear? 2 separate sources of resistance, which can again be extended to 10s or more. As well as dolyak stance cleansing movement conditions, cleanse sigils, and a 2-condi cleanse on 20s CD with the beast ability. That's pretty decent anti-condi.

Look, I'm not here to argue that boonbeast is secretly amazing, I just made a comment that ranger doesn't actually have awful stability access.

Where are you getting these numbers from? From 5s to 15s..that's like 200% boon increase...and 5 sources of quickness?...1 requires you to be at 50% and the other needs a pet swap, lastly there is the stunbreak..so where are these 5 sources of quickness? 50% stability uptime...just what are you talking about?

In the end I only corrected a poster about the need for ranger stunbreak access and low access to stability...I dunno there is even need to prove it, your "build" wouldn't work anywhere not even in WvW with the unnerfed version of the utilities

Its very simple. Take the initial 6s from SotP, boost it to 8s with 1 application of quickness, then boost it again after 5s to make it 10s, then merge with Fortifying Bond to get up to 15s. Didn't even need to use We Heal as One, which would let you get up over 20s.

Did you actually try in game?...I really think you should

you increase number of stacks..no duration

Yes, just tried, no issue getting over 15s from a single SotP. Rotation isn't exactly as I wrote there, but it still works. You don't just press all the buttons at once, you use things like merge just as your current stab is about to expire.

Ranger stability...my bad....I guess that "Strength of the pack" counts as great stability uptime for some people.......let me throw in also "Dolyak stance"

People try to be funny..on the contrary though I find nothing of it as funny.....

If a boonbeast is properly juggling boons back and forth with pet and beastmode plus nature-magic and we heal as one, then yes, the stability uptime gets kinda stupid.

Boonbeast..with nature magic ...and heal as one...why don't you show a build link with this "innovative idea",.....so show us how you make boonbeast work in PvP

P.S and remember
you use Nature Magic

I see no meme build here and I need no "Hollowed Ground"

Do please show us this
nature magic boonbeast with incredible stability uptime

I mean, I'm not ranger expert, but something like

Would be able to keep stability up for a very long time by juggling with We Heal as One, Fresh Reinforcement and Fortifying Bond, and extending with Essence of Speed.

Is it meta right now? No, but 2 years ago people were basically running this build and it was dominating hard, so its not a totally ridiculous idea.

Pre-nerf boonbeast basically had 100% uptime. You can't do that anymore, which is entirely appropriate. But you said "almost no stability access on ranger" which is just wrong.

I was answering to somebody stating why ranger has short CD stunbreaks compared to ele....comparing anything to ele is already bad but anyway.....first of all ranger is not the only class with short CD on stunbreaks, I mean guardian itself has several stunbreaks on same or lower CD so....

Then I stated that ranger "has
no stability compared to even an ele which is true...as I have been playing both professions for years now like guardian btw; finally your build doesn't work as you think.

-essence of speed needs "quickness"-given the CD of stability utilities...you still would suffer from one application to another by around 60s CD on average between each other..and the duration would last only for 5s max...using we heal as one, fortify bond..whatever you want in PvP-There is like..."zero" condi clear in your build...that's not what boonbeast used to be

What even is the point of talking about something from 2-3 years ago?

Yes, essence of speed needs quickness. Lucky, this build has 5 different sources of quickness.

No, the duration would not be 5s max. You could in theory take one application of 5s and drag it out up to 15s or more. If you stagger dolyak stance and SotP so they're 30s apart, then you're approaching 50% stability uptime.

Zero-condi clear? 2 separate sources of resistance, which can again be extended to 10s or more. As well as dolyak stance cleansing movement conditions, cleanse sigils, and a 2-condi cleanse on 20s CD with the beast ability. That's pretty decent anti-condi.

Look, I'm not here to argue that boonbeast is secretly amazing, I just made a comment that ranger doesn't actually have awful stability access.

Where are you getting these numbers from? From 5s to 15s..that's like 200% boon increase...and 5 sources of quickness?...1 requires you to be at 50% and the other needs a pet swap, lastly there is the stunbreak..so where are these 5 sources of quickness? 50% stability uptime...just what are you talking about?

In the end I only corrected a poster about the need for ranger stunbreak access and low access to stability...I dunno there is even need to prove it, your "build" wouldn't work anywhere not even in WvW with the unnerfed version of the utilities

Its very simple. Take the initial 6s from SotP, boost it to 8s with 1 application of quickness, then boost it again after 5s to make it 10s, then merge with Fortifying Bond to get up to 15s. Didn't even need to use We Heal as One, which would let you get up over 20s.

Did you actually try in game?...I really think you should

you increase number of stacks..no duration

Yes, just tried, no issue getting over 15s from a single SotP. Rotation isn't exactly as I wrote there, but it still works. You don't just press all the buttons at once, you use things like merge just as your current stab is about to expire.

Ranger stability...my bad....I guess that "Strength of the pack" counts as great stability uptime for some people.......let me throw in also "Dolyak stance"

People try to be funny..on the contrary though I find nothing of it as funny.....

If a boonbeast is properly juggling boons back and forth with pet and beastmode plus nature-magic and we heal as one, then yes, the stability uptime gets kinda stupid.

Boonbeast..with nature magic ...and heal as one...why don't you show a build link with this "innovative idea",.....so show us how you make boonbeast work in PvP

P.S and remember
you use Nature Magic

I see no meme build here and I need no "Hollowed Ground"

Do please show us this
nature magic boonbeast with incredible stability uptime

I mean, I'm not ranger expert, but something like

Would be able to keep stability up for a very long time by juggling with We Heal as One, Fresh Reinforcement and Fortifying Bond, and extending with Essence of Speed.

Is it meta right now? No, but 2 years ago people were basically running this build and it was dominating hard, so its not a totally ridiculous idea.

Pre-nerf boonbeast basically had 100% uptime. You can't do that anymore, which is entirely appropriate. But you said "almost no stability access on ranger" which is just wrong.

I was answering to somebody stating why ranger has short CD stunbreaks compared to ele....comparing anything to ele is already bad but anyway.....first of all ranger is not the only class with short CD on stunbreaks, I mean guardian itself has several stunbreaks on same or lower CD so....

Then I stated that ranger "has
no stability compared to even an ele which is true...as I have been playing both professions for years now like guardian btw; finally your build doesn't work as you think.

-essence of speed needs "quickness"-given the CD of stability utilities...you still would suffer from one application to another by around 60s CD on average between each other..and the duration would last only for 5s max...using we heal as one, fortify bond..whatever you want in PvP-There is like..."zero" condi clear in your build...that's not what boonbeast used to be

What even is the point of talking about something from 2-3 years ago?

Yes, essence of speed needs quickness. Lucky, this build has 5 different sources of quickness.

No, the duration would not be 5s max. You could in theory take one application of 5s and drag it out up to 15s or more. If you stagger dolyak stance and SotP so they're 30s apart, then you're approaching 50% stability uptime.

Zero-condi clear? 2 separate sources of resistance, which can again be extended to 10s or more. As well as dolyak stance cleansing movement conditions, cleanse sigils, and a 2-condi cleanse on 20s CD with the beast ability. That's pretty decent anti-condi.

Look, I'm not here to argue that boonbeast is secretly amazing, I just made a comment that ranger doesn't actually have awful stability access.

Where are you getting these numbers from? From 5s to 15s..that's like 200% boon increase...and 5 sources of quickness?...1 requires you to be at 50% and the other needs a pet swap, lastly there is the stunbreak..so where are these 5 sources of quickness? 50% stability uptime...just what are you talking about?

In the end I only corrected a poster about the need for ranger stunbreak access and low access to stability...I dunno there is even need to prove it, your "build" wouldn't work anywhere not even in WvW with the unnerfed version of the utilities

Its very simple. Take the initial 6s from SotP, boost it to 8s with 1 application of quickness, then boost it again after 5s to make it 10s, then merge with Fortifying Bond to get up to 15s. Didn't even need to use We Heal as One, which would let you get up over 20s.

Did you actually try in game?...I really think you should

you increase number of stacks..no duration

Yes, just tried, no issue getting over 15s from a single SotP. Rotation isn't exactly as I wrote there, but it still works. You don't just press all the buttons at once, you use things like merge just as your current stab is about to expire.

I think you're confused between stacks and duration which remains at 6s even after renewal by merging with the pet or using WHAO or quickness

No. I've literally just done it in game. Go and try it yourself before arguing further.

Essence of speed doesn't add additional stacks, it extends the duration of existing stacks.

And with Merge/We Heal As One/Fortifying Bond..... if I have a 6s stacks, I let it run down to 1s left, then merge, which gives me a new stack for 5s, so the total uptime of 10s. No, it's not the same stack, but I've none the less extended stability uptime.

A claim of 15s duration is 15s..not 5s now...then another 5s later, you have first claimed it was 15s...now down to 10s after blowing both sources of stability sitting on a 60s CD each and in the end...the boon stacks in intensity and not duration as I have explained already while you've claimed that you had a
continuous 15s stability duration with no interruptions just from the elite

Jesus, dude, I use SoTP....... and for the next 15s I have stability (without using Dolyak stance). Does it really matter to you if its the "same" stack? The effect is the same, continuous stability for 15s.

This is really pedantic to complain that they're not the "same" stack.

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