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Boss fights.


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@"Kaltyn of Torbins Deep.2946" said:

@Joote.4081 said:It's a shame that most new and/or casual players never get a chance to play dungeons. I suppose that's were guilds come in. I just wish they had more dungeons for noobs.Unless you have played the game solid from release you get left behind like eve online.

I have to completely disagree with this. I just last week boosted a character on an account that has been around a couple of years, but had never done anything. I boosted a necro and took it into HoT and unlocked gliding. Then I went to PoF unlocked the raptor. After this weekend, I'm 5 or 8 HoT masteries in and in PoF, I just got to Elon Riverlands in the story and I'm almost all the way through skimmer 2 being trained. I've been running all over without issues and have completed training Scourge and I'm part way through Reaper without any problems at all. Yeah, I don't have griffon, or skyscale, or roller beetle yet, but, I've only been playing on that account for 4 or 5 days, other than getting login rewards for the last two or three years. I don't feel left behind at all.

No no, you have me wrong. I'm a sleepy casual but have no problem what so ever in progressing and gaining goodies. I was talking mainly about group dungeons. Each mmo plays group dungeons and raids a little different, and you have to know what is expected of you. You have to know your bosses and their dirty little tricks. If you never the chance to run one you will never learn.I played a mmo once, can't remember it's name. But there was no sort of party making system. You just arrived at the gate and as soon as the number of people in the target zone reached it's peak you entered the dungeon. It gave everyone young and old to enter dungeons without being a veteran. The elites could moan all they liked but usually would make a effort to teach you how to run that particular dungeon.Dungeon running with a group is massive fun. especially if people are chill and make allowances for casuals and noobs.

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@mindcircus.1506 said:

@Eraden.8740 said:Thanks for your kind offer, mindcircus. I am taking a short 1-2 day brake at the moment as my health is still suffering from my earlier attempt at this battle. I hope to be back in the saddle again, soon, though. I'm on the Ehmry Bay server.Take your time. Just shoot me an ingame message when you feel up to it.

Also, if on in the 730-930 EST range, I could get a guildie or two to jump in with you and I if things don’t time right with @mindcircus.1506

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@Randulf.7614 said:I think some of them are excellent.

  • Shadow of the Dragon
  • Hounds of Balthazar
  • Caduceus
  • Kralkatorrik
  • Joko

Those are amongst my favourite instanced boss fights and flashing effects don’t really interfere and the mechanics are interesting and fun to me

In terms of open world

  • Marionette/Vinewrath
  • Gerent
  • Tequatl

Because the mechanics are all undisturbed by flashing effects by spreading players about

Some bosses are just ruined by the excess of effects.

  • The final boss of S4 E2 is a ridiculous amount of fireworks. *edited due to wrong ep mentioned
  • Death Branded Shatterer is shrouded in too many effects. Which is a shame because Shatterer is well animated like most bosses
  • I don’t think I’ve even seen the in game model of the hydra queen pirate boss because Taidra is so covered in players and effects

I can’t comment on raids

I would add Shadow Behemoth (for a low level fight), Serpent's Ire, Kralkatorik, Dragon Stand and all of the canopy fights in Verdant Brink to that list. Im sure there are a others as well.

I also hate that they stopped making bounties like the ones from the POF maps. They can be a lot of fun as well (until they added the Joko's ambush silliness in the LS story steps).

Most MMOs make boss fights artificially hard by sticking them in an instance and forcing players into very specific playstyles/patterns. That isnt fighting - it's choreography (which can be fun, but it is hardly what I expect in an MMO now - and really doesnt allow for much variety in gameplay). I love the chaos and epic feel of GW2 boss fights - where it isnt just about using a calculator (or, in most cases, a template website) and memorizing the dance steps to match to the boss you know youre going to fight before you ever get there.

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@"Blaeys.3102" said:Most MMOs make boss fights artificially hard by sticking them in an instance and forcing players into very specific playstyles/patterns. That isnt fighting - it's choreography (which can be fun, but it is hardly what I expect in an MMO now - and really doesnt allow for much variety in gameplay). I love the chaos and epic feel of GW2 boss fights - where it isnt just about using a calculator (or, in most cases, a template website) and memorizing the dance steps to match to the boss you know youre going to fight before you ever get there.Most OW boss fights in GW2 boil down to "stack enough people pressing 1 to pass the DPS check".I'm not sure how this is in any way preferable to the "choreography". It certainly isn't as skilful.Open world events have 5 of 50 doing 90% of the damage while the rest stand around in a mix of hopeless derping, self deluded try-harding, and netflix watching.It is neither chaotic, nor epic.

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I just want to give a BIG hurrah to mindcircus. He helped me finish my storyline. He was absolutely awesome! I finally got to see the aftermath. So many amazing cutscenes! Thanks again, mindcircus! You were great! I was shaking like a leaf halfway through the fight. Had to lean on my left hand to try and steady it. I guess, this game is great not only because of the great content but especially because of the great players that make up the population playing this game!

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@Eraden.8740 said:I just want to give a BIG hurrah to mindcircus. He helped me finish my storyline. He was absolutely awesome! I finally got to see the aftermath. So many amazing cutscenes! Thanks again, mindcircus! You were great! I was shaking like a leaf halfway through the fight. Had to lean on my left hand to try and steady it. I guess, this game is great not only because of the great content but especially because of the great players that make up the population playing this game!Shaking or not you played fine. My girlfriend no-lifes WvW at times and is a very good player.... she ALWAYS dies during the updrafts where you did.So don't feel bad....seriously... it's not an easy fight.I will as a point of advice say that the zerker staff ele may be part of your problem handling things like that. It's a very brittle build to play and unless it gets a few seconds to set up it's boom, you end up running for your life when you could be hitting the boss.You may look at other Elementalist builds that are a little less finicky like Fresh Air Dagger/Warhorn in Marauder's gear.

Anyways... you're a better player than you think. I would have struggled on staff ele too.

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I personally prefer the WoW boss fights and that everybody has their own job in the party or whatever but GW2 is just kind of pure chaos everybody is running around and hitting the boss. I cant even see my character anymore with the amount of players and effects there are. I'm not saying that i dislike it tho.

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