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Why PvP in Gw2 will never reach the level of other games


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I can see your complaints OP, but I burst out into laughter when you said ESO has better PvP. Imagine ever thinking this. That game is a total garbage fest of procs, 50k health tanks (20-25k used to be normal in pvp) doing all their dmg from auto attacking which procs a million proc sets. Its a spammy snoozefest, which in the open world pvp lags the game to absolute unplayable levels. I've played that game from launch up to 6 months ago and now quit, and will never return. The battlegrounds are now made so you get random modes only. No ability to queue for the mode you want. And if you get anything other than deathmatch all the good players will just farm the zerglings that try to play the objective because it is actually pointless in ESO. No one cares about the objective and just farms kills because it is pointless. There is no visible rating system, its a casual garbage game that keeps getting dumbed down more and more.

My only regret is not picking up on GW2 earlier. At least in this game you have to actually combo your skills and have knowledge about other classes and roles to do well. This game has so much more depths to its combat that ESO which is all about weaving light attacks with your spammable dmg ability, untill you apply your cc and ultimate to try and burst. If you fail the enemy will just spam heal back to full and you repeat the cycle. All the while spamming your buffs to keep in a tedious never ending dance.

No, OP. The grass isn't greener over at ESO. Be happy with what you still have in GW2.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Don't listen to the get gud crowed or the its working fine crowed as their full of it. We've all been there where the other teams horrible and u go the whole match without a death or 1 death tops while winning most 1v2's or at least stalling them for mins at a time while somehow ur teams dying to them at every fight and losing the map constantly even when their outnumbered the enemy team and u lose the match cuz no matter how many kills u get ur teams fed way more and no matter how many nodes u cap u can't keep up to a team that actually wins fight and rotates lol. Regardless of what people say there are definitely teams that can't be carried.

Sorry, but after 100 matches it isn't RNG that is keeping you where you are.

I got to plat 2 and stayed there for multiple days on a make shift un meta splbr build like 7 times this season all solo q but have also been in silver 3 and obviously all levels of gold.Sry but anyone who says the match making is working are 1- duo q'rs only, match manipulators, or trolls that just want to argues hidden behind their screen, which one r u?

Like I said earlier, if I can play as the absolute worst classes in the game and solo queue my way to Plat and comfortably maintain it, the only thing holding anyone back is their own inability to play well.

People in this game think they are better than they actually are. The Top 250 is majority of players who are playing an easy class but are terrible at the actual game. People carried by their own classes. The amount of Top 100 players I have played against that can't dodge at the right time is actually pretty disgusting.

It is like this in every competitive game. Everyone likes to think the system is out to get them as opposed to accepting their own flaws.

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@Ronald McDonald.8165 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Don't listen to the get gud crowed or the its working fine crowed as their full of it. We've all been there where the other teams horrible and u go the whole match without a death or 1 death tops while winning most 1v2's or at least stalling them for mins at a time while somehow ur teams dying to them at every fight and losing the map constantly even when their outnumbered the enemy team and u lose the match cuz no matter how many kills u get ur teams fed way more and no matter how many nodes u cap u can't keep up to a team that actually wins fight and rotates lol. Regardless of what people say there are definitely teams that can't be carried.

Sorry, but after 100 matches it isn't RNG that is keeping you where you are.

I got to plat 2 and stayed there for multiple days on a make shift un meta splbr build like 7 times this season all solo q but have also been in silver 3 and obviously all levels of gold.Sry but anyone who says the match making is working are 1- duo q'rs only, match manipulators, or trolls that just want to argues hidden behind their screen, which one r u?

Like I said earlier, if I can play as the absolute worst classes in the game and solo queue my way to Plat and comfortably maintain it, the only thing holding anyone back is their own inability to play well.

People in this game think they are better than they actually are. The Top 250 is majority of players who are playing an easy class but are terrible at the actual game. People carried by their own classes. The amount of Top 100 players I have played against that can't dodge at the right time is actually pretty disgusting.

It is like this in every competitive game. Everyone likes to think the system is out to get them as opposed to accepting their own flaws.

Ummm what u just said regarding the top 100 players literally shows how great the match making algorithm is working with the current population size. Not that I disagree with what u said.

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Not enough players. (No good advertising of the mode in other areas in the game. Classic MMORPG can have maps integrated in the normal game. Especially when there is PvP also betwewen 2 factions like horde vs. legion or alliance or whatever it was called in WoW.) Not enough fun game modes. And no ... 2 vs. 2 and 3 vs. 3 isn't fun. Especially if it only is deathmatch. It is plain boring. Has not the old GW1 had game modes with even bigger teams (8 vs. 8 or so?) that had been the most popular. (And been played a lot back then?) Never played those but I often hear people talking about these.

And isn't League of Legends also 5 vs. 5? (Weirdly those kind of games seem super popular even though the gamde mode seems boring and not many additions. They just keep adding new "champs". Compared to GW2 you could say "add just more classes". :D )

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@Zodi.8932 said:

@Ronald McDonald.8165 said:You are obviously not as good and impactful as you believe you are. If you deserve to climb out of Gold you will. Gold is pretty get easy to get through if you are decent at the game.

Spoken like someone who isn’t very experienced in PvP. I’m carrying teams as hard as I can and if I can keep winning fights 1vs2 then i personally don’t deserve to lose that game or have it affect my record. I remind you I was Plat 1/2 in every season before I left and trying to push into the top 100 so ending up stuck here in Gold 1 is definitely not where I belong.

I stopped sPvP pretty much when they started giving out rewards to bring in PvEr's and went to WvW full time for my PvPing. I had a small period of time where I did some sPvP for a bit since then and found that at certain points (like Gold 3) matches are harder because you are expected to carry a full team of low ranked people against a team of players averaging higher than the 4x on yours.

What I found is pretty critical to advancing at those certain points is you need to be on a class that's got very high game changing potential through the highest mobility you can get. Not so much because those classes are overpowered or anything, it's more because your allies are so bad you need to kind of be everywhere at once to pick up quickly where your team is failing while still making game changing plays. More Advice: it's very rare to be able to advance far in solo play with a support/bunker build since your team can't capitalize and snowball until you're already in plat so you need to be a roamer.

For example, great you just won a 1v2 at far - killing both the defender and his reinforcement while capping the point, but your team is also stalemating 3v1 at mid and the guy at home is on respawn while the points on both are capped. This was a frequent thing for me (not saying I was at far always but just that kind of situation) and HAD to play thief/Mesmer (rev is good too but you kind of need a friend to play with so you can port via targetting). Once you get past gold 3 it actually gets easier because you end up generally playing with people who don't act like bots (on average).

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i understand the notion about having other game modes which we do now. But those modes also show how much more conquest centered the balance is. They would need to split skills not even between pvp and pve but also between death match and conquest to make it enjoyable for everyone. Won't happen. They can't even balance properly for conquest alone.

matchmaking is about the same as in any other game. Low population is the issue in GW2.

i don't want to be that kind of person but if you are stuck in gold then you belong there, tbh, especially considering you are playing the class that is basically carrying itself. I also came back to game last year. I play one of the classes that most people don't want to have on their team atm since it was nerfed so many times recently, i have to HEAVILY rely on my team to do their stuff right or i will lose. Guess what? After long break i obviously landed in silver after first placement since all my rating was gone after all those year. I had no issues getting to plat simply by doing 1-2 matches for daily rewards. On opposite, it was almost boring, since i could murder anything on my thief below gold 3. People in silver/gold not only don't know mechanics they also don't rotate well. (At below-plat players, please, don't take it as offense but it is true for many of you.) Even if you can't win the fight you can win the game by outrotating the enemy. Now getting to plat 3 or even legend is different story (you will probably need to duoq for it).

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@KrHome.1920 said:After 10 wins you proved yourself to be too good for random encounters and were placed only against premade teams. Premade teams did face only other premade teams or random teams that won 10 games in a row.Since GW2 matches are far longer, the number of wins should be lowered from 10 to 5 or even 3.

I like this a lot.

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@ellesee.8297 said:Pvp will never reach the level of other mmos because the gold standard for mmo pvp is 2v2 and 3v3 arenas, and anet insists on conquest.

GW2 has 2v2 and 3v3 and it's not any better than conquest.

The problem is that GW2 has a lot of mechanics that are bad for competitive PvP, and instead of fixing said bad mechanics they just increase cooldowns. It's an absolutely terrible balance method that only makes things worse.

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