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Mesmer not showing up in most patch notes - good or bad?


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So i've noticed that in a few patch notes back, there's nothing on Mesmer...

Now... The good thing is - no new nerfs. Cause whenever we show up in patch notes for last idk how long, it was most likely a nerf, so not showing up is a good thing...On the other hand, a lot of other classes get skill fixes it seems. But my phantasmal swordsman still goes on cooldown when he doesn't show up, sword 3 still fails to show up if there's a micrometer bump in the terrain, etc. etc., we all know the bugs, don't need to repeat them...

Idk, couldn't they have tried to fix at least one skills a bit? Cause there's bug to fix, it's not like there's nothing to be done, even if they don't change skill values and balance.

But that got me thinking, maybe they're doing like a grand huge Mesmer revamp for EoD and are not changing minor things because for EoD there will be a huge Mesmer change.Or.... They completely abandoned the Mesmer....I mean, it's not like Anet would tell us either way.But i'm an optimist, i think no Mesmer in patch notes means they're working on it all at once, and that could be a good thing.

What do you think?

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Been wondering the same thing. I keep an eye in here for the patch notes each time and it is weird to see nothing, not even minor fixes for mesmer, since I don't know how long.

But also I'm not going to have any expectations for any kind of deep changes with EoD. Hopeful, sure, but not confident.

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Good luck to get bug fixes, Anet is really slow when it comes to these.Engineer's mortar kit is bugged ever since they reworked it (June 2015), still not the slightest hope for a bug fix in the coming future.

So all I want to say: don't expect bug fixes to happen. They just sometimes show up randomly, but it doesn't seem like Anet is actively trying to fix this stuff.

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@Kodama.6453 said:Good luck to get bug fixes, Anet is really slow when it comes to these.Engineer's mortar kit is bugged ever since they reworked it (June 2015), still not the slightest hope for a bug fix in the coming future.

So all I want to say: don't expect bug fixes to happen. They just sometimes show up randomly, but it doesn't seem like Anet is actively trying to fix this stuff.

Actually when mesmer got their confounding suggestions reworked the trait was bugged where you get the new trait and still being able to stun with daze, they immediately hotfixed it lol. Any bugs regarding to mesmer is going to be fixed right away while other classes they just sleep on. You can see the hate for mesmers.

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@Salt Mode.3780 said:

@Kodama.6453 said:Good luck to get bug fixes, Anet is really slow when it comes to these.Engineer's mortar kit is bugged ever since they reworked it (
June 2015
), still not the slightest hope for a bug fix in the coming future.

So all I want to say: don't expect bug fixes to happen. They just sometimes show up randomly, but it doesn't seem like Anet is actively trying to fix this stuff.

Actually when mesmer got their confounding suggestions reworked the trait was bugged where you get the new trait and still being able to stun with daze, they immediately hotfixed it lol. Any bugs regarding to mesmer is going to be fixed right away while other classes they just sleep on. You can see the hate for mesmers.

That's a thing for every class, tho. If any bugs show up which are beneficial for the class, then they are hotfixed immediately.But all negative bugs for the class are allowed to stay for years to come. The mortar example I mentioned is one of these negative bugs and is around for over 5 years already, still unfixed.

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Mesmer shatter and clone situation needs to be looked at. It's the reason I stopped playing this class, it's really annoying and gimicky with how much it fails. It also creates a balance nightmare if you just try to adjust the coefficients and numbers then it's really streaky. When it hits consistently its OP (which it is NOT because they have NOT adjusted it) and when if whiffs as it does a lot of the time you have low DPS.

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@Kodama.6453 said:

@Kodama.6453 said:Good luck to get bug fixes, Anet is really slow when it comes to these.Engineer's mortar kit is bugged ever since they reworked it (
June 2015
), still not the slightest hope for a bug fix in the coming future.

So all I want to say: don't expect bug fixes to happen. They just sometimes show up randomly, but it doesn't seem like Anet is actively trying to fix this stuff.

Actually when mesmer got their confounding suggestions reworked the trait was bugged where you get the new trait and still being able to stun with daze, they immediately hotfixed it lol. Any bugs regarding to mesmer is going to be fixed right away while other classes they just sleep on. You can see the hate for mesmers.

That's a thing for every class, tho. If any bugs show up which are beneficial for the class, then they are hotfixed immediately.But all negative bugs for the class are allowed to stay for years to come. The mortar example I mentioned is one of these negative bugs and is around for over 5 years already, still unfixed.

didnt guard gs give extra unlisted 10% dmg to gs? and didnt it take like a fucking year to fix? meanwhile mesmer got ass-blasted within a week or something lol.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Kodama.6453 said:Good luck to get bug fixes, Anet is really slow when it comes to these.Engineer's mortar kit is bugged ever since they reworked it (
June 2015
), still not the slightest hope for a bug fix in the coming future.

So all I want to say: don't expect bug fixes to happen. They just sometimes show up randomly, but it doesn't seem like Anet is actively trying to fix this stuff.

Actually when mesmer got their confounding suggestions reworked the trait was bugged where you get the new trait and still being able to stun with daze, they immediately hotfixed it lol. Any bugs regarding to mesmer is going to be fixed right away while other classes they just sleep on. You can see the hate for mesmers.

That's a thing for every class, tho. If any bugs show up which are beneficial for the class, then they are hotfixed immediately.But all negative bugs for the class are allowed to stay for years to come. The mortar example I mentioned is one of these negative bugs and is around for over 5 years already, still unfixed.

didnt guard gs give extra unlisted 10% dmg to gs? and didnt it take like a kitten year to fix? meanwhile mesmer got kitten-blasted within a week or something lol.

It took longer to fix that. More like 2 years.

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Well i'm hopeful that the current draught of attention to Mesmer will mean something "grand" when EoD comes out.But i'm also not commited to that idea since Anet has often showed how they feel about Mesmers so, i don't expect anything to chang either.As long as it doesn't get worse.

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