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Amulets need to go


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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

@"TheQuickFox.3826" said:No amulets. No stats. Give melee characters a stick and shield and ranged characters a bunch of stones. Fixed.

I mean "amulet system" is outdated. Let the ppl be free to build their characters

You have WvW for that. Find a duel spot, or buy an Armstice Bastion pass and join the free for all in the arena there.

Why do we need spvp then?

Structure, hence the amulet system. It is a simplified system designed to get a build put together quickly and easily from the beginning. The only problem is that the balance team has a history of removing perfectly fine amulets in order to 'balance' certain builds rather than apply proper balance to the builds in question.Wish they just lock amulets/runes/sigils per class or per elite or something instead of shanking it for everyone.

No, Vancho, that isn't a solution. The balance team needs to be more proactive with their PvP/WvW/PvE splits. Balance is a moving target I know, but the balance team needs to be more proactive. They do need to listen somewhat to the forum QQ, some of it is justified but not all of it, and they also need to have the foresight to see how OP combinations of traits and stats can happen. They really need one person working on each class across the game modes with the goal of making sure said class is viable, with a variety of playstyles, but not broken in all the game modes. They just don't seem to have that manpower though.

The balance team has its hand full with NOT EXISTING at the moment. CmC sometimes gets a brief break from working on the new xpac, and we get the next "balance patch" as the list he quickly compiled in that short amount of time, and you need to wait up to 6 months to even get just that much.... so yeah balance team. A balance team would be nice.

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@Filip.7463 said:

@"TheQuickFox.3826" said:No amulets. No stats. Give melee characters a stick and shield and ranged characters a bunch of stones. Fixed.

I mean "amulet system" is outdated. Let the ppl be free to build their characters

I will take toughness, vitality and healing power. Ty

I will reduce the duration of the poison and increase the treatment cut to 100% as normal gamedisigner

Btw who can apply poison often? It's a thief. And who is a thief? Its decaper. WOHOOO. + This will increase its "kill value" without directly increasing the damage

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What they should do is reintroduce all removed amulets, and rework how conquest works.Currently, Conquest and node controlling modes favour certain builds way too much, and it has been this way since forever.

Thief was always strong because of their rotational power.Rev was always strong because of their +1 power.Scourge was always strong because of their area denial.Dragonhunter was always strong because of their node control.Bunkers were always strong because of their ability to stay in an area and survive onslaught after onslaught.

Name of the game is to control the nodes to win, and anything which can take advantage of this objective or "rule" auto wins the game mode.

Outliers like burst builds in the past were good for off noders to attempt to fight and kill decappers, and to deal high damage to the enemy during teamfights, but with power nerfed, these builds fell out of favour, and there is nothing left to challenge decappers and nothing left to spike bunkers.

While overall game health in terms of TTK has improved, with surprise 1 shot burst wombo combos being extremely rare, bunkers, decappers or high mobility fighters are solidified in the meta and outliers just died off.

Even attempts to introduce mechanics to get players to get off nodes like Skyhammer, Trebuchet and Capricon Bell are, and I can't help but laugh here, nodes lmao.Other contest channel based mechanics also don't give enough to catch up from being node-dominated by the opponent.

TLDR : I hate how conquest is designed and how it favours bunker builds or node control builds.

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@HokenPWNZ.7628 said:

@"TheQuickFox.3826" said:No amulets. No stats. Give melee characters a stick and shield and ranged characters a bunch of stones. Fixed.

I mean "amulet system" is outdated. Let the ppl be free to build their characters

I don’t necessarily fully agree, but we do need more amulet options. However, Anet methodology is remove and nerf everything in sight. Why try to think, balance or work when you can just delete?

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@RedAvenged.5217 said:What I really think we need is more variety. They can purposely nerf or not bring in ones that are gonna be op.We have ones that people almost never use like marshals and no one would use a power variant of marshals- though I’d love to have it.

Just add more and keep needing and removing toxic broken ones until game is balanced with as much variety as possible

^ This

Games get boring when there isn't enough variety.

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