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Glyph of Elemental Power Rework


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hi i'm here to shout into the void about a skill rework that I think would be fun, but will certainly never see the light of day. :~)

So, the glyph of elemental power is one of those skill that I think just feels bad. I'm sure there are people who get good use out of it, but i think it just has a kind of confused design, with a stunbreak, damage boost, and condi all at once, plus and instant activation that I think makes it feel more like a cantrip than a glyph. I think it's real odd that all the other glyphs have, imo, pretty cool and iconic animations, and this one has nothing! So, i've thought up a rework that i think would make this skill feel a bit more fun and interesting, while using it to give ele some utility that we currently lack.

first off, i'm mostly thinking from a design perspective, only half paying attention to balance. so i'll be ignoring number values and durations because, who cares.

i would make this into a 3/4 second cast stunbreak that causes an aoe strike around yourself, while giving boons depending on your attunement. some retaliation for fire, resistance for water, quickness for air, and stability for earth. Maaayyybe some additional might across the board, or keep the 25% damage boost for five attacks from its current iteration. the concept is to focus on the skill being a stunbreak that makes you a little more dangerous briefly, and obviously gives ele boons that we can't get yet. something with a little more impact that what we've got now. and of course, an animation that's more aligned with the other glyphs.

I like bouncing around skill designs in my head, so I'd be curious to know what people think of this! and i know, forum posts like this never really wind up making it into the game, i'm not really Asking Anet to do this, it's just a fun idea i had.

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I just want it to go back to the way it use to be icd of 5 sec with a high duration. The update anet did for GoEp i will never forgive them for.

The way it is now is just bad as most charge effect for ele's aoe skill dose not work well and often will simply be pointless.

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I do feel like the stunbreak is a big mismatch for a skill that is dependent upon your current attunement for its other effects. Having said that, this is a staple for condi builds as it allows you to super-charge your burst, tacking 5 stacks of burning (or 10, if you pre-cast!) onto your burn stack. I am a big fan of condi weaver and would not like to see my burn stacks disappear, particularly since that's about the only aspect of this skill I find useful!

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@FrownyClown.8402 said:A glyph that is only useful in 1 attunement. Seems legit.

Hay the old version had an use for all 4 atuments it use to give weakenss from air burning from fire crippal from earth and chill from water with a 30 sec duration and a 5 sec icd per target. It would never spike but it would provide a good aoe condi effect. It was a very strong effect in a fight and not too many ppl used it.

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