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Proof Support Players Are Terrible


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Ok hear me out guys.

Venomshare thief is awful, and venoms suck but even thieves know to give the whole team venoms when coming out of base.

Guardians have Virtue of Justice, which lasts 20 seconds but has a 17 second CD and is basically a venom on steroids. b/c 3 burning > trashy thief venoms.

I've never once had a support guardian pre-cast VoJ on me, therefore all support guardians are worse than venom share thieves.

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Because the guard gets little value from precasting VoJ. Bassi venom can be thrown on allies at the beginning of the fight for extra CC in the opener. It ends up making a huge impact at the start of a fight, so you're incentivised to share it.

If the guard's team runs into the fight with VoJ that means it's still on cooldown for the guard, so they're not proccing the extra damage. If there's any benefit to precasting it's small, if not detrimental.

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@Kuma.1503 said:Because the guard gets little value from precasting VoJ. Bassi venom can be thrown on allies at the beginning of the fight for extra CC in the opener. It ends up making a huge impact at the start of a fight, so you're incentivised to share it.

If the guard's team runs into the fight with VoJ that means it's still on cooldown for the guard, so they're not proccing the extra damage. If there's any benefit to precasting it's small, if not detrimental.

Genuinly curious. I'm kinda new here don't take this the wrong way. In which scenario is VoJ not proccing the damage, if the duration of the buff is 20 seconds and the CD is 17 seconds long? There is no possible scenario in my mind in which it doesn't proc. Only scenarios in which it might not proc at the right time.

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@Malitias.8453 said:

@Kuma.1503 said:Because the guard gets little value from precasting VoJ. Bassi venom can be thrown on allies at the beginning of the fight for extra CC in the opener. It ends up making a huge impact at the start of a fight, so you're incentivised to share it.

If the guard's team runs into the fight with VoJ that means it's still on cooldown for the guard, so they're not proccing the extra damage. If there's any benefit to precasting it's small, if not detrimental.

Genuinly curious. I'm kinda new here don't take this the wrong way. In which scenario is VoJ not proccing the damage, if the duration of the buff is 20 seconds and the CD is 17 seconds long? There is no possible scenario in my mind in which it doesn't proc. Only scenarios in which it might not proc at the right time.

No worries. Guardian loses the on hit burning while Virtue of Justice's active is on cooldown. The cooldown is 20 seconds and the base duration is 20 seconds. So if the guard precasts it for its team it means that they aren't getting value out of the passive.

With Virtues traited the cooldown is reduced to 17 seconds, so if you timed your mid engage perfectly you could make use of that 3 second window, but it's generally not worth the hassle.

All that being said, if you've got a condi heavy team and the gaurd is playing support it would be worth it for them to precast it before the fight. It scales with your ally's condition damage so it would gain higher benefit from them than from heal support guard.

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@Kuma.1503 said:

@Kuma.1503 said:Because the guard gets little value from precasting VoJ. Bassi venom can be thrown on allies at the beginning of the fight for extra CC in the opener. It ends up making a huge impact at the start of a fight, so you're incentivised to share it.

If the guard's team runs into the fight with VoJ that means it's still on cooldown for the guard, so they're not proccing the extra damage. If there's any benefit to precasting it's small, if not detrimental.

Genuinly curious. I'm kinda new here don't take this the wrong way. In which scenario is VoJ not proccing the damage, if the duration of the buff is 20 seconds and the CD is 17 seconds long? There is no possible scenario in my mind in which it doesn't proc. Only scenarios in which it might not proc at the right time.

No worries. Guardian loses the on hit burning while Virtue of Justice's active is on cooldown. The cooldown is 20 seconds and the base duration is 20 seconds. So if the guard precasts it for its team it means that they aren't getting value out of the passive.

With Virtues traited the cooldown is reduced to 17 seconds, so if you timed your mid engage perfectly you could make use of that 3 second window, but it's generally not worth the hassle.

All that being said, if you've got a condi heavy team and the gaurd is playing support it would be worth it for them to precast it before the fight. It scales with your ally's condition damage so it would gain higher benefit from them than from heal support guard.

Ah, so it's about the passive part not being available due to it being on cooldown. That makes a lot more sense to me now, thank you. =)

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