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Balance patch is made by main skill designers and PvE only.


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14 hours ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

In a word: Playability.


Mantras without charging time become extremly reactive skills. The fact that you no longer have to watch yourself in order to avoid spending all charge and be forced to "reload" relieve a bit of mental burden that's better spent fighting. Sure the 2.5s cast time give you some one time wonders but in a highly reactive gamemode like sPvP, 2.5 cast time is 2s to long.


The issue is it's more "noob pandering" than playability. It makes the game easier for casuals at the expense of worse balance at higher skill levels. Pandering to casuals shouldn't be a zero sum game. There are other ways to casualize that don't involve harming other aspects of the game.

Edited by Master Ketsu.4569
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17 hours ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

In a word: Playability.


Mantras without charging time become extremly reactive skills. The fact that you no longer have to watch yourself in order to avoid spending all charge and be forced to "reload" relieve a bit of mental burden that's better spent fighting. Sure the 2.5s cast time give you some one time wonders but in a highly reactive gamemode like sPvP, 2.5 cast time is 2s to long.

Now explain to me why would I even want to wait 24s for 1s daze. Yadda yadda instacast yadda yadda two charges, whatever, I know the story. But be it as you like, I'm still waiting 24s for a 1s daze I can't combo into because it's just soft CC and it's just too short to do anything out of it. Best I can do is interrupt a healing skill if you're dumb enough to heal in front of me. Most of the times the mantra will also fail as a defensive tool because, guess what?, the reaper that's pounding your light armor decided to move one foot to your side while killing you and OOOOPS NO LINE OF SIGHT. Tough luck buddy, can't interrupt that soul spiral, guess you need to go back to respawn.

Edited by Terrorhuz.4695
WTF you removed markdown, now I have to use the WYSIWYG editor for the italic
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To be fair, the last major balance path that wasn't wvw/pvp specific was 07/07/2020. That will be 10 months. Whether or not the smaller pvp specific balance patches inbetween 07/07/2020 - 05/11/2021 actually did what you wanted is a different question. But pvp has seen basically the only balance updates over the past 10 months. I don't think it's unwarranted to have a patch that is more focused on PvE, though not everything is specific to PvE in this patch. 

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This patch just confirms what I always suspected. The game design is PVE at the core since it determines what the actual class skills are and what they do. The competitive aspects of the game are just afterthoughts with the idea that the skills classes have can be balanced in those modes by adjusting their parameters. 


So some of these changes are some of the worst things to happen in PVP/WvW? Yup, but that's not new is it ... that's always been the way it's worked. The consequences of changes to those modes is secondary to PVE. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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