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Portal Griefing

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I see it most often in places like TD - at the treasure chests. Portalling people outside of the map.. Quite annoying. What I think should be done is that portal prio becomes lower than ANET created usable item prio (unless in a private instance like a raid (Looking at doors in TC)).

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4 hours ago, Metaljaw.6437 said:


"Hey, that guy that just joined. He like to portal people to nowhere." "Vote to kick . . ."

Considering that most likely noone in the squad will even remember that troll's name, what would prevent someone from making false accusations then? Besides, they can still put those portals up when not being in the squad, so in reality all you're doing is to pump up their ego.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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17 hours ago, Mr Hinky.2159 said:

We probably do not want to promote the troll's name every time they put down a Portal To Neverland.

Why would you ever want to take a Portal To Neverland anyways? It's not got nearly as good of loot as the chest from the Tarnished Traitor in AB or the first TD after reset.  :°) 


A Portal To Neverland is just the worst, I swear. How could these mystery meta trolls do this?

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I've got to be honest, I've never once understood why people get upset about troll portals.  Tarir?  TD?  Heck, even Drakkar?  Just WP and run back.  Literally less than a minute.  Is there even a single place in the game where you can get portaled, WP, and then have the chest disappear before you can get back?

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20 hours ago, Maekrix Waere.2087 said:

I've got to be honest, I've never once understood why people get upset about troll portals.  Tarir?  TD?  Heck, even Drakkar?  Just WP and run back.  Literally less than a minute.  Is there even a single place in the game where you can get portaled, WP, and then have the chest disappear before you can get back?

An enabler!! Thanks

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