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New World - August 31, 2021 - The Competition Begins


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35 minutes ago, Chaba.5410 said:

Meanwhile: GW2 has had XP boosters for sale in the cash shop since launch.

Gw2 is a different beast tho, takes no time to get to lv 80 and there after is all horizontal progression aside from 5% boosts on ascended and legendary gear. No one cares that boosts are available when u can reach end game without boosts so fast and literally ALWAYS be on same level as other maxed players from then on out.

If gw2 took way longer to reach max or had vertical progression selling boosts would be more of a problem.

Edited by Psycoprophet.8107
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34 minutes ago, Chaba.5410 said:

Meanwhile: GW2 has had XP boosters for sale in the cash shop since launch.

If I understand correctly, the difference is that PvP in NW uses the same character, as opposed to PvP in GW2, which equalizes characters. So the faster one levels in NW, the quicker better gear/power is accumulated, thus initially giving boosted characters advantage.


Amazon said there won't be boosters initially, so it doesn't seem like a big deal to me, but we'll have to see once the game is released.


That said, so far nothing I've seen or heard of New World makes we want to play it.

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1 hour ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

If I understand correctly, the difference is that PvP in NW uses the same character, as opposed to PvP in GW2, which equalizes characters. So the faster one levels in NW, the quicker better gear/power is accumulated, thus initially giving boosted characters advantage.


Amazon said there won't be boosters initially, so it doesn't seem like a big deal to me, but we'll have to see once the game is released.


That said, so far nothing I've seen or heard of New World makes we want to play it.


You can use the same character in GW2 to PvP.  The only place where level matters PvP-wise in GW2 is WvW, which is opt-in PvP.  New World PvP is also opt-in, meaning that a character's level and gear progression is not dependent upon PvP.  Originally it had forced PvP, which would definitely be a place for no boosters.

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1 hour ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

Gw2 is a different beast tho, takes no time to get to lv 80 and there after is all horizontal progression aside from 5% boosts on ascended and legendary gear. No one cares that boosts are available when u can reach end game without boosts so fast and literally ALWAYS be on same level as other maxed players from then on out.

If gw2 took way longer to reach max or had vertical progression selling boosts would be more of a problem.


So you're against XP boosters because the artificial time-gate in New World is longer than in GW2?  That sounds like an argument FOR items that speed up the time-gate that was designed to make players play longer.  Sounds like a time grinder game.  How exciting.

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19 minutes ago, Chaba.5410 said:


So you're against XP boosters because the artificial time-gate in New World is longer than in GW2?  That sounds like an argument FOR items that speed up the time-gate that was designed to make players play longer.  Sounds like a time grinder game.  How exciting.

No I'm arguing that booster are pretty irrelevant in a game like gw2, in a game like new world which is a completely different type of mmo is a problem.

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22 hours ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

No I'm arguing that booster are pretty irrelevant in a game like gw2, in a game like new world which is a completely different type of mmo is a problem.

And I'm saying they're irrelevant in New World too.  It *was* a completely different MMO when it was sandbox-only and had forced PvP where other players could directly hinder your personal progression.  There was real competition.  It was far more like Rust.  They ripped a lot of those mechanics out and turned it into a casual themepark.  Now it's far more like GW2, but with clunkier combat.

Edit: I was pretty excited for the original idea of being a sort of hybrid MMO, breaking new ground in the genre.  Now it's just another cookie-cutter themepark.  You've already played that game.  Nothing new to see.

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On 5/18/2021 at 8:10 PM, Chaba.5410 said:

Meanwhile: GW2 has had XP boosters for sale in the cash shop since launch.

In which you also get in story and so on to a point where you drown in them. Also Arena Net did not sell lvl 80 boosters until about 4 years or so in to the game. Having this on the very starting day where people with money can level faster and gain stuff faster and have a faster progress, then that is by far worse. 

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1 hour ago, Leaa.2943 said:

Also Arena Net did not sell lvl 80 boosters until about 4 years or so in to the game. Having this on the very starting day where people with money can level faster and gain stuff faster and have a faster progress, then that is by far worse. 


The NW announcement was for XP boosters.  Where are you getting skip-to-max-level booster from?  Let's keep discussion to actual announced details.


"gain stuff faster!"  I'm sorry but I don't allow FOMO to dictate my gaming choices.  If my character progression is not affected by other players leveling before me, I don't have a reason to care.  It's not a competition, but a casual MMO.

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Having played NW extensively last year, I can tell you that as of Beta and the new Alpha, leveling to max lvl is not a big deal there either. There are farms to do that fairly quickly if you're organized, consistent, and don't mind a bit of a grind. That said, what does worry me is the end game. See the real end game there is gear crafting, because you can continuously craft better items, and the sooner you can start doing that (at max level) the further along you'll be compared to newer or less dedicated players. 

I saw groups of well organized, and crafted gear players just roflstomp larger, max level, legendary geared groups due to having excellent synergy within their comps and crafted gear. So yes, time will increasingly become a factor when you're talking about XP boosts in NW. 

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15 hours ago, Strages.2950 said:

you can continuously craft better items, and the sooner you can start doing that (at max level) the further along you'll be compared to newer or less dedicated players. 

I saw groups of well organized, and crafted gear players just roflstomp larger, max level, legendary geared groups due to having excellent synergy within their comps and crafted gear. So yes, time will increasingly become a factor when you're talking about XP boosts in NW. 


I'm confused.  Crafted gear was always higher quality than dropped gear.  Is that what you're comparing?  Are you also saying that there's no max level crafted gear anymore?  In the old alpha, there was a max level, a "perfect roll" T5 gear.  Two groups with max level gear and max level will have normalized stats.  (Note that one could equip flawless T5 gear without being max level unless they've changed that too.)  If there's no limit on gear anymore, then XP boosts can indeed be a problem in opt-in PvP.


Organized groups, especially those that are already familiar with the mechanics from playing alpha and beta, will always have a big advantage over everyone else.  That's why there's always tension in GW2 between guilds and pugs.


In the old alpha too there was always someone who figured out how to best exploit the XP gain in order to hit world first level 80 faster than anyone else - mostly done by an old GW2 player even.  The devs would fix the problem and on the next iteration a new version would be found.  I have no doubt that will occur at launch.

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But they have already said that they will not be in "at launch".  So take from that what you will but the fact is that NW isn't out yet and nothing is set in stone.  So claiming that the game will have max level boosts from day one is a bit of a stretch.  I've never heard any talk about max level boosts.  They mentioned rested xp boosts and fast travel.  None of it I'm happy about but people have gone off the deep end on this issue.  

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3 minutes ago, Shorty.9873 said:

They mentioned rested xp boosts and fast travel.  None of it I'm happy about but people have gone off the deep end on this issue.  


I know all the casuals want mounts.  Fast travel can be game-breaking if certain other mechanics are still in place.  Like the trading post was supposed to be local, meaning that someone could command a higher price for selling mats that are rare in an area (someone could role-play as a traveling merchant).  If one could fast travel with those mats instead, the market gets distorted.


Are they still going with increased XP if you play with PvP toggled on?

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I think neither Ashes nor this New World will be competition for GW2. To be competition you have to make things better and I totally don't see that. Even the "GW2 is dead" people still log in and play regulary enough.

That's the same with "WoW is dead". 

And after seeing "content" in both of these wannabee competitors I don't believe in competition. Maybe in 2025 when there should be a playable version of Camelot Unchained.

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