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Hi, I'm a new Mesmer main!


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I was playing Ele for the longest time. Then I need another map completion for legendary weapons. I took a look at all my alt, and pick another class with Light armor so I can share the gears easily. The dice roll between Mesmer and Necro ended with Mesmer.


Since I have an extra Light set of Celestial, I put that on my Mesmer. I browsed metabattle and check for a build with Celestial as recommended build, and I copied this:




I don't have Sigil of Energy, but I have an extra Sigil of Stamina laying around, so I put that on. I also don't have Runes of Tempest, so I put on Runes of Divinity I had laying around.

The result:

It's WAY TOO STRONG compared to my Ele. I'm a convert now. I used to joke about switching main, but I never really commit to a class until now (since I need to spend a couple weeks slowly grinding map completion with this char). Here is the comparison:

- The survivability is off the roof. I have perma 8-10 boons in combat. I have near perma dodge uptime in Open World. I tested by tanking Champs with just auto attack and dodge, and the champ couldn't even get me down to half health before dying to my clones. On Weaver, I was downed multiple times.

- The damage is also higher than Cele Weaver due to perma 25 Might, Fury, and Alac. For most of the fights, I didn't even need to use Shatter. Shatter is reserved for boss/champs fights only. Otherwise, dodge twice and then move on to the next target. The two clones is enough to kill an open world mob, giving you a full bar of dodge again for repeat.

- The rotation is dead simple. Open with auto attack, dodge twice, press some random skill as you move to the next target and repeat. No more piano required.


Anyhow, just want to tell my story. I'm one of the Mesmer main now. Hope for a warm welcome!


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I too came from Weaver to Mirage. Although I liked Weaver alot, there were too many shortcomings. I was curious how Cele Mirage (Celerage? Hmm, sounds like a prescription drug - "Ask your doctor if Celerage is right for you") performed for open world.


I started with the Hizen staff-swapping build and then moved to a Plaguedoctor-based build, and I haven't looked back.  So mine has more condi dmg but no power damage compared to Cele. I'd like to try the Cele but I don't have legendary gear, so I'd have to buy/make the set. Have you looked at Traveler runes? Very cheap, and while some of your stats would drop a bit, your boon duration and condi duration bother increase, and perma swiftness is so nice to have.

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3 hours ago, TheAgedGnome.7520 said:

I too came from Weaver to Mirage. Although I liked Weaver alot, there were too many shortcomings. I was curious how Cele Mirage (Celerage? Hmm, sounds like a prescription drug - "Ask your doctor if Celerage is right for you") performed for open world.


I started with the Hizen staff-swapping build and then moved to a Plaguedoctor-based build, and I haven't looked back.  So mine has more condi dmg but no power damage compared to Cele. I'd like to try the Cele but I don't have legendary gear, so I'd have to buy/make the set. Have you looked at Traveler runes? Very cheap, and while some of your stats would drop a bit, your boon duration and condi duration bother increase, and perma swiftness is so nice to have.


Yep, just bought a traveller runes set. I have no complain for the Divinity set so far, so I may not replace it yet xD. I'll wait until I'm bored with Divinity haha.

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7 hours ago, Sunshine.5014 said:

I was playing Ele for the longest time.




The result:

It's WAY TOO STRONG compared to my Ele. I'm a convert now.

That's a reflection on Weaver being as pathetic as it is then, and not a reflection on Mirage. Instead of talking about something that is too strong, implying there is something wrong with it, shouldn't you be instead asking for equivalent improvements to make Weaver equally enjoyable? 




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Btw, if anyone is reading this, Sigil of Stamina + Sigil of Energy is an amazing combo for this build. You sacrifice 5% of your damage, but you have virtually unlimited dodge. You literally CAN'T die.


This build is way too OP in open world/farming/zerging. The staff bouncing auto attack means you don't need to aim to tag mob. You don't need to Shatter at all, unless you feel really bored and want to press some skill. I do feel bored (coming from a piano smashing Ele) so sometimes I press some Shatter for fun.


I think this might be the most OP open world build in the game at the moment, given the excellent boons uptime, 25 Mights, Fury, Regen, and almost perma dodge.


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6 hours ago, Zavijah.2695 said:

That's a reflection on Weaver being as pathetic as it is then, and not a reflection on Mirage. Instead of talking about something that is too strong, implying there is something wrong with it, shouldn't you be instead asking for equivalent improvements to make Weaver equally enjoyable? 


I'd agree except that the dev's May 11 balance patch comments pretty much nixed any optimism of ele being improved:



We feel that the elementalist has been in a very good place since the July 2020 balance update. Both Tempests and Weavers have effective high damage power and condition damage builds available, while the Tempest is also powerful in a support role.  


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16 hours ago, Sunshine.5014 said:

I was playing Ele for the longest time. Then I need another map completion for legendary weapons. I took a look at all my alt, and pick another class with Light armor so I can share the gears easily. The dice roll between Mesmer and Necro ended with Mesmer.


aye i have seen u quite alot on Elementalist forums haha, Anyway. Welcome to Mesmer.


i will warn you, hinting at something being too strong (or implying it needs changing) will trigger PTSD here, staff although still pretty effective has had Some serious nerfs so far. as u can read above u immediately got the reply xD, People blame the mesmer community for saying its broken.


realistically.. it was just because it was VERY broken (Shoulda seen staff when it first became a thing, oh lord. 50k DPS Alac+25might 3 buttons ) im glad to hear u enjoy it, but yeah that build gets quite boring with its simplicity.


8 hours ago, Zavijah.2695 said:

That's a reflection on Weaver being as pathetic as it is then, and not a reflection on Mirage. Instead of talking about something that is too strong, implying there is something wrong with it, shouldn't you be instead asking for equivalent improvements to make Weaver equally enjoyable? 


yeah weaver aint getting any better. i dunno if its weaver is actually pathetic or just requires sooo much more effort, there are videos of players Rinsing HoT Group Hero point challanges and More soloing with weaver. so its defintly done. but i'd also say Perma Evade.. isnt something thjat should just become a "norm".. it shouldnt realistically be a thing.


its also alot more then weaver needs fixing.. core elementalist in the levelling experience never feels great either.

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There is such an overabundance of endurance in pve such that open world is almost completely trivialised. Even more noticable if you get comfortable with 1 dodge in a competitive mode session then change mode.


Sigil of stamina in particular is absurd vs multi mobs.


Just be careful to bind dodge on two separate buttons so you don't get repetetive strain. 😛

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The JP at Ember Bay is a good opportunity for me to slot in the Traveller Runes. It's amazing! The damage wasn't reduced much (or if I can notice anything). The perma 25% speed is nice. Also, constantly Shattering actually doesn't change the DPS much. Just auto attack + skills + dodge already gives you 10kdps.


On the other note, I finally died trying to solo the Jade Construct boss LOL. Other than that, I don't think any champions/bosses was ever a problem. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think I'm finally sold on this, over my Plaguedoctor/TB build. I don't know if the DPS is much higher generally w/cele over PD, but the cele adds enough power & precision to the build that having a greatsword offhand is actually functional for attacking structures and things that are immune to condi. I had also tried cele trinkets + viper armor, but full cele is superior.


It's very strong in open world, and just feels great. I don't use energy sigils because swapping staffs would get tiresome reeeeaaally quick, so I make use of mirrors for extra mirage cloaks while vigor is replenishing.


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There no class that cannot handle PvE, any mesmer is fine for PvE even core, they actually fair quite well solo and in raids or fotm. If you plan to pvp abandon ship now until Anet figures out our class identity.

Edited by Genesis.5169
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8 hours ago, Genesis.5169 said:

There no class that cannot handle PvE, any mesmer is fine for PvE even core, they actually fair quite well solo and in raids or fotm. If you plan to pvp abandon ship now until Anet figures out our class identity.


Yes, the Cele Staff Mirage build I have above is quite good, not only in Open World but also in Fractal. The damage is quite good while keeping Perma boons on the team. 

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