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Any advice? Any future change?

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I love the game (totally, I have played many RPGs online and this is the most complete I have seen, especially MMORPGs), but i'm a latino player and the MEGASERVER ruins the experience in several ways:

1) You go exploring, doing missions, traveling the world.
2) You see another player, fighting a difficult enemy and you help him.
3) You talk to him hoping to team up, explore together or ask about the map / mission.
4) 99% of the cases speak another language and although you understand enough to finish the mission/fractal/dungeon, it ruins your immersion and cannot converse.

Any suggestion? Any function that I do not know and can help me with the LANGUAGE issue?
Do not know if with so many changes that are to be announced they will do something about it?

I say:
- The Guilds still imply having to coordinate beforehand and they don't always work (worse for Latinos).
- The group finder works well to get out of trouble in PvP dungeons and fractals, but for PvE, MvM or Raids it does not solve the situation.
- Perhaps a symbol or something that identifies those who have the same language would be useful (it may even be optional to hide it, for those who have no problem speaking others language).

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Just so I understand your goal and the consequences, what would you do if you came across a player who needed help, but the symbol indicated a different language? Just not help? Help and then flee without saying anything?


To me, it just seems like it would be a way to separate players into "marked" groups you do or do not want to associate with. Then again, I don't usually have the same issue. If I talk to someone and we don't understand the other's language, I have had some success using emotes as quick communication or, if it is clear enough what the other is doing (map meta, for example), we'll just stick together and help without talking.


Language doesn't need to be a barrier to playing together.

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That is a very negative, and unreal, way to start by assuming things 😕

4 minutes ago, Tanek.5983 said:

Just so I understand your goal and the consequences, what would you do if you came across a player who needed help, but the symbol indicated a different language? Just not help? Help and then flee without saying anything?



In addition, when you travel, you can recognize people of the same language by clothes and features, and socializing with your "compatriots" does not have to isolate you from others.

Rather, it is just an incentive to come over to talk, and not just "jump in to help and then leave."
Without forgetting that, as I said, it can be an option on the menu, no?

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8 minutes ago, Aavataris.5720 said:

That is a very negative, and unreal, way to start by assuming things 😕


In addition, when you travel, you can recognize people of the same language by clothes and features, and socializing with your "compatriots" does not have to isolate you from others.

Rather, it is just an incentive to come over to talk, and not just "jump in to help and then leave."
Without forgetting that, as I said, it can be an option on the menu, no?

I was asking to get some clarification. Because saying that encountering someone who speaks a different language ruins your experience is pretty darn negative, no? With a reaction like that, the only reason I could think of for having some visual indication for it is so you could actively avoid those people. Which seems, to me, to be very limiting.

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@Tanek.5983, it's like in life.

In my country lots and lots of foreigners, many of them I know who speak Haitian, English or another language, but that's not why I'm not going to help them if I see them in trouble.
However, if I have to ask someone something or I want to talk to someone, I usually do it with those who I can see that they are of my speech (by their features), because I know that they do have the option of answering me and communicating.

Similarly, in the game I see many players, but not knowing if I can communicate with them only discourages me to try.

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38 minutes ago, Aavataris.5720 said:

@Tanek.5983, it's like in life.

In my country lots and lots of foreigners, many of them I know who speak Haitian, English or another language, but that's not why I'm not going to help them if I see them in trouble.
However, if I have to ask someone something or I want to talk to someone, I usually do it with those who I can see that they are of my speech (by their features), because I know that they do have the option of answering me and communicating.

Similarly, in the game I see many players, but not knowing if I can communicate with them only discourages me to try.

I guess that is where my understanding of the issue gets lost. I don't see the harm in trying. The worst that happens is you speak different languages and move on with a /thanks or /wave.


The example you gave had you going up to a random player who might need help and, if that person spoke a language you did not understand, it would ruin your experience. This is not seeking someone to ask a question or even just wanting to talk. It started with helping that person. Which is why I asked how knowing their language would change the interaction.


That is going to be the case with most random interactions. You don't know until you try. Asking questions or just talking can be done in general chat, in guild chat, or in private messages to people you have already met and added to your friends list. 


Basically, it comes down to me not looking for a solution to a problem I can't see and seeing problems in a solution that can divide.


Whatever the case, good luck and I hope you find a way to play that works for you.

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18 minutes ago, Tanek.5983 said:

Basically, it comes down to me not looking for a solution to a problem I can't see and seeing problems in a solution that can divide.

It is not that difficult, simple as:

- 99% of the times I (and others) have tried, it is someone who speaks another language.
- ---> Over time demotivates <---
- It would be "nice" to recognize someone random to talk to and build a team, with same language (without depending on the Guilds, which are also limited).
- Considerer a simple option could be made (because it is a very low cost solution) for those of us who speak with another language, so as not to exclude ourselves because we are a minority.

It is to empathize a little and see that for years things have been like this (it is a very real problem, commented on forums and Latin networks).

Edited by Aavataris.5720
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EU all gets lumped together as well despite the fact that we are a collective of many different countries cultures and languages.

Even though English is the most common language spoken in game it can still be frustrating at times when you can't communicate with other players.
I expect for non English speakers it's even more frustrating to find people to play with.

It's one of many reasons I wish Gw2 had a district system like Gw1 had.

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While I'm not a native english speaker (EU), I still play the game on english, so I'm not 100% percent sure if this is correct but:


afaik, the Megaserver system still considers the old server designations (also on PvE maps), which - on EU - leads to people playing in not English often being on the same map. (There were German, French & Spanish servers at some point).
I'm not sure if anything like an (unofficial) spanish/latino/oceania/... server exists for NA, but maybe that'd be an option for OP?

Otherwise the introduction of Alliance system might give an opportunity to completely remove the server structure and instead use game language settings as a factor for megaserver map assignment. 

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Might not be the case. In some languages the male pronoun can be used as a general and pretty much neutral one depending on the noun it stands for, no assuming at all. Add to that using a translator and here we are. Or maybe the OP met a male character in the situation they describe, thus "helping him".

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@Ashantara.8731, what?!?!?!
So pathetic and forced comment.

On 7/9/2021 at 7:35 AM, Ashantara.8731 said:

Assuming gender... :classic_rolleyes: There are (and always have been) female players as well, and more than some male egos would presume.

If you want to make a mess and pretend offended for no reason is your problem. If I misspelled it is because English is not my primary language (and I specified it, in the post).
It is your poor, insecure and toxic "female ego" that is too fragile 🙄

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On 7/9/2021 at 8:16 AM, anninke.7469 said:

Might not be the case. In some languages the male pronoun can be used as a general and pretty much neutral one depending on the noun it stands for, no assuming at all. Add to that using a translator and here we are. Or maybe the OP met a male character in the situation they describe, thus "helping him".

Thank you very much for being understanding, @anninke.7469  😁
And also thanks to use a good argument (logical and obvious) as a response to the irrational, victimizing and discriminating comment of @Ashantara.8731

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