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We need to review Dev decision making.

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2 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:
  1. Anet want players to do it multiple times per day in spite of the reduced rewards on repeat attempts (like repeating story instances for the achievements, the achievement itself is the reward in this case).

Another annoying example. Why no rewards? That's just a slap in the face.  Should be something if the Devs are going to push you to redo content.

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Just now, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

So, your issue is making Gold from Sprockets? 


Nope. As I stated previously, my issue is the conflicting "farm/don't farm" messaging from the devs.  Pick a side. Either incentivize farming the event and don't penalize people for doing so, or disincentive farming and make the achievements line up with that.

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13 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:


Well, I guess there is a lot penalizing going on, then, as there are many Achievements that don't give much (or any) reward for working on them, other than the Achievement points. 

Penalize probably isn't the right word. Dis-incentivizing is probably better.

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29 minutes ago, Owatatsumi.5038 said:

Content should not be "press one button , get kill and achievements+ rewards". That is just ... lame for the quality of the game. New players will get bored easily and will skip big part of the game by boredom alone.

Actually there is a large player base that thinks that is more fun than you would think. Some of us derive our joy from the journey not the destination! A good reason I'm glad to read Guild Wars 2 isn't going to become Guild Wars 3



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2 hours ago, Metaljaw.6437 said:

Event last 6 days and the chest is awarded once per day per account. - WTF?

If you are going to require us to complete an event multiple times per day for an event at least make sure you are rewarding people for the completions you are REQUIRING!

Many are thinking it and map chat has proven it, your just saying 😉 👍

Edited by Seth Moonshadow.2710
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I think the biggest problem with this event is... after the initial rush, how often are groups going to be able to summon forth 50 people at once for the private instance? So while the achievements are ostensibly able to be earned after this event, the odds of late-comers actually being able to get them after, let's say 2 months, becomes incredibly low. 2 months is both quite a ways off, yet not really at the same time, so that bears consideration. Meta trains can accumulate 50+ people across all their squads, but that's in part because metas are typically relatively easy and rewarding. This fight is, currently, prone to bugging out platforms, harder as a baseline, and the rewards aren't bad but they're more limited in use than the rewards you get from things like meta trains. 

Once the rush is over, if there's no public option then I sincerely doubt you'll be able to get a Marionette squad formed more than "infrequently." And if I had to guess, there may be people who form squads for this specifically on a schedule, but if you fall outside that schedule... good luck ever running it. If anything, this just highlights the feeling that a lot of people get in new content releases where they feel like they need to rush the achievements or else getting them will be more difficult or time-consuming later on down the line, and I feel like this event is likely no exception to that feeling for them.

I won't comment on difficulty of the encounter, moreso just concerned about the 50 people needed combined with the comparatively limited reward for the effort required. 

Edited by Caitir.6947
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27 minutes ago, Caitir.6947 said:

I think the biggest problem with this event is... after the initial rush, how often are groups going to be able to summon forth 50 people at once for the private instance?

AAARRGGHH I hate to sound and say what I want to right now, and I should not. Because I would only be stooping to the level of those who bag on a player like me. So I won't I WILL stand taller and say instead: THIS is the problem with going to "Challenging Content" it will exclude a set of players for (look at forums for reasons) many reason that are their own. It will certainly be my last time playing this awsome event once the "Public" version goes away. But maybe that's what this game is moving to? It seems that way. I hope it's not. EoD and post EoD will tell for sure.

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Thank you for bringing this up, Metaljaw.  You're saying out loud what many others are thinking.  


This event has been requested and awaited for several years.  I was hoping it would be an event where private squads could shine, but yet again, I find myself waiting the two hours for a public squad.  I am lucky - I'm on vacation this week.  Others are not so lucky.


'Why' private squads are less desirable by some/many of us differs by our interests and personalities.  Here's my "why":


  • I like a challenge, but not if the challenge is about dealing with snotty and dismissive people.  
  • I can learn - and I certainly appreciate advice. But since GW1 I have detested the "you suck unless you use this build" attitude.  Try this on for size - YOU suck if you can't achieve your goals without your awesome, elite build. Perhaps you'll learn something from me?!
  • I don't mind losing and trying again.  Especially if the group has a degree of comradery and humility. This experience is part of my reward.
  • I DO mind having toxic comments thrown in my face in-game, and I DO mind being kicked from a group because I don't meet another player's standards.  


I do enjoy the fashion-wars part of the game, and who doesn't like shinies?  I ask you this - is being dumped on by so-called elite players and/or denied in-game rewards part of Anet's grand design for GW2?  


So after a few tries with the TM private squads, I decided to "flush" that experience down the sewer (where it belongs, in my opinion), and joined some public squads - each time so far has been a fun ride!  It will take me a long time to be desperate enough to enter a private squad for TM (and other events).  Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me.


I realize you can't make everyone happy, and it is great that GW2 attracts so many players with different likes and dislikes.  But if the content is intended to inspire cooperative game play, but instead creates divisions between players, perhaps more "innovation" is needed.

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2 hours ago, Seth Moonshadow.2710 said:

Actually there is a large player base that thinks that is more fun than you would think. Some of us derive our joy from the journey not the destination! A good reason I'm glad to read Guild Wars 2 isn't going to become Guild Wars 3



Exactly. This is why I don't play Monster Hunter:World at all. The PVE was long and drawn out and very easy to fail after the first few monsters. I'm not against doing harder content, and there are times I've tried to push my limits in this game, but I don't want to be doing that more than maybe 10% of my total /played time.

Also the meta in dragonfall felt really epic. You can have good metas that aren't particularly difficult (though that particular one does require SOME coordination and heaven help you if you fall out of the stack, the AOE will destroy you instantly.

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24 minutes ago, Monika Mu Phi.4378 said:

I like a challenge, but not if the challenge is about dealing with snotty and dismissive people.  

  • I can learn - and I certainly appreciate advice. But since GW1 I have detested the "you suck unless you use this build" attitude.  Try this on for size - YOU suck if you can't achieve your goals without your awesome, elite build. Perhaps you'll learn something from me?!

Unfortunately, given the tight timers on the platform, this is exactly what the devs are saying it feels like. It's like they forgot there's a ridiculous % of stat combinations that are un-optimal for damage. One of my 3 attempts clearly failed the DPS check on the platforms. The people were still alive, the champ was too.

And given that huge hole in gear design, there's really no business for there being timers in anything that isn't supposed to be super high-end raiding.

I do think though, that this is what raids SHOULD have been. That way at least there's something close to guild-level involvement instead of 10 special people. If it had meaningful difficulty levels it would have actually been perfect

Edited by Firebeard.1746
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4 minutes ago, MarkoGold.7126 said:

Another post that whines about marionette being hard, which its not its downright easy if you can just use your brain and get people who can do the same.

Except the only group of people I regularly play with WvW and wouldn't even fill a 50 man squad, so it sounds like these parameters are quite clearly out of the bounds of normal play for me by your definition. Otherwise I'm taking a risk someone doesn't know what they're doing each time I try. In fact that's a huge problem with a lot of Anet's large group content design, they're willing to punish most of the players over a few who can't do it. The worst part about this is it's 40+ players.

The craziest part about this is the massive differences in effectiveness between players. I'm personally satisfied when I can carry something. And if they gave me the option to more often, I might do some content like this more often. But no. If they let people carry, then they could add a new dimension to harder content and make it less toxic.

Edited by Firebeard.1746
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3 minutes ago, Firebeard.1746 said:

Except the only group of people I regularly play with WvW and wouldn't even fill a 50 man squad, so it sounds like these parameters are quite clearly out of the bounds of normal play for me by your definition. Otherwise I'm taking a risk someone doesn't know what they're doing each time I try. In fact that's a huge problem with a lot of Anet's large group content design, they're willing to punish most of the players over a few who can't do it. The worst part about this is it's 40+ players.

The craziest part about this is the massive differences in effectiveness between players. I'm personally satisfied when I can carry something. And if they gave me the option to more often, I might do some content like this more often. But no.

you do realize you can tag up right and make your own squad of 50 player near instantly atm right, then just sort them.


there is always a way if you are not lazy and put in some effort.

Edited by MarkoGold.7126
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1 minute ago, MarkoGold.7126 said:

you do realize you can tag up right and make your own squad of 50 player near instantly atm right, then just sort them.


there is always a way if you are not lazy and put in some effort.

Except every time I could end up with people who can't platform. In fact I've been in at least 2 organized squads that can't and 1 public that can't. What you're saying doesn't match your last statement as you must have capable players filling your entire squad.

You make it sound like getting those 49+ other players are trivial. Pretty sure given my last Marrionette run I can carry my own weight now, but it's pointless for me to queue if I'm not confident the other 49 can't.

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2 minutes ago, Firebeard.1746 said:

Except every time I could end up with people who can't platform. In fact I've been in at least 2 organized squads that can't and 1 public that can't. What you're saying doesn't match your last statement as you must have capable players filling your entire squad.

sound like a people filtering problem add li requirement or some other dont take the lowest common denominator.

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1 minute ago, MarkoGold.7126 said:

sound like a people filtering problem add li requirement or some other dont take the lowest common denominator.

You've just disproved your own premise with this statement and I'm okay with that. At least its overall flavor. You're acting like one piece of your equation is trivial when it's obviously not.

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5 minutes ago, MarkoGold.7126 said:

sound like a people filtering problem add li requirement or some other dont take the lowest common denominator.

It absolutely is a people filtering problem ... and not one that should be the burden of the player to do mind you. Like somehow people who are braindead come labelled that way by the game? No, they aren't ... so the idea that somehow it's all on the player to filter 50 people in a reasonable amount of time to create a successful private instance seems rather stupid now doesn't it?

Edited by Obtena.7952
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30 minutes ago, MarkoGold.7126 said:

Another post that whines about marionette being hard, which its not its downright easy if you can just use your brain and get people who can do the same.

Reading comprehension 101. I don't give 2 you-know-whats about the difficulty. I do care about achievements out of line with the timing of the event that put me in a position doing a high probability fail event that takes 20 minutes for .5g only when it succeeds.



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High fail?  I've yet to fail the event in the Public version.

You keep changing the complaint.

First is was 'worthless sprockets', now it's 50 silver is not enough.


You know, some players just like the event, and play it more than once a day, even though it doesn't give lavish rewards.


I hope the Devs decide to keep the Public version, past the one week....just because it is fun for many, and not because some feel they aren't rewarded enough for playing a game.

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16 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

First is was 'worthless sprockets', now it's 50 silver is not enough.

If you are gonna quote, at least make it something I said. I never said the sprockets were "worthless." As someone pointed out they are going for 1sp on the TP. So I did the math for you there.  You're welcome.


As to your "some players just like the event" line, that's fine. I don't mind the event either. Doesn't mean I don't think there should be a higher rewards for content that Devs are driving people towards.

And, yeah - high probability of failure. I have yet to see a private instance succeed.

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I am the poster that 'pointed out they sell for 1 Silver' because you said, and I quote, "But 50 sprockets. Pfah! I have too many of those in my bank already. They aren't really useful for anything considering permanent position rewinder is in game now, and the backpacks are easier to get elsewhere. Don't need any more taking up space."


'Not useful', 'taking up space' gives the impression you find them worthless.  /shrug


Regardless, the Devs aren't likely to change this Bonus Event in the remaining 6 days. 

We can only hope they decide to make permanent the event, due to popular demand.  (Which will give you want you want, though not necessarily for the reason you want.)


Personally, I don't know why it is such a big deal to do the event a mere 3 extra times for no extra reward.  Of course, other than the reward from the Achievement. 

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The Marionet is not that hard. The hard part after the public version is gone is that you have to sort out players that are not-so-good jet. This is - how to say - not optimal for all of us. It will left behind "beginners". Most of the time with no explanation. They get kicked, sorted out. No room for getting better.

Most of us fear such behavior in rl...against us - but when we are able to act that way against others, it more then just fine.

Oh, kitting - we have a NA community - they favor the you-do-not-deserve-this attitude, don't they?  

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