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IDEA: Newbie tag

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17 minutes ago, medivh.4725 said:

Or they can just map chat, do a map ask. Why a noob icon on their head?

Some people are shy maybe idk. 😛

Also, free to play accounts can't map chat, if there's a system to find players who are seeking help, or maybe it's easily identifiable on the map like a small icon where they are or an UI element that displays the names to players who are seeking help to those who activate their mentor tag sonthey can easily contact them, it would be easier to find and help those people.


For instance, mentor tag is now basically used as a commander tag. That's OK. 

But what if, in low level areas, you could also see all the players who activated their "help needed" tag? You could easily click on their names and ask what they want etc. Would be a great additional use for a mentor tag and it would actually mean what it's called. 😃


Would be perfect for f2p accounts that didn't commit yet. Once they buy the expansions, they can of course ask in map chat, but until then, this is a good way to do it.


And I'd say map chat restrictions should still apply for various reasons to f2p accounts. 

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49 minutes ago, MrGarlic.1834 said:

I like the idea, but it would need to be disabled in WvW and PvP.


It's bad enough having 'Recruit' on my name tag to attract griefers.

Yeah, PvP is kind of its own separate mode, and WvW as well, they don't share the same XP system or anything.

So this is a suggestion for the open world PvE part. That would indeed attract griefers in WvW.

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Honestly, I'd rather have enrollment option in a newbie guild for all accounts on a server that are newly made and have no characters at level 80. Once one character hits 80 (including booster) you are auto-kicked from the guild. Same thing if don't login within a month, you get auto-kicked, with the option to rejoin again.

People could "represent" under the [NEW] tag or something, or they don't have to represent. This could basically be your "newbie tag" idea, but with greater benefits to new players to make friends in game, etc.

Positive points would be players could experience the game and talk to a bunch of new players, get introduced to the guild system (at least partially) etc. Also easy to find groups with people of similar skill levels, etc. Of course they could decide to leave the guild if they don't like it.

Not sure how this would actually be managed under the current guild system, but thought it would be a cool concept to help people make friends easier in game and tackle things like story dungeons and other similar 1-80 content.

On the other hand, this could backfire horribly if there really isn't that many new players and the [NEW] guilds just become barren and give a bad first impression.

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2 hours ago, mindcircus.1506 said:

I think some kind of "Need Help Here" Tag on the map that players could use to flag for assistance would be an interesting idea.


It would also curb the consistent misuse of the Mentor Tag by players who do not use it to help others but instead use it to flag for help.

I think it's fine if they're using it to mark the location of an event which needs multiple people and they don't have a commander tag, or it doesn't need an organised squad, just a way to show people where to go.


But maybe a separate 'I need help' tag would clarify the situation for those people who need to know someone will be on hand to guide them through the event instead of simply showing where it is and so don't want to go to a mentor who is using it as a 'budget commander tag'.


I was going to say it might also prevent conversations like this in map chat:

"help pls"

"with what?"

"help pls"

"Where are you?"

"here" "boss"

"Where is here? We can't help if we can't find you"


"nvm. died. no one would help, only troll in chat"


But I suspect if they're incapable of understanding that they don't already have a map marker and that no one can find them without a location they would be equally incapable of understanding how to activate a tag.

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I think that many players are using the mentor tag to bring people near to help them.

Recently I see people using the map chat very often calling for help. When asked where (at least at lvl 80), the usual advise is to pop the mentor tag or ping a nearby POI. It's honestly not that hard to find them on the map. At least, I haven't encountered that problem.

Nothing stops us from putting our tag (the comm one if you own it) on if we're close. Revisiting all the older maps certainly increased the frequency with which I use mine to bring people together.

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10 hours ago, firedragon.8953 said:

Honestly, I'd rather have enrollment option in a newbie guild for all accounts on a server that are newly made and have no characters at level 80. Once one character hits 80 (including booster) you are auto-kicked from the guild. Same thing if don't login within a month, you get auto-kicked, with the option to rejoin again.

People could "represent" under the [NEW] tag or something, or they don't have to represent. This could basically be your "newbie tag" idea, but with greater benefits to new players to make friends in game, etc.

Positive points would be players could experience the game and talk to a bunch of new players, get introduced to the guild system (at least partially) etc. Also easy to find groups with people of similar skill levels, etc. Of course they could decide to leave the guild if they don't like it.

Not sure how this would actually be managed under the current guild system, but thought it would be a cool concept to help people make friends easier in game and tackle things like story dungeons and other similar 1-80 content.

On the other hand, this could backfire horribly if there really isn't that many new players and the [NEW] guilds just become barren and give a bad first impression.

That's a good idea and basically the same as I suggest, but if there's not a lot of new players it would look like a dead game to many people. Or would at least ve exaggerated as dead as often internet like to do. Not a good look to new players like you said.

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