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Make Spirit Watch come up more frequently

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8 hours of continuous unranked, only came up on map selection 3 times, only once got landed on rng wheel, and just had to be against an organised team doing guild mission

need to make it easier to queue for like Champion's Dusk Anet, it's frustrating to grind  for the kitten APs

would be nice if it is a permanent fixture on the map selection

Edited by crepuscular.9047
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As much as I love capture the flag in competitive games and really want to see it done right in GW2, Spirit Rise has been a tremendous disappointment and I think a lot of the community tends to see it that way as well.  The compact size of the map along with the heavy verticality leads to the secondary mechanic either being absolute suicide or something that makes any snowball matchup even worse as teams that dominate can do so even more heavily.


There's a lot of potential and I get why some people do like the map, but it's a hard sell and I don't know that making the map more prevalent in queues or worse, with it's own queue would really do any good.  I do hope that ANet revisit the idea of CTF in PvP and try to give it a better implementation.

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I like the map. I wish there was an event for Spirit Watch. Weekly. Only unranked ... and then the need for luck in having it appear + gettin voted + getting picked by the random (if not everyone votes it) ... is bad. Strongold on the other hand ... has basically it's own option to queue for it. Even though it is not too different. Justt another map with a bit differnt mechanics and they call it "other pvp game mode" and give it the own checkbox to queue. (I want this for spirit watch as well. Since I mainly play ranked for the rewards and then for spirit watch ... trying the luck ... with low changes ... in unranked ... not good.)


Just staying ranked and hoping for a safer/better way to get Spirit Watch specifically. Or they should add it to ranked again.


Main problem of the map though is that there is still the conquest (capture points ticking). Maybe they could remove this and turn it into a pure capture the flag (orb) style of a map. (Just now with enemy flag to capture but the orb in the mid.)


Then they could add it as a similar thing like Stronghold - with it's own checkbox for unranked. (To either queue for everything, for normal conquest, for stronghold or for spirit watch/capture the orb - or a combination of those.)


A lot of options for team play. (Defending orb carrier and CC.) Though I think I liked it better back then at the beginning. I played from release until end 2013 and then back in June 2019 at GW2. And I think they had a lot more restrictions placed on the map (or skills that could be used while carrying the orb.) To makt it more "balanced" (but feeling more boring also - less stuff possible). If they do not even have it in ranked ... why not just experiment? Allow more?


Make it without conquest. (Only capping orbs giving points.) Allow a lot of buffs. To creat fun matches just for the fun lol. (Though with randoms then it might be boring if one team uses superspeed and CC perfectly and the other one not. But I would love that.)

Edited by Luthan.5236
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/21/2021 at 4:20 AM, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

Sry I can't get past the 8 hrs of continual pvp, gw2's pvp.......... u are some kind of animal. I can't even last a hr+ before questioning myself.

it's the weekend, done my daily farm routine, and I want to complete all the non ranked pvp APs

not as bad as you think, i find it to be rather hands off compare to wvw or map meta farm, ~5min break every ~12min

I can't do continuous hands on keyboard, i feel burnt out from just a single SW RIBA run

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On 7/21/2021 at 1:02 AM, Fueki.4753 said:
On 7/21/2021 at 12:48 AM, WhoWantsAHug.3186 said:

There is 100% no way it only came up 3 times in 8 hours. You are lying. 

It's definitely possible that crepuscular.9047 got extremely unlucky with the random map selection.


it's kinda the average if you think about it, first map slot is 1/9 chance, 2nd map slot is 1/8 chance, and 3rd slot is 1/7 chance, so the chance for a map you want for conquest is avg 1/8 chance to come up, and it's average 3.5 matches per hour, so having it only come up within the 8 hours play time is what you may expect


but then there's still the hoop of map picking, being a map that's unlikely to be picked by 9 other players, that further reduces the chance for the map to be played


I'd be happy if Anet just remove the map picker, even the chance of 1/9 is still better than having to go through the 2nd rng of map picker

Edited by crepuscular.9047
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