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Warrior espec icon and weapon


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8 hours ago, Acyk.9671 said:

basically the same gameplay....

If Anet is going to introduce any more spiritual forms, Rev shouldn't be the recipient again. Give it to Necro as the new E-spec looks like Joseung Saja with pistol. Playing with souls or spirits would make sense.




Icerazor IS single-target. He just switches to a new target if his first target dies. Breakrazor, Razorclaw, and Soulcleave are all buffing spirits instead. The only one that can really be described as a "fancy AoE" is Darkrazor.


And in this process, it's a reasonable cross-section of the types of spirits that Ritualist actually had. People focus on the single-target attack spirits, but there were a variety of spirits to choose from. Renegade spirits were just relatively short range and short duration to fit with a profession that is more oriented towards melee and close-range fighting than standoff fighting, and which is expected to switch to another legend every 10-30 seconds or so.


Which, to address another assertion: I don't think "Arenanet is breaking the rules!" means that revenant is going to get an elite specialisation that removes legend swapping. Legend swapping is revenant's thing, two core traitlines are largely based around triggering effects on legend swapping (and ArenaNet does seem to be careful to avoid invalidating core traits with elite specialisations), and legend swapping is the compensation for not being able to choose utility skills freely like other professions. If an elite specialisation concept requires not having legend swapping to work, it would be better on a profession that doesn't have legend swapping to begin with.

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