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Do WvW have any back story? Why are we fighting?


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2 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Yeah and as we saw in Dragonfall, they can cross over to our side under specific conditions as well, but don't because of reasons.


Honestly, once they become mist beings they probably gain an expanded awareness and understand that their place are in the Mists and purposefully do not cross over unless absolutely needed as we have seen in the story. That and they probably cannot cross over for long anyway. I think the only reason we say some of them for so long in Dragonfall is that it wasn't really that long, and we were standing on portions of the god's realms so they most likely functioned as something of an anchor for them.

Ah yes, Dragonfall had Mist beings, totally forgot, been ages since i did that meta.

Yeah, Kralk took some of the mists with him when he fell, that's why there's 4 different areas there around him. That "gound" was mist ground so naturally mist beings can go there. Plus, Kralk was there, that's huge amount of magic in one place so... That has something to do with it probably lol. He was, after all, the one tearing the mists and opening portals to them.


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3 hours ago, Hadi.6025 said:

Well if you mean when the player died in POF when Balthazar killed you . But WvW existed before the player actually died in that. And he's saying also who are the other players we're fighting? Aren't they the commander as well? maybe from a different universe lol. Are we all just fighting our selves from different universes lmao. That's some freaky stuff. 

Nah the player has always been immortal. In fact if you think about it, the player is probably the oldest elder dragon, so old they forgot they are a dragon and exist everywhere all the time in all dimensions. Think about it even deeper. How can you basicly travel backwards or forwards in time at will just by interacting with objects? It make no sense!

The lore is wrong. Wrong I say!

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On 8/5/2021 at 8:44 AM, Hadi.6025 said:

 i've seen countless deaths my self. But i ask my self... What does this all mean? All this fighting? All this pain... Why are we here? What does this all mean? 




Sad isn’t it?  I ask myself the same question in the real world.  At least here in gw2 it’s just fantasy.  

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