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Legendary Sigils, Runes, or another weapon?

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1 hour ago, Cyninja.2954 said:


The Gift of Battle reward track has no end chest. The end reward is the GoB.


The total amount of mystic clovers from the GoB reward track is 2, just as for most other reward tracks. 

Honestly I haven't played the game super heavy in the last few years and sometimes I just don't pay attention anymore even when I do. So I guess my memory's just bad on this one.

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21 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:


Cost isn't really a problem. It's more that there are account bound sigils/runes and it's annoying if I replace them and have to make them again.

Well I guess to me I dont know how to consider the question of which to make next without considering the cost and convenvience differences between each choice. That is, how much I will likely have to spend to use sigils, runes and weapons for multiple toons and builds and which seems like it would give me the most benefit for the cost and time.


The point I was really trying to make is that most of the sigils I can think of that I use for various meta builds and a few silver each. A few less common sigils are expensive like Tormenting, but most seem to be a few silver so that causes me to feel a legendary sigil has rather low average value/benefit. The same could arguably be made for runes, but I just feel like I would get allot more general build flexibility with a set of legendary runes, but then I have to remember I need more runes than sigils so a set of runes is a bit more than a set of sigils and one rune is probably not that handy. =p


So for me Im leaning toward making a set of runes next, but I will probably wait till I have the materials to make all 6 at once.

Edited by Moradorin.6217
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7 hours ago, Hannelore.8153 said:

The Gift of Battle Reward Track is the only one that gives Mystic Clovers, regular tracks don't except in the end chest, while the GoB track gives both clovers in the track itself and the end chest. You can easily make anywhere from 4-12 clovers a day with boosters, since a fully boosted track takes about four hours to complete, and you can do this while only following  zerg (or even small groups) around and keeping your participation up.


The only superior source of clovers is the unrepeatable tracks, and Drizzlewood Coast, which gets extremely tiring to farm in comparison since it basically has no variation unlike WvW.


Fractals could, in theory, net you similar rates but it means dealing with CMs.


Keep in mind the reason to go for clovers by these methods instead of forging them (or waiting for monthly chest etc.) is because all other methods of obtaining them net you gold for the item itself, instead of taking gold away. For example, right now Memories of Battle in WvW are at their peak price, and although the gold-per-hour rates are still lower than PvE gold farms, you're still gaining rather than losing.

You're suggesting someone spend 8-12 hours in WVW for one day for mystic clovers in WVW. Just think about that for a moment. PvE on average is 20-30g per hour which is roughly 3 mystic clovers (the valuation is ~7g or just over 3 mystic coins) even if you gamble with mystic forge instead of using the fractal vendor (150 relics per clover can be done with regular T4+recs as that is ~144 relics, plus 15 pristine relics = 225 relics per day).

Reward tracks by profit can be seen at fast farming's site

Regular tracks do drop clovers, if you don't think so then you haven't played WvW a lot. You can even reference the article on the wiki: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mystic_Clover

There's something called opportunity cost by the way. If you don't normally WvW then playing WvW instead of doing PvE nets you less gold/hour on average (people have clocked WvW in at ~7g/hour). That's precisely why many people do daily fractals and/or strikes to finance WvW.


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6 hours ago, Hannelore.8153 said:

Honestly I haven't played the game super heavy in the last few years and sometimes I just don't pay attention anymore even when I do. So I guess my memory's just bad on this one.


Please double check your facts a bit better then, considering the game has changed.  We're lucky here that I have time to waste in WvW, but whoever else that's  reading this may have the wrong idea and they would not be happy with the incorrect information if they end up wasting their time.


Because of the length of your other post, I suggest you edit out the incorrect information.


I do appreciate it that you're trying to help, but this can lead to problems. 

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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3 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:


Please double check your facts a bit better then, considering the game has changed.  We're lucky here that I have time to waste in WvW, but whoever else that's  reading this may have the wrong idea and they would not be happy with the incorrect information if they end up wasting their time.


Because of the length of your other post, I suggest you edit out the incorrect information.


I do appreciate it that you're trying to help, but this can lead to problems. 

1. The replies in this thread a being too zealous over a simple mistake.

2. Editing out information is pointless once people have quoted it, as it doesn't change the quoted content. It just makes the person looking like they're trying to lie instead of being honest.


Everyone makes mistakes and we all cause problems sometimes, and its best left at that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh, I just realized either a sigil or rune takes 50 Provisioner Tokens no matter what! And with some of these options being rather pricey, it looks like I should only buy 2-3 a day until I run out of Reclaimed Players or something (obsidian and mystic stones are a good sink I guess).

But it would take 200 tokens for sigils.... and 300-350 for runes. That would take half a year of nonstop buying @ 3 a day, so maybe there's gotta be better options?


Yea I did say cost wasn't too big of a problem but trying to figure out a good balance between cost and time here.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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1 minute ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

Oh, I just realized either a sigil or rune takes 50 Provisioner Tokens no matter what! And with some of these options being rather pricey, it looks like I should only buy 2-3 a day until I run out of Reclaimed Players or something (obsidian and mystic stones are a good sink I guess).

But it would take 200 tokens for sigils.... and 300-350 for runes. That would take half a year of nonstop buying @ 3 a day, so maybe there's gotta be better options?


You get 10 if you do 5 raid cms a week.

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