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Ideas for making a introducing a new playable race in the future


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From what I gather, one of the main issues about bringing in a new race is the personal story and how it would work with the core game. Some believe you would need to redo all the old PS chapters to accommodate a new race (or two ;) ) .

If Anet were to ever make a new playable race, it should probably be introduced with a future expansion.

Now let us say this expansion has 10 total story chapters. The old players will play the last 7 as the main story. The first 3 chapters will be unique and new PS stories in cannon for the new races that will lead them to the final 7 chapters.

This solution makes new races possible, doesn't spoil cannon, creates fully new content without redoing anything and wasting resources as some would say.

"But how do they experience all the old stuff as these new races?" ...Short answer, they do not. Now, this requires a bit of role playing on the player's part. Like with LS1, these events have passed, and surely we have seen that new races were not present for these events.

Just go back and play them on old characters if you want old content.

Note: The new races can still go out in open world and all explorable areas, just any story part may not be there.

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I have 9 toons. If one of them can´t do the storyline I already have grown quite bored of when I made it with the 3rd character and I could make a Tengu Samurai or Bowman in exchange, Anet could just shut up and take my money. It´s not uncommon either, both WOW and DAOC did it.

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Anet could just offer new races as costumes with limited armour choices, or exclusive armours even. And have them as either massive massive grinds to get or $20 from the cash shop, esp with another $20 for the exclusive armours to go with. If Anet thought they'd make a decent profit from the venture then maybe they would.

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@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:Take a look at the existing threads on new races: it's not just the personal story.

e.g. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/10366/any-chance-of-a-new-race-anet

Yeah, but it seems most of those turn into arguments as to the possibility of how it will or will not happen.

I intend for this thread to be a brainstorm to present ideas for solving "the problems".

So if there is an issue, state it, and offer a solution if you have one please. ("Don't make one"...not a solution)

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@Dyfinz.2348 said:I intend for this thread to be a brainstorm to present ideas for solving "the problems".Brainstorming is a great idea. It requires, however, being able to state the issues needing to be addressed.

@Dyfinz.2348 said:From what I gather, one of the main issues about bringing in a new race is the personal story and how it would work with the core game.It's only one issue, not necessarily the "main" one.(And the solution that you offer doesn't actually address it; it just reduces the scope of what 'new story' means. And, as many people have noted, that might not satisfy what people want from a new race.)

So if there is an issue, state it,I have done so... in many other threads. If you really want a new race, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with those details.

I ask again that you re-read the other threads on the topic so you can see just how many things need to be addressed before the likelihood of adding a new race changes substantially.

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Races are a casualty of the way that Anet designed this game without much scalability in mind. In trying to make the game really awesome, the erred on the side of going too grandiose with a lot of the core concepts, which creates a problem of being hard to expand on in the ways people really want to see. A bit of a rookie mistake, honestly, and I worry they made a similar mistake with mounts, but we'll see.

That said, I still think they need to find a way to make it happen. Adding new races would be a good way to add new PS and leveling zones to the game, which I honestly think GW2 would benefit from.

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