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PvP is fun but it's getting stale.


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Can we get new rewards, new maps, new game modes, something, something, not ugly obsidian weapons, something plsssssss? I know you guys said "oh we're working on this we're working on that" but you also said "when? Oh not anywhere in the near future :/ "Like come on mannn. Maybe spread out your release schedule? One improvement at a time? We dont need a million things at once and then a bunch of nothing for 10 years to come. We just want steady gradual improvements that will make the game mode feel fresh and an awareness that the devs are working on pvp related things. Right now you seem to lump everything in either a LS episode patch or in a mid season balance patch. Like why can't you just spread out your release schedule so that people arent dying while waiting for content in this terrible summer heat? Also speaking of mid season balance patch... why even? Whoever thought it was a good idea to release a balance patch in the middle of a season is an idiot who is getting paid a lot more than they really should be. You dont need a 4.0 GPA fresh out of college or 30 years worth of experience in the industry to know that the whole point of a pvp season is to make sure balance is different with every iteration. Otherwise what's the point of the season? Balance should be fresh at the start of a season. Even the animals know that!

Tldr: Need new stuff. Release little by little regularly maybe. Also mid season balance is stupid.

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@Les.4872 said:

@FyzE.3472 said:Yeah right. 2024 may be.


The problem is anet doesnt have the dev support atleast when it comes to spvp to pump out content..... rewards sure but content i doubt they cant hardly keep up with balance patch demand... 2 me and this is my opinion premade content is the answerm..relying on the community to form friendships to bring people into the community etc etc is the answer. Plus its way funner and more interesting to play with friends

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@Kako.1930 said:PvP is like Belcher's bluff. It's left there out of laziness but you're not actually expected to play it, and no effort is being put into keeping it alive. That's my theory, at least.

Like WvW.And raids.And guild halls, guild missions, any other guild content.And dungeons.And fractals + cms.Are we still doing legendaries? I guess when we're done with gen2 legendaries we can quit with this too.

The content with regular enough updates to actually keep it alive is LS.

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@Nova.3817 said:

@Les.4872 said:

@FyzE.3472 said:Yeah right. 2024 may be.


The problem is anet doesnt have the dev support atleast when it comes to spvp to pump out content..... rewards sure but content i doubt they cant hardly keep up with balance patch demand... 2 me and this is my opinion premade content is the answerm..relying on the community to form friendships to bring people into the community etc etc is the answer. Plus its way funner and more interesting to play with friends

Yea but there's only so much the community can do before everyone gets bored and demotivated. Like PvP in itself is fun but long periods of the same stuff can really wear people out. Like it's not that anet doesnt have enough dev support. They have plenty of devs who work on new content but I find their biggest problem to be their inefficiency to put out the content that they're working on. Like I said in the post, they should just release bits and bits of content that they have completed. One step at a time. Right now they plan all these new things and even when some of them are already done and ready (e.g. the new raid wing), they put off releasing the content until another big LS update or something. It's stupid really. I'd rather they release the stuff that's ready instead of waiting to release everything together in a big patch. The time in between these LS updates is too long and at the very least getting small consistent updates will keep the community feeling fresh for a longer period of time. Like instead of releasing a new map, a new reward system and new skins at the same time, maybe spread out their release in 1 month intervals or something.

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@Les.4872 said:

@Les.4872 said:

@FyzE.3472 said:Yeah right. 2024 may be.


The problem is anet doesnt have the dev support atleast when it comes to spvp to pump out content..... rewards sure but content i doubt they cant hardly keep up with balance patch demand... 2 me and this is my opinion premade content is the answerm..relying on the community to form friendships to bring people into the community etc etc is the answer. Plus its way funner and more interesting to play with friends

Yea but there's only so much the community can do before everyone gets bored and demotivated. Like PvP in itself is fun but long periods of the same stuff can really wear people out. Like it's not that anet doesnt have enough dev support. They have plenty of devs who work on new content but I find their biggest problem to be their inefficiency to put out the content that they're working on. Like I said in the post, they should just release bits and bits of content that they have completed. One step at a time. Right now they plan all these new things and even when some of them are already done and ready (e.g. the new raid wing), they put off releasing the content until another big LS update or something. It's stupid really. I'd rather they release the stuff that's ready instead of waiting to release everything together in a big patch. The time in between these LS updates is too long and at the very least getting small consistent updates will keep the community feeling fresh for a longer period of time. Like instead of releasing a new map, a new reward system and new skins at the same time, maybe spread out their release in 1 month intervals or something.

i agree more needs to be done but allowing the community the ability to entertain itself would go a long way towards that... plus a larger population lends to more support which lends to more content i do understand your point and have made a previous post about how the spvp community will not be around for the so called AT changes if they dont do some band aid fixes in the meantime

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Hey guys come on. It's not like they have the people resources to work on pvp. I mean there are like 50 people working 24/7 365 on flashy skins you can buy with night shift and day shift working.

The part time intern or chained up monkey working on pvp takes time to work so maybe around time for guild wars 3. PvP here might be ok finally.

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I find it kind of humorous that the few updates you'd like to see are not things which would help improve the gamemode in any meaningful way (imo ofc). Profession skill and trait updates (not balance) are the only things I can see that would significantly improve this game mode; and the game as a whole.

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Sorry you will play circle dance on the same maps forever.Balance will always be a complete joke.ANET will never communicate with us in a meaningful way.The game mode is on little more than maintenance mode.Automated tournaments are a silly farm for ANet's golden favored sons who really delude themselves into being GodsofPVP. They will never be punished for their myriad transgressions and laugh at ANet and openly defy and mock them in discord and otherwise.They will never ban the jerks who have been match manipulating and cheating otherwise since launch.They will overpromise and under deliver.Ranked will mean nothing from season 13 on and its population will die since no more titles, but nothing else to make people want to play.You will not be able to play ranked with your friends sorry get used to being lonely and sad on garbo random teams filled with idiots, bots, PVE farmers, and every other possible bad thing.They will never bring back 5 man que. They got rid of it due to a foolish poll that only 5-10% of the player base answered. They did not do this based on good sense or logic. They promised to revisit the issue and that duo was on a trial basis but of course never did.

If you want decent PVP this isn't the game for it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@"Vieux P.1238" said:IT'S BEEN STALE FOR YEARS"since 1 year after launch.

Yet players just can't get enough of it. Majority voted for SoloQ and still play alone like crazy. If PvP is still very much active, it means people love it. So why change it?! Nobody would change an extremely active gameplay just because a few people complain on forums. Therefore... it only remains to congratulate designers for doing nothing and keeping the fun going that way for many years.

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@Alin.2468 said:

@"Vieux P.1238" said:IT'S BEEN STALE FOR YEARS"since 1 year after launch.

Yet players just can't get enough of it. Majority voted for SoloQ and still play alone like crazy. If PvP is still very much active, it means people love it. So why change it?! Nobody would change an extremely active gameplay just because a few people complain on forums. Therefore... it only remains to congratulate designers for doing nothing and keeping the fun going that way for many years.

Oh i agree in some way's. Overall Gw2 pvp has something about it's fighting style that other mmo's don't have. & that's what keep players coming. But they often just do a few matches then leaves. But the real problem is it's the same over & over conquest run around caps. With the same over & over builds. STALE & BORING.

Gw2 pvp players are just patiently playing gw2 pvp till they leave it in 2020 when the next big hyped mmo made it right. & i'm not talking about Eastern Korean crap mmo. I'm talking about something done here & done right. Let's hope it is.

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In reality if they wanted to spice things up and actually maybe start to improve pvp. There are a few different ways they can.

  • Bring on the dual class system like gw1 :primary class is what your expansion specs are and your weapon choices. All skills and traits are open for picking.

  • Move on from circlequest non competitive PvP or heck just convert all maps to TDM so they can actually be competitive maps.

  • Bring back full teams in ranked ( single and duo ques promote wintraders )

  • Make 2 separate leaderboards one for solo queue and he other for teams of 2, 3 and 5.

  • Actually solve balance issues like 1,000 evades, blocks and invulnerability while being able to spam mass damage. You either get to avoid everything or you can do lots of damage. Not both.

Last idea is just remake guild wars 1 remastered because it had the most epic PvP with hundreds of skill combos and builds to choose from.

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