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Everything posted by Zalavaaris.5329

  1. Hey anet, I like to give my friends stuff in game as gifts for Xmas, bdays, etc. Etc. Is there any chance you can make a box so we can package items into them to send them in the mail? That way they can open the box and be surprised. I know the mail technically could function as this but to me it isn't as exciting to open the mail and just see the item. Opening the mail, seeing a box with a bow, opening it, and having the surprise of getting an item would be soooo cool. Thanks!
  2. I can't tell you how much I always wished a necro in gw2 would go all zhaitan and literally raise the dead. The little meat minions aren't as edgy as I'd like. I've always wanted that to be different as a necro person in all games that will allow me to.
  3. This is the definition for necromancy. "Necromancy is the practice of magic or black magic involving communication with the dead – either by summoning their spirits as apparitions, visions or raising them bodily" It should scratch the summoner itch.
  4. Streamer =/= more experienced. Been playing since 2012 beta weekends and have done all content in this game that could be considered difficult
  5. Couldn't give a kitten less what streamers say honestly.
  6. I'll legit ask for a refund and quit gw2 if they pull that bs balancing act. I hate that balance... let's make something good, nerf it, and nerf the only other good option to drive expac sales. Gtfo of here with that.... (aimed at anet not you)
  7. 100% yes... this this this... im not taking this dog doo spec when 2 other alternatives are so much better. And if you nerf those to compensate I'll probably just not play gw2 anymore lol
  8. Not enough damage to warrant taking it. Before the nerfs it was a good trade off to be glass cannon. Now they are just glass slipper.... still glass but no dam. I'll stick to other classes.
  9. With severely nerfed damage it isn't worth playing. For the trade off you'd need 40+k. At this rate I'll stick to reaper and scourge.
  10. It's brain dead easy and costs no money. It's an rgb participation trophy. You literally fell asleep multiple times and still finished it... hand out
  11. Honestly I'm going to go for the pvp amulet anyway because I'm not into handout legendaries. That and the amulet has more rgb than a 14 year Olds gaming pc.
  12. Yea you'd have to put those infusions in your bank and save up for the other ones. Or you could destroy the ones you don't like. How many ugly infusions do you have? Is every slot filled with an ugly infusion you hate? Or can you just get 1 or 2 of the stat infusions and slap the others on an alt or in the bank?
  13. You're arguing over semantics and me saying all you want. The only point I was trying to make was that there are alternatives. I have 3 characters decked out in these infusions and that's all I wanted. If you don't want to put the effort in to get them I can't really give af. But the actualy point I was making isn't wrong.
  14. I didnt say it was cheap. Nice cosmetic infusions aren't cheap either. What I said was they were available without a cosmetic portion from a vendor. You can get hung on the easily available statement. Or I'll rephrase to you can grind and buy some. Either way, if you don't want to look at them just buy the stat infusions from the vendor, yes, with some work. Satisfied?
  15. Just like you said, through fractals and wvw you can get all of them.
  16. That makes no sense.. you can buy all the stat infusions you want with no effect attached from a vendor.
  17. What would be the point of buying special infusions if you just want to hide them? Lol
  18. Absolutely 100% no to this idea.... a shared 1 second GCD I can get behind though.
  19. I dont remember that part. I made aurora a few months ago before this event started and had to manually farm everything. I just remember the stumps being needed for that map.
  20. You must not have tried to do any high end content with it back in the day. Nobody wanted necros. You can watch old tea times with nemesis where they go into detail on why nobody wants them. It was for sure a thing. To specify, im not saying they WERE bad, but they were unwanted. Whether that was merited or not.
  21. Wait... I don't get it... if you already did all the return achievements you already have all the map currencies you need... what did you do with them?
  22. I wreck necros with my staff DD.... what's your problem with necros? Lol
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