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Everything posted by Zalavaaris.5329

  1. I usually run condi on everything other than CA and all of wing 3. Usually it's about burst windows. Fights that have burst windows seem to favor power builds. Condis ramping up and staying up is where they shine. Having to constantly let all your condis fall off and reramp them is a pretty big loss.
  2. It's not a treadmill...... what are you talking about?!? It's a ladder... you get to the top and you're done... FOREVER If they make a gw3 I probably won't play it. I've got too much time invested in this game to want to start over.
  3. I've been a die hard fan of gw2 since the beta weekends and head start. This is absolutely my game and they struck the PERFECT balance between gear progression and not having a treadmill. Also for the record I did play GW1 as well. Couldn't jump... hated it.... never went back.
  4. It's not bad at all... the entitlement on this forum is mind boggling... you want it? Make a legendary. I have several, but not for all weapons I use. In those cases I have multiple ascended I use, one for each stat combo I need. It's one of the ONLY forms of gear progression I get....
  5. But with easily available ascended items (which are stored in the equipment templates anyway) why is easly stat swapping important? You can change the stats on ascended and most people don't use all the stats on legendaries. They use 2 maybe 3 stat combos. Why couldn't you just get that many ascended pieces for way less time and money?
  6. It's far from free. You earn that benefit from the time and gold you put into making them. It would take far less time and money to literally use different ascended items of different stats.
  7. It's semantics I guess. If we want to call convenience and quality of life power then so be it. There's just not unfair advantage to them. You could make multiple ascended items and buy larger bags to make up for the space difference for less than the cost of a legendary so at the end of the day I only think of stats as power. But if we are arguing semantics we will never see eye to eye based on our own definitions. So I'll say this, if more convenience is power then yes, they are more convenient than any other item in the game. Can you agree that they provide no statistical advantage? Because that was 100% my argument.
  8. Yes they are! But not more powerful. Thats the discussion.
  9. You're just wrong.... tell me... if im in a 1v1 duel with an ascended gs with berserker stats and im fighting someone with a twilight with berserker stats, how does his sword have an advantage over me? It doesn't. In raids, does he do more dps than me? Maybe, but it certainly won't be because of their twilight... It's like saying my 32 slot bags are more powerful than your 20 slot bags. It makes no sense... its more quality of life but not more power.
  10. Wrong, thats not power. THAT is convenience. Another player can have as many weapons as they need to accomplish the same goal. Next Edit: for the person who was confused with my statement. I'll break it down and I'll type it out slowly so you can read it. Power..... is....... stats...... More..... power...... = (that's an equals sign for the confused among you) more...... stats.....
  11. In what way does this power allow you to beat another player at the game? I need 1 official game mode that someone can beat another player in by having a legendary.
  12. I would care about this but being that gen 3 look like a black lion weapon set..... I don't really care.
  13. Mmmmmmmhmmmmmm I'm putting on my biggest "suuuuuuuuure" face.
  14. Your icon is showing your bias amazingly well. I don't even know if you've ever played necro to even give an honest opinion. I think you either lost to a necro in pvp or was bottom dps to a necro in a pug raid even though weaver should on paper do more. That must sting... I guess I understand why you're here now.
  15. Well with the old system you'd lose both legendaries if you sold eternity. How is this any different? You cant make 2 legendaries and then combine them to make 1, sell it, and still have a legendary. That's asking for a free legendary. Can't happen.
  16. There's a great discord out there called RA short for raid academy. They will teach you what you need to know. You just get on the discord whenever you're ready to play, sign up, and play for however long you want and learn. Once you've gotten some practice you'd probably be fine to then jump into random pugs to get faster clears.
  17. Thats fine too! Everyone's journey is different. I wouldn't rush it. Enjoy the journey! For reference, I need 350 LI to finish my goal so I get the struggle lol but I take it week by week!
  18. Thats because one of the main time sinks is the requirement of legendary insights. You get one from each boss you kill with a maximum of 25 per week. You need 150 for your first full set. So it does require 6 weeks of raiding to get it. I was just trying to point out that it isn't exclusively raid content is all. It's a lot of fun!
  19. It actually does require work outside of raids. It requires events from HoT, it requires something called provisioners tokens, and it also requires currency from fractals, pvp, and wvw. The collection is also based around open world HoT events. You actually need to do quite a few of the HoT map Meta events to make each piece.
  20. In all honesty, for me, it's a name change. The current raids have no trash (in some areas I guess but VERY sparse). The raids feel like you're running from boss to boss anyway so strikes aren't that far off. And they will offer a way for newer players to run the non CM version to get the experience while the more hardcore will run the CMs. It all comes down to tuning. If they make the CMs hard enough I'll be happy, but they really need to bring the pain or else it won't be a worthy replacement. However, we still don't know for sure that they've stopped raid development. 2020 was a hard year for devs of all games so I don't think the drought is fair to judge the future of an entire content genre on. We will have to wait and see.
  21. Thats not necessarily true. Strike CMs could very well be a replacement for conventional raids and we have an entire expansion to get through before you can say that. Changing the title from raids to strike CMs is semantics. It's just like fractals were the replacement for dungeons, but let's be real here..... they are dungeons.
  22. Wait can you elaborate on what you're talking about with regards to addons and dps meters?
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