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Everything posted by quaniesan.8497

  1. If you want a pistol, you shouldn't be playing guardians. There's are better thematically correct classes wearing a pistol. What next? a elementalist with a rifle? Get real.
  2. Deflecting shot shouldn't be any longer called deflecting shot. You can't really deflect anything in time with that casting time. By the time you even finish casting, you already ate the entire cast of pewpewpew long bow 2 from ranger, as an example. I thought "deflecting" implies quick-reflex , and what kind of quick reflect is 0.75ish second cast time?
  3. These new numbers they threw at guardian obviously never went through any testing, and I will bet any on that. The result is simply unreasonably disastrous for even a starting point, even children can come up with better number for starter. This is likely the result of most dervs playing warriors and kept getting owned by guardians and here we suffer the vengeance. This is an example of "if it's not broken, don't fix it". I also don't like how they carelessly apply a 0.01 coeff for all hard CC skills. Not all hard CC skills are the same, each of them complements different set of skills sitting on their own unique skill bar, and yet Anet pulled a lazy one-size fit all treatment, rendering more a few builds and weapons completely unusable, Guardian's hammer comes to mind.
  4. I bet you anything all the dervs play warriors. LOL. Look at how they trashed other classes.
  5. I agree. I kept getting interrupted or spiked while trying to pull off one. It's not a skill, it's a suicide button. Obviously they never tested it. Went in implementation after drawing some numbers from the meeting.
  6. i. LB Auto should get 15% increase damage if it hit only one target.ii. LB 2 beam should be divided into like 3 consecutive piercing beams.iii. The symbol ..i don't particularly hate anything but the boon choice is kinda useless outside of group play, the effect is marginal at best. I prefer might.iv. LB5 the cooldown is harsh. I know the effect is strong, but already paid by the long channeling and rooting and the susceptibility to interrupt/spikes. Doesn't hurt to reduce by like 5 second, no more , no less.
  7. LOL, yeh, they are not even trying right now. I couldn't even log on. Issues will go away if you pretend it's not happening. I give up on trying to play for today.
  8. I know bugs are nothing new to programmers and bound to happen here and there, but this level of bad job is unforgivably embarrassing. It's completely below level of novice. They are completely silent over this. The weekend party must have been pretty crazy. Got a few hours for myself to play and here we are staring at crash screen. You are lucky that you crashed every few minutes, I couldn't even log on.
  9. I got frustrated abit, but the pattern is pretty easy to figure out after a few deaths, lol. When he about to initiate the special, run and stay awayyyy from him. If you attack him during this time window, it's pretty much asking to get killed. reengage only after you finish resisting his pull move. He'll die in no time. No cc needed for me.
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