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Everything posted by quaniesan.8497

  1. Do both skills have the identical usage? or each have their own purpose? In that case, is it a fair assessment to simply looking at cool-down alone? Does well of gravity require the character to be at melee range? Does well of gravity require the character to be stuck of in animation for 1.25 second while at melee range? In terms of grouping up foes for cleaving/aoe, which one does better? In group play, group fight, which of the skill can be more likely the decisive move while guarantee the safety of the caster (or rather having better the chance of the skill to be successfully casted). These are a few of the questions to scratch head over before making any conclusion.
  2. The trait line is all over the place, to say the least.
  3. Here's some initial ideas: 1) Move sword 5 to sword 4. Make the utility skill Whirling Light the new Sword 5. Sword 3: no longer roots, projectiles now piece 2) Flash combo: triple that damage. Add 1 second of immo. 3)Roiling Light: now also remove 2 condis 4) Elite: 3/4 sec activation time. 5) Get rid the +concentration minor trait ("why do willbender need 240 concentration again?" asked FB). Instead, Create a physical skill trait: 20% CDR , remove 1 condi on activation. 6) here's the big one: retain passive effects of all 3 virtues when not activated. It is obvious as to why. 7) increase range of those virtue F 1 and 2 dashes to 600 or something. These things stop before hitting anyone or anything. F2 don't need ground target. 8 ) Heal skill now a stance-like skill (WB can still attack while the skill is activated), negate all strike attacks for 1 second ( Glint's heal reverses damage to heals for 3 second also, so why not), the existing heal works as the same. 9) Heel Crack: now an ammo skill. Because warrior can have it, why not the WB. Actually, you know what, Anet, just remove Heel Crack, no one would miss it. There's simply no vacant slots for this skill. 10) Maybe a heal/condi cleanse related unique trait somewhere . Like: on successful block/dodge, remove a condi and gain regen on a ICD or something.
  4. The problem is they try to do so many different theme, different things at the same time. Nothing is synergistic with anything. They forgot to give them any condi cleanse. The trademark physical skills don't even have a 20% reduce CD trait and I don't see any reason to use them over the core guard utility skills. Willbender is a daredevil wanabe but lack the condi cleanse and slipperiness for the playstyle they intended because, again, they try to mix in monk/melee fighter theme and thus the specialization is not good at anything.
  5. Absolutely not. While the aesthetic is kinda cool, but sword offhand is garbage 100%, sword 4 is basically a suicide button. Sword 5 is meh. you'd do well with shield or focus or torch , as always. Not trash Anet, but these things need complete rework down to square one. These concepts of sword 4 and 5 wont sell.
  6. Couldn't say it better myself. 👌 The heal asks us to sitting duck for 1 second to wait for the reward. This might be ok for 1v1, but 1v2 or group fight in general, you are dealing with multiple damage packages at once. You negated one, but a second damage package likely to negate the heal you just receive. Glint's heal did not require the Revenant to do anything during the duration of effect, and for 3 second he's practically unkillable. WB's Sword 3, 4 and the heal each one ruin the flow of combat in their own way. My recommendation is: sword 3: unroot the player. sword 4: Make it just one attack. Heal : Make it stance-like thing instead. The WB would still be able to attack and stuff during the duration. Remember: Shelter will always be the comparison .
  7. I agree. My DH picked these guys out with ease. My own willbender has a hard time fighting in both zerg fight and small skirmish. It feels very clunky, i had to do GS and sword/shield instead to be of some use (at which point, why not playing core guard/FB/DH instead). Granted we still learning the class, but it's just ...off. The trait line is all over the places, each doing their own things, lacking synergy. It is the result of Anet trying to blend various unrelated themes (monk + ninja style + warrior + magic) together and thus nothing is synergistic with anything. Not to be harsh, but IMO willbender needs entire rework, from scratch. This thing looks like my college essay the night before deadline ^^. It's fun to dance around with all the mobility but i don't see how WB could go further than that. Without any further changes, I find it hard to use WB over DH or FB in most content types.
  8. The Reversal of Fortune works unpredictably. Sometimes it blocks more than once but does not heal full. It seems to happen often when trying to block a down skill. Also: I cannot justify RoF over Shelter. Just saying.
  9. oh boy, where do I start. Despite all the "OMG Willbender is so OP, WT eff" from troll posts by players of other classes, I find the specialization very ...underwhelming. 1) The skills for the most part feel like focusing on setting up the stage but lack the firepower to finish up the dishes. It was fun to troll the target with all the mobility but that's all it does. You need teammate around . Greatsword is almost a mandatory swap thus reducing build diversity. This point I agree with alot of people who also raised this issue on youtube class feedback/reviews. 2) People tend to forget willbender does not go into battle with Aegis on. That Aegis is very important as it absorb the first nuke/pressure. So the class is even more squishy than you might think. 3) It is fun to see all the ticks against grouped up environmental mobs. but against half-decent players in pvp, the willbender is VERY lacking. You cannot procs your effect if your enemy keeps moving . Chaining your 8 chase skills can only land so much and lack skills that keep them there in the area. 4) Sword 4: Basically a suicide button. Clunky, slow, took 2 second to complete the chain. During that time you are vulnerable to nuke or cc for very little reward. Sword 5: immo is too short. Slow attack. Little damage. 5) easily to overshoot yourself off cliff on maps with platforms. So high mobility is not necessarily always a great thing. 6) Sword 3 makes the build less fluid. Please make it so we can move while firing those things. 7) Heal skill: underwhelming. Requires alot of attention for just one block and one heal when Glint heal is much more impressive . I feel like you should get half a second worth of block or something. I cannot justify this over Shelter. *** bug: does not block /heal properly when trying to block a downskilll. So my overall feel , with guardian as my main from day 1: very fun in open world. Fun to troll player. But the class seriously lack the firepower to finish up the job. Not that great in group fight. Dueling 1 v 1: will struggle against bunkered tanks, high sustain classes. I would choose being a DH over this. No salt here, just saying I felt quite underwhelmed for the specialization.
  10. 1. Minions should no longer transfer conditions to foes in pvp. They should just take condi from master necros. This change of reducing their HP doesn't address the elephant in the room regarding the MM builds in pvp. 2. Necros are super tanky no matter what you build you use. Even when you intentionally sabotage yourself for fun. I always feel like like their life force in shroud should take ONLY a portion of incoming damage instead of upfront 100%. 20% would be already overgenerous. Some other classes only get conditional 5,-10 % damage reduction. 3. Scourges are discouraging in pvp , especially when there are 2 or 3 of them stacking on points. I feel like these changes are not enough. Also their barrier and sand things should have ICD per application and have further reduction in potency , 30% for starter.
  11. I'm super convinced it is the guardian. 99% sure. 1% in case that armor is somehow classified as medium in EoD. I feel like a dual sword melee combat thief, while sounds cool in concept, would have alot overlapping with the Daredevil who has overwhelming ninja-ish theme with their slipperiness. That being said, I'm hyped to see what Thief really get, if dual swords ain't the case. A mace thief would be....super uncool doe...., just saying.
  12. Has to be guardian. That checked all the boxes. The armors can't be any of the medium armor classes.
  13. Why not? Anet made clear that they would be breaking all ground rules on EnD. Remember: no rules!!!! 😍
  14. I agree. They overdid it with the grenade kits. The closest thing to "spam to win" kinda thing.
  15. Daredevil is already kinda ninja-ish thing. Anet really has to be careful if they indeed go for the shinobi theme with dual swords with this overlapping. Not that I object to anything. It's just very.... interesting to see how they distinct it from daredevil.
  16. I'm calling dual daggers, invoking Vizu or Nika.
  17. I mean... I don't buy EoD just because of Elem.... And my guess will be ..............................rifle or .........greatsword, but hopefully: BEST yet, longbow Remember mesmer, greatsword doesn't mean melee
  18. We will transform into werebeast 😒 if that's what icon trying tell me.....
  19. I'm afraid, and seriously so, that there's a decent chance we might get rifle with magic bullets, based on one of the icons. It's abit..... theme-breaking as far as I'm concerned. Definitely not a fan if it came to that. Long bow: "ohh no....." Hope we get dual-swords as many have said.
  20. OP can express his take as much as you can. Forum isn't for "shut it and go away". Opinion don't have to exclude criticism. And the OP's opinion is nothing of "crying". That's perfectly constructive criticism. I don't get this attitude of "don't like it? walk away" . Millenials do this alot, and often as lazy way to shrug off the issue rather than trying to confront it. How are we supposed to improve things when people just quietly go away when things don't go as desired. Alot of QoL changes we enjoyed nowadays are the results of all those "crying" over years. We got it because people didnt just walk away and play another game. What if someone tell you this. " You don't like reading criticism? That's fine. Just go to those fawning rosy threads and read those. No need to spam this thread." You can disagree with the OP, and welcomed to do, but no one tells anyone what to do/not to do.
  21. I don't get where exactly"where contents, not enough contents" threads are as the majority since we are debating about "the majority being negative". Even if there are indeed those 4 or 5threads, those are just 5 people who started it. But there are tons of people putting things they like and dislike about the tease. Lets not discount them. People generally agree on the fact that the new legendary are unimaginative as they look like a glorified gems shop items. That thing is one those things that needed to be reflected. But hold these thoughts for now, we'll talk more when the testing in 3 weeks.
  22. I disagree with that generalization of this forum. Especially the feedbacks for the first tease are mostly constructive and people put alot of effort in it. Quite few of "this game is dead" kinda response, but i don't quite get the dark picture that you painted. "Shaving off the negativity doesn't make it any less misinformation or false narrative" I don't know how you get that conclusion. But sure, you do you.
  23. OPP practically said don't buy it and play something else if we don't like it. That's basically shut up on the offering criticism part. He didn't say anything about "offering response but don't do "overly negative" response" He told us to go else where if we don't like all together. That's the problem with your interpretation of my response.
  24. I wouldn't call those are false narrative or misinformation. Those are opinions that you may or may not disagree with and you are free to offer rebuttals with factual data. If you peel off the negativity off those comments, it still is helpful in revealing things that the game does not or lack in offering. Regardless, that does not change the fact that we have to offer criticism, especially to stubborn people like Anet. Pressing criticism will keep them on their toes at the very least.
  25. The point of criticism is to improve the game, especially in this relatively early stage. Whether positive or negative inputs, The devs at least will know what the audience like and dislike, thus maybe make changes as necessary. What's what these previews are for. Otherwise, they wouldn't bother with the tease and just release the game when the date comes. Community input is not a waste of time/nerve. With your philosophy of "don't like it? get another game", are we supposed to bounce from games to games until we reach the perfect game This apathetic thinking of "let's shut up and receive whatever given to us. We don't have to right to have input. We shouldn't give any input. If we don't like, walk away, but remember we should not have any opinion whatever soever". Is that a right attitude to help improve a product?
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