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Everything posted by Kickpuncher.8109

  1. ANET PVP BALANCE TEAM = Clown Fiesta. What a joke, too bad the punchline isn't good, could have been knee slapper.
  2. I don't know what's worse. Listening to that laughable excuse for a game dev speak, or the fact that the forums spend so much time asking to nerf for things that aren't an issue that you actually took me seriously. Blame the PVP DEV balance team for not actually playing the game they are supposed to manipulate. Bunch of ineffectual clowns.
  3. I dunno if Deadeye is OP or not. But I will say it isn't fun at all to play against, a classic feature of ANET pvp. THE NO FUN ZONE.
  4. A PvE player only comming for the legendary Pog Naw I got tired of the PVE. I enjoyed it though for what it was. I can see why it keeps people's attention. Been playing pvp since launch and took a break right before HoT and then came back near the end of it. I just think there were flashes of brilliance at some points in the PVP's history with there being information barriers after certain patches where everyone was playing something interesting and combat felt solid for a minute there, but as a whole the pvp has been a squandered opportunity. There is a reason the Esports for this game crashed and burned.
  5. The pvp in this game sucks. The only people who stick around are people who are used to abusive relationships where they get no respect. The PVE and combat feel are fucking amazing tho. That is partially what makes PVP such a disappointment, they squandered such an amazing combat system and game feel with horrible design choices.
  6. Renegade is for people who wanna be carried by their class. Among other things. Just the same status quo in GW2 pvp. Let my broken ass class carry me and be sure to make up logical fallacies in my head and online to make sure my ego and self esteem stay high!
  7. Logically you should be well versed in the subject matter you are trying to manipulate if you wish to be successful. Wish I was getting paid to sit on my thumb and twist. ANET PVP balance team hire me! Seems like an ez fookin job, 'cause you do nothing.
  8. GW2 PVP is just a giant disappointment. Has been forever. GW2 pvp team is notorious across other MMOS for being shit at their job. Just sucks because GW2 has probably some of the best combat in an MMO ever, just everything surround it is marred by horrible decisions by the incompetent balance team. You could literally hire the Pros in this game as consultants to balance the PVP and it would probably cost less than what ANET is paying the shitty balance team to sit on their thumbs and twist.
  9. Daily reminder to play your game ANET if you want to be educated on the matter in which you are trying to manipulate.
  10. ANET doesnt play PVP. Yeah CMC plays ele, whoop de do. But you can just tell that the ANET pvp balance team doesnt even play PVP. It doesn't take a genius to notice all the issues and what needs to be addressed.... IF YOU PLAYED THE DAMN GAME lol. They are all too busy with PVE and feeding us propaganda "This Season Will Be Different! ZOMG HUGE BALANCE!" Same shit different color.
  11. Are we playing the same class here?
  12. Daily reminder to play your game ANET if you want to be educated on the matter in which you are trying to manipulate.
  13. ANET : "We are lowering power damage to come in line with a slower time to kill and more elaborate play." Also ANET : "We have no idea what we are doing and completely forgot to balance downstate abilities and rezzing in accordance with our change to the power damage spikes and time to kill." These dudes are bunch of clowns.
  14. Anet balance team is a bunch of clowns.
  15. New 'balance patch' doesn't even address down state damage (which wasn't balanced in accordance with the whole 'lowering of power damage' nerf bullshit balance) or rallying reviving cheese. Play your damn game balance team. What a joke to wait 2 weeks for.
  16. This patch was a fucking joke. No addressing down state damage and rallying. You decided to 'ton down damage across the board' but forgot to balance down state abilities and healing as a result. Get your head out of your ass and do your job. There are still broken classes, play the fucking game.
  17. You could have literally said this about any balance patch in the past as well. As I said this is just business as usual. New patch. New flavor of the month, repeat until the end of time. I hope I'm wrong.
  18. Guessing you play necro, guardian, or rev. Maybe ranger now. YAY flavor of month! My class is now OP and I love pvp! /s barf If you are not playing FotM then you are not really trying.I guess you are right. I don't hate the player, I hate the game. It is a like being the victim of a shitty circumstance when it occurs. I'll say this GW2 pvp feels amazing when there are interesting/"balanced" builds in a conquest match (2s are kind of a joke), but it becomes painfully apparent when an outlier enters the data pool.
  19. Daily reminder that ANET should probably play pvp if they wish to become knowledgeable on the subject. Metrics =/= game feel ANET
  20. The pvp in GW2 is a joke. This was a long time coming.
  21. It makes pvp so damn fun not being able to kill someone and instead downing them over and over again. Thank goodness people can rez faster than others can cleave or stomp now. It makes me feel so much better than actually killing them, I'm a pacifist by nature you see so this current meta in 2v2 and 5v5 of cheesy rez abilities and powerful uninterrupted rez in the middle of battle really fits my lifestyle. Thank Anet! Keep up the great work! Next I think damage shouldn't really do damage at all, and you should regenerate health while in downstate by default, there is enough death in this world. Next I think you should buff thieves, they need to have smoke screen and other stealth abilities up 100% of the time on cooldown, how else are you going to let people live their true life as a real RP thief?
  22. PVP in this game is a joke. ANET balance team has no clue what they are doing, haven't for 4 years+.
  23. Ranger is busted. Can't wait for the next patch. Anyone have any guesses as to what the next flavor of the month class(es) will be?
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