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Everything posted by QueenKeriti.5176

  1. ^ what Randulf said. With all due respect, I have no idea what you're trying to say, OP. I hate the Confused react, but, dang, this is the one time where I'd use it for its purpose of "I am legit confused." Edit: So, like, there's something about PCs are too expensive so PCs = bad, everything needs to move to consoles/crossplatform, and companies are bad for making MMOs only for PC. There's something about old-school PvP in MMOs being The Best Thing Ever(tm) and the modern era of PvP in MMOs sucking(?). ArcheAge2 is going to, yet again, be the Savior of the MMO World(tm). And then other stuff I can't figure out.
  2. I think Linkin was meme'ing on how a lot of people respond to posts here.
  3. Yeah, that might have been it. I couldn't remember if it was like a bug that would effectively send your MF back to 0% essentially or if it made things too good. 😂 Might have been another game I played where, if this one stat got to high, it broke the stat back to like a negative value. (Not the legend of Civilization 2 with Ghandi)
  4. Isn't there a bug or something that breaks the magic find of a character if they go above 750% or so, so Anet capped it at 750%? 😂 (after all the buffs)
  5. Yup. This has always been a dynamic situation, which is why I've personally just waited to see if it was worth crafting the 7th because, at the time, who knew how much "progress" that 7th would be vs cost of rune/relic.
  6. I'm...actually reasonably happy with this. I was one of the people who got screwed over by the legendary rune -> SoTO relics announcement last year (made the runes literally 2 weeks before relics were announced), and that was and has been the biggest reason I have refused to buy SoTO. I am legit (pleasantly) surprised that I don't have to grind out all the materials for the legendary relic and that I get it for my previous efforts. I understand unlocking future expansion relics for the legendary relic (and, yeah, I've been kind of surprised for a long time that legendaries didn't work like that in the first place when stat-swapping was added to them), but...yeah. I'm happy I don't have to "craft" another legendary to get back most of the function I've lost. I still want more of the old effects back, silly as they were, but this is a surprise I wasn't expecting. I am very glad to not have to throw hundreds/thousands of gold to get back a portion of what I lost with SoTO. Still waiting to see if update #2 adds enough to justify buying SoTO now vs later, but, hey, my biggest protest with SoTO has been halfway reasonably addressed. Way more than I was expecting, and I am glad about that. Same. After getting my butt kicked before, I've been waiting for any finalized plans because it was way too soon to see what Anet was going to do, especially with the outcry against relics in the first place.
  7. I never said a single word to the guy. It was something beyond vile in map chat. I didn't say anything to anyone about it; other people called him out on what he said, people completely unrelated to me. That's why it was supposed to be impossible for him to know it was me. So, yeah, Support told him it was me. Edit: I found the ticket. OTHER PEOPLE IN MAP CHAT said they were going to report the guy. I never said anything to anyone, and I never said I was reporting the guy. The people who said they were reporting him never got messaged by him after I sent the report. Only I did. I, who didn't say anything, got the hate whispers.
  8. If someone on Overflow Map B makes a squad, you join that squad and go to Overflow Map B rather than sitting in queue for Main Map B. The queue really lets you know whether its worth your time or not to try to get on Main Map B vs stay on/join Overflow Map B.
  9. I only have two chars parked at the large Bjora chests, so can't confirm all three, but the two spots both still have their large chests. I'll check things out better here in a bit. Edit: I just did my regular farm run, and all the chests were correct. There were no changes that I noticed.
  10. Considering some of the CS people have definitely been telling people, who were reported, who reported them? This would be nice lol Maybe this is phrased in a confusing way because the English language sucks and I suck at English: I report player -> Support investigates player -> Support tells player who reported them -> I get harassing whispers from the reported player across 3 of his accounts, even though he had 0 other way to know it was me. So, yes, it would be nice for Support to go "Hey, we banned this potato, thanks, bye" to me rather than going "LMAO, bruh, this random reported you."
  11. I know, right? People forget just how bad things were because the brain wants to cling to the good times and ignore the bad. I tried a couple SWG pservers (RIP SWG), and...vanilla is just bad. Community is what made that game good, lol.
  12. First time I've had someone go "BLOCKED" at me in a while, especially since I never said you were lying, lmao. I was pointing out things that would be on a truly Vanilla/Classic GW2 server. Having all the "modern conveniences" would not be a "vanilla" experience. Like Sobx said, make a core F2P account and enjoy your vanilla experience with the QOL updates. Turn down Character Model Limits + Quality, turn graphics settings down a bit, limit your frames to 60, and have fun!
  13. LMAO, you are in the [Meta] guild I thought you were in! Dude, they get to things like pinata 20+ minutes before start! Hek, they're there NOW over 40 minutes before start of reset pinata. 🤣😂😂🤣Also, 10/10 character name. (PS: I was one of the people in the Meta back towards the beginning; I used to run with them all the time and have known some of the members for 2+ years)
  14. Good ol' days of No Wardrobe, SOULbound legendaries (might have been berserker stats only; I don't remember), classes that people absolutely refused to run dungeons/content with and would kick you out as a griefer if you tried joining with them, extremely limited selection of skins/customization, slow combat, failed world bosses, world bosses not spawning on overflow maps (not sure if bug or feature at the beginning, but that was pretty "fun"/rage inducing having Behemoth not spawn on your map), decaying servers pre-megaservers, final mission of the core story being gated behind a dungeon (Arah), and a hek of a lot more. Good times. (Plus Anet outright stating the other week that they're not looking at Classic servers, lol)
  15. The last time it took me 30+ mins to do a story boss (and I kept dying), I was playing with a terrible build + lackluster skill + lack of understanding of mechanics. Addressed those things, and it went a LOT faster after that.
  16. The only [META] guild I know goes to metas like 15+ mins before they start or makes their own maps... I haven't had an issue with queues, so long as I don't try to get there 5 minutes before they start during popular hours. The 11pm Eastern pinata is much more forgiving for showing up late vs the 7pm reset pinata. Time to get laser focused!
  17. I didn't know how much I needed this. I'm so happy to have the old screens/music back. T_T The original GW2 theme + HoT themes were amazing.
  18. 2. This has only worked for me if I'm in combat. Get in combat and just dodge dodge dodge. Don't even need to dodge anything. 3. Gotta be in combat. Just figure out what skills of yours make a combo field + combo finisher, get into combat, and do it. You can do this with things like the training golems. You can also go to like any world boss and immediately get it while fighting the boss with people; just drop a field/finisher. Pinata gets me it in seconds.
  19. I rarely get motion sick, and this triggered it for me, too. 😐
  20. Crazily enough, I had this happen earlier on a map I was on. The doors just absolutely would not spawn. That, and I was getting almost 0 drops. Crashed, came back on a new map, and everything worked great. Doors were normal, and I was getting drops. 😐
  21. Oh, boy, wait until we get something like Mad King's Clocktower or Chalice of Tears for weeklies. 😄
  22. So.....like 20-odd gold in a 70+ day period for the lost dailies? And 9-ish gold for a lost weekly? 😂 Oh buddy, I can make 30+gold in 10 days opening five jade runestone chests in EoD in less time than it takes to make another "WIZARD VAULT DUMB" post on the forums. 😂😂😂😂😂
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