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Everything posted by Caliboom.3218

  1. He gave a good point, both WvWers and PvErs win in this case, WvWers can get the GoE without touching PvE, and PvErs can get GoB without touching WvW, and there's also the fact that making the GoB tradable allows WvWers to make easy gold. "No thanks" is not an argument.
  2. While we're at it, let's also ignore the fact that people may have made progress on the precursor, may already have some of the materials needed for the legendary, and that crafting a legendary feels way more achieving than simply buying it off the TP.
  3. No way, are you telling me that making people play a gamemode they dislike makes them want to take the easiest route? What a surprise! /s Just make GoBs tradable and add OW legendary armor and you solve the problem while making both parties happy.
  4. Giving an actual argument about why you disagree with someone is too difficult for the average GW2 forum user. Nope, gotta turn off your brain and rely on emojis.
  5. I mentioned in the post, WvW is always there for people to try, it's always an option to play it. And you should let people choose to do so to see if they enjoy it. Most PvE players don't enjoy it, that's the truth, sure, a few may stick around, but making those who dislike it play it doesn't really help, there are other ways to add incentives. In fact, we already have a few. The fancy looking armor and weapons, and the ascendeds that you don't really have to pay much gold for, for example.
  6. I have a question, what does gatekeeping the GoB achieve for WvW players? Does it bring new players into the gamemode? No, because the players you force to play WvW will just be either afking or capping the spawn camp. As for the "it brings new players into the gamemode" argument, the gamemode is always available to play, you don't really need the GoB to get people to play it, the option to play is always there. Does it give PvE players a challenge so that it's truly "legendary"? No, because there's nothing legendary about stacking wvw potions or farming camps. All it does is infuriate both sides. PvE players because they have to play a gamemode they don't like, and WvWers because they have to deal with a queue because of PvE players afking (due to, again, making them play a gamemode they do not like.) Make it so you can trade GoBs for GoEs and vice versa, or make the gifts sellable, this is all petty gatekeeping that benefits literally no one. Go ahead, show me one good thing that locking the GoB behind WvW does for the game or it's players. One good thing. I'm curious. Maybe you can change my mind then.
  7. I've seen WvWers complain about having PvErs in their gamemode, so yes, it's both sides.
  8. Hey guys, did you know that making people play a gamemode they dislike doesn't solve anything and only brings salt to both sides of the table? Just pointing that out.
  9. That has been tried, and it failed. If you want communication and coordination, raids/strikes exist.
  10. I'm pretty sure what actually occurs is that servers without a link end up giving up due to that, even if they have perfectly fine numbers without a link and can do perfectly fine, they just don't because, like I said, people give up, even though they would do fine if they actually tried, and the server ends up killing itself, to put it simply.
  11. I mean, might as well not bother reporting them at all since they never get banned. Ever.
  12. PvP and WvW """failed""" (I'm aware PvP is kinda dead but WvW has an active dedicated playerbase last I checked) because most MMORPG players prefer sticking to PvE, that is normal and basically the standard for every MMO ever, and group content didn't fail, it's just that basically ever LFG group asks for a bajillion raid-proof, and apparently people don't use VC to coordinate in raids, which is weird, I raid in another MMO and the raiding scene is very active, there's lots of players doing them and a dedicated discord server for "LFG", and people actually use VC for the raids in that game since they require a lotta coordination. GW2 doesn't have anything like that. It's kinda weird.
  13. People are not counting those as group content, even those there are literally groups involved. I believe they're confusing instanced content with group content, which are separate definitions.
  14. "No, you don't understand, metas and world bosses don't count as world content because...they just don't, okay! Let's ignore the fact that you can't do them solo and there's lots of other people involved!"
  15. That's what OP suggested, but people in this thread have suggested adding stuff like map completion, metas, and jumping puzzles to the requirement.
  16. People want to grind for it. No one ever said they want it handed to them for free. They want to put effort into it. Is that hard to understand?
  17. Yeah, that's literally over 6 years for one set. I know it should be grindy but that's just ridiculous.
  18. Pretty sure that if Anet were to hold a poll asking if OW legendary armor should be added, the majority would vote yes. A lot of people would definitely be excited for it, while most people would simply not mind it or care, as it brings nothing negative to the game.
  19. In response to this post, it was something that had been mentioned a few times in this thread, that OW players didn't need legendary armor because they 11111 the bosses anyway. And raiders and WvWers can also experiment with exotics as well, raids are doable with exotics since it's a minimal DPS difference and WvW is more skill based than gear based. PvPers don't even need the armor at all because the amulet system is a thing, which makes their gear null.
  20. Genuine question, what do people get by gatekeeping a QoL item? I don't understand, are you losing something? Are the efforts you spent on your legendaries being negated? It doesn't even have to use a new skin, it can use the ascended skin, just making it stat selectable.
  21. Lower requirements? People here have suggested multiple ways to make it time-consuming and make it take effort to get. That's why it's legendary armor. People aren't asking for it to be made easier, only for it to be made available in a gamemode they actually like. There are a lot of veterans who stick to OW mostly. Personally I'm fine with jumping puzzles and dungeons being part of it. And I don't think most OW players do map completion, jumping puzzles, and dungeons everyday as a hobby, which is why they should be added as a requirement. So people have to do something new in order to get the armor, even if it's still OW.
  22. True, but so can raiders, and they're really only gonna need meta builds in there, which are not many. And most WvW only have a few builds, one for roaming, and one or two for zerging (for each class ofc) Also, as someone mentioned, PvPers don't even need to experiment with builds anyway since PvP amulets are a thing, so I don't even see the point of this convo since that proves the whole "Open World players don't need to stat change" argument is null. Because neither do they. Edit: Someone's having a field day with alts.
  23. But it helps with it without having to buy different sets of armor each time.
  24. I find this "all OW players do is 11111" stereotype funny. Even OW players like to experiment with different builds, boon builds, heal builds, condi builds, meme builds, whatever.
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