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Everything posted by Rex.3602

  1. Yes, there is just one Jormag. They is often used in English to refer to people without distinguishing between genders (for example when you don't know what gender the person you are referring to may be). So as an example, I would say over the internet about someone who's gender I don't know, they like GW2, instead of he/she likes GW2.
  2. If you are not interested in crafting and don't plan to craft any time soon (like me with all MMOs), then you may as well turn it into gold in the black lion trading company I guess. A lot of the gold in open world also comes from rewards from completing the meta events in various maps.
  3. Not sure if this is already implemented but I was unable to tell: make the camera settings have an option to be character specific so that the zoom level on one character can be different to another and saved independently.
  4. It's true, one grows used to it after a while, but I notice it nonetheless. I still curse everytime I play the Chaos Crystal Cavern jumping puzzle :angry: - the constant camera adjustments make me dizzy. The camera adjustments make me dizzy too. Although I thought it was just me because I am susceptible to vertigo.
  5. It's not too difficult. A key thing to remember in it is to stay above the water as much as possible, since the skimmer moves faster above water than below.
  6. I do feel that the especs have essentially replaced the cores. Based on the professions I have played, I would never choose cores only over especs. I also think that it may have made "balancing" professions and content more difficult since there are many more builds to account for. I personally wouldn't mind even if there were no more specializations introduced ever because there is more than enough variety right now to satisfy me. Yes, I hope the mounts don't become an excuse to have a low density of waypoints in new content, since there will be people that haven't unlocked the mounts. Ever since mounts were introduced I do find that I use the waypoints less often in the core Tyria and HoT maps because I can just fly over a short distance or use the roller beetle to get to places quickly.
  7. Hehe. The comments in this thread gave me a good laugh. =)
  8. I do agree that there is not a great incentive to purchase things in the game with money besides the expansions, but that is the business model Anet has chosen. Maybe more releases of expansions would help this issue since they seem to attract a lot of purchases with money. But some might complain that they are not getting good value for their money in expansions if the expansions are not of high quality. Exactly, an MMO needs a healthy spread among it's population to be successful longterm.There aren't enough hardcore players to carry a game on it's own, so casuals and whales just by means of numbers (population for the former, spending for the latter) are generally the bedrock of any MTX game, but once a game only has casual players or whales without hardcore players to boost activity, generate guides, organise events, lead communities etc., games start to feel dead, and then usually go that way too.The amount of players a game would need to not appear like a ghost town if mostly what it's got are players who log in once or twice a week for a bit or even just every 3 months to check out new content, or some high spending whales, in astronomical - which then leads to those players slowly quitting too to greener pastures. Yeah the active players are also important, even if they don't spend as much relatively. It's an MMORPG where certain activities require a group to complete, which means that there needs to be enough other players to do all of the content in the game. It's not a single player game where you can buy all of the DLC and just play everything solo.
  9. My main character is warrior,but this i did with human. Like others have said you can only get mastery points from (at least) most sources once per account. They are not infinitely repeatable like the hearts in the PoF expansion map for example.
  10. Yeah, I'm not sure exactly what "casual" means. I've seen players that haven't played much in this game do well in harder content, and on the other hand players that have played thousands of hours still doing poorly.
  11. That's odd. If you don't mind, would you be able to share which story chapter that was? (So others here can help if possible) ArenaNet support seems quite busy at the moment, so it may take a while for them to respond.
  12. The problem comes at the end game.Once players without expansions have finished the story and stuff they often find it difficult to keep up with event chains and champ farms etc because of the large mobility difference between mounted and mountless players, the Warclaw being made available to unlock for the core game players would help to diminish this difference but not completely eliminate it.. that in itself can also serve as incentive for people to buy PoF as well to get the faster Raptor mount now that they've had a good taste of what mounts bring to the open world game, and the Warclaw itself also serves as incentive for people to try out WvW as well which is desperately in need of a population boost. The Warclaw will suffice for a while though and players can make do with it through pre PoF content so they won't feel as pressured to rush ahead and unlock the Raptor, potentially spoiling the story for themselves.It's all pros from what I can see and I really can't think of any reason why Anet should't make this change. Offering mounts to all players at low levels, before they can start PoF and unlock the raptor even if they own the expansion, is an entirely different consideration which I think has both pros and cons. The core game world is not designed for mounts and there's a good chance you'll miss a lot if you get into the habit of rushing through it as quickly as possible right from the start. Not just dynamic events that you won't have time to notice or material nodes and other useful things you won't see/stop for, but also basic lessons in how to navigate the world. I've already seen people getting totally stuck if they can't reach a place using mounts, even if the solution is 'that's because the PoI is inside the building, you have to dismount and walk through the door'. That type of thinking just doesn't come into it if you get into the habit of using mounts for everything, all the time. It might seem like it's making the game easier, but by going through it faster you can actually make a lot of things harder to complete.This is a good point. As a new player I would be confused by this from seeing players with mounts running around the core Tyria and HoT maps. When someone tells me the mounts were added in all areas in the game with a later expansion, I would wonder why the mounts are allowed to be used in the older areas if they weren't designed for mounts and can make some things trivial.
  13. I think all the players in the game are important for long term success. Not just the whales or the hardcore, dedicated gamers.
  14. Not everybody can afford or wants to buy the expansions straight away. Other than adding mounts and gliding I don't find anything else really attractive in the expansions. The maps and story are pretty dull imo. So, just to be sure I understand you:You believe that making a mount accessible to players who are unwilling/unable to spend the small amount of money it costs to get PoF (even at the regular price of 30 $/Euro in the official store, not to mention discounted to often 15 $/Euro, not to mention 3rd party retailers where it is cheaper constantly), will suddenly find money to buy skins off the gem store? Interesting idea... Here is the harsh reality:The argument that players will spend money on the gem store has 1 requirement to even apply: a players ability or willingness to spend money in the first place. Free to play accounts are good for 1 thing: get players interested in actually BUYING the expansions, aka the actual game at this point in time. The amount of F2P players who start spending big money on pretty much anything before getting the actual game is minuscule at best, if at all existent. The mount skins are cheaper than the expansion and to some players may be more attractive. I have even seen many games make lots of money from sales of cosmetics alone. Not to mention that if they do buy a skin, they are probably more likely to buy the expansion later on because they would be more invested in the game. As mentioned by Inculpatus cedo.9234, mount skins are half the current expansion, making them pretty much cost exactly 1 expansion given you get HoT for free with PoF at no reduced price. Even IF, and that is a huge IF, a player decided to spend money on mount skins before getting PoF, is that really what we as players should want? Think about it, is the incentive to spend money on the gem store over content really a net benefit to this games development? One the one side we have players complaining about aggressive monetization, then the next moment suddenly this is a good thing? The best thing a new or free to play player can do is get the expansions asap, not for the mounts, but for the insane amount of actual game content they get. There is no reason to incentivize ANYTHING else before players spend money on the game.See my comment above. I am not thinking about it from a player perspective. I am looking at it from a game development perspective that Anet will have. If they can make more money, why not? You may find the expansions worth purchasing and so do I. But not everyone may. As for monetization, there are many skins already available for purchase in the game so this wouldn't change that.
  15. So, just to be sure I understand you:You believe that making a mount accessible to players who are unwilling/unable to spend the small amount of money it costs to get PoF (even at the regular price of 30 $/Euro in the official store, not to mention discounted to often 15 $/Euro, not to mention 3rd party retailers where it is cheaper constantly), will suddenly find money to buy skins off the gem store? Interesting idea... Here is the harsh reality:The argument that players will spend money on the gem store has 1 requirement to even apply: a players ability or willingness to spend money in the first place. Free to play accounts are good for 1 thing: get players interested in actually BUYING the expansions, aka the actual game at this point in time. The amount of F2P players who start spending big money on pretty much anything before getting the actual game is minuscule at best, if at all existent. The mount skins are cheaper than the expansion and to some players may be more attractive. I have even seen many games make lots of money from sales of cosmetics alone. Not to mention that if they do buy a skin, they are probably more likely to buy the expansion later on because they would be more invested in the game.
  16. One benefit Anet may get from making a mount accessible to f2p players, such as the warclaw, might be more sales of mount skins from the gemstore. I, for one, would never have bought a skyscale skin if I was not able to use it because what would be the point.
  17. As long as this gives Anet more money to develop the game I wouldn't mind it, since like people have said there is already pretty revealing armour in the game. Cosmetics seem to be the only way Anet makes money besides expansions so I can't really see why these shouldn't be added if people will buy them.
  18. I've actually been experiencing a ton of toxic player behavior in the last month. Mostly from WvW. People are just so quick to fly off the handle now, even when someone was not being rude with their words, it amazes me so much. Just tonight actually a guy in WvW had an attitude and kept responding to every little thing being said with a scowl, it was obvious and just last night the same guy was all nice and happy to everyone. I don't understand this community sometimes. Like is the real world getting to them or something that they have to act in such a way? This community needs a pick-me-up badly, of course not everyone is rude like that, but I see a lot of it when I play WvW and all I care about is getting stuff done for the team. I find that it happens not only in the PvP modes but everywhere in GW2, and even in every game that I play. Best thing to do is just ignore it. The anonymity the internet provides probably gives a platform for this kind of behaviour to occur without consequence or thinking it through.
  19. But the only thing you need to say to pretend to be an intelligent Asura is "excelsior". :p
  20. True, I forgot about that level 60 requirement for f2p players, so it might not necessarily keep the players that quit because of no mounts before level 60. Yeah all of the mounts are definitely a big selling point of the PoF expansion. Although it's probably a little hard for me to relate to the raptor being useful for exploration anymore, after unlocking the roller beetle and skyscale which are better. =)
  21. I think this would be a good move, even though I have PoF and the warclaw already unlocked. Some of the servers in WvW seem to be really dead, so more players that want to play it would be a good thing. It may also help "balance" the mode slightly more in that the f2p players would be able to unlock and use the mount for the extra health and movement speed too.
  22. I thought this too. I was disappointed to see that it's practically a dead map a lot of the time now. Unlocking all of the waypoints and HoT navigation masteries probably makes it a lot easier to get around though. Admittedly the skyscale also likely makes the navigation in it much better too.
  23. PvE is generally pretty good, although there are some annoying issues sometimes like lag. I don't think much has changed for the better in WvW or PvP, just more of the same. I think the population in WvW has declined, or at least it seems this way now from my experience. So if you are just looking for more of the same in PvE, WvW and PvP the game is probably still quite good.
  24. I think the 80 levels are ok. I started to play and still play because I wanted to avoid the constant level and gear grinds found in other MMOs. I stuck around because xp was very easy to get from many sources like exploration, events, hearts and story. You can even skip levels entirely with the tomes of knowledge that are easy to obtain.
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