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Everything posted by GoldenPants.1870

  1. Just add a specalization modifier, much like weaver has, that nade barrage does less dmg when traited into scrapper or holosmith.
  2. You’d be surprised on how effective it is. It is extremly effective, like, on all classes, you just need to make the most of the important stats like condi, power, and concentration. And evey proffesion has traits to do that.
  3. I mean this is not feasible considering people join and leave all the time, it’s not reasonable at all to remove the group when someome join and then remove the group when it gets full if people leave and join constantly. Which they do. Not to mention people not in squad but in map. If only everyone did what you did. Would be much better. That would be absolutley spectacular. Would prevent this, that’s for sure. Yeah, which makes knowing when the map is full or not quite literally impossible.
  4. I mean sure but, why do they hurl abuse on the commander then ? If they are putting the blame on me then I will shift it back on them, it’s not fun being yelled at for trying to help people, why did they join my squad with 20 or so, and not the other 7-10 man squads I always see ?
  5. Yeah, I always put myself in squad 2, because I know how annoying it is to look through 20+ players to find the teeny tiny commander icon out of all those names. But yeah as I said most of the time I am having a fun time with the trains I am running but these type of people absolutley comes in like an unfun wrecking ball.
  6. Yeah I checked around a bit yesterday, I would need to delist and relist the group every 3-5 minutes if I was to delist it when the map got full. But even then there are people not in squad so even then it might be even more frequent, it’s just a frustrating thing to experience as a Lab commander, people expecting you to be some sort of immaculate robot that caters to their whims and wishs with the snap of a finger. Yes, I am tilted.
  7. So I have been commanding Lab runs for about three days or so, and most of the time it has gone well, but without failure, every single day I get people joining the group saying things like “Omg delist if u r full commander” “omg cant join delist now” ”ommmgggg its full take group off lfg,” Why do people behave like this, do they think we are going to/want to take the LFG down and up each time someone leaves, or know exactly when the map is full, like we are supposed to focus more on that than getting ToT bags ourselves ?, why are people so incredibly lazy they go to write out something like that (or nastier), instead of just leaving and trying another group ? It’s really getting on my nerves when I am just trying to run a loot train stuff like that happens. Just needed to get this off my chest because it is really starting to tick me off.
  8. I dunno about you but you seem to have forgotten literally everything else, you know, new maps, storylines, living world... etc etc. Or did HoT only bring Gliders and elite specializations ? And is PoF only Mounts and new elite specializations ?
  9. The issue is that you can contest a waypoint by riding through the guards on your warclaw. There shouldn't be any contesting without doing damage to a wall or gate. Make it maybe 5% or something before the waypoint gets contested. Yeah, currently on our matchup we have, or have had this engineer that no jokes spends like 8+ hours constantly tapping the keep whenever he is online and it is so annoying. And like why does one person even contests it ? Doesn't even make sense.
  10. Gates are fine, now 1 person that uses a super slippery build to permanently tap keep is more annoying and more of a problem I would say.
  11. Really ? I've only heard about condi druid builds for WvW, and I only recall people callling druid support bad. A good rule to go by is to not listen to others and just try it yourself. If you enjoy it, go for it. I found my Minstrel Druid to be very effective, but mileage will vary I suppose.What's the build you are using ? If you want to share it that is !
  12. Really ? I've only heard about condi druid builds for WvW, and I only recall people callling druid support bad.
  13. Scribes. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Catapult_Blueprints
  14. I like all the supports, just trying to figure out what is best against the curring roaming meta. For what it's worth, Minstrel Tempest is hands down my least favorite support to fight against when I am roaming solo or with a friend. I find them the best at shifting and pushing offensive momentum against me with the lockdown options they have. Additionally you can trait for stuff like a port, invulns, a rezz, etc, which can all be really clutch. Although Scrapper is a good support, I don't actually fear them at all like I do a good Minstrel Tempest. I do have a minstrel tempest. :triumph:
  15. I also usually roam with a friend or two, and right now I am trying out a power renegade shortbow build, and oh lord sevenshot is so fun to use.
  16. Thanks, and the armor part, and trinkets, are not a problem, I already have a trailblazer set for my Condi herald, so yeah.
  17. I like all the supports, just trying to figure out what is best against the curring roaming meta.
  18. It's for roaming, but yeah, I know it is sub optimal, but I don't really care about that, rather play what I find fun. :P
  19. Does anyone have a good build that utilizes the shortbow in a condi build in WvW ? I love how it plays, but the only builds I can find is for herald, and I really do not like herald, I like Renegade much better (Charr main) and so would like a build that works with it.
  20. Hm, what would be better.. A scrapper or a firebrand for roaming ?
  21. Well, better to make it unfair for your side. :P
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