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Everything posted by GoldenPants.1870

  1. This looks like a fun build, I think I will need to try this. But wouldn't the https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Magnanimous_Tuning_Crystal be better as a consumable ? Yes, I'm just cheap. Costs half as much on the AH and lasts for twice as long. It's really the extra 100 Expertise from food I care about. Rough math says I'd gain ~40-50condition damage by going with with Magnanimous. Considering I'm over 1400 condi-damage unbuffed, I don't think that's too much to worry about for casual WvW play.Only reason why I am asking is because I got a ton of those Tuning crystals.
  2. This looks like a fun build, I think I will need to try this. But wouldn't the https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Magnanimous_Tuning_Crystal be better as a consumable ?
  3. Has anyone tried it, and in that case, just how well (Or bad) did it go ? And if you have, what class/build did you do it with ?
  4. What gear and consumables n such would you use for WvW though ?
  5. Hidden Killer gives 100% Crit while in Stealth and for 2s upon coming out of Stealth, which makes Precision unneeded if yu are playing a hit and run build which wants to hit, then disappear again equally quickly. Valkyrie is the perfect set to not only provide Power and Ferocity which makes up the other two parts of the trinity of stats for Power Damage, it provides Vitality which will make Thief much more durable than they naturally are. Ooh I see, yeah that does make sense.. Now where in the world will I get a hold of ascended trinkets and rings with Valkyrie.. Maybe the mist vendor, how much is it for a ascended ring/trinket now again ?
  6. I want one of those grenade oneshot builds, absolutley ridicilous.
  7. How would one go about to bursting with these builds ? That's probably a question I do need to ask, Stealth Backstabs ?
  8. As I put in the title. "For WvW" :P Maybe I should try this build.
  9. So I have been playing Rifle, Staff, S/D, D/P, S/P Thief, Deadeye, Daredevil.. Basically I've played a lot of builds, but there is one build I have not found yet, and that is a build that utilizes Dagger/Dagger, I know, it is not the best weapon set, but I made my Incinerator, and I want to use two of them. Does anyone have a "good" D/D build they could share ? Im not the best build builder, as proved by my question here.
  10. I dunno, I like this feature, I love when people rage at me when I hit their giant forehead with a 15k Death's Judgment. :)
  11. Please please make this tonic permanent, I am absolutley on my knees Anet, please.
  12. I don't know what happened today, but WvW atleast is unplayable. Absolutley unplayable.
  13. Why should Snow Crows be take responsibility for the actions of other people, that have nothing to do with them?They only provide information. What other people do with that information doesn't fall into Snow Crows' territory. They can do what they want. But they're not getting a cent from me until they actually start caring about helping normal people clear. Uh, that's not their job, it's by their kindness they are sharing these builds to the public.
  14. I have experience in all the first 4 wings, legendary armor + the eternal title to prove it, I mostly play heal druid, almost exclusivly.The times I can raid is.. Pretty much any time as I do not currently possess employment. Contact me ingame if you are insterested. NA btw.
  15. I just wish that Grenade Barrage would get mega nerfed. Along with the insane barrier generation for scrapper for the amount of dmg it deals. the whole explsoive traitline needs to be looked at. And the grenade kit.
  16. ranger has more stealth? how? a blast and longbow 3? and maybe if u play druid? or use trapper runes? basically not tru.Not even then. Ranger can't permastealth.
  17. You must be cheating! Indeed I must. Yeah except nothing is wrong. If there was something wrong youd have an actual argument, but alas, you do not. I don't think I have read anything more wrong in my life.
  18. I just did a test. And, to absolutley nobodys surprise. Daredevil is faster.
  19. "Ranger has more stealth" — Ranger only has Hunter's Shot unless they're playing a pretty weak trapper build that will get eaten alive by Rifle pokes (they can't Power burst and they can't pull you into the traps like Dragonhunter can). And Druid has stealth on Celestial Avatar but fighting that build means you're not getting hit with massive burst from Soulbeast.Well, actually we have GS 3 through Smokefield from smokescale too. Totally beats thieves tho. :^)
  20. Make a new account on Geforce, request new password, login with facebook. Get on twitch and stream it, get on discord and stream it. So many options here. And each of them more effort than its worth.The proof of burden is on you, you know, you are willing to argue it, but you have to provide evidence too.
  21. I don't understand how you're willing to argue this for days but refuse to make a video to prove your point. It's time to either put up or shut up. this is what happens when you use your pride.he knows he is wrong but he is too full of kitten to admit it.Well we humans are humans, we will defend something that we know is wrong, just because we do not want to be wrong.
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