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Remus Darkblight.1673

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Everything posted by Remus Darkblight.1673

  1. Thank you so much, I really appreciate you taking the time to mention me specifically. ❤️
  2. Great to see my work going to good use. Nerf me! I am entirely responsible for the comedy meta!
  3. Took the assignment and ran with it for extra credit, love it! 😂
  4. What's up guys! Since the cele nerf is almost upon us and there are already posts popping up to righteously oppose other terrible gear stat combinations, I decided to make an easy to use template to facilitate all your griping needs. Just fill in the prompts with your most hated stat combos and hot takes and copy/paste into a new topic. For best results, make sure to post it when you're feeling particularly incensed about the game, or even add your own flourishes to make the topic especially divisive. Happy raging!
  5. That isn't what is being said at all. I suspect @Trejgon.9367 may have hit the nail on the head here. Assuming that is correct, it would mean there are two states where the map is closing. The usual low population trigger which can be cancelled if the map fills up again, and then a version that cannot be cancelled if the map has been kept open enough times or for long enough. My guess being that they do this to prevent instances from becoming buggy or unstable due to being open for a long time. Either that or it is a bug. I do agree that maps with resets coded into the meta probably don't need either of these mechanics, or at least only need the softer low-pop trigger to encourage players into fewer, more populated instances. There is no need to force a reset on a map that already resets regularly. If there are indeed two different map-closing triggers, it would be beneficial to have a different message for each, so you know if it's worth repopulating the map or just biting the bullet and volunteering to move.
  6. Because the accounts you would see wouldn't be LoserSpy.1234 it would be NewAndDontKnowBetter.7456 or AltyMcAltFace.6969 / BurnerAccount.9001. So we can see who pulled the tactic, big whoop, what are you going to do now? You can't stop them, all you can do is shame them, which is only detrimental to a new player. Anyone who actually cares enough to spy and troll is going to love the notoriety or switch to a different alt.
  7. Don't worry, I saw it. Look what you've gone and caused, I hope you're proud of yourself 🤣
  8. I can't get on to check right now, but does level scaling show stat changes on individual items? Only thing that comes to mind.
  9. Complaining about having only limited game time yet wanting to grind on the same mobs for the same passive drops simply don't add up. You must understand that if they didn't curtail the drops with diminishing returns, your own profits would grind to a halt due to market saturation from actual farming bots, taking you even longer to reach your goals. People have explained how best to make gold through various activities, even giving alternatives to farming mobs by changing maps every so often. I don't understand how you still have an issue. The diminishing returns you're complaining about have existed in the game basically since launch and it is now easier than ever to make gold (the reason why gems are more expensive). What is your actual issue here?
  10. Have also had this once, not sure the exact cause but pet could not be retrieved with the unstow button. In previous iterations of this bug that would have been the quick fix, I've often had my pet get stuck stowed away when exiting underwater mode, but this is worse since even entering combat didn't bring the pet out.
  11. The reason diminishing returns need to be in place is to stop people from flooding the market with the easiest to farm materials and dragging the prices down to nothing. As a player farming for their own use you shouldn't see any negatives here. You need multiple different items to craft your legendary gear, so you really should be looking to farm multiple different areas for different materials. If you're just farming one thing constantly (enough to suffer from diminishing returns) then you're not doing yourself any favours. It's not an efficient use of your game time when farming for personal crafting. If you're doing it for profit, then letting you get away without diminishing returns would soon see your profits eaten up by the inevitable price crash that would follow from an oversaturated market. There are players out there who could efficiently farm those same items far faster and for longer than you. In short, you can thank diminishing returns for the limited farming you can do remaining profitable. My advice is to try finding a routine of profitable activities to do each day and to put up buy orders for your materials from the trading post. It is a more efficient use of your limited gaming time than farming the same area repeatedly for the same materials. If you really find grinding the same activities or areas to be the most enjoyable way to play, then I would recommend finding one or two more areas and just rotate between them when you see your drops start to dry up.
  12. Get your 5,000 shield kills and then come back and ask for more punishment you masochist 😛
  13. Someone necroing a post after months or years just casually adding onto the conversation will always be funny. Half the people who posted previously may even have quit the game since, it's like they're coming in and starting a conversation with a bunch of skeletons. Since you're asking, if it was me I would probably either necro the post and actually ask "was anything ever done about this?" or start a new post linking to the ancient thread asking the same thing "hey guys, did anyone ever get any feedback on this issue?". No one was forbidden from posting in an old thread, it's just amusing.
  14. 3... years... later... Champion necromancer lord appears 😂
  15. You claim to be a player that does not purchase items frequently and prefers to earn their gear, yet you are advocating for a model that requires you to pay real money into the game and also allows you to bypass some of the work required to earn your gear? Why not just buy gems yourself every month? It would not take long to permanently unlock full storage, extra character slots, and enough gems to buy the gold needed to bypass much of that farming for legendaries you feel so favours those who spend money? Call it your own personal little subscription model.
  16. 100% agree, but not every trait in that line relates to condi e.g. Unsuspecting Foe, Opportunist, Burst Precision. If you take arms for a fury/crit focus you're stuck with Deep Strikes and Bloodlust on the minor traits. I would move anything related to extending or applying conditions into the major traits and have the minor traits do stuff that is universally applicable. Either that or rework the line to be entirely condi focused, and put the precision stuff elsewhere. The way things are currently makes a lot of things feel very watered down, which is probably a contributing factor in why Discipline goes with pretty much everything, nothing feels as good.
  17. I like the intent behind it, but does Discipline really need another reason to be an automatic pick for every single warrior build? I would like to see Arms reworked, I don't like that it does condi things if you take it on a power build because of how the minor traits function. It should have some direct choices between improving criticals and improving condition damage without being a muddy mix of both when trying to be focused.
  18. The ability you are thinking of is Wildshape from D&D. Some kind of shifter would be on theme, but possibly crosses over too much lore-wise with Norn racial abilities. Almost certainly never going to happen. It doesn't make sense, and it's not something that would be easy to implement. Possibly maybe? This might be a case like the old back items though, where making a change to add dye channels would alter the appearance of the existing base creatures, something I don't think Anet likes to do. Personally I am not keen on neon pink pigs, just as I am not a huge fan of blinding-confetti-unicorn-baby-pink-demon-wing-dragon-headed-magma-skin player characters either, but that is just a matter of taste. I wouldn't be averse to some form of pet cosmetics though, even if it's just a couple of preset variations on each pet skin (think brown or spotted pig skins alongside just pink). But there are a lot of pets and we are very fortunate to continue to receive new ones with each expansion as well, no other profession gets that kind of new functionality to their core abilities.
  19. Try this http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POwEMiNssUWGbl5xcxxaRPeVySSD-DWJYiR9/p0kQoNFVdS0eFBm9qQAC4vG97UCA-w Unblockable, 1,500 range, 8-10k+ opening strike, from stealth. Also doesn't require you to burn multiple utilities for the burst. In my opinion Multishot is an underrated skill. This build really shines in small group roaming with a couple of friends. Probably not the best choice for 1v1 or outnumbered solo play, but then in skilled hands would still be very potent.
  20. This is where the % of team comes in. If the 500k guy got 20.1% of team, then the rest of the team didn't do zero damage. The only thing you don't know is how that remaining 79.9% was split between the other 4 players. In a vacuum where all roles are equal you'd expect to get 20% of a given stat for the team and 10% of the match. Of course this changes when you factor in supports and DPS, but you know you're doing well if you're over this average in multiple areas e.g. if you're doing 25%+ of the team damage on a support, something is up with the DPS players. What I'm getting at here is the stats tell you more about your team and the match than just who got top stats and your own raw numbers. Case in point here, arazoth is responsible for almost one third of the teams damage and over half of the healing. Although the team vs. enemy for damage and healing was fairly well matched overall, arazoth was also responsible for nearly two players worth of the damage and healing overall. This clearly tells me that they were not only the strongest player on their team by a fair margin, they also performed markedly better than the whole lobby. 9 players in this match were fairly evenly matched (on average), with one outlier on blue carrying the whole game. What this says to me is an example of the low population matchmaking. I reckon the game has found 9 players for a match and is struggling to find a 10th player in the same skill bracket, so has expanded the search and found one a tier or two higher than is ideal. Bonus analysis, the offense and defence tells me that the game was won, I suspect, by the enemy trickling in players and losing fights to arazoth one after the other, probably after losing the initial mid fight. The stats show the enemy team was more aggressive, but didn't convert that into caps because arazoth was very strong on the defence and probably denied multiple capture attempts. In doing so they also pushed in to contest enemy points between defences, leading to having that top offense stat too. I'd also hazard a guess that arazoth's own team were roaming more than contesting too, or getting caught up in large fights off point. Of course, I could be wrong, I'm just stating what I think was most likely to have happened.
  21. Big up Finland! I have just one question, is it kuusi palaa, kuusi palaa, kuusi palaa, kuusi palaa, kuusi palaa, kuusi palaa, kuusi palaa, kuusi palaa, or kuusi palaa?
  22. The response I quoted is verbatim the response of a moderator locking a topic very much like yours earlier today. Also yes, it is okay to leave the game running in the background provided you are in attendance and able to respond if a mod messages you. What you are not allowed to do is employ macros to perform more than one action or perform actions on multiple accounts simultaneously. I am not saying that what you are seeing is not botting, but you don't get to decide whether or not they are, no matter how obvious it seems. Anet's position on this is quite clear, report any issues and let them deal with it, there is nothing more to discuss about it on the forums. Whether or not you or I agree with that is irrelevant.
  23. Another post for mods to lock, here is the response you will get: "This isn't a subject to discuss in the forums Please, if you witness any of these acts while playing, please submit an in-game report or a ticket to our Customer Support team, so they can properly investigate the matter." Can only advise you report and supply as much evidence as possible. It is impossible for a player to decide whether someone sitting in one spot unresponsive is botting or not, however if a member of ANET staff whispers that player then they must respond or be deemed AFK farming.
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