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Everything posted by Dante.1508

  1. Uh yeah no but Ascended would have been more appropriate at this point in Gw2 life.
  2. I personally found LS3 even harder than HoT.
  3. I've never bought a decoration in my life, i never even knew players could buy stuff for guildhalls, honestly the whole idea seems stupid as only guild leaders can make guildhalls pretty.. So whats the point.
  4. Out selling and actually enjoying the content is two totally different things.. EoD was very much in demand as a pre order as so many GW1 customers loved Cantha and so many have been waiting on it for years.. So it was anticipated before hand, which is why it probably sold so well. What we got though.. well you guys can decide on that. My version..
  5. Braham could have been great but hes a very one dimensional character.. Hes either really nasty or nice... no real emotion, also even Rox disappeared this time. I really dislike Ritlock.. I don't know why he just grates on me. Personally noticed Caithe was not invited to the marriage thing at the end.. I really like Ayumi, Ivan and Rama as new characters in EoD disliked Yao and Joon.
  6. Actually i disagree about SWTOR, well i agree about the farming.. But the design is way better imo than here, buy a few cash shop random loot boxes Less than $40 AU stick on trading post and become a billionaire there over night, then you can buy all the cash shop skins you'd ever need or more. Sure it requires some real life money but its not a real lot, Here one mount costs $50AU. If true that actually explains a lot... We aren't all data mining their bitcoin without customers knowing are we that would explain why everything is so grindy.. Jokes aside that is why you are careful who you have running your companies..
  7. Yes many times in DE after a fail people abusing the commander or people not participating.. Usually me just trying to do my story sometimes. I was abused in drizzle coast for not being a team player as i was following my story quest.. Everyone complains WvW gets no love and why no one wants to do it, yet every time people get forced in there they get griefed and then no one wants to go back, Same with PvP and even raiding to a point. I actually left GW2 after a year and a half the first time because of LS1, i never actually completed it it was so bad.
  8. I never said that, i said paying money funds the game. Not how much the devs add or take away, Paying no money funds its end. When i said more i meant future content. Not a larger amount of content.
  9. Some character hair colors do not appear until you buy a hair item or total makeover etc.
  10. Many of the guildies have wasted money on it..
  11. I dunno from experience Taimi is a hugely popular character, i believe that's why she hasn't died, i know there are a small percentage of frankly evil players that seem to want her dead but on a whole shes incredibly popular of the dragon's watch group. Killing Taimi off would be a bad idea for the game and the forums would be set into explosively toxic mode when and if it ever happens. Also incurable diseases do get cured, it just takes time to find the cure.. Killing off a favorite character never ends well for a franchise, just look at the walking dead.
  12. It might be but i've never really seen a positive from it, its usually a negative, people here state its all roses and candy then when you actually participate its a mess and very toxic. 99.9% of the time.
  13. All they'd have to do is give all the points and required stats and avoid the trahearne pact parts for new races.. I'd be all for that to be honest i hated the pact parts of our stories.. New races could have an intro then get put straight into tyria I honestly am not bothered.
  14. I think they are standard ears shrunk down in to minimum in the slider.
  15. I love Agent Batanga she is an Amazing character, they should add her to Dragons watch. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/0/0e/Agent_Batanga.jpg I don't think shes overly hard to copy. Prolly have to start with Engi or Warrior for Rifle or Thief.
  16. Its dumb because everyone buys it thinking its a home instance thing and its wasting money on players as the guildhalls already have it.
  17. Does Rubies of Eventide or Anarchy Online count as an ancient MMO? If so probably i am. Then i dipped into GW1, Runes of Magic and many more.. Never once played WoW though.
  18. Any maps with poi hidden behind metas or masteries.. thats an instant "i'm not gonna bother" for me these days.. I'll never complete IBS maps.
  19. IBS and EoD would show that Anet hasn't grown out of it yet lol
  20. If they kill Taimi i'm done, they need to kill of Brahm and Ritlock or Rox.... they are useless characters, at least Taimi makes herself useful and her voice actress is great.. They already killed off Zojja.. We need more Asuras. Not less. She an awesome character, shes what makes following the story fun. Plus Jade Tech seems to have fixed her for now.
  21. No its for you guildhall which is dumb, should have been a home instance.
  22. I quit over quite a few reasons.. My builds get nerfed in owpve due to "balance" patches. The lack of rewards in owpve is totally crap. "you don't need it" isn't an argument. The difficulty of the content wears me down. owpve collectable skins in general are terrible. The over use of meta trains in owpve drives me away. The gems to gold conversion is bs... way too low. I totally expect to take another break when Engi and a few other classes get destroyed on 28th june..
  23. Dps is non existent when your downed in every event.. guess whose ressing all those high dps berserker and viper builds ... me!
  24. I know this might be a shock to many but ping times are also a huge change in Dps, for me in a large group or even solo to hit my skills they arent instantly cast, they sit there flickering for ages before the skill fires off, up to 3-4 seconds sometimes on a bad day, so i assume that would affect the dps of a meta build as well.. So even with the exact build and setup i bet my rotations do less dps then say USA players with tiny ping times..
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