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Everything posted by Dante.1508

  1. Its not really a better player its more faster hand eye coordination.. Thats really all GW2 requires.. its partially to know where to stand and not die, and how fast you press your little buttons. Thats it in a nut shell. There are a hand full of skilled players theory crafting op builds for other players.. the rest is the above. I spend $150 - $200 a fortnight on gems and i'm no where near whale standards..
  2. So because i'm relegated to US off peak i'm SoL, right great, i do call for HP in hot occasionally, i'm usually met with the "HP train" is already gone through you'll have to wait a few hours for the next one.. (i move on to other easier content thats not hot..) No wonder hot is dead these days...
  3. I'm not very interested in Sylvari but that one Malyck story line always interested me and the future Asuran story line where the commander goes evil and creates steam creatures to rule the world.. Both i always wished would follow on.
  4. Seriously LFG in a freakin owpve map.. Should i look up LFG to do a few hero points as well. Also outside of raiding there nothing on LFG at all.. on my server.
  5. I logged into the game and was told to change maps after about a minute.. Why didn't it just log me into a fresh map?
  6. I agree op its pretty laughable.
  7. If its any consolation op owpve rewards are even worse... I laughed in map chat the other day that the event rewards are worse than mining some iron ore these days, and so many people agreed with me lol.. I mean a bit of iron is more useful than 99% of the trash we are given as rewards.. seriously.
  8. Mostly the distance required to complete it and the maps being dead or flicking to new maps every 15 mins make it impossible to complete.. Even with a Skyscale or Griffon i can barely get to the areas i need to in time. Not enough waypoints and to many map changes and very few players.
  9. As i said in other threads failed 5 out of 6 attempts thats enough for this casual.. i gave up doing plus op the rewards are terrible.. even the turtle is pretty useless. I got it my first attempt luckily.. but never beat it again. Haven't bothered with EoD in a few days, it was designed all wrong meta wise. Failure with a capital F, Kaineng is just as bad not enough waypoints imo. More of a dead EoD.. the Tyria maps are full. in my oceanic time zones.. EoD is dead. Pof is somewhat plenty HoT less so (i think people gave up on hot because the Hero points can't be soloed and not enough help).
  10. I agree with op.. i gave up trying and i gave up the Kaineng event as well. Too hard for zero rewards. I have no interest in legendaries i cannot buy.. People keep telling me i don't need them in owpve so why bother chasing those carrots..
  11. I played it and frankly found it garbage and stopped bothering with it.. I'm not sure how better to word it.
  12. Man well said, i wish i could like this more than once thank you for explaining what many of us in game are feeling these days. The issue is Anet tend to ruin them every three months.. And many of us are tired of it.
  13. Any chance you elaborate on this. I usually can sense modern political and social garbage in games these days but i never really noticed it in this out side of a few gay couples hinted at.
  14. Well somewhat yes, Not because the players should be given hand outs but because a lot of maps are dead these days.. So much content is excluded in quiet maps these days because the content isn't soloable.. I know the hardcores players wont like this but its becoming a reality on my servers more and more. Hell yesterday i was in the Silverwastes trying to do my daily and the map was dead, three of us trying to complete the end event, the fact we even made it through to it says something.. We failed of course.
  15. Its actually mostly the Tengu.. Do they have some innate ability.
  16. I have no interest in Gen3 legendaries, so i wont care what the Zaitan skins look like.. Also i've seen the axe and it looked really bad.
  17. Yeah i don't believe you, you may get lucky a few times but sooner or later you will be dead and more times than non glass builds.
  18. Maybe top tier players and veterans, most everyone else is dying in them constantly.
  19. Most of the sources have been removed or long gone but i agree with Kozumi it was a massive Anet error at the time, it also followed after Southsun which was also pretty much hated by all. Those two additions nearly ended Gw2 at the time, damage control was put into effect etc, it was actually a bigger issue at the time than even Heart of Thorns release was.. Either people here are too new or have forgotten the dramas of LS1. Its was universally hated by so many, to this day people still remember LS1 as the content that destroyed some very beautiful maps that people liked from before it.
  20. Because glass cannon builds always go down first, its the nature of the builds, high damage no survivability? Works in raids maybe because you have dedicated healers keeping you alive.. In open world no they go down way fast because they are terrible as soon as you meet anything that can burst you or is stronger than your few seconds of high dps, they have zero defense and poor healing ability..
  21. Didn't last time i played but it was more than a year ago so who knows now?
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