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Everything posted by Dante.1508

  1. How would more people stop the jumps from sliding me off the platforms? I guess the cannons would be helped but the jumps are server side not a player thing? That would actually waste more peoples time as i'd have to stop the quest and restart for new tries over and over. Wow even the people writing guides failed that one, super hard not due to skill, but server connection is pretty bad lol. That seems really crazy? but ok.
  2. Yes i turn up on the boat, he talks then the boat instantly despawns and respawns as he gets on it, in that second it dunks him. Three characters now. Achievement lost.
  3. At the point in the quest when you must take Detective Rama on a boat cruise through New Kaineng it states an achievement to not get him wet? Well as soon as the boat spawns with him on it it dunks him and ruins the achievement, nothing to do with me its a server issue or bug.. instant failure, tried it on three characters now and it instantly fails. A relog or restarting the quest doesn't bring the achievement back and i doubt it would change the outcome as i said for some reason when he gets on board it respawns the boat and instant it does it dunks him and ruins the achievement. Cannot get this one at all.
  4. Australia really fluctuates with internet here.. Melbourne and Sydney have far better internet than Queensland. Inner cities have far more infrastructure than Rural, No idea where Vayne is but he's not in Rural Queensland if he can pass those.. I can't even get NBN where i live, i'm still stuck on ADSL2+ 20mb thanks to the Liberals..
  5. Everything, the game, the expansions, the living stories i missed, gems and gem cards.. for account upgrades and more. Remember the games are $150 AU a pop here in Aus. So are expansions
  6. I had to buy some as i was on a break when they released.
  7. With all the diving goggles and jumping puzzles i've had to fight through in 9 years i should have 3 sets of Legendary armor.. I'd love to see the WvW and PvP hardcores do all that. Open World - 40% of content Story - 20% of content <--- Open World Content 💯 Fractals - 10% of content PvP - 10% of content WvW - 10% of content Strikes - 5% of content Raids - 5% of content So its 60% of the game, not 40%...
  8. Uhh no its not.. Nothing about toxic WvW is relaxed..
  9. I don't, i only use it when i have too. which is rare.
  10. The stack system should be removed, its a stupid design.
  11. I don't really understand the map closures anyway? isn't the design to stop lag or something, the maps close so fast i'm switching maps 20 times a day and i'm not joking.
  12. I guess thats me out then, Sucks to be Aussie i guess.
  13. How is it an exploit, its just people doing the thing as designed because Anet makes everything a grind.. Obviously people will farm the thing to get the items easier.. If Anet would stop adding grind to literally everything it wouldn't be an issue.
  14. True but for me ESO was a lot cheaper than GW2 the only reason i Quit Eso was because their mega server made it unplayable as Australian due to latency. The DLCs and such were not a big deal sub wise. Pay for sub do DLCs follow stories then cancel sub.. GW2 has cost me far more than $1800 over the 9 years i've been here.
  15. I've since tried Harbringer and its really fun as well. Its really brought me back to classes i'd given up on like Thieves and Necros and my Beloved Ranger. For all the bad EoD has done to GW2 the classes were the shining light in the mess imo. The class designers should get a raise imo.. Except Bladesworn and Vindicator both of those need to go back to the drawing board sadly. I haven't tried Ele, and i probably wont as its way too much busy work for my gumby hands to compete with.
  16. Don't you have to get them all though to get the final rewards?
  17. I'm not sold lol, they look terrible and they are all the same, no way i'd waste time or gold on those things even with the stat selection. GW2 lost the plot making these.. 3000+ gold for that haha please.
  18. See the thing is doing these grindy things gives me no sense of accomplishment at all, its all virtual meaningless content, i play for fun.. Not to grind my life away on meaningless repetition. To this day i still feel disgust every time i use my Skyscale that i wasted all those currencies, resources, time and effort on.. I felt no accomplishment and still don't.
  19. 100% this, its just not rewarding or fun.. And a nightmare to keep up with. Whoever designed it did it wrong for western customers.
  20. Yeah this was always crazy.. No wonder there is a population issue to this game. This design literally wipes out any hope of following the story.. unless you were in game since release or are very rich. Yes but the DLCs in ESO are all separate stories not interconnected as much as GW2.. if you miss a DLC in ESO its not that Jarring like it is here, miss stuff here and you are totally lost and confused, lore and story wise.. Its very poorly implemented.
  21. Every expansion people want the nice stuff nerfed to please themselves.. Just to be mean.
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