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Doctor Hide.6345

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Everything posted by Doctor Hide.6345

  1. I didn't mind it to be honest. I still plan to use it because I am a gun nut when it comes to games, so if the damage is even close to scepter I will use it. I don't mind it being single target mainly because it still works on bosses. Overall, I am liking what they did with it. /shrug Edit: Also, keep in mind this is beta still. Look at how many changes DE Rifle went through from beta to live +.
  2. Honestly, the only situation at the moment I can think of for this is with sword. Like the boss does a don't stand near me aoe that lasts a minute or so which it would then make sense to switch to ice bow. But as for ranged weapons I don't see a use for conjured weapons that much.
  3. I will just say you do not need to join a WvW guild or even their discord to play WvW effectively. I have been in a lot of PUG commander groups there, and we have won just fine encounters. Being in a WvW guild group is not a requirement, I would say for myself I enjoy WvW more because I am not in one. There more then enough random PUG commanders out there who will take you in while they are online for that map for you to get points still.
  4. I will just say if you want to see people criticize GW2 a lot there is another sub-reddit for it called MMORPG. But that group is mostly a bunch of old timers who criticize any QOL feature past the year 2004 to live in their glory days still. Some of them are good apples though, but most are cranky old ones who just complain about everything. So OP if that is what you want to see, there is a place for it on reddit. 🙂
  5. Well, to be fair, pistol will be melee as well even if it has 900 range built into it mainly because of the meta of warhorn requiring you to be up close and personal most encounters. But I do agree that staff needs a lot of love for it to be any good now.
  6. I am kind of curious now on the 2 3 for the other elements. I wonder if 2 3 water cleanses, and 2 3 air gives quickness or something? Or if 2 3 fire gives might?
  7. I am curious to try these out. It does seem very vampiry which intrigues me.
  8. TBF, they do look better with how they interact, but we are getting P/P buffs soon. That may help out some in that feeling, but theme wise Guardian's P/P do look cooler sadly. Well, anything is cooler than the shortbow we got, but that is not hard to beat.
  9. I am curious about this one. This may be my first support in the game I might play because it is a rifle, and I can make a Shione or Anya cosplay with it. But I heard it might also be power too? I don't remember reading anywhere about that though.
  10. With that small discussion out of the way, I can post this. This is what I came to decision wise if Ele needs to shine in my opinion. I will retract some of what I said about no changes after thinking about it some. I would be fine if Ele got more self boons, self cleansing, self healing, and more CC built into skills mainly on Weaver and Catalyst. I am fine still with the low health and complex nature of the rotations, but if they built more into the self support(not sharing side), I think it would shine as the pure dps class that can stand on its own while not being brain dead easy to play. Plus, I would love it if group support was no longer needed it for it function well, but I know that won't happen. That curse of boonball will always be there for most encounters, but if they could lesson it when it doesn't have to be in the boonball, I say it would help it at least for the pure dps side being more self sufficient. That is my compromise at least in my opinion if I wanted it to get an identity.
  11. If that is the way you want to play it, then I say it is draw because your take is now that of a child and irrelevant in my eyes. There is no more that can be said between us because we will not agree. Good Bye. 🙂
  12. That is true. I should clarify that more then because I have had a slight change of heart after reading Aliams. I am for improved CC, Self Cleansing, and Self Boons. If they added more of those in skills, I would be ok with it as long as they are not shareable. Meaning that Weaver and Catalyst dps specs keep their selfish nature which is my main goal overall. I would be all for self boon and healing skills being added in, so the class doesn't have to rely on the group at all or as much allowing it more freedom to do what it wants being a true self survivor. I will bend there after thinking about it. Yes, I know it would make it somewhat easier with those added. Now with that being said, I would still prefer the class has its low HP and complex rotations implemented in still. But now it would have the options to self cleanse easier when it wanted along with more cc when it came to decision making making the class complex to master still in knowing when to use those self skills and what not. I would not want that level of thinking removed in favour of a less complex way. This way it has all the tools it needs, but it still would take time for people to master for fights.
  13. You do realize you are posting in a thread where the main guy wanted more HP and for the class to be literally easier than it is now. So, of course people are going to assume you want the same thing as him or something similar which is what a lot of us old timers are against. Fixing animations and buffing numbers on certain skills is more QOL than changing the core of what Ele is which is the main complaint brought up here. Most of us are for QOL like fixing old bugs that have been around since forever, but what we don't want is to fundamentally make the class easier by adding more HP and less complex rotations just so lazy kitten people can play it easier. I am not for the laziness.
  14. I say it is valid because not everyone has to enjoy and play everything to have knowledge about a class. It is ok for people like me to just focus on the pure dps side and be masters of the pure dps side. We don't have to know the boon/support side. You may say we have too, but I can hold your opinion just as foolish as you hold mine on the matter if that is your take. So, I can't take yours seriously either than if that is your stance on it. I can see yours as just another kitten person trying to change the class to fit their lazy middle school means if that is the road you want to travel down going forward. Or, we can accept we each have a different view on what mastering the class means, so I can respect yours and you can respect I know the pure dps side well and leave it at that. Because I don't like how support plays on GW2. I just don't. I think it is kitten foolish, so I never bothered with it. I prefer support play more on the traditional role side like in FF14 playing healers there. Edit: I am just tacking this on here because I don't want to post three in a row if I can help it. This is from another thread that was brought up. I am not against QOL changes like bug fixes or buffing numbers. I am ok with that. What I am more against is changing it to be easier to play by buffing HP and making rotations less complex for the sake of those kittens without brains. I am also against added support for pure dps specs, but I am fine with more selfish utility(mainly more self cleansing, self healing, self boons , and more CC. none of it is sharable) on a pure dps build for purity of purpose and personal beliefs. I am god kitten sick and tired of people thinking everything has to be support in some manner for the game, so I will fight my hardest to keep things pure dps because that is what I enjoy about the professions here that I play. I like being a selfish dps. Not everyone enjoys being a slave to the group giving out boons and heals here. But you want to add more dps, I am for that because it doesn't change the core of the specs I play.
  15. I don't see that low representative numbers as a problem still with the class still. It can do the numbers which is all I care about on the pure dps side. That is good enough for me. I am not saying it has some issues and is 100% perfect all the time, but what some of these people want change wise is absolute foolishness. I will fight tooth and nail against those that want to add more HP and make it less complex just because they are lazy kitttens who don't want to put forth the work to properly master it. I can't stand that middle school level of people demanding such things trying to take the easy way out. I say middle school because I work at one, and some of the people here with what they wanted sound just like middle schoolers being lazy and not wanting to put forth effort to learn the class. About your Elitist take, my take was more on people kicking people just because they brought a dps they didn't like, but they never once mentioned in description saying no of this class. To me that is Elitism, but like I said that one is more rare. As for your why part, I get that because people do lie and cheat their way to the top. I am always the one to watch guides and read builds and such, so I am not a burden to groups to the best of my abilities minus learning the fight still. I have no problem with those groups demanding kpi because training runs exists, but I do suppose have a problem demaning kpi and experience when joining a group when it wasn't even mentioned it was needed in the description. Those who demand after the fact just want a free ride imo.
  16. You say that like it is an insult, but it is not. I find that word to be a compliment, so I thank you for complimenting me. 🙂
  17. The thing is people will still play it the way it is. Not everything has to be for everyone or even the average player is my take. I hate that design philosophy because it takes way the more complex ones in some manner. It's ok to have low represented classes that take a long time to master like the Ele. If that means the average player can't get it within a week or two, I say so be it. It is not for them which is an ok thing. Not every profession is for everyone. I appreciate that the Ele takes some challenge to master, and the reward is the fact that the person mastered it. It doesn't need to be translated into utility or something else. Not every thing is fair and equal in this world when it comes to effort and pay out. Sometimes the challenge alone is good enough to keep the profession as is without any extra bells and whistles to encourage more to play it. It has been this way for years now with the Ele design. I don't see it changing any time soon either. I see it being reinforced more now actually with how the balance patches are taking the pure dps side at least with buffing sword and such.
  18. The good thing it really doesn't matter if you like my take or not because that seems to be the take Anet has taken as well with the profession. So, it stinks to be those who don't like it then. Oh well, I guess it's time they move on to another class that does suit their needs. 🙂
  19. You know what I meant. If you are asking for a specific role, and someone brings something else then of course you can kick them for that. I was not referring to that, and you knew it. There is more scenarios than that when it comes to elistism. If it is an open group and all they ask for is just dps, a person is more than freely allowed to join as an ele because Ele is good at dps despite some of your nay saying. It does the job quite well in capable hands. I also couldn't care less for the support side argument you presented because I don't care to play support. I only play pure dps professions here. And most people don't give two kittens if an Ele is brought when they are asking for just dps classes. The someone brought any other class than I requested applies to most all the other professions in the game. It is not just an Ele specific thing. Edit: A lot of you nay sayers are just making mountains out of mole hills. It is not that bad of a state for its intended purpose on the dps side. You can claim all you want with your "not" elitism that it needs to change and re define itself to fit the groups will, but it doesn't need to that as well since it is not that big of a problem. Most people don't care that much and will take an Ele because they know it can get the job done. A dps is still a dps at the end of the day.
  20. The thing is everyone who plays Ele has to go through that stage to get actually good at the profession. So, a lot of us do get it, but we never complained about it though or asked for it to be changed to fit our needs better. We accepted that it is just how the class is and just dealt with it. That is my problem with those complaining. Yes, we know it is frustrating. But it is just part of the "get gud" phase for playing Ele. If they can't handle it, then I would just recommend they play something else and leave Ele alone to those who like it as is.
  21. Does everything need to be justified though? I don't think it does in the slightest. Let people bring what they want. I couldn't care less what someone brings as long as they are enjoying themselves with it. So, my take is that Ele is just fine as is with how it is set up for just damage mainly. It doesn't need anything special with it. And if a group for some reason has a problem with it, I just tell them to kitten off a cliff, and I find a non elitist group who doesn't care.
  22. Don't get me wrong here, I was hoping it would have been power mh as well since I know we are lacking that. I am not too thrilled about it competing with scepter either, but it is what it is at this point. I will take it as is just hoping that scepter doesn't over power it, so it is actually used in builds. Or, that is doesn't over power scepter either. That main comment was just on people disappointed it wasn't support weapon which all evidence previously kind of showed it wouldn't be. That evidence being the patch notes where most guesses of support weapons came to from those getting major buffs.
  23. I don't personally think it flops, but my interests are primarily in the weapon master and the new core weapons coming. Those are the main reason I bought the expansion. I suppose ow legendary armor too, but eh, I have not been as motived yet for that. But weapon wise I think they gave and are giving me in the next couple months exactly what I wanted from it. I honestly couldn't care less for the maps and the story they gave. Not to say they are bad, but it was not my main reason for getting the expansion. So, in my opinion, it did not flop at all.
  24. Well considering most of the game is PvE focused with WvW and SPVP still being to the side even with the WvW changes coming, I would say it is an ok thing that the guns will be good in PvE. The main reason I don't like WvW that much or SPvP is because of the projectile hate, so I am glad they make just PvE weapons for us that enjoy it. Not unless you want them to make pistol unblockable which I am ok with to counter all the kitten projectile hate the WvW and SPvP modes have.
  25. Well, I was already not that hyped for 6 out of the 9 weapons coming out because they just are not my preference, but since I am a gun lover, I have loved what they have done with Guardian p/p, ele pistol, and mesmer rifle. I can't wait to play those. I am excited for it.
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