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Everything posted by Follyfoot.2803

  1. Would that be on top of the vast fortune I already spend on kitten gems. I have tried to controlling myself but it's no use I always end up spending more than my allowance. That is why I would love GW2 to bring in a sub. It would be far cheaper.
  2. I join raids all the time in FF14 but I respect my eyes to much to take part in any intense GW2 light show. No thank you very much.
  3. Don't agree. One example to help you understand my argument. Go to SW and take part in preventing the occupation of any fort. Stick with it until the game triggers it's cheat event. What happens is the game will spawn a kitten load of those leggy things right at your location. They will knock you down and keep you there until dead, not to mention they virtually one shot. The same amount of leggy things running around normally I can dispatch quite easily. Are you getting the picture? Being aware of this ambush I have even tried running as soon as they spawn, but alas they will port to you and drop you. The only exception to this is the intervention of other players, yet even a army running to your aid is rarely successful. If you don't believe me go try it for yourself. I can trigger it any time I like so you should have no trouble. It's the same result every time. This sort of content is NOT hard, it's kitten coated BS. This is just one of many game cheats that can trigger. They don't make it obvious obviously. Those not open to it will take it as normal. Just be aware that the game is trolling you.
  4. Bares the question which would be better? A expansion or a major overhaul of what they have already have? They already have great maps and environments it's just the mechanics are left in the past as well as some silly mistakes made. Have high and low level content on the same map for instance, bring players together rather than pushing them further apart. One things for sure, they need to address those smaller issues that people keep mentioning or requesting if they want to keep hold of those people they have. A growing number are getting fed-up with being ignored.
  5. Yeah, I am in great need of making a character that I can relate to. As it stands the choice is very thin and no mater what you do they are all looking samey. We have 10 faces, 10 faces that are near as darn it, the same. Even messing around with the feature brings the same result of samey. Give us a character creator that brings out the creativeness and imagination in us all, a extensive colour palette doesn't cut it and more flashing things is no substitute. In all of my hours spent creating characters I am down to 2 that are JUST acceptable. All Humans and Norns are clones of each other. Charr and Sylvari can be varied at the cost of looking a bit daft. You know I say this but none of the character creators in any game are there yet.
  6. Yes, it was some sort of spider or Beetle that it seem to be coming from. Surly anet must stop this behaviour. It's really spoiling peoples game and beyond a joke. Why on earth would they make such a thing in the first place? They must really have some sort of campaign going to ruin peoples eyesight. They will be sorry when people start taking then to court over it. They must be breaking some part of the health and safety rules.
  7. Ported to Mistlock today and couldn't see a thing. Some bug thing on the floor was causing this white-out of the surrounding area. It was really painful on the eyes. What the hell was it and when are the dev's going to ban it? I mean that was totally ridiculous. By what was said it was troubling a lot of other people as well.
  8. I am hoping they address all of those vulgar effects with edition of DX11. There's one thing that is sure. They know they are a problem for a lot of people. I am looking forward to having a fight with a actual solid boss or mob. You get sick of fighting the same old ball of flashing lights. You don't even know if you hitting the boss or stood there like a idiot. Enter the light and you lose control of your character.
  9. I am pretty useless at competitive MMO's, that's why I play GW2. I can watch the TV while button mashing. Not much demand for skill or attention here. The game generates the illusion of being hard by the use of dirty tricks, dropping a mob on your head or a boss that will one shot 50% of the field no matter what you do to try and prevent it, just a couple of examples. But at it's heart it is still built for casuals.
  10. My argument is that if it's not causing you any harm then it should be left entirely in ANets hands. Squealing on people when they do you no harm is not big and hard, it's vindictive.
  11. Apparently it's been delivered but cannot be activated.
  12. Sod it. I'm going to use it just because I can. Now which little one of my piggy's want's a promotion?
  13. Another call that falls on death ears. We want a option to change the size of the cursor as it get's lost in battle causing you to loose that battle so you rage quit from the game and never return.
  14. Mine dropped this morning. Not tried activating it yet but there it is.
  15. They provide a important service. Without afk farmers we would have to go through the purgatory of farming for ourselves. And none of us want to face those sort of horrors. It's not as if they are stealing the mats from you. To many people to eager to grass folk up these days. Who or what can we cancel today?
  16. I've used this and it really good apart from the fact it causes me some sort of strange input lag.
  17. How about ghosts when they cast that white light spell. If I don't look away I'm seeing spots for hours. Anet have shares in specsavers, must have.
  18. Or dragon ore. I am so fed-up with farming that kitten.
  19. Ah, you found the exception. Only played that for a week on launch, couldn't stand it. As a example you have a raid in FF14, I have all animation and effects turned on, that's full not simple. I never lose sight of the boss nor any of the team. Now those effects are explosive and a lot of them, but at no point am I looking at kitten storm of lights were the team or boss should be.
  20. Now this is were I must disagree. I have played them all (nearly all) and there are none worse. Yes, they all have effects, but those effects are under control, and/or have a slider of some form to turn those effects down. Maybe it's the way the effects in GW2 are portrayed, more like a brush stroke than particle effect. Whatever, they are over the top and then some. I mean even the passives make you want to throw up. It's not a fact. What is a fact is that some say they are fine and some say they are overbearing. This is a no win discussion.
  21. No point in derailing the Ops opinion. Many agree and most and don't hide their head in the sand, they say it how it is. You don't care but others do. For all we know your system isn't capable of producing the hmm, flashyness but mine certainly is, and let me tell you there is no way to reduce it to a acceptable level.
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