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Everything posted by WaveIn.4091

  1. I feel like GW2 actually does a really fantastic job of accommodating my migraines and seizures. It’s the first game of its type I had been able to play since Kings Quest, Lemmings, Goblins, Day of the Tentacle, and most of all Myst. I had been playing Room Escape games and other flash games like Grow in the mean time, and playing board games like Dominion, Sentinels of the Multiverse, Betrayal at House on the Hill, Pandemic (ironically), Forbidden Desert, Seven Wonders, King of Tokyo, and Ticket to Ride. I had tried to play Diablo when it first came out and couldn’t really even look at it without having a migraine. I hadn’t had success with anything else since, not even Final Fantasy 14 or The Elder Scrolls Online. Guild Wars 2 does an amazing job!
  2. I will go turn off my wintersday infusion. Sorry!
  3. Thank you! I’m making really slow progress on the story and even exploring the world. I love playing but I’m super casual about it. I super appreciate the offer. I will ask if I have any questions. So grateful!
  4. I'm on 4 seizure medications as well, and I see a neurologist for them as well. They work, but not very well. They worked well for several years, but then stopped working. I've had seizures for a decade. When they first started, I was having several a day every day for three months. I started medication, and they went away completely. I was very lucky. They didn't return for several years. Now they are back, and medications aren't working well. I am told that the kind of seizures I have can't kill me, which is good since I can't prevent them, they last about an hour at a time, where I can't move and go in and out of conciousness, and end in convulsions. I remember them because I'm aware part of the time. I certainly wish I didn't have them, but I don't seem to be dying, so I will do me and live while I live.
  5. No. Guild wars 2 works well for me 99% of the time. Why would I stop playing something that I’m capable of playing? Having a seizure from Guild Wars 2 maybe a few times a year is no big deal. I have seizures more than once a week anyway. I can’t play FF14 because it gives me a seizure EVERY time I play. Same with TESO. With Guild Wars 2 I play the game more days than I don’t, and I still almost never have seizures from the game. For me, at least, it is a very safe game. i mean honestly, might as well also say “stop watching TV, going to plays and concerts, exercising, and going outdoors” my seizures are triggered by the cold and exercise sometimes too what’s left? Though to be fair, it really couldn’t hurt to spend more time on professional development, intellectual pursuits, my research (unpaid), and actually speaking to people It’s reasonable to think Guild Wars 2 developers might care to know about an effect that happened in a small location. I can just avoid it, but if they know about the effect, it MIGHT matter to them in the future. This is a bug report, and it’s as legitimate as any other.
  6. Is this an aesthetic concern, something medical, or the limitations of your computer? not a medical concern for me. I don’t need the glow turned down. my computer is fine. i like the glow. but I’d love to know your perspective.
  7. Glow isn’t a problem for me. And not all intensely visual scenes are. In fact I really enjoy the glow in fashion wars and have a wintersday infusion on myself and prefer the Starborn wings or tempest cape, both of which shimmer. So shimmer and glow don’t bother me and can be fun. The seizure trigger for me, specifically, is strobing. Repeated, rhythmic, bright flashes in intervals of a couple per second to one every couple of seconds. Fortunately, I didn’t have a seizure in the couple of hours that followed, tonight! So it went much better than FF14 or TESO where I was reliably having seizures nearly every time I played. i reliably am SAFE playing GW2, 99% of the time. but I do hear the complaints and also the people excited for fashion wars.
  8. I love the idea that asura technology is getting better and spreading in influence with time
  9. Hi i am not sure if this is a beta issue or not. I have non epileptic seizures. I struggle with a lot of video games. For example, Final Fantasy 14 was fine up until level 50 but then started using visual effects in dungeons that gave me seizures. I could barely get past the opening credits of The Elder Scrolls Online. Guild Wars 2 has worked wonderfully for me for six years. I have been able to play all of central Tyria, large parts of HOT and POF, all of IceBrood. I do well with most world bosses. Shadow Behemouth, jungle world, Jormag, and Drakkar are all fine, most of the time. I more recently have been trying out some LS3 and LS4 areas. I struggled with Thunderhead Peaks giving me seizures before the beta, but fine, it is about lightning. I just don’t play there. I hadn’t played Domain of Istan much because I’m not really done with POF. I gave it a try tonight in a group playing a meta, while playing Mechanist. The meta does have a lot of bright flashes, but I mostly did okay. There were a few lights that made my head spin, though I haven’t had a seizure yet 20 minutes later. There were some quickly strobing lights where some pc or NPC was setting off bright white bombs with a whitish orange thin arcing trail behind them. They made a big flash then disappeared. There was maybe one to three a second for ten seconds That’s the sort of flashing that often causes seizures for me, so I wanted to let you know in case there’s some effect due to the beta that’s causing this. thanks!
  10. I’m sorry this was an issue for you. My two cents: I have frequent migraines and frequent (non epileptic) seizures that are triggered by strobing lights. They are not triggered by intense colors or glowing lights. this beta went wonderfully for me. I didn’t have any headaches or any seizures. I thought the graphics were great!
  11. The Jade construct looks absolutely amazing as it comes crashing down to your side as you mount the siege turtle. It looks exactly like a rocket taking off and landing. (Okay I’ve watched too many launches to consider it exact but the resemblance is remarkable). Check it out it is VERY cool. Sadly it does not seem to be possible to use the Jade construct while mounted but it returns to your side (less spectacularly) once you dismount.
  12. That sounds like it would be worth a try! Currently I have air/water tempest with scepter/warhorn/staff. It’s a lot more effective than I used to be, but I’m squishy and can’t solo stories. I’ll give it a try! Thanks for explaining that clearly! My current strategy is to use overload lightning unless I need a more rapid response and then I rotate fire and lightning and rarely earth. Overloading fire also works well. When I’m dying I switch to water. Casting water spells rapidly heals me and so does overloading water. I also use mist form. I’ve recently discovered the tornado ten skill can be a lot more effective than rebound, for me at least. Probably I’m using rebound wrong.
  13. I think the Turtle and the Jade construct look great. I love the look of the Catalyst effects. I remember enjoying the new upgrade to Warrior as well. The green looks high tech and I love the tech theme. To me it looks like modern rockets taking off and landing. I think it’s very cool. I hope we’ll see more interesting tech in Cantha
  14. I love the jade color they’ve picked. It feels high tech, and I’m keeping with siege turtles with rockets and jade constructs. Hoping we will see more interesting technology in this expansion
  15. I’m no combat expert by any means. I have a tempest main, so I’m trying to get the hang of catalyst. Anyone have tips? Underwater is going well, but fighting things that move rapidly, like even regular ice worms, is really hard. I’m used to ranged combat, and I haven’t figured out how to run back and forth that quickly or how to use the orb skill so that it stays put over the ice worm. thanks
  16. I love the look of the siege turtle. I love the bright green, I love the rockets on the feet. I love floating along in it. It made running Dragons Stand (for only my second time) fairly easy. When I played the meta there, I did not use the Turtle, I played Catalyst. Swimming is not quite as fun because you sink and then get stuck. For example, I ended up trapped at the pit at the bottom of lions arch lake. But in Frostgorge Sound, I was having the same problem. I sank to the bottom, the bottom didn’t rise gradually to a side but rather was a sharp plunge in, so there was no way to get back out without dismounting. Turtle seems to have a bug when killing enemies when roaming. In Dragons Stand, targeting some Icebrood and their Ice formations, I had trouble with the gun not firing even when it was charged. It worked okay for a while though, so the issue doesn’t seem to be that I was solo. Later I followed a commander to fight the World Boss Svanir Shaman using turtles. For most of the fight, it was telling me that the Shaman was immune to my Turtle canon. I am not sure whether or not the guy who was riding my turtle was able to shoot with any useful effect. Eventually I dismounted and fought as a Catalyst.
  17. I managed to log in by 1) turning off the windows Game Center 2) renaming the exe and then renaming it back 3) logging in and changing my graphics settings to windowed. i don’t know yet if I can get back in or not but I’m here! And Halloween is over! :( thanks Guild Wars 2!
  18. I usually play a tempest. I thoroughly enjoy my tempest. It’s got an interesting rotation and the visuals are great. Unfortunately it’s super squishy. Catalyst was good, but mechanist was better. I had a really awesome time fighting Drakkar in Bjora as a mechanist in the beta. Normally as my tempest it takes me maybe a minute to down groups of 3 ordinary enemies in Bjora, especially if one is a veteran enemy. Downing a champion or elite would be totally beyond me solo or in a team of two. With the mechanist, I plowed through Bjoras enemies with one shot, sometimes on auto from the Jade construct. Champions and elites were easy on the way to Drakkar in a small team. My tempest might actually be more effective than the mechanist in the battle against Drakkar himself because of the ability to respond quickly to a moving enemy, rather than having to aim and hold. I also got bounced around a lot with the default build of mechanist. But it was fun to have all that power! While I enjoy the gameplay and of course my fashion style of my tempest enough that I will probably keep a tempest or maybe a catylist, I might also make a mechanist. I really liked this class, in appearance, theme, story built into the GW2 world, personal attachment to engineers, and also how it plays! Thanks so much for a great beta! Had an awesome time and looking forward to End of Dragons! Hope it’s not really the end of dragons. PS I absolutely love the Jade color and appearance and motion of the construct. The construct flies and lands with a thunk like a SpaceX retroburn rocket recovery on the drone ship when you glide and land, or land from a springer or bouncing mushroom. I love it so much. It feels so high tech and so sleek. I love the glow and how it emits green shining gas as it moves, powering it. The name is also good, but the graphics are absolutely outstanding!
  19. It's immersive and beautiful to play. The characters I've developed are a lot of fun. I enjoy the item names and feel. I enjoy the look of the armor. I enjoy the world. I enjoy the stories, and the PvE world bosses. Not necessarily the instance stories because I usually can't succeed at those, but the stories woven by the sound effects and visuals of the environment and the other players. I like that I can choose how much money to spend.
  20. I've had a graphics bug for a couple of months. It's intermittent, but mostly present. It makes the graphics look scrambled, pixel by pixel, like the lines have been missed so that they're the wrong length and alignment. I've submitted many reports and worked thoroughly with Guild Wars trouble shooting to no luck. This began just after installing macOS Catalina. Then I began having problems with crashing repeatedly and being asked to send reports to Arena Net a couple of weeks ago. I've sent all the reports. I don't know what it is about what I'm doing (obviously I'm not being reported-- this is not a ban-- from the context) but I don't know what about the context is causing the bug. I don't really know game development well enough to know. Then when I was doing a trading post transaction, the transaction went through, but the game died in a blinking test pattern. These are fairly usual for me, but I'm neither a high nor low spender. I honestly do need to spend less. The test pattern was not great. I have seizures and this could have triggered one. It didn't. It caused a migraine, but not a serious one. I'm safe. I'm more worried these repeated crashes are going to harm my computer. My computer still has great specs and is working well in most ways. It's a great computer for the programming I do on a volunteer basis, working back toward professionally. I have more than ten years experience in the field and need a working and decent computer. While I love gaming, I would never buy a high end gaming computer that might or might not work well for my programming needs when I know I have a reasonably good programming setup now. Any suggestions on how to fix this? Or should I let it go?
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