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Everything posted by Jugglemonkey.8741

  1. Bug Fixes: Cyclone Trigger: Fixed an issue that caused this skill's projectiles to display unintended visual effects. Cunning Salvo and Malicious Cunning Salvo: Fixed an issue that caused axes created by this skill to inflict revealed when recalled. Detonate Jurisdiction: Fixed an issue that prevented this skill from unlocking properly. Fixed an issue that prevented thief's axe skills from generating shadow force. Orchestrated Assault: Fixed an issue that prevented this skill from requiring the user to be in range of the target or to have the target in their line of sight. Fixed an issue that prevented warriors from receiving credit for the Artisan of Arms Wizard's Vault objective after killing 100 enemies with a staff. Fixed an issue that prevented the achievement Follow the Magic from properly tracking progress.
  2. Honestly this sounds like the sort of thing that should have been an ele trait from day 1. Make it affect all ele's big AoE's and call it "Celestial Shrapnel" or something.
  3. Tbh I really like the movement on axe with dagger offhand, but I play a lot of sword builds in WvW so that's probably why. I've been playing power axe dagger with dash, impact strike and instant reflexes, it feels like playing willbender with boomerangs lol.
  4. I'll be honest, I'm not usually too bothered about what other classes have (the bigger they are, the harder their ego's fall when you stab them in the kneecap) but I do draw the line at requiring the thief kit to be functional. This patch is the first step the Devs have taken in a very long time into making underpowered thief things functional, and that is always welcome.
  5. This honestly looks great. Hope they follow through ^^
  6. What @bq pd.2148 said about the ticks and the might stacks is all correct, and he's probably right about the immob likely applying more poison than you think for those higher ticks. The numbers look right otherwise. Make a new build with only deadly arts and don't slot panic strike and you'll probably see the difference then.
  7. Have you seen the path of exile 2 trailer for the mercenary? Crossbow dude, can mimic an auto rifle or shotgun with grenades and combo finisher style moves. That's what I wanted instead of deadeye, but hey.
  8. See, this amount of negativity is why I find it funny to play deadeye as a healer/support build. Even when I do none of the things that people complain about, I still get complained about.
  9. This is what annoys me. I was saying to a friend the other day how I wanted more sustain considering other specs now have thief level mobility. They said "yeah, but you have stealth". Yeah, so does mesmer, ranger, engineer, what's your point?
  10. This. All other classes have a core mechanic that's both consistent yet made different for each of it's specializations: life force for necro, adrenaline for warrior, clones for mesmer, toolkit for engi, pets for ranger, legends for revenant, virtues for guardian and attunements for ele. To a certain extent you can put a weapon on the "wrong" spec and it will function, because the core mechanic might function differently but its there in all cases. Look at thief. Yes, steal changes, but it functions as a supporting mechanic instead of the main event. Core and daredevil share steal mechanics and gameplay to the point that you could argue that daredevil is a core traitline. Deadeye's main mechanic is not mark, its malice. Spectre's main mechanic is not syphon, it's shroud. The core mechanics of the specs are not alterations of a common theme, but new additions to the class entirely (or non additions, in daredevils's case). The weapons and were designed to support these new mechanics and are dependant on several traits that alter the way the spec played, and thats why they suck eggs when those mechanics and traits are not present.
  11. I could work with this in theory, but I guess the problem is how you gain stealth in the first place. On support specter the main skills and traits you're going to be using to gain stealth are blinding powder, blasting black powder with shroud 5, shadow refuge, merciful ambush or cloak and dagger, and all of these save cloak and dagger will stealth your ally as well as yourself. So while this change looks good on paper it might change less than you think in a practical situation. This again for pve would be potentially amazing, but it would need more thought on specter because a shadow arts specter pumps rot wallow venom out to allies through applying barrier. If that venom applied health leech it would permanently lock that specter out of stealth, which would heavily limit its ability to heal through the scepter sneak attack. Which in one way is fine, as the traits would still trigger by applying stealth to the allies, but stealing aggro from the tank in a raid situation because he's stealthed and you're not has the potential to screw up the entire raid attempt. Someone who plays raids more than me would have to comment on that tho, thinking about it I'm not sure if this would work how I think or not.
  12. I actually liked the axe in theory (needs changes to work in practice, but yeah) but I would kill for a boomerang thief.
  13. You're in the wrong thread dude. Your Thief complaint thread is elsewhere. Staff thief in PvE is passable, but in PvP it's pretty bad. You can get away with it more in WvW because the higher damage lets you hit harder, but in PvP its not really been a thing since PvP seasons 1-2.
  14. Builds like this can be extremely useful, you can make an ally close to immortal in small scale which can be pretty hilarious. Lithril's build would be better than mine in a large organised group, mine I feel is better as a pug/roamer. I prefer deadeye over specter (build in signature) because 1) rifle is a great weapon to have for kiting when people realise you're the reason their target isn't dying and 2) acrobatics actually does serious work in this build for keeping me alive, and specter can't take acro because the -3 ini forces you to take trickery. There's pros and cons to this choice. I don't bring wells, so no stab or CC from yellow or elite wells. Assassin's reward paired with shadow saviour covers one of the main weaknesses of heal specter tho, which is a lack of self sustain. Using snipers cover and death's advance to stealth and port will heal you to full just while you're avoiding pressure, which is excellent. Instant reflexes along with shadow meld is great for keeping the healing on your target when you're taking fire. Skelk venom and flock relic on this build provides allies with a 5k barrier and 8k healing, which is great for pushes and for keeping your ally alive when you're forced to swap to rifle because of enemy pressure. The shadow arts traits I chose are the general case choices tho, I find I swap them around a lot depending on what we are fighting. But yeah. Both builds can provide a crazy amount of support, but that comes at the cost of not being as straightforward to play as a support on another class, and the fact you'll be playing with a target on your back because when people see a thief in a group they usually think they're glass and an easy target.
  15. Did you kill all three at the same time? And are you sure there was only three? Because unless you killed all the thieves hiding in your keep at the same time simultaneously, they can just portal each other in when they respawn. I get that that is annoying to deal with, but that's not an exploit. Assuming you're correct and an exploit was being used, then report the player. Don't ask for nerfs to an entire class because someone decides to cheat using it, by definition the cheater is at fault, not the class.
  16. If people can't be bothered to check their own keep to see if there's a mesmer or thief hiding in it, that's 100% on them.
  17. Shadow portal has a 60s cool down. Which means for us to take what you wrote seriously and say that the thief alone was the sole problem, that means you literally sat there for 10 minutes while a thief portaled 50 people into the keep by himself. If that's what happened, that's totally on you/your side for not checking your own keep and noticing the steadily growing group of enemy players amassing in it.
  18. I hadn't even noticed the change, shows how much I use the skill now. Used to be one of the best burst setups in the game to the point it was oppressively good, but if it doesn't even CC now I'd say it needs the forced reveal on skill activation removed to be at all useful. It was oppressively strong with the knockdown, but the fact it reveals on hit because of the small direct damage it applies is more than enough tradeoff if it only applies an immob, vulnerability and boon rip.
  19. Tbh this skill does surprisingly good damage if fighting two opponents, and one is ressing the other or something else that makes them stick close together. Spam it with M7 on a high crit build with air/fire sigils and it will do surprisingly nice damage. Not saying your suggestion wouldn't be cool, but honestly I kinda like S/D as a set as it is. The single biggest issue with S/D is that acro is bad, and a build focussing on S/D as the main set really needs acro to be good if it's gonna have any staying power. That's kinda why I now play core S/D with D/P offset and sa trick crit strikes, playing S/D as a secondary melee set with SA for blinds is just so much better than the traditional S/D core build at this point.
  20. Edit: ^ what he said 🤣 If you're channeling a skill and the thief cancels it by moving behind you only, not by using steal, it's probably because you're holding the right mouse button down which forces your character to face the direction the camera is pointing. As the thief moves around your character stays facing one direction and the skill fails. If you release that right mouse button while channelling, then hold it again afterwards to recenter the camera, your character should turn to face the thief as he moves behind you while maintaining the channel.
  21. Well, there's three options for you here. 1) accept that the commander is not obliged to do anything for you in game if you're not willing to do anything for him 2) dismiss the commander, switch map and tag up yourself 3) carry on what you were doing regardless The group isn't obliged to create content for you. If you want to engage in the content they create, be prepared to do what they ask to propagate and support said content. Or, be prepared to create your own content. The knife cuts both ways on this one. I am a thief main, I mostly roam and I help a group when I feel like it. When someone new to WvW roams with me then complains about being ganked, I tell them to bring a roaming build and not to +1 duels. If they do that, I'll teach them how to handle various situations from there, but if they don't follow that advice they can't be surprised if I leave them for dead while spamming /laugh. Zerg play is the same, stick to the established rules of the group or be left to fend for yourself.
  22. Think of it this way guys. In a game where specs have different abilities depending on purpose, there will always be a "fastest", or most evasive, or easiest to run away with spec. If it wasnt thief, it would be mesmer, or willbender, or engineer, and you'd be complaining in their forums instead of here. So really, the root cause of the complaint is that thief is able to do something that other classes can't do. Thief has been balanced around having to play with hit and run tactics to make up for the inherent mobility it has. They don't block, outsustain, or boon their way through fights like other classes can. Thief has also historically had zero teamplay options unlike every other class. The way we support the team in competitive modes is being the best at what we do. The player behind the keyboard for a thief is the same type of player as any other class, they won't back off when they're winning a fight. When a deadeye backs off and goes OOC, that's because you have forced him to do so, and the way thief is designed means he either backs off or he dies. So with this in mind: if you want to nerf thief stealth, mobility, evasion or whatever has annoyed you because it plays differently to other classes, okay. If that is how it is, thief mains want all the same toys you have, that sustain, higher damage, and team fight potential that has always been denied to thief for the exact same reasons you have historically been denied thief level mobility. What are you willing to buff on thief to make up for your nerf requests? Because frankly, if you're not willing to take my question seriously, why on earth should a thief main take it seriously when the same tired complaints roll around year after year?
  23. Yeah, because it's not like the last couple expacs gave most classes tanky DPS builds with thief level mobility or anything.
  24. I used to hit people for 26-30k with death's judgement/malicious backstab before the nerfs with full malice, 17k one malice backstabs with zero warning too. Even after the nerfs I switched to pistol mainhand and would spike for 18k in just over a second. It's only the shadow arts rework that removed stealth on mark that really finally killed my interest in deadeye since binding shadow is now too much of a pain to land against someone worth their salt and the rest of the class is degenerating into mindless spam. If you think the current state of deadeye is unbeatable in good hands, you really have seen nothing.
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