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Everything posted by Jugglemonkey.8741

  1. Complain when you see them and complain when you don't! :) It's a running joke in our discord, someone mentions they made a thief, Serind nopes and sighs in disgust, and I laugh haha xD
  2. Well to be fair Power Daredevil per se is not a terrible DPS. The thing is simply that every other meta DPS build brings more than just DPS to the table. That being said though, I always say that, while other classes bring utilities and stuffs to a fight, the scout brings you the fight itself. Now, I don't know about your server, but in my experience there were times when enemy groups avoided engagement and aimed to capture objectives against minimal resistance. You know, either pug groups with number but less organized and/or build synergy with a losing streak, or guilds groups that are individually outnumbered by you, but collectively outnumber you so much that they can hit multiple objectives across differently maps at the same time and wreck your home BL simply because your group cannot be in different places at the same time. And this is where the thief class shine. You track enemy movements before they reach any objectives, put supply traps along their path to reduce their siege capability, and disable stuffs like God so that your groups can deal with enemy groups in SMC first before rotating to save your home BL tier 3 Hills. Without you, your group might only get one fight and could not make it to the other. That along justifies a spot in the squad and participation share designation. The only downside though is that you get only one fight yourself, instead of two like the group you serve, which is one of the reasons why I eventually quit playing Thief in WvW entirely and went for other classes. Still, I enjoyed what I did. Exactly, I agree with pretty much everything you said here. It's more a case of we only need one scout, and in my guild that happens to be me when I'm online, so I'm trying to encourage my guildies' enthusiasm for trying thief and to provide them with builds that will serve a purpose without ending up with a party full of thieves in raids in the process haha ^^
  3. Everyone else in the game uses the "carry" or "cheese" options, so I don't see why I shouldn't. That’s a nice mentality you got man, the game is kitten because of ppl like you flocking to the OP ez to play builds. Again, why should I handicap myself by refusing to use certain parts of my class in order to make you feel better? Do you also handicap yourself on your main class, or do you play whatever is strongest because it's in the game? If you are losing to thief, set up some duels with one and learn to fight them. Edit: you also assume I only play SA builds. That would be very wrong. Handicap yourself? SA just doesn’t req any skill, it just carries you, and then you think you are good, till you switch out SA, and you notice you are trash.You can play your carry build, but when they nerf it, you still gonna be a bad player with bad reactions.And how you talk about SA, yes it makes people think you only play SA.I would be impressed if you would beat me in a 1v1 without SA, i’m a drd s/d thief btw.If you ever wanna duel for gold, lemme know.Otherwise just keep being trash, on your trash build.If you check my post history you'll notice that I play a wide variety of builds, including but not limited to S/D daredevil, and frankly I have nothing to prove to you because the respect of some dude on the internet literally means nothing to me. You're the one who tried to make this personal by making assumptions about me and how I play thief, and frankly you come across as a dude crying about something that counters his build rather than trying to improve himself. I suggest you take some time to work on your character because at the moment it is lacking somewhat. Have a nice day :)
  4. That is def true, stealth with disablers and portal is a really nice combo haha. I went so heavy on the "no utility" bit as I did essentially because I didn't want guildies swapping off meta zerg builds in guild raids just to try thief. Thief is amazing fun and is a great roamer, but it probably brings the least to a large group in the actual fights itself.
  5. Everyone else in the game uses the "carry" or "cheese" options, so I don't see why I shouldn't. That’s a nice mentality you got man, the game is kitten because of ppl like you flocking to the OP ez to play builds.Again, why should I handicap myself by refusing to use certain parts of my class in order to make you feel better? Do you also handicap yourself on your main class, or do you play whatever is strongest because it's in the game? If you are losing to thief, set up some duels with one and learn to fight them. Edit: you also assume I only play SA builds. That would be very wrong.
  6. Mostly posted for the benefit of my guild, but as discord apparently thinks I talk too much for a single post I posted it here too. Serind is my guild leader, in case that's not obvious from the context.
  7. I've had a few guildies ask me for thief builds recently, so I thought I'd post the general builds I run in guild raids on here. Just a few WvW related points to bear in mind before I start; There is a reason that rangers and thieves are hated by commanders. Thief brings absolutely NO utility to a large scale fight, and are usually a liability if not a straight up rallybot. If you bring a thief to a pug raid you will most likely not get a spot in squad, which means no stab, no heals, no cleanses, Serind will likely shout at you for not playing something useful and then at me for encouraging it.J and other comms in the guild tolerate me playing thief because I'm a guildie, and because I have played this class for a long time I generally know what I'm doing. If you drop your main class to play thief, Serind will shout at me. I make myself useful to the group by scouting the position of the enemy groups, and relaying this information to the comm. There only needs to be 1-2 players scouting at most in a guild raid. If we end up with a party full of thieves, Serind will shout at me. Don't try to run a thief in a frontline role. Most meta classes are such because they are either best in slot for their primary job, or because they bring a range of utility, allowing them to cover multiple roles in a single class. The only utility that thief brings is blasting smoke fields, which is better done by scrapper, and the only useful AoE damage thief has is staff which requires frontline. Unlike frontline classes you bring no stability, boon rip, corrupts, blocks, projectile hate, heals, cleanses or CC, and thief does not bring enough comparative damage to justify you being carried by the support classes. If you bring thief over a hammer warrior to a frontline party, you will likely die horribly and Serind will shout at me. In small scale, thief is one of the best roamers. That said, you really have to know what you are doing to get anywhere, and you will die a LOT as you learn. You're as tanky as a glass ele, and your main defensive skill is dodge. At the time of writing this post I have played my thief for 6314h, and in that time I have died 11463 times. If that would just annoy you, I'd suggest playing another class. In case it's not clear; DO NOT PLAY THIEF IN OFFICIAL GUILD RAIDS. Serind will shout at me. That all said, I use two main builds for scouting; Marauder/valk S/D daredevilMain build -> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PawAUxjlNwAZbsOGJOMXntUA-zVRYDh2JqEMqJiPlmkohJE6VR1yIwOHgA2DvlqUwA-wShadow arts variant -> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PawAUxjlNwAZbsOGJe+WntUA-zVRYDh2JqEMqJiPlmkohJE6VR1yIwOHgA2DvlqUwA-wThis build focuses on mobility that exceeds that of mounts, with the ability to stealth a group by blasting smoke screen with shortbow. You have no stealth outside of that so your positioning relative to your group is vital; they are your meat shields, use them as such. In fights, if there is space then use sword 2 to port through your group and +1 enemies that are low health, in any other case use shortbow to place choking gas on any downs your group creates. Use daggerstorm defensively if you need to push through a choke, but watch out for lines of warding; without stability they will interrupt your daggerstorm and you will explode in the AoE. You can use D/P over S/D with either of these builds just fine if that is your preference, I have played S/D for years so I'm just sticking to what I know. Soldier rifle deadeye;Main build -> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PawAQhrlFwgYbsOmJWWPvvKA-zVhYChLbIqhwgMEVCGEYp0UgmZR1aE0bKY7BIg9wbpKFM-wNomads variant -> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PawAQhrlFwEZbMLmJeeT/vKA-zVRYeRN3noSwgALlmC0MLqWjgeTB7OEBZP8WqSBD-wThis build is for following an enemy zerg without them being aware of your being there, so you can relay that information to the commander of your group. The soldier build is designed to be tanky while also dealing enough damage to kill something, and the nomad build is the "I really do not want to die" variant. I use both interchangeably depending on who we're playing against that week, and if I expect to fight or just avoid enemies.
  8. Everyone else in the game uses the "carry" or "cheese" options, so I don't see why I shouldn't. It's just a nonsensical position. If you play a stealth oriented build there are a lot of natural synergies with SA. Basically, anyone who tells you not to run SA in a build that benefits from it is saying "thief is OP if you run an optimized build so run a suboptimal build to not be unfair." But everyone runs what they imagine to be a good build (whether they think that is metabattle or their own personal variation). I say, play what you want and don't worry about people who will either tell you your build isn't good or that it is too good to be fair. You can't win those arguments so just play what is fun and works for your play style. It's not up to the players to play worse specs in an attempt to balance the game. That's the devs' job. Exactly. Anyone that tries to apply an honor code or rules of conduct to my build or my playstyle should read my signature. Use every advantage you have because your enemy will do the same.
  9. Everyone else in the game uses the "carry" or "cheese" options, so I don't see why I shouldn't.
  10. I was actually going to suggest trying sanctuary runes with the lifesteal from SA, seems you had a similar idea. Been playing the build in the video and it's really nice, fills a niche I needed when playing with my guild, so thank you for the video ^^
  11. No thanks, battle maul finishing downs made being outnumbered even worse than downed state does. My god, that made roaming completely unfun. Tbh tho, I can't really fault a zergling replying to this saying "just don't go down then" considering that's basically what roamers are saying to zerglings regarding no downed state. If they changed down state so you get one res per 60s and if you go down again you skip downed state and die, that would be fair enough of a middle ground for me I think.
  12. Doesn't mean that thieves don't get hit though. The shocking aura would be a get out of jail free card then to recover from. But the first line of defense is still to not get hit anyway. For sure, but honestly I'd rather run durability runes then as then you get some protection whenever the other guy spikes, not just after the daggerstorm. But if it works for you then by all means, run it ^^
  13. Last I checked, the shocking aura procs after the daggerstorm ends, so you would get some value. But as is said above, generally speaking you shouldn't plan to get hit on thief.
  14. People were "abusing" it, yet nobody played it. Go figure. (More commenting on the use of the term abuse, it was in game legally and was a totally intended interaction, so in what way was it abuse?) To be honest though, my old trap build revolved around old choking gas, not traps themselves, and kind of felt like a condition version of medi trapper DH to play. I was using trapper runes to immob people in choking gas using the shortbow sneak attack, because immob in a pulsing daze field that stacks torment, rips boons and steals health every time you interrupt was crazy strong if you didn't expect it. Given that choking gas is now a totally different skill the build is nothing close to what it was, and the ghost trapper thief that killed while never leaving stealth hadn't been a thing for a year already since they added physical damage and arming times to the traps, so I don't really get why traps needed a rework frankly.
  15. If that's the case then there shouldn't be a problem with leaving traps unchanged except for the skill type/naming, which would not trigger the rune. But in addition to the rune, anet probably just didn't want automatically activated traps on thief. But we know Arenanet.They can't just change functionally a little bit.They always have to do reworks.It's the problem with a changing staff team with continuing ideas, while they work to improve something their predecessor did they often fail to acknowledge what was actually good about the old thing in the first place. You know how when you get a new manager at work and they can't just add to an existing system, they always feel compelled to tear everything down then start from scratch even if it ends up doing the same or worse than before? Yeah.....
  16. Portal is fun, but shadow trap was more useful in a fight if you knew how. And honestly, we really didn't need a portal skill.
  17. Actually on topic: you generally only get one, maybe two chances to land a stealth attack because of the built in 1s cooldown. If you miss those, you either have to waste more initiative or cooldowns restealthing or you come out of stealth without landing your stealth attack. People want the thief to be revealed after whiffing a sneak attack, so ok, let's think about the sneak attack that already does that, Death's Judgement. Death's Judgement is unique in that it applies a self reveal as soon as you press the button, no other sneak attack does this. That means that I will never have stealth expire with no reveal unless I choose not to attack, so if I trait for it I get 33% extra damage reduction from Flickering Shadows and 200 extra power from Revealed Training. These effects start as soon as the button is pressed because of the self reveal, not when the attack hits, and so are guaranteed, controllable effects given in a way that other sneak attacks don't give me because if my stealth just runs out after missing a backstab, I get no reveal. Now let's look at the cast time, the time for the bullet to travel to target and the time for your evade. Death's judgement has a 1/2 second cast time and you are revealed as soon as you start it. Dodge has a 3/4 second duration, and assuming 1200 range you're going to have anything up to 1/2 a second in flight time for the bullet. Once you add these things up, and take a little away to account for the dodge and the cast/flight time overlapping as you react to the attack, and consider that the self reveal has a 3s duration, realistically you will have half as much time to punish me while revealed from Death's Judgement than you would if a backstab had landed and revealed me. That's as things stand now, if backstab revealed me as soon as I pressed the button you'd have at least 1s less time to punish me because of the cast time on backstab and because of the dodge (either evading the backstab or a panic dodge after getting hit). This would mean you get more tells and I only get one attempt to land the backstab, but I get less time defending waiting for reveal to expire after the attack, and I get guaranteed protection whether I hit or not. Given I only get one or two chances to land any sneak attack that isn't Death's Judgement anyways, I'd be fine with all sneak attacks revealing me as soon as I press the button as given the above, I'd actually consider it a buff.
  18. Being hit while in stealth should unstealth you(conditions excluded).Starting an action while in stealth should immediately unstealth you.Missing(blind/it being evaded) an attack in stealth should unstealth you.Stealth shouldn't stack duration. If starting an action in stealth unstealths you, making it so missing an attack unstealths you is a redundant change. Besides that, apply these changes to blocks and invulns too and we are all good. I find it far more fun to teleport into the middle of my zerg when I'm attacked with this skill, but to each his own.
  19. I once got called a hacker for using Binding Shadow and hitting them with it when they were LoSing my normal attacks. Haha, glad to know it's not just me then xD The funniest ones are always the "I play thief and I know it can't do that so you must be hacking" ones, they clearly don't play it or know it as well as they thought. What do you mean stealth straight inside a wall? As for classes with stealth access, yes, they tend to be more common with the use of port hacks at least, as the escape can be masked. Example being, I was fighting a thief, who used his ports to try and get away, but I was running JI, sword and GS so I kept him in range, and just as he stealths, I use F1 reveal and tag him, revealing him, which he didn't notice as he used port to mouse location and was almost totally out of render range (4,000+ units away) in one port, he went from NW wall at NC to half way down to sentry, and then less than 2 seconds later was showing up as a dot at sentry, by the time I got there he had already capped and WPed right in front of me. I mean exactly what I said, I was shooting with rapid fire down on to a thief from the top of a wall . I t stealthed as rapid fire was in progress and the projectiles tracked from where the thief was straight inside the wall there by being obstructed . Me being on the top of the wall showed an obvious hack . I've been playing long enough to know the difference between a port and a hack . I also don't buy the idea that it may be glitch because the thief emerged from the wall moments after it's health became full . This was clipping hack inside a wall to avoid being downed not a port. The only people that complained were the people that got caught. And if ANET did it again I would not shed one single tear for anyone who gets caught .Using the argument of invasion of privacy is a complete crock of bull kitten when you consider the internet being the least private place to be in the world."Auto" hot keys ? That sounds the same as a macro which are also restricted in game . The are plenty of possible key bindings offered in game . A third party "Auto" hot key is cheating plain a simple . I think it's a bit more nuanced than saying "all people who were banned deserved it" because IIRC some bans during that time were rescinded (also cannot recall if third party software users of ArcDPS/Taco were banned). AutoHotKey isn't just a macro program; it also functioned as a separate tool for key binding. A player who didn't use macros, but used AHK as you would with native gaming mouse/keyboard binding programs would get banned. The anti-cheat didn't differentiate between the two, and would simply ban a user for having the program installed, even if it was used for a different game that allowed AHK. Also, playing a game =/= granting administrative access to a personal computer. The main uproar was this point, since we never agreed to have a tool downloaded when updating Guild Wars 2.Now that you mention it, I remember this mess. I kinda get where ANet are coming from, unless the player base is happy to have something running and detecting exploits we are going to be stuck with hackers, it's one or the other really. Given ESL withdrew some years ago I wouldn't hold your breath though.
  20. I get where people are coming from, as I've seen people blatantly using hacks in WvW as have most people. That said, you'd be surprised how often I get whispered to tell me I've been reported for hacking when I'm not, they just have no clue what I just did or how to fight it. Like the time I got reported for teleport hacking when I was playing power P/D and killing people with 9k shadow strikes. Or any of the multiple people that reported me because they didn't know that shadow trap used to give the thief a 10k range shadowstep. Or the people that reported me because I made a build around immobilising people in the old choking gas as soon as they made it a pulsing daze. Point is, thief may be used to mask hackers, but a great deal of people have no idea what thief can do and just call hacks without bothering to work out what they actually did.
  21. Frankly I'd turn no downstate on for myself even if it didn't reward me. As a solo thief main the odds of me getting ressed or achieving anything go to zero the second I get downed, so it would just mean I'm back in the map faster instead of being jumped on/bled out/sieged by people that think they are accomplishing something.
  22. Question; how often do you kill/survive vs a thief that jumps you when roaming? Score it x out of 10. Don't count any losses when you're on group/zerg builds, because if you're expecting to win 1v1 vs a roamer on a zerg build you are no better than the players bringing rangers and thieves to a zerg. Build templates and mounts are a thing, so there's really no excuse for getting caught out 1v1 on a zerg build. So what kind of number are we thinking? If you are thinking 8 or 9 times out of 10, there is no problem because you are obviously countering them most of the time, and even if they run they aren't getting the kill. No changes needed. If you are thinking 4, 5 or 6 times out of 10, again, the matchup is evidently pretty balanced, neither you nor the thief has a clear advantage assuming equal skill. No changes needed. Only if you are thinking 1 or 2 times out of 10 is there a potential problem, which leads to a second question; are you playing a class/build that is weak to thief, did you make a mistake that the thief capitalised on, or are you losing because you don't know how to counter them? If you're thinking you need to go OOC to equip a reveal skill or change skills so you're more/less tanky, see paragraph 1, you're not on the right build. If you're playing a zerker build, you will get killed as fast as you kill, you agree to that risk when you decide to build that way. If you're playing a reaper, DPS ele or glassy mesmer, nothing wrong there, every class has counters and thief is yours (although if you play well you can still win). If you're playing anything else, you need to consider working on your build or your playstyle, because every other 1v1/roaming class/build can delete a thief given you know the counters your class has and you don't make a mistake.
  23. Well lets see now, supposed theres no one to apply that AoE CC .. which actually doesnt prevent it anyway , and secondly youd be very very wrong . Macros were banned for a reason in GW1 and originally 2 ... but some muppet at anet decided to change that because there's no way that anyone would have more than 1 skill bound into one right Your inability to land an AoE skill on a thief when you already know where he is is not my problem, and if there is no-one to apply the CC then what the hell point is there in stealth stomping. If you go down in a 1v1 you lost the fight already, respawn and play better next time. The fact remains that there is still more counterplay to a stealth stomp than there is to an elixir S/mistform/stability stomp, a fact you conveniently glossed over. Secondly, you missed my point. Binding evades or stealths into a macro is a dumb as binding all your stances on a warrior into a macro, what are you going to do when you just put everything you have on cooldown and the other guy isn't dead yet? Even if macros were not banned, no decent player would use them because you give up all flexibility in a fight to do something you could have done anyway with good keybinds and a little practice. You bringing up macros in the first place feels like a shoddy attempt to make thief players look like they are abusing something when in reality they're just playing the class as it exists in game. Frankly it feels dishonest because you're trying to deflect responsibility from yourself to something outside of normal gameplay that you can't control, therefore avoiding blame for the loss (it's an "I didn't lose, he cheated" mentality). Pick yourself up, stop making excuses for what happened, learn from your mistakes and grow as a person. Good luck o/
  24. I don't now whether to applaud you or to just feel really, really sorry for the people you killed in this video tbh Nice video either way ^^
  25. I mean, if you have multiple seat covers on the toilet that get proportionally smaller for someone to sit on, and provide a step... then yeah, probably. I imagine the charr would remove said seat cover then wait for the asura to fall in, honestly.
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