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Everything posted by Jugglemonkey.8741

  1. I hope they realise that if they don't address this in this game, the "alliances when?" meme is going to follow them through Gw3 and beyond lol
  2. I don't have a video (maybe someone else can find one), but in case you aren't doing this already and it helps, when enemies stealth I usually find it to be a good opportunity to heal and build defensive buffs in anticipation for an attack. While they are out of stealth is a good time to switch to and focus on doing damage/CC. I do this whenever solo roaming on a tempest elementalist and encountering a thief if they want to fight (and not disengage/run away), for example. Haven't had any difficulties with this strategy so far. Well the stealthers I am talking about spend most of the fight in stealth. Becoming visible only for a second, usually when they are out of range. And they stealth again immediately anyway. Not enough time for me to get target or get in range and connect more than maybe one or two hits which are easy to dodge before stealthing again. Meanwhile they are doing a lot of damage and I can't dodge because I can't see them. I will keep looking. Thanks.Here you go: You wont find any "instruction" videos on how to fight these because experienced roamers do not engage unless forced as they know the... lets say type... of player. If you see a DE stealthing in front of you and you dont really need to go that way, do a 180 and walk away into the closest objective. If you defend a camp against them, dont take the bait and run out of the camp for a "fair" fight. The only time you should be willingly engaging rifle dodging DEs is when you outnumber them and got enough CC and condi to overload them so you can watch them burn as they try to scurry away and hide under a rock like a cockroach. Also dont forget to dump a ram on them when they do die and enjoy any rage whisper coming your way. That's why my fellow DEs ought to go dual cleansing/energy and keep kitten em up >:-]] NSDQAlready do. It's actually rather fun playing rifle S/D DA/Trick/DE with cleansing and energy sigils, watching people try to salt whisper you when they know they could see you pretty much the whole time so they can't blame stealth is hilarious.
  3. Reword it however you want but you're still complaining about other players avoiding a build like you did. Are people supposed to message you and ask what a fair build is first? I have not reworded it in anyway whatsoever. Would you care to try to explain how this was supposedly done? If anything, you are rewording it to make what was stated and the intention that it was stated with to imply something completely different (to somehow make it seem like I'm trying to complain about anything here). Nothing at all was complained about by me here or was even meant to be implied as such, as I explained in detail in just my previous post. Since I seem to have to explain everything word for word to you, this means no, people do not have to ask me to use any build they want to, just like I don't have to ask them or you either. Don't tell me this still is not clear enough for you lol. As they say and seems to apply well to you: ignorance is bliss. Then why were you on about how people play WvW in the first place when all they did was avoid a build like you did to go change yours? I'll take your word for it that you meant something else, that's fine but you raged hard in your posts like not letting you chose the setting of a fight should be a bannable offense. I hope you find the WvW you're looking for. I'm glad you are finally starting to understand that a statement simply based only on facts does not itself carry implications. It was a thing called a passing comment. There was no rage in that post at all. I fail to see how you can still not understand this except for stubbornness and ignorance. Again, this so-called rage is something you seem to think was implied for some obtuse reason, even though that may not necessarily have been the case (and certainly wasn't here). I think running from a fight for whatever reason is fine, even if just to change builds or because you don't feel like you can be competitive in that particular fight. That may have been what those players were trying to do. What I said in that post is that the kind of play-style seeking easy kills with a low chance of dying is not restricted to only the thief class. It is possible to do this on many different classes and builds. Builds may be changed for players to be more competitive in a fight, but the types of players that want only the easiest builds against another particular build in a fight to have a high chance of winning will always be able to do this. It's not restricted to thieves only, and is a certain attitude/play-style that a player likes and can always do, when roaming at least, by changing builds. I hope you are able to find the WvW you are looking for too by being able to gank roamers all the time. (Nothing wrong with playing like this, just don't get mad if it doesn't work all the time) EDIT: Missed seeing this part earlier because you added it in after I had started a reply to your unedited post: Most people run in groups ranging from 5 - 50. NO ONE runs solo besides the occasional thief. The people ragin about stealth are the ones being picked out of their blob because they thought they could but then realized the thief actually knew what he was doing. I saw a solo healbrand guard trolling some players yesterday around OW tower. The player was baiting other players that didn't know how to counter his heals and close range condi damage, and kept repeatedly dying to them. So no, there are players that run solo on classes besides thief (not even mentioning the fact that I do this myself also anyway). I see this type of behaviour on many classes, so I'm pretty sure it's not only a thing possible on the thief class. There are likely also many good thief players that don't only run away all the time. For me personally, I wouldn't try to waste my time trying to kill solo players if I actually wanted to run in a blob. Why waste time doing this when you are virtually unkillable most of the time in a blob while running around the map PvE'ing? So what you're saying should happen is, they should walk into your comfort zone where you're build is stronger instead and if they're taking too much damage that they should stand still and let you kill them? Did you miss the part in your own post where you ran off like you accused them of doing to change your build to put them at a disadvantage and you're mad they bailed? Whoa, whoa... try to take a deep breath and calm down. Who said I was mad they bailed? If they don't want to have a fair fight, then good for them, I won't waste my time trying to chase them all over the map. The point that I was making there that you seem to have evidently completely missed is that not all thief players will play like this. But I guess some thief players will try to voraciously defend their class, even when others agree with them and are trying to help defend their own class. I was calm, you're trying to make it sound like I wasn't because now you're upset. You did chase them or you wouldn't have decided to change your build template. If you have the same amount of skill and utility slots that's a fair fight, what are you even on about? I hardly think you were calm at all, otherwise I have no idea where you even came up with the idea that I would be mad or upset from a player running away from a fight from. And now you're trying to make it sound like that I'm upset still even though I just clearly stated in my previous post I don't mind anyone running away from a fight at all... Honestly it seems like you're mad that I was able to come up with a build to counter another one that a particular player was using. No need to be mad about this. I don't play WvW in GW2, where individual player skill may only be a small part of winning roaming encounters (because builds are important too), to flex on others. You realize that when you are out of combat you are able to change your build template anytime? So if someone runs away or you are able to get out of combat, you can immediately change your build. I have no idea what you are even talking about now with same amount of skills and utility slots. Are you so naive that you can't understand that a (more) fair 1v1 fight is one where neither build will faceroll the other (because of how builds and their associated playstyles work)? Like I said several times before if you don't feel you can win a fight then it's okay to run away and won't bother me (and I imagine many other people) at all. Honestly, you sound like the type of player that only ganks. Yes I do, and it's great that you know that now also. Maybe you'll quit crying about resetting after you already reset. You should go back and re-read your own posts. That's good to know, which explains why you are so clueless about roaming and solo roaming (which is what this thread and my posts here have been about, since that's how I play). Still going on about me somehow crying eh? Only person I see here crying is you about others being able to reset a fight. You really are clueless when it comes to roaming. If you only gank, then you can use whatever build you like. It won't really matter when you can easily kill someone 3+v1 at least 95% of the time. But it when it comes to 1v1 builds can be important in deciding the outcome of a fight and how long it lasts. I re-read my posts and still can't see how you can come up with an illogical conclusion that I must somehow be mad because a player was able to run away from a fight with me. If you only gank then that would explain it though, since you probably get mad yourself every time someone is able to escape being ganked and killed by you. Says a lot about the kind of person and player you are. Maybe you should re-read your own posts, as well as properly reading mine? Taking a deep breath to calm down when someone escapes your pathetic gank attempts will also help you realize that there's no need to be mad when someone runs away from a fight. Perhaps you should start a thread about ganking? Then the people who only gank like you and cry that others are somehow able to reset a fight, when for example the other player runs, (because they would rather not waste their time on a highly uneven 1v1 fight that could possibly last minutes with neither player dying) could agree with you. Again, no need to be mad because someone (who may well be more skilled than you) can reset a fight or if others run away from a fight. If it does make you mad, the only thing I can suggest is re-evaluating your life and reactions to things. The discussion is going nowhere from what I can see. This guy is telling you to work on a build to make the fights fair, but when you switch to a build to make a fight fair he will cry about you being able to do this (like he has said in his replies to me in this thread)... I don't "gank" by the way, I build to cover people, you can take things in game personally if you want but that was a big assumption. I think you're just getting angrier by trying to make me sound angry. You just admitted to only ganking in game. No idea why you are trying to back pedal now, I won't judge you as a bad person if you don't have much skill in game to not be able to play like this only. I really couldn't care less if you actually play like this or not lol. Really cute of you to accuse others of being angry when none of my posts in this thread or replies to you have even had the slightest hint of anger. I can only guess that for some reason you are very angry and raging for no justifiable reason at all. Relax, I'm only trying to explain my posts slowly to you so that you are able to understand. And I haven't even mentioned yet that you were the one that for some odd, unjustified reason initially accused me of being mad that a player would run away from a fight... but I guess trying to make it seem like others are mad, when you yourself are clearly quite angry, is your thing right? Where exactly did I admit to ganking at all? Desperation isn't a good look. Yeah your desperation here is amazing. You must be really mad for some strange reason lol. Do you have amnesia or something, because if you go back to the previous page and take your own advice to re-read your own posts and mine you will see clearly where you had admitted it (click show previous quotes to see relevant part of the full discussion): Atomos: Before you get too full of yourself, you might want to reread what he wrote. See your post and Kash's reply below; Yes I do, and it's great that you know that now also. Maybe you'll quit crying about resetting after you already reset. You should go back and re-read your own posts. You missed the part of your comment that Kash highlighted and was specifically replying to, and thus you misread Kash's comment. Feel free to take your own advice, and click "show previous replies" and check what was written. Edit; Added names to make it clearer who I was referring to I find it hilarious that you think I am full of myself here for some reason. Nice attempt to try to make an insult mate (/sarcasm). It just shows how unbiased you are in this discussion lol. If you could stop and look at things objectively for a moment and see the actual words used in a discussion and apply some context the meanings will become clear: I said in the quote that the person replied to, where he said "Yes I do, and it's great that you know that now also.", that "Honestly, you sound like the type of player that only ganks.". There is nothing else you could possibly reply to as "Yes I do, and it's great that you know that now also." in what I posted there. You don't reply "Yes I do, and it's great that you know that now also." to something to say that you don't use build templates yourself, when I didn't even ask in that post if the player does use build templates or not at all. The only way that you could possibly even think that I would be asking the player if they use build templates or not is from the rhetorical question that I made as a side comment: "You realize that when you are out of combat you are able to change your build template anytime?" Obviously the player would know that there are build templates available to use outside of combat, which is why I highlighted that point with my rhetorical question. It was not meant to be answered at all because of course I know that the player also knows that build templates can be swapped out of combat (a very basic concept), which is why it's called a rhetorical question. Or has the concept of a rhetorical question eluded you and the poster somehow all this time? But that doesn't even make any sense, because even ignoring the fact that I didn't ask if he uses templates at all, why would you even reply "Yes I do, and it's great that you know that now also." to say that you don't use templates or understand that they are available, when you could clearly say "No, I don't use templates but I understand you can use them out of combat" if in fact that was what you were talking about. How you could think that this could possibly be the case here is beyond me, and only a very limited capacity to understand the real context of the discussion, and the meaning of the words and sentences in it, could explain it. Again, because I seem to have to explain everything word for word to apply some context here for you, perhaps you should take your own advice and press all of the "show previous replies" buttons to get some idea of this entire discussion in the first place? Some really twisted logic and desperation here on your end, but I'll leave you to your blissful ignorance and stubbornness if you still somehow are unable to understand this mate.Well, the dude highlighted a specific part of your reply and commented directly on that. I was just pointing out that that is what he had done, and that it is probably wise to make sure you have seen that so you're not misquoting someone before asking them to reread their comments, as that does tend to make one look rather silly. I'm well aware of the context, I was pointing out how a misunderstanding had occurred, and if I was too inflammatory in doing so I apologise. It's clearly very easy to confuse people on here with poorly worded posts, as you can see I did to the other guy, so why don't we just leave it at that.
  4. Reword it however you want but you're still complaining about other players avoiding a build like you did. Are people supposed to message you and ask what a fair build is first? I have not reworded it in anyway whatsoever. Would you care to try to explain how this was supposedly done? If anything, you are rewording it to make what was stated and the intention that it was stated with to imply something completely different (to somehow make it seem like I'm trying to complain about anything here). Nothing at all was complained about by me here or was even meant to be implied as such, as I explained in detail in just my previous post. Since I seem to have to explain everything word for word to you, this means no, people do not have to ask me to use any build they want to, just like I don't have to ask them or you either. Don't tell me this still is not clear enough for you lol. As they say and seems to apply well to you: ignorance is bliss. Then why were you on about how people play WvW in the first place when all they did was avoid a build like you did to go change yours? I'll take your word for it that you meant something else, that's fine but you raged hard in your posts like not letting you chose the setting of a fight should be a bannable offense. I hope you find the WvW you're looking for. I'm glad you are finally starting to understand that a statement simply based only on facts does not itself carry implications. It was a thing called a passing comment. There was no rage in that post at all. I fail to see how you can still not understand this except for stubbornness and ignorance. Again, this so-called rage is something you seem to think was implied for some obtuse reason, even though that may not necessarily have been the case (and certainly wasn't here). I think running from a fight for whatever reason is fine, even if just to change builds or because you don't feel like you can be competitive in that particular fight. That may have been what those players were trying to do. What I said in that post is that the kind of play-style seeking easy kills with a low chance of dying is not restricted to only the thief class. It is possible to do this on many different classes and builds. Builds may be changed for players to be more competitive in a fight, but the types of players that want only the easiest builds against another particular build in a fight to have a high chance of winning will always be able to do this. It's not restricted to thieves only, and is a certain attitude/play-style that a player likes and can always do, when roaming at least, by changing builds. I hope you are able to find the WvW you are looking for too by being able to gank roamers all the time. (Nothing wrong with playing like this, just don't get mad if it doesn't work all the time) EDIT: Missed seeing this part earlier because you added it in after I had started a reply to your unedited post: Most people run in groups ranging from 5 - 50. NO ONE runs solo besides the occasional thief. The people ragin about stealth are the ones being picked out of their blob because they thought they could but then realized the thief actually knew what he was doing. I saw a solo healbrand guard trolling some players yesterday around OW tower. The player was baiting other players that didn't know how to counter his heals and close range condi damage, and kept repeatedly dying to them. So no, there are players that run solo on classes besides thief (not even mentioning the fact that I do this myself also anyway). I see this type of behaviour on many classes, so I'm pretty sure it's not only a thing possible on the thief class. There are likely also many good thief players that don't only run away all the time. For me personally, I wouldn't try to waste my time trying to kill solo players if I actually wanted to run in a blob. Why waste time doing this when you are virtually unkillable most of the time in a blob while running around the map PvE'ing? So what you're saying should happen is, they should walk into your comfort zone where you're build is stronger instead and if they're taking too much damage that they should stand still and let you kill them? Did you miss the part in your own post where you ran off like you accused them of doing to change your build to put them at a disadvantage and you're mad they bailed? Whoa, whoa... try to take a deep breath and calm down. Who said I was mad they bailed? If they don't want to have a fair fight, then good for them, I won't waste my time trying to chase them all over the map. The point that I was making there that you seem to have evidently completely missed is that not all thief players will play like this. But I guess some thief players will try to voraciously defend their class, even when others agree with them and are trying to help defend their own class. I was calm, you're trying to make it sound like I wasn't because now you're upset. You did chase them or you wouldn't have decided to change your build template. If you have the same amount of skill and utility slots that's a fair fight, what are you even on about? I hardly think you were calm at all, otherwise I have no idea where you even came up with the idea that I would be mad or upset from a player running away from a fight from. And now you're trying to make it sound like that I'm upset still even though I just clearly stated in my previous post I don't mind anyone running away from a fight at all... Honestly it seems like you're mad that I was able to come up with a build to counter another one that a particular player was using. No need to be mad about this. I don't play WvW in GW2, where individual player skill may only be a small part of winning roaming encounters (because builds are important too), to flex on others. You realize that when you are out of combat you are able to change your build template anytime? So if someone runs away or you are able to get out of combat, you can immediately change your build. I have no idea what you are even talking about now with same amount of skills and utility slots. Are you so naive that you can't understand that a (more) fair 1v1 fight is one where neither build will faceroll the other (because of how builds and their associated playstyles work)? Like I said several times before if you don't feel you can win a fight then it's okay to run away and won't bother me (and I imagine many other people) at all. Honestly, you sound like the type of player that only ganks. Yes I do, and it's great that you know that now also. Maybe you'll quit crying about resetting after you already reset. You should go back and re-read your own posts. That's good to know, which explains why you are so clueless about roaming and solo roaming (which is what this thread and my posts here have been about, since that's how I play). Still going on about me somehow crying eh? Only person I see here crying is you about others being able to reset a fight. You really are clueless when it comes to roaming. If you only gank, then you can use whatever build you like. It won't really matter when you can easily kill someone 3+v1 at least 95% of the time. But it when it comes to 1v1 builds can be important in deciding the outcome of a fight and how long it lasts. I re-read my posts and still can't see how you can come up with an illogical conclusion that I must somehow be mad because a player was able to run away from a fight with me. If you only gank then that would explain it though, since you probably get mad yourself every time someone is able to escape being ganked and killed by you. Says a lot about the kind of person and player you are. Maybe you should re-read your own posts, as well as properly reading mine? Taking a deep breath to calm down when someone escapes your pathetic gank attempts will also help you realize that there's no need to be mad when someone runs away from a fight. Perhaps you should start a thread about ganking? Then the people who only gank like you and cry that others are somehow able to reset a fight, when for example the other player runs, (because they would rather not waste their time on a highly uneven 1v1 fight that could possibly last minutes with neither player dying) could agree with you. Again, no need to be mad because someone (who may well be more skilled than you) can reset a fight or if others run away from a fight. If it does make you mad, the only thing I can suggest is re-evaluating your life and reactions to things. The discussion is going nowhere from what I can see. This guy is telling you to work on a build to make the fights fair, but when you switch to a build to make a fight fair he will cry about you being able to do this (like he has said in his replies to me in this thread)... I don't "gank" by the way, I build to cover people, you can take things in game personally if you want but that was a big assumption. I think you're just getting angrier by trying to make me sound angry. You just admitted to only ganking in game. No idea why you are trying to back pedal now, I won't judge you as a bad person if you don't have much skill in game to not be able to play like this only. I really couldn't care less if you actually play like this or not lol. Really cute of you to accuse others of being angry when none of my posts in this thread or replies to you have even had the slightest hint of anger. I can only guess that for some reason you are very angry and raging for no justifiable reason at all. Relax, I'm only trying to explain my posts slowly to you so that you are able to understand. And I haven't even mentioned yet that you were the one that for some odd, unjustified reason initially accused me of being mad that a player would run away from a fight... but I guess trying to make it seem like others are mad, when you yourself are clearly quite angry, is your thing right? Where exactly did I admit to ganking at all? Desperation isn't a good look. Yeah your desperation here is amazing. You must be really mad for some strange reason lol. Do you have amnesia or something, because if you go back to the previous page and take your own advice to re-read your own posts and mine you will see clearly where you had admitted it (click show previous quotes to see relevant part of the full discussion): Before you get too full of yourself, you might want to reread what he wrote; Yes I do, and it's great that you know that now also. Maybe you'll quit crying about resetting after you already reset. You should go back and re-read your own posts. You missed the part of your comment that he highlighted and was specifically replying to, and thus you misread his comment. Feel free to take your own advice, and click "show previous replies" and check what was written. The quote where I specifically said I don't gank? I meant the other guy haha. You were replying to the bit about build templates, and because he missed the bit you highlighted he read it as " yes, I gank" lol Edited the original post to try to make that clearer.
  5. I joined my guild relatively recently and when started playing in raids, several of the established players went through a phase of asking me for builds for their thieves they never played (much to the chagrin of the guild leader, hehe). At one point we had a party of 6-7 thieves on builds I'd given them sometime that week, we go into a fight, and it goes about as well as you'd expect. I knew this would happen but I figured it was a lesson that was better experienced than said, so I just watched them get murdered horribly and tried not to laugh lol.
  6. Please come back in a few months once you have mastered this "easy class to learn" and let us know how you got on. Please let us know which classes killed you as a Ranger and also which classes you were unable to kill. I look forward to this with some popcorn :) hmm thief vs ranger xD u know there is more then just d/p thief right? it doesnt really matter to in open field ranger doesnt stand much of a chance vs thief but okay if u think so ;)ranger isnt a easy class to learn unless u mean huehue i use sic em, quickening zephyr, one wolf pack pew pew pew ye works great from tower wall outside tower i mean i know ranger sounds easy and it might be if ur such a fool to die to one constantly but when u face somewhat better player ull see ranger isnt all about pew pew longbow fun. I think that was his point ;)
  7. As for your comment about meeting two roamers, you shouldn't expect to win against two of any class. Period. If you do it's more a reflection on their lack of skill than anything. If I see there's two thieves engaging me, then unless I'm confident that I can put one down in a few seconds before the other can react, I make for the nearest tower. As should you. In the same way that if you face a server that constantly has an 80 man blob, it means you're going to have a hard time if you insist on pushing them with your 40 man group; if you're playing a server that is good at cloud tactics, and full of experienced roamers that know how to stagger bursts with each other to minimise the chance of you recovering, then you can't expect to roam freely on their maps. I have a minstrel permastealth deadeye build for two reasons; firstly for scouting the movements of the enemy group when I'm playing with my guild, and secondly because servers like Gandara are freaking good at focussing down individual players. The main reason classes like thief and ranger are meta for roaming currently is because they can deal with groups of players mounted on warclaw. Thief can dismount and spike someone easily, and it can outrun a mounted player in most cases. A ranger can either build to dismount someone easily, or be so ridiculously tanky that it doesn't matter if people use warclaw to keep them in combat, because they never get low enough on health for it to matter. If your ele build can neither dismount someone nor deal with the pressure of one or two guys attacking you while others use warclaw to keep you in combat, then it's not going to cut it in outnumbered situations (which is most of your fights when roaming solo). If you are struggling, you need to either change your build (there is a reason that most roaming eles play with "never die" levels of sustain), get a group to roam with, or improve your play and accept that getting ganked is an occupational hazard for a glassy build. Because realistically, while I get the need to vent when something frustrates you, blaming the other guy for your failure is the primary reason you will fail to get better. Change your mindset, improve your game.
  8. I was playing with my guild the other day in SM outer when a deadeye downed my guildie in the distance. I try to interrupt the stomp but get there a little too late, so when I see the deadeye marked me I place smokescreen, stand still and wait for the "miss" notification to pop up. As soon as it does, I vault in place for stealth, turn my camera 180 degrees and use the staff sneak attack to knock down the deadeye. I know it connects as I get revealed, so I auto spam with quickness. The deadeye pops out of stealth downed, then immediately alt F4's. I laughed. Thief is really, really easy to deal with if you know the builds they use and how they attack, just like any class. Thing is, most players cannot be bothered to learn how to do it, and so this conversation goes round and round indefinitely.
  9. OP, the number of thieves and rangers heavily depends what server you're on. In my experience, I run into a lot more rangers than I do thieves unless I'm fighting a server like Gandara or Whiteside Ridge, and even then it's usually the same players in the same guilds. I don't run into many eles, but the ones that counter me tend to be tanky Sc/f builds with lots of projectile hate and heals, and they win because they wear me down rather than burst. Power thief builds in particular don't tend to have much health regen outside of their heals, so they keep track of my stunbreaks and use the 3s knockdown when they know I can't break it to finish the fight. I get why it would be frustrating to play against thieves and rangers on a glassy ele build, running into your counter usually is. But the thing to remember is that if thief and ranger weren't played, odds are that mesmer would be the best roamer and that's what you'd be complaining about. There will always be a best in slot class for a particular niche, for roaming it's currently rangers and thieves, for zerging it's necros and guardians etc. You get a few classes like engi that can perform well in both settings, but most do better if they stick to their niche. Ele unfortunately has had it's zerging niche overtaken by power creep on other classes like necro and firebrand, and in small scale ele always did work better as a tanky bruiser spec than a glassy spec. So I get why you'd be frustrated trying to play outside of your niche, but ultimately that's the result of your choice to not play a standard build.
  10. UGH MY BUILD DOESN'T SO THEREFORE, NO BUILD CAN ANYMORE. But to be fair, what used to be able to deal with Thief fairly easily have a much harder time now.Spellbreaker now is in a particularly rough spot vs Deadeyes even though they used to slaughter them due to the fact that Warrior's passive invul is gone and can no longer rely on it to back up yur HoT. To be honest, DPS spellbreaker/warrior is in a rough spot in general these days due to the lack of damage on CC. Edit: nvm, replied to wrong OP lol
  11. If you're talking thief vs thief, D/P will usually be stronger because of blinds, target breaks and better spike damage. If you're talking thief vs everything else, both have their pros and cons and it largely comes down to what you prefer, although target breaks are still significant vs good opponents as has already been said.
  12. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/26547/world-restructuring/p1 This is the initial information. There were two more ‘updates’. It has started to feel like a meme at this point. And honestly, I would be fine if they just stated ‘we decided because of (fill in the blank) that alliances wasn’t feasible.’ But they haven’t. It's getting to the point where you have to wonder if the devs working on alliances all left/got made redundant in the recent restructure, and none of the current devs actually know what alliances were even supposed to be.
  13. It would be nice if they worked together, but if they did then a daredevil with trickster, lesser caltrops, escapist's absolution and antitoxin runes would potentially clear 4 condis per dodge. Would be more than a bit OP xD
  14. This post is pretty ironic given the OP's account name.
  15. What do you expect, that the thief stands there and dies in a situation they can't win because you think it's unfair for them to get away? Would you not run into a tower when a blob shows up and ends the small scale fight because it's only fair they get a bag? Most classes can build to bug out if they choose to, and hit and run tactics can be used by any player. If thief didn't have the best mobility It'd be another class that gets away every time, and if you had the mobility to get away (which you don't because you main necro lol) you'd do the exact same thing the thief is doing. So you might want to get off your high horse and stop pretending you'd do anything different given our positions were reversed.This is true, at least to some extent. The popular roaming classes all have in common that they can escape when necessary and in relation to some other classes that can be seen as an issue. However, some of that is necessary for outnumbered kiting/roaming to exist. I don't think that is the topic at hand here. The issue with the Thief isn't that it can break combat, that it can ambush or that it has unique cooldowns, teleports or stealth. The problem is the sheer volume on it on the builds now, how it combines and how they can more or less reset at will. Other popular roaming classes can't do anything even remotely similar. That is why you can now see Thieves even troll larger groups that are trying to chase/gank them because they know that they can reset at will so they can just cheekily re-engage to prove that point, over and over. It isn't even escaping anymore it's moving in and out of combat as you please.Apart from the fact that it's nothing of the sort. Until relatively recently, one of the better thief roaming builds was S/D core. That build could get OOC against anything it liked. Exactly what about that build was elite spec power creep? How is that a balance issue that worsened over the course of the expansions, and why wasn't that an issue in vanilla when people were running almost the exact same build? Lastly, why is that build now hardly seen if the mobility was the reason it was broken? And that is the exact thing you ought to do. If I attack you and I have to back off, you didn't choose the fight but you won that exchange. If you don't mount up and leave when you get chance but wait for the thief to return, you are choosing that fight. So you can't really complain if the thief comes back and kills you on the second pass. You chose that fight, deal with the consequences. Pretty sure your argument is flawed if you think that guardian can disengage a 1v1 at will at will but ranger cannot. On a serious note, if a thief blows all it's utilities to get out of dodge, it is just as severely weakened as you say a mesmer that just did the same thing is. Both classes are extremely susceptible to CC and spike damage when their utilities are on cooldown. If the thief didn't blow any utilities to get out of combat, you did a pretty poor job of trying to catch them. See my first comment. What about core S/D thief is elite power creep, and what about it is a problem now that wasn't a problem in vanilla? I will freely admit that going OOC to retrait is power creep and thief is the best class to make use of that, but if I go out of combat so do you. So in a random 1v1 the power creep is equal for both sides (both get the chance to swap to a build that suits the fight better, it's not my fault if you don't take advantage of it) and in a group fight it is still totally irrelevant. Duels are a different matter, but if you go OOC in a duel it's basically admitting defeat anyways. If I find myself in a matchup with lots of gankers, I will run full minstrel deadeye when moving between objectives. Build templates are a thing that you all can use. Run a build that can deal with roamers until you find your group, then swap to the build you plan to play while part of the group.
  16. What do you expect, that the thief stands there and dies in a situation they can't win because you think it's unfair for them to get away? Would you not run into a tower when a blob shows up and ends the small scale fight because it's only fair they get a bag? Most classes can build to bug out if they choose to, and hit and run tactics can be used by any player. If thief didn't have the best mobility It'd be another class that gets away every time, and if you had the mobility to get away (which you don't because you main necro lol) you'd do the exact same thing the thief is doing. So you might want to get off your high horse and stop pretending you'd do anything different given our positions were reversed.
  17. Ok, explain. He's basically saying he doesn't like thief so it's ok if it is rare lol
  18. Executioner combined with Invigorating Precision will be way more useful in PvE than anything that trickery can give you.
  19. The pvp forum people seem to think this will significantly improve their issues with thief. I’m still not convinced. All it did was shave a half second off the heal stealth and cut the total stealth on steal mechanic from 3 seconds to 1.25 seconds. People who said “cut stealth uptime” probably didn’t mean removing a maximum 2.25 seconds of stealth duration every 17 seconds (using withdraw and using Swipe/Mark on cool down). That may be helpful for fighting some thieves...but I think people will still complain that stealth is somehow OP when the thief just stacks stealth using combo fields and does what they normally did pre-patch. Also this only applies to spvp. WvW keeps the higher duration numbers (because for whatever reason the pvp people don’t like sharing their changes with whoever approves wvw skill changes). Guess we will see in 2-3 months. They basically changed the stealth sources in SA into target drops in PvP only. Which is fine, they are still very useful like that, but as you say it doesn't accomplish the intended "goal" of fixing long stealth durations in any way shape or form when smoke fields still do what they do. It does mean SA thieves have less easy outs when +1'd tho, which is a good thing since that is the main advantage SA thieves have over non-SA thieves and is the reason you see so many D/P SA thieves in PvP right now. So by making SA vs non-SA thief matchups less lopsided for decap and +1, I imagine the build variety in PvP will increase as a result which is a good thing.
  20. The hit boxes for some things are just sketchy. I don't know if it is still a thing, but for months you couldn't cast deadeye's mark on the octovine during the meta event in tarir, making the spec deal significantly lower damage as a result. Report it and hope for a fix, all you can do really.
  21. The funny thing is, lots of people (usually the non thief players in a zerg) complain about stealth on thieves because it lets them +1 an unaware opponent, but guild groups in WvW are doing EXACTLY THE SAME THING. The SA traitline isn't even needed to maintain permanent stealth, you can do that just with leaps/blasts in smoke fields on a DA/Tr/DD build and have significantly better combat utility to boot. So unless they bottle up and change what smoke combo fields do FOR ALL CLASSES (so engi and ranger would be equally nerfed) and balance stealth around cooldowns, be it on utilities or traits, nothing is really going to change by nerfing SA.
  22. If you don't know what this is suppose to accomplished, your scenario of players getting zerg down is at best speculative. taking players from x time zone to link up with servers that needs players during that x time zone is at least non speculative. If you lag, you lag , there's nothing anyone can help you with, sometime I lag, sometime I don't .. it is the way it is, if this can be a fix for population problem, I'd take it, because lag is going to be there no matter Lag isn't the same as high ping. Lag comes and goes, but having a 400 ping constantly will kill the game for a lot of twitch builds. Organising servers in such a way so that kind of ping is unavoidable even though the server is in the same area as you doesn't seem smart. Add to that the fact that it won't actually fix anything because of the time zone/link issues explained above, and the whole thing looks a little pointless.
  23. The backstabs I can see happening, but the shadow shot damage is surprising haha. Makes me wonder what the other guy was running xD Agreed...I don’t run any toughness so I sometimes take big hits and 15k is...rng perfect. I've dealt 8-9k shadow shots pretty happily before the feb patch, just trying to think how you would get 15k. I do hope that is an outlier, as that kind of damage plus the utility already in shadow shot would be insanely OP if it were in any way reliable. I can tell you exactly what happened because it was just today. We had a zerg attacking Aldon's in EBG. A few people were near the spawn side of green keep attacking players and soon retreated back to our zerg at Aldons. One player was left behind so I ran toward him to cover for him when I noticed a Scourge on the cliff edge next to the keep gate. I 5 -> 2 stealthed, stole to him and backstabbed. I don't recall if I had extra Might on me, but the target definitely didn't have Vulnerability, I wasn't using Assassin's Signet and I didn't have 25 Bloodlust. I've been playing Thief regularly for a few days now and it's not uncommon for me to be seeing 10 - 12k Heartseekers and 8 - 10k Shadow Shots. Mind you, that damage is drastically reduced on certain targets. Tanky Necros, Boonbeasts, condi Revs, etc. I'm hitting like... 3k Backstabs tops, lol.Hmm. I don't tend to play core, so maybe it's the trait interactions between CS and DA that makes the difference. Still, interesting. Edit; I don't play D/P much either, so it's possible I just am out of date on the numbers etc
  24. To be honest, if you get hit by a ballista, it SHOULD hurt.
  25. The backstabs I can see happening, but the shadow shot damage is surprising haha. Makes me wonder what the other guy was running xD Agreed...I don’t run any toughness so I sometimes take big hits and 15k is...rng perfect.I've dealt 8-9k shadow shots pretty happily before the feb patch, just trying to think how you would get 15k. I do hope that is an outlier, as that kind of damage plus the utility already in shadow shot would be insanely OP if it were in any way reliable.
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