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Everything posted by Jugglemonkey.8741

  1. The whole point of adding this skill was to make core class viable. You can't justify its lackluster design by saying that you shouldn't play core class... The only way to make "core" revenant "viable" is to make herald not an elite specialization. Notice how people don't say herald all that often? Because when they say renegade they mean renegade and when they say revenant they mean herald. Tell us what build you would play as core with a moronic level of buffed Ancient Echo, and I am sure someone would still be able to point you to a better build improved by herald or renegade.Wasn't even aware the skill existed tbh, which proves your point I guess.
  2. I still like deadeye for roaming, crazy good spike plus all the tools to avoid a fight should you need to. With how silly strong certain specs are now, plus mounts, roaming is more or less just ganking targets you know you can take and avoiding the rest these days. Depends what you're looking for tho, deadeye is more effective for roaming but I've been having more fun on rev for general fighting recently, even though I die a lot more haha.
  3. I think a middle ground solution would be better. Let people be ressed from downed state, remove rally from WvW altogether, and if you die within 30s of being ressed you instadie. Best of both worlds imo.
  4. I was messing with this a little while ago for hybrid, since sword auto applies weakness and as far as I'm aware the might proc has no ICD. I didn't have much joy with it, but I reckon there's a hybrid s/d build in there somewhere.
  5. It wasn't a great rework from what I've seen. I've not had much reason to run it over DE or core recently tho, so it may be better than I think.
  6. I'd actually prefer it if they just reworked and made all the existing useless stuff useful. But, they have to make money somewhere I suppose.
  7. The last patch wasn't a buff to thieves, a very mixed bag with the heavy nerf to daredevil steal range. If he was killing you easily, he would have done that pre patch just as easily.
  8. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZUQNAqYVl0Mh2mYpTwvJQ/ELwEm2fKAUA8+CLqR0cIsE2CB-jFSHQBWUJ4z2fIAPAgxpPQeHBg5dIA1fAwJAYgK/CAgAMzysMnZgZOzZOzZOzKzZOzZOzZOzZOzZWKgqEtB-w^ this is what I was running on condi prior to the last patch. Idea is to immob stuff in poison fields, with steal>weaponswap to P/D doing a nice little bomb. It's a niche build but it works for me for the most part.
  9. There are some decent condi options for thief, there's a few main issues with them tho; 1) cleanse on all classes has increased dramatically with the introduction of PoF in response to the then un-nerfed scourge, and then again with the rune rework, while condi thief has seen no increase to it's offensive capacity in that time to compensate. 2) time to kill on condi builds is dramatically slower than on power builds at the moment due to how strong power spike builds are right now. Condi builds should have a slower kill time, but currently a lot of condi builds don't have the sustain needed to survive long enough to get the kill, especially if outnumbered. 3) thief in particular has a lot of reapplication of damaging conditions, but not much in the way of cover condis. This makes it more suited to an attrition playstyle than a condi bomb playstyle, which currently is easier to sustain through cleanses or blocks than say a condi mirage, which only really needs to hit you once. I have a condi build that was somewhat effective (I say was, I've not tried it since the daredevil rework); I used it when mounts first were introduced as the salt you get off of killing a firebrand with condis is amazing. That said, when my deadeye can hit for 17k DJ's with only a mark and one hit to immob, it's simply less effective in this meta to play condi than power right now.
  10. How does it work with sword? I've kinda given it a pass until they fix the bugs with it, I mean, not having steal related traits working with the new steal is comical at this point.
  11. I think the meaning is evolving. it used to mean a group of people ganging up on one person. now people use it to describe unwinnable matchups vs any amount of people. I'm guessing in the near future people will use it to say: "ah man that other zerg just ganked our zerg, that really sucked eh". That doesn't make a lot of sense to me tbh, but I see where you're going with it. To me ganking is indistinguishable from better tactics on the opponent's part, so complaining about it without adapting to it is essentially just being a bad loser in my opinion. ^ This is kinda my stance on roaming in general tbh, if the enemy saw you coming you didn't plan well enough.
  12. Well tbh thief roaming "died" when they added reveal on mark, why would u roam with a thief if with thief taking a t1+ camp takes like 2-4 minutes, on war it is like 1 minute It's much faster taking camps if you make use of the pierce from spotter's shot to damage everything between you and your mark. Also using daggerstorm with assassin's signet popped will deal a surprising amount of damage in camps, I've seen that kill veteran scouts by itself. Wow, an actual thief roamer response, not a ganker. Thank you. We will hash over your confusion with the use of verbs and nouns in reference to "gankers" for now but I truly am curious why he's not a "ganker" when he's doing exactly what everyone labels as such.He's in enemy territory, stealthed and killing people. I genuinely am curious what seperates him from the rest?Or is it just ran off assumptions that "gankers" do nothing but kill players?Even then, its open world PvP so nothing wrong with that either.This is kinda what I mean when I call ganking vs roaming a semantics thing, the difference is basically whether the person views the activity favourably or not. I'll cap camps and kill dolyaks to cut supply lines, call enemy group movements in map chat when I see them, and if I can sneak into an open enemy tower then cap it myself I will. But if I get caught, I'll hide in the tower and kill as many people as I can before they force me out or kill me, and I'll happily one shot people on catas and trebs just to punish their group for not paying attention. My current favourite game is to permastealth behind the enemy zerg, killing backliners where I get the chance but mostly to wait for downs, mount up, stomp, then stealth up again.
  13. Wow, an actual thief roamer response, not a ganker. Thank you. I'm just glad someone reads what I write haha. I've always seen roaming vs ganking as a matter of semantics tbh. It doesn't matter how much I do for the server in between killing people, some people will accuse me of being a filthy ganker when I kill them simply because I'm a thief. I've had the exact same reaction when playing permastealth DE, condi daredevil, and lockdown S/P daredevil, it doesn't matter what build, some people just don't like being killed by a thief. At the end of the day, they're dead, I'm not, and if they expect a fair fight from a rogue class that's their fault not mine, so why worry about it?
  14. I'm a thief main and I like the mount. Firstly, when playing deadeye it takes a lot of pressure off of me when I've been marked by a sentry etc, as a 30s duration on marked for a stealth based spec is basically a death sentence if any other players are around. Mounts offset this somewhat by making marked not so much of a hard counter; I cap sentries while mounted and marked. It means I have to disengage and wait out the debuff if someone comes along, but it means I'm not a free kill due to a mechanic I can't do anything about either. Secondly, mounting up is also a lot faster than travelling in stealth between areas, which is way more convenient and it saves dodges and cooldowns for actual fights. Since you can now see me moving between areas, this means that if you have scouts you'll get fair warning I'm in the area before I try to kill something. It also gives those roamers that can dismount players easily (like soulbeasts and revenants) a fair crack at killing me as I travel. So while it's an advantage to me, it can also work to the advantage of the other team too. Thirdly, it makes for much more entertaining roaming. I still have the stealth opener, which if I'm careful and play well will likely result in a down. Regardless of whether I get the stomp or not, I've likely blown most of my stealth utilities and my shadowstep doing so, which means if I've been pressured at all while trying to stomp my best option is then to get OOC. Before mounts, if I went OOC just before I left stealth I'd regain the ability to stealth before you caught up to me. Now that stealth duration is lower on dodge, I'm forced to mount up after going OOC to wait for cooldowns, but your mounts move faster (I'm almost always in enemy territory) and you can now see where I am, giving you an advantage you didn't have before. I've been caught by a couple of players because of this, and while I lost I had fun doing it, so it was OK to me. Fourthly, it ends all arguments about ganking being unfair because it removes any excuse for being killed while travelling. Now if I manage to dismount and kill you, I deserved the kill.
  15. It depends entirely what you're doing in the maps. I hunt players and stragglers, and fight over camps and supply lines. This is inherently way less profitable than zerging.
  16. Depends, I used to get accused of hacking and using macros a lot simply because I rarely play meta and people didn't understand what I was doing. It's also gotten significantly easier to play some classes and builds because of new options like the AoE snap to target etc which significantly reduce the time and effort needed to pull off a combo. I have no doubt that players exist that use macros, but honestly, anything that you'd use a macro for is doable if you have a gaming mouse and you're willing to change keybinds to suit whatever combo you want to use.
  17. This isn't anything new, to be honest. Yes, there's people who cheat, but they're generally a minority and easily spotted (movement hacking golems for instance). That said, I get regularly accused of cheating because I regularly run shadow trap, and half of the playerbase seem to be totally unaware of how that skill functions. Also, there is a massive imbalance in individual sustain and sustain in a zerg, this may appear to be cheating but is actually just the result of power creep. So yeah. With respect to you, OP, you'll need a bit more than a week's experience to spot the difference these days.
  18. they could....dont know if they would, make the icon client side If they were going to do that with anything, I imagine they would have done it with mirage to hide signets etc that give away the real mesmer.
  19. I'd like an icon but that said it's a bit of a giveaway to your enemy that you've placed a shadow trap somewhere to port away with, which defeats the point of having a trap. If they could fix the pathing to work like portal that would be swell tho. I use the trap a lot and I know the spots to get the most from it on most maps, but yeah, it's a right pain when it's blocked by a stone.
  20. Honestly, if I'd known about the tourney I'd have probably watched it. The GvG scene doesn't exactly advertise well unfortunately.
  21. This would suit me down to the ground, being a juggler irl.
  22. Just do the winterberry reward track a few times and blammo, new stuff. Yeah, I like my Mawdrey tho haha. Also I swap between power, hybrid and condi a lot, and I have celestial infusions in it, it just makes things simpler not having to bother changing it when I change build. Tbh the stat difference on a backpiece is pretty small anyways.
  23. I have celestial for my backpiece, mostly as I'm too lazy to change it. Good all round choice.
  24. That would do high damage on the first hit but mediocre damage on the others. Besides, it would be better to make ricochet a pistol related trait like it used to be, as rifle is better for single target.
  25. Simple WvW rule: If a projectile based build becomes dangerous enough to make a difference, then it becomes automatically useless because people will bring extra projectile hate. It is simply not possible for a Projectile build to shine in wvw. If its bad then nobody cares.If its good then everyone will bring easy counters. Is there even a class thats meta and doesn’t have a anti Projectile option? Having the option doesn't mean it's going to be brought to the fight. And since projectiles currently aren't strong enough to warrant a counter - you're not going to see Scourges drop a well or ToA to bring CPC or Guardians changing to drop their other group utility to include Sanctuary or WoF... Ricochet wouldn't warrant those professions to change their utility setup, either. "Having the option doesn't mean it's going to be brought to the fight" Of KITTEN course not..... Did you read what i posted?--> I F <--- You want ricochet back so you can use it in WvW.Which means its either completely useless and nobody would play it OR it would be so good that everyone would simply bring Counters to it. There is absolutly no way to bring that trait back and make it usefull in WvW zerg fights. Simple WvW rule: If a projectile based build becomes dangerous enough to make a difference, then it becomes automatically useless because people will bring extra projectile hate. It is simply not possible for a Projectile build to shine in wvw. If its bad then nobody cares.If its good then everyone will bring easy counters. Is there even a class thats meta and doesn’t have a anti Projectile option? Honestly the average enemy sees I'm deadeye and then spams reflects and projectile blocks, totally ignoring the fact I'm killing them with S/P. From a small scale point of view, I don't think it'll matter much xD Projectiles in roaming = Good.Projectiles in zergfights = Realy Realy BadNot sure you understood, I was saying the average player reacts to the class rather than what they're actually being hit with, like a ranger spamming stone signet vs a condi thief.
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