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Everything posted by Artyport.2084

  1. Clones in my opinion don’t make the Mesmer. It’s the trickster mage play type that does. virtuoso is offering a Mesmer that is still tricky without the clones. Mesmer is begging for a minstrel type class and virtuoso could be just that with the addition of some instrumental illusion and what better place to put them than replace phantasm. it would give the spec an additional mechanic that I think the virtuoso is needing. If the shatters are going to stay the same then the cool mechanic could be replacing phantasms with something interesting could go a long way
  2. I’m really not sure what you are complaining about.. the illusionary instruments will still become daggers after their use.
  3. But to be fair I’d just have us play the flute and the traits that effect phantasm would effect us while holding the illusionary flute.
  4. However here we are with a spec with no clones. Which a lot of Mesmer mains asked for. Btw On top of that the daggers are not attached to a specific target. so having phantasms that are also not attached to a specific target also makes sense. my instruments are still phantasms they just don’t have a target attached For instance: focus- song of protection you summon an illusionary flutest. This phantasms plays a song in the ground targeted area. In that area no enemy can enter, projectiles are blocked.
  5. No I’m gonna keep asking for what I want. I’m asking for new ways to play my class Based on your elitist mindset if I’m asking for scourge shades then renegades shouldn’t have spirits Scourge no shades because they are just long term spirit weapons a ground targeted aoe effect placed down one time to do its effects isn’t the same as scourge shades.
  6. Instead of phantasms we can summon phantasmic harps and flutes that do something new. Still summoning illusions they just happen to be instruments. instead of the phantasms chasing and being attached to enemies they would be ground targeted. This works with the virtuoso’s lore of not needed an enemy to manifest its psionic abilities
  7. My guess is that the will get torch.. and it will just get pyromancer as a spec. no more elemental swapping just fire. or. My dream. Avatars. Lore: In cantha ementalist kept the tradition of focusing on their singular element. This complete dedication to their single element allows for the arcane magic to swell around them and they become fully attuned. These elementalist tranform into a state of pure arcane bliss unleashing devastating pure arcane magic onto their foes Mechanic: Single element. Like revanents chose their legend, elementalist choses their element. Avatar state: Tranform into arcane mode unleashing a torment of arcane power. Arcane mode acts as second health bar but deteriorates fast. Can be traited to be melle or ranged or mid range with granmaster traits. Access to weapon swap. Focus mainhand- focus in mainhand it can act like a melee or long range weapon. Fire will 1200 range agressive spell casting water will have dancer 900 range spells air will have mid range punches Earth Melee punches
  8. first of all.. calm down. lol i play the game. and have played since gw1. I do not care how they do it i just want a mesmer with no clones or phantasms at all. Logistics of how they do it mean very little to me. I just want a tricky mage that just utilzes themselves as the trick.. and honesty i want a music theme on this class. these are just things i want.. and I realize that you may want different.. and thats ok.. no need to act so over pretentious
  9. ah someone who doesnt understand elite specs.. and also doesnt realize that the other elite specs WITH CLONES will still exist. a a lot of people want a tricky mage who isnt constantly casting clones of itself this spec is mostly there.. TAKE IT ALL THE WAY
  10. Just no clones or phantasm at all please. maybe make it a trait where you preform the attack at increased damage OR.. Summon Phantasmal Instruments that do new cool attacks while playing them. they could be channeled skills that can be traited for stability. meow.
  11. Maybe but I have my doubts.. the guardian in the teased image has what looks to be a red face.. then they showed the Virtuoso fighting a spirit with a red face that has similar shoulders as the teased image.. and then we see the blue behind the guardian has symbols that resemble that same ghost… soooooo.. idk
  12. the guardian is going to be the mask.. trust me!
  13. the necro is not wearing light armor.. its class armor for this spec will be the hat.. its not a theif....omg.
  14. no.. the necro is wearing a spec piece of armor that looks like a cowboy hat. they do this with every spec.. design a piece of armor that correlates with their new style of combat.
  15. there is a variation of the heavy with an open face. the chest is 100 percent the same if you can see the lightened version.. with the triangular downward stripes. the chest piece for the medium variant of warloards is essentially a trench. i wear this set all the time as it looks kind of light armored.
  16. sorry you are really wrong.. its the exact variation of heavy armor to a t. there is no trench coat. it has open panes on each of its hips with a cloth between that flows. if you see the undarkened variation you can see the chest piece looks just like the heavy armor. if you look closely there are dribbles of blue dots floating away from the body. its a guard
  17. This spec makes some sense if you think about it. canthans probably have some fear of the undead because shiro basically turned a good portion of the population into zombies so the necromancers probably found another way to necromance
  18. Yes! All of this! one of the reasons I play Mesmer is I love the concept of beauty being powerful. Not intimidating or scary. But like a dancer you may move with grace but in order to have that grace you must have strong calves lol
  19. Yass I need the twirl for dagger three. The necro slash animation for skill 1 gotta go !
  20. Please. I cant stand the way the characters hold daggers. As a virtuoso lets hold it like a fancy pants.. or let it float next to us or something.
  21. Here’s the thing.. virtuoso is the closest thing we are going to get. I truly doubt after these elite specs will we see another. if they can’t do it they should change the name because it’s misleading
  22. yes.. however it’s named that way because a lot of people wanted something that gives the music/performer theme adding these minor details allows for it to be both the dps spec that people want and the magical performer that people want.
  23. Ok. So I’m loving the raw concept behind this elite spec.. and I think it’s just requires the tiniest bit of work. The shatters: I agree with everyone who says the shatters are too similar to their current setup. The F1 skill is cool and should stay the dame The F2 skill doesn’t need confusion (I think a lot of us are tired of this condition)and should be the utility skill that rains down dangers.. the duration should pend on how many daggers you have the F3 should be the aoe immobilized that immobs more enemies surrounded by your target based on the number of daggers you have the F4 is perfect Utilities: psionic abilities do not fit the spec name at all. however this can simply be fixed by changing the name of the skills to performances and switching up the animations. performances visually look like dances or playing an illusionary or even a real instrument for instance the heal skill can look the same but you would do a twirl to send out the daggers the skill to get a full charge of the daggers should be us playing a loot and getting distortion The ability that provides knock back should just be a twirl ala fire brand healing tomb skill 2 new skills id love a 2 charge dash skills that looks dancery and breaks stun and the final skill could be us playing the harp which combines all our daggers into one then sends them out to stun like the current f3 ability the elite can stay as it is just so it focuses on the dagger creation of the spec boom. It basically does similar things as it does now just rearranged and re styled. it gives this unique blend of dagger artist who uses magical music to boost their abilities to do damage
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