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Everything posted by Artyport.2084

  1. I rarely see it in game. man’s when I play it I like it visually but feel it’s kind of boring? is it useful anywhere ?
  2. if they gave ele a single or dual element specialization I would BE SO FREAKING HAPPY!
  3. Can WE PLEASE MAKE SWORD skills blade skills for virtuoso.. I would really like to do condi damage with my sword.
  4. Yeah I’d imagine an infusion like toggle where you can just click it and keep the particle effects
  5. I’m loving all the new effects from these legendaries but I don’t always want to use the legendaries. would be really awesome to be able to keep the trails, projectiles, draw/sheath effects when transmutated to another weapon. i love the specter but when the krakky weapons come out I’m going to want to use that scepter for the projectiles but I don’t love the design of the weapon and it would clash with a lot of my outfits. this would be great for theming and designing characters. Other things like dual wielding pistols while shooting out zhatanic bolts out of the crossbow pistol skin.. spooky vibes Swinging lighting out of a simple sword can allow sword mage themes idk would be cool
  6. Dreaming of a spec with one attunement with an arcane mode that has to be charged up. while in arcane mode you are technically attuned to all elements once charged gain 5 ranged arcane skills Mainhand focus is still my personal dream Option for melee or ranged depending on element can weapon swap. lore: Arcanist focus primarily on one element becoming complete masters of that energy. In battle they reach a trance like state tapping into raw arcane power.
  7. I wish they had a set of 3 skills plus an elite that change there effects based on the legend
  8. Change the fix too. someone called it a creepy sperm and its accurate
  9. Typing in the whole sentence for some of the items is majorly annoying
  10. a light armor firebrand would feel just like a priest. Again you are gate keeping for no reason. class fantasy is something that this game already does a phenomenal job of allowing you to customize for your self. im wielding a staff and a scepter and focus with the monastery armor on with my firebrand and I’m basically playing a priest. The armor change is just another way to push the customization further.
  11. ok what’s the class identity of a Willbender have to do with guardian harbinger doesn’t even feel like a necromancer ele with a hammer feels more like a shaman not an eke a light armor guardian will just feel like a priest a heavy armor reaper more of a darknight the base of the profession’s identity remains intact but the style will be different. Its in no way different from specializations at current. people who gatekeep are so annoying
  12. thats kind of the point. But its not destroying its creating class fantasies. heavy armor thieves are no longer your classic sneaky boys they are agile heavy armor warriors. you can still play your version or playstyle of a thief but you might gain another option with another class.
  13. I'm hoping they do armor specialization. each armor set will add 1 new weapon across each class+ and elite and three options to choose from as a "super master trait* further specializing each spec we currently have. example: daredevil All types of thieves gain access to the greatsword when equipping heavy armor when daredevils put on heavy armor they become Shonin: agile heavy armor wearers that slice through enemies. all medium focused thieves gain longbows Daredevils maintain there name in medium armor but gain access to a bow dodging and shooting long range arrows at their enemies all light armor thieves gain an offhand focus a daredevil in light armor becomes a dancer and its traits allow it to supper allies while dancing across the battlefield So in essence character will focus on a specific armor type and based on that armor type it would further customize the spec. Light animation changes could happen like making all of the daredevils jumps dances daredevil: shonin(heavy)daredevil(medium)dancer(light) Specter: Darknight(heavy)Specter(Medium)warlock(light) Deadeye Gravedigger(heavy)deadeye(medium)shadowhunter(light)
  14. They really should go all the way and scrap the phantasms. just let the Mesmer do the skills. I've always wanted a mesmer i had complete control over. Virtuoso either needs more power or more sustain. I personally vote for more sustain. scrap the phantasms gain phantasmal armor let the mesmer do the spinny greatsword thing. alternatively. make each mainhands auto attack a blade so every weapon can benifit from the blade traits. staff and scepter should both shoot daggers
  15. I suggested adding an aoe heal around the target to make it have a widdle support
  16. If it lands on an ally heal and provide barrier. down player gets 50 percent heal. still knocks away enemies would be a cute lil support moment.
  17. I feel like scourge was ritualist but they didnt go all the way.
  18. anyway.. i've been playing virt and it really lacks defense in pvp.. i think this is a great way to add defense while offering up a different way to play. no longer relying on any AI TO do skill for you instead you do the skills yourself while granting your self some magical protection while you do. Would be rad! go all the way anet
  19. nah i just dont deal with people who dont have anything positive to say.. you clearly have the option to ignore all my post and yet you time and time decide to come and bash.. Your ideas haven't made it into the game either so you have just as much right to babble on as I DO. this is my last time communicating with you.. boo boo
  20. I am not the only one who has complained about this.. i dont have a problem no one else has.. i get how to get out of it.. i'm tired of doing it. its not fun.
  21. first of all i literally said that i didnt think i came up with the idea.. i said i was one of the numerous voices calling out for it. there was no high horse.. for that you need only look in thy mirror... sis.
  22. ok.. thats your opinion and you are free to move on bro.. whats with this forum.. jesus. also how many of your ideas get put into game.. I asked for cloneless mesmer on this forum often and we got it. Not saying it was just me but I and other people put forth fantasies and the developers make take those into consideration. I applaud you for providing numbers and values.. thats not my gig.. enjoy what you do let me do what I DO. both have value.
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