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Everything posted by Mauzi.5892

  1. Trollbuild for a troll player that can't get kitten done. But hey, at least now you don't die to an enemy Dolyaks fart anymore. Feelsgoodman.
  2. If you run into 10 people alone you die regardless. If you are fighting 10 vs 10 you probably have some sustain in your group, like heals and barrier. Retal is just a little poke dmg, nothing more.Funny how a power mesmer, who one shoted people pre-patch, is now complaining about retal killing him xD
  3. I've been waiting for this for so long. Only seems logical to me and I have no idea why ANet hasn't done it already. Browsing through lfg is so annoying, especially if you accidentally close the window and reopen it. And please make it recognize "Mistlock Sanctuary" as a fractal "map" and default to the AR appropriate fractal tab.
  4. People voting thief have no idea. They are a gank class. And you only vote for them because YOU can't kill them. That doesn't make them a good 1vs1 class. They have by design the advantage to pick their fights and disengage. But running away like a scared little kitten doesn't make them good at 1vs1. And the fights they do win are against random scrubs. If a thief gets caught, he is dead.Are they annoying? Yes. Are they the best 1vs1 class? Hell no. Necro is strong right now, but only because he can be played by a braindead coma patient. Stay still and facetank everything. All this 1vs1 kitten just sounds like you wanna know which class you should play that has the most carry potential because you lack skill.Every class can be equally good at 1vs1. And as others already said, the circumstances where a 1vs1 might happen can vary, giving you an advantage or disadvantage.It also depends on build and gear. You can't just say X is better than Y.
  5. I love tomes. Don't tough them. People always find something to complain about. Just throw them in a bank slot and when you got 250 delete it. Big kitten deal.....
  6. I have a 486, a Pentium, Pentium 2, Pentium 3, Intel Core, Core Duo, several i5 & i7 and an i9. Now you release a new CPU? What compensation will I get? Srsly dude.....
  7. Wait. Didn't they make it so the normal legendary is without effects and if you do want an effect you have to flush it down the toilet with the 250 dyes? That seems to give ppl the option to just get the leggy for the stat switching and /or their effect, if so desired. Or did I read that wrong?
  8. Okay, you are super cool.... now that you heard what you wanted to hear by posting this here, post their effects in a proper way so we can see what does what and if they stack with the existing 3 leggys or if they are independant.
  9. Hi, I want to make a different kind of "wish".I don't like people wishing for the usual stuff like legendary crafting components, which can be farmed easily by just playing the game. This seems just lazy. What I would like to have are Black Lion Keys. After playing for a while now and being the horter that I am, I finally got a full stack of Black Lion Chests in my bank, which I can't really use.Of course I do the weekly story run for that one key and I already did 100% map completion on four different chars, plus several other single maps.That allowed my to open some of those chests, but you don't get nowhere near as many keys as chests.So I thought I ask here for "help". If some kind soul would like to donate one or more keys to me. Obviously you can't trade them directly, but I could buy them in the gemstore.One key costs about 46 Gold. Five for 167 Gold and twenty-five for 778 Gold. My thoughts were to make this fun for the both of us. Instead of just giving away something I will post my results here (uncommon and higher), so you can see what "your" key got me.Let's pray to the rng gods :)
  10. Same here. I would like the PvP and WvW leggy to have their own effect(s) and not be part of Aurora/Vision/Coal, even if the names suggest otherwise.We'll see...
  11. I agree. This game needs a waaaay higher timetokill. You don't even have time to react and you are already dead. Not fun. I can't remember when I had my last fight that lasted longer than 5 seconds. And even IF you somehow find somebody they run away with their mount and their twelvethousand blinks and avoids. I had a few fights earlier where I was opened on and ganked, and I still outskilled them into downstate, but lost because one of their friends came around the corner and bursted me to death. No matter which profession and which build i try. Everything seems to be kitten right now. The only way to have fun is to team up and condibomb people.
  12. ...and do zero dmg. So you are wrong. The result is, that you DON'T have to go full tanky with the updates, you can go as far as full zerk now without getting oneshotted every time. The changes are super fun and I'm having a blast so far. All people crying are the ones who copypasta metabattle builds and relied on evadespamming or the OP-ness of their class, rather than skill. l2p.I'm certainly not the best player, but I feel like my decisions are impacting the fight now. Before you just bursted or cheesed one to death, now you can plan your CC and your combos. And if you fail you might have the chance to try again.
  13. Of course pve and wvw are separate things, that's not the point. I just wanted to show you that it's already possible to port out of an instanced zone, like Mistlock Sanctuary. So the technology is already there. The map inside AB already shows the correct map status and maps for my server. It's not a placeholder WvW map just for optics, it really shows who has what and it updates itself in realtime. I compared it with wvw-intel. You just don't have any WPs. And that's what we are asking for (as a first step).Shouldn't be too hard to implement, since the map is already there. Even if they don't address live score and down-ticking. That's something for another day. But having WPs and EWPs and maybe BL chat aswell would be a really cool thing. At least then you feel like you are still part of the WvW map.
  14. AND allow WP interaction? It would be the only map that does that. Mistlock Sanctuary does it as well. you can click all pve WPs from there, even though it's a separate instance, just like AB.I think you underestimate what can and can't be done. Doesn't matter if it exists already or not. Even if it would be the only map that does something... why not do it? Your argument doesn't make sense.
  15. Regarding "tick down" and "afk" concerns.I don't think that's a valid point. It can easily be scripted as a "save-zone" where ticks don't tick at all. Neither up or down and participation stays the same.
  16. Hey, would it be possible to make the map "live"? I know AB is its separate instance, but it shouldn't be too hard to make it feel like you are still in the real WvW area. Meaning live score, live and clickable waypoints and maybe even map-chats instead of team-only. Would be cool.
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