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Posts posted by uberkingkong.8041

  1. @kash.9213 said:

    @uberkingkong.8041 said:This is one of the reasons why ESO does it better when it comes to WvWESO you don't rely on commander.GW2, no commander, no noes complete useless feeling.

    PvE, no commander? :sadface:WvW, no commander? :sadface:

    ESO, its okay, no commander that fine. Even zerg fights it is more of 1v1 but very quick 1v1s in ESO.GW2 no commander means dead zone. Thats how important commanders are.

    It aint healthy.

    That's a random take. No one needs commanders in this game either, I regularly log on to our server not having any commanders or only hidden tags and everyone just finds something to do.

    Of course,you just want to gank or camp capture and be on outnumbered for pipes you no need a commander.

    If you want to do what WvW is designed for, you probably following a commander. Not saying you in his squad, but you following him.Only other time you wouldn't is if you going to take a tower you know is undefended on your side and the treb from the keep knocked the wall down.

    ..In ESO, you can be sneaking and lurking around something you want. Maybe kill someone, but your waiting for at least 3 other people to show up, and now you can actually take it with just 4 people.Setup 16 catapults, appear to be large, bam wall down, taken. You can use multiple catapults in ESO.In ESO it shows whose sieging and how much siege they have.

  2. @DeanBB.4268 said:

    @uberkingkong.8041 said:This is one of the reasons why ESO does it better when it comes to WvWESO you don't rely on commander.GW2, no commander, no noes complete useless feeling.

    PvE, no commander? :sadface:WvW, no commander? :sadface:

    ESO, its okay, no commander that fine. Even zerg fights it is more of 1v1 but very quick 1v1s in ESO.GW2 no commander means dead zone. Thats how important commanders are.

    It aint healthy.

    Come to think of the solo aspect, all you could do is camp capture, 4 maps 2 camps nearby 8 spots.Meanwhile ESO, 3 camplike areas, wood,mine,granary. So many different places to go steal from. So much to do as a solo or with a buddy.You could just sneak and watch the enemy movements. Anyone can do, you don't need to be a special player with sneaky skills. It's simple as sneak and stalk in ESO.

    You keep posting about how great ESO is. Why are you playing GW2 rather than ESO? Genuinely curious.

    Sometimes when you want a game to be great, you tell them it aint.Lebron James the GOAT? Nope MJ better.

    Fuels him to do better.Sure MJ is better at that, makes Lebron work on it and try to be better.

    ESO sure its better at WvW, I'm trying to make GW2 WvW Great Again.

    Why it dead? Because of how big of an impact zerg is, and commander is.In ESO, you don't need a zerg, random pugs randomly agreeing to work together get stuff done together.In GW2 you MUST have a commander to capture that keep, MUST be somewhat coordinated either by commander or guild

    No commander in WvW, it dies.No commander in PvE zone it dies.Too much commander reliance, too much stuff designed for 20+ people to do. Both WvW and PvE wise. 5-15 is a sweet spot.

  3. @Randulf.7614Yep I see your point.

    Yeah racing isn't popular because they set it up so its not popular.Just like EoTM and hotjoins 8v8 used to be the crave. They take away something from it, all sudden its ghost town.Just like racing.Racing is in the same category as those mini dungeons. Those mini dungeons like stump on shrubs etc. They give crappy reward, you basically have to try really hard and all you get is 1 unidentified rare item? Cmon man, they can do better. But unlike mini dungeons racing is competitive.

    Who knows maybe keg brawl would have been a thing if they gave better rewards. I don't ever recall it being a thing, so it just goes to show how much rewards matter.

    A tournament style racing though, reward you same as the PvP tournies do, you bet there will be a big crowd.

    Its just everyone is playing for rewards right now. Those meta events, could be ghost towns if they had crappy rewards too. Not everyone does the meta event because they enjoy them, its all about the rewards.

    If you had every event giving equally good reward, people would be doing a variety of things, what they really enjoy.But since its all about meta events give best rewards, people doing them, not really because they enjoy them, but because the reward.


    If they make racing useless, crappiest reward, not many if any will do. Sure its fun for a bit, but no one else is doing, lonely now, meta event time and do something maybe unfun to you only because everyone is after rewards.

  4. This is one of the reasons why ESO does it better when it comes to WvWESO you don't rely on commander.GW2, no commander, no noes complete useless feeling.

    PvE, no commander? :sadface:WvW, no commander? :sadface:

    ESO, its okay, no commander that fine. Even zerg fights it is more of 1v1 but very quick 1v1s in ESO.GW2 no commander means dead zone. Thats how important commanders are.

    It aint healthy.

    Come to think of the solo aspect, all you could do is camp capture, 4 maps 2 camps nearby 8 spots.Meanwhile ESO, 3 camplike areas, wood,mine,granary. So many different places to go steal from. So much to do as a solo or with a buddy.You could just sneak and watch the enemy movements. Anyone can do, you don't need to be a special player with sneaky skills. It's simple as sneak and stalk in ESO.

  5. @felix.2386 said:guardian is higherengi also highernecro lower

    if you running guardian with support warrior, guardian's ranking goes up by a lot. even better then holo with warcomp is really important, ev

    I agree, and with comp.Warrior guardian is very nasty.

    @Dantheman.3589 said:

    @Dantheman.3589 said:S-S+ - NecroA+ - WarriorA - RevA— - EleB+ - EngineerB - GuardianC++ - MesmerD+ - RangerF - Thief

    Based on meta specs and in some cases the average of the viable builds per class.

    Had two groups, the Necro got rekt first always. Necro was a waste.I disagree with RangerI agree with Warrior and ElementalistGuardian would be an AMesmer I agree, can be an A if nobody pressuresThief? I feel like Daredevil would be good, but havent seen any

    Warrior I agree and anyone else who can CC you for 3+ seconds (engineer and mesmer?) is very strong especially if all 3 pouncing on you too.

    Since all 3 on you or stacked usually, That torment Revenant becomes super useful too.

    Necro is insanely op so that cannot change. Guard was nerfed to not viable in 5s but works in 3s and engi got big nerfs too. Ranger used to be ok in 3s cuz they could 1 shot but now they won’t and just have condi builds that are just worse than not even the strongest necro builds. Only thing I’d be willing to change is ranger to a C+, but I didn’t do that because there’s not a way to make it work even as good as Mesmer in high elo, aka legend rated +.

    Necro insanely op? yeah ok.Did I mention that necro that droped on my two teams?

    Thing with warrior and guardian, if they get pressured they can handle it.Necro gets pressured they drop like a sack of potatoes, unless they got a warrior and a guardian or engineer or someone to mess with people who pressure others.

    3v3, you gotta be good enough to handle pressure, necro, not so much, you asking to die first. Theres no nodes so people don't have urge to stick close by too.

  6. @"kharmin.7683" said:I see so many zones with racing in them and no one actually racing. I'm not sure that racing is as popular with the GW2 player base as the OP would hope.

    Thats the thing, it doesn't have to be all about racing. But if maps are designed for racing, and ITS CLEAR where its at, people will race. You can go do your usual stuff. But its CLEAR where the race is, its CLEAR where the track is.

    If you been playing nonstop of course you may know this stuff, but people who come and go, they don't memorize racing spots, its not easy thing to remember. If they knew about it, who knows maybe they'd be racing more often.

    Especially if they make the rewards pretty decent... Like PvP tournaments.


    Its going to be a city vibe next expansion yes?Well make it raceable.Back when roller beetle racing was a thing, people doing world boss like Mega Destoryer, they was curious, they had there 'usual' spicied up seeing plethora of roller beetle racers zooming around.


    Should be options what to do, like meta event, OR racing, both give equally good rewards. (well racing if you do somewhat good, not necessarily first, first place should be a big deal though).Game has it setup that you can do everything if you follow the commander. It should be more about choices. Events shouldn't need to take a whole army too.Still be tough, as in you have to dodge and stuff you control, and not so much is 60 people around (stuff you don't control, who shows up).To race, to do meta event, to do scavenger hunt (aka coins), it should be about options, and less "Just follow this commander and press 1" usual day usual commander. Just press 1, we have stragglers following the commander, just press 1 and slow. Usual day, the usual. Bleh.

    Its 2020

  7. @"Gryphon.2875" said:Well, that's an expansion I wouldn't buy.

    Man it wouldn't be 100% racing focused.That would just be the theme.

    You do your whatever you do still. It's just now the maps are like racetracks. You could be doing your event, and all sudden 20 rollerbeetles come outta nowhere because of racing.

    The roller beetle racing sure spiced up old Tyria content. Noobs being noobs and whats this!?30 people on roller beeetles headed my way!!

    Yeah, it spices up the zone.Right now, its pretty bleh, follow commander tag.

    Would be nice to see a zone with so much different activities going on.

    You wouldn't need to make so many zones too, sometimes less is more. Like 2 zones, but big, at least you have people to talk too even if they aint on your side of the map.1 WP for side and the other WP on the other side.

    You want to get somewhere? well get on your mount and race over there. (not as in an actual race).


    New expansion is a city right?We have mounts right?

    Well make it feel like mounts are part of the game because they are.Make the NPCs be on them.


    ..Last thing, its 2020, so expectations are high. It aint 2013 anymore, it aint 2017 anymore. Its 2020.Also, of course you guys are happy your still around.Other MMORPGS, MMORPGS with VASTLY larger playerbaseYou want the game to grow right? Well the stuff everyone is happy seeing for 7 years, other people seen it too, they left, its boring.

    You need to spice it up, this is how you do it.So of course this thread will get a lot of "no", but just do it.The 5432857342 million other players are looking for something spicy in an MMORPG and this is it.Again, its 2020, expectations are HIGH... computer is slow, its 2020... meaning why is it slow? should be fast... mmorpg dishes out typical expansion... its 2020. meaning why this usual stuff. wheres the spicy stuff?Its 2020.

  8. Whenever I go in WvW, say I had Roller beetle before, now I'm in WvW all I get is Warclaw, I use, now I leave back to PvE. I load my mount, and all sudden from Roller Beetle is Warclaw.How annoying right!?

    Maybe just maybe if they made Warclaw a decent mount outside of WvW.Maybe just maybe have WvW exp be used for something OUTSIDE WvW. Like spend 5 WvW points, Warclaw can leap ALMOST as good like 4/5 as good as the raptor.Like spend 25 points Warclaw can jump 1/3 as high as the bunny mount.Like spent 50 points, your Warclaw can glide in air if you hold jump.Like spend 100 points it moves 20% faster than its sluggish speed already.

    Now I wouldn't mind Roller Beetle being forcefully replaced with Warclaw after I came back from a small amount of playtime in WvW.It would also make me want to play WvW more and grind to get those points for it.

  9. @Dantheman.3589 said:S-S+ - NecroA+ - WarriorA - RevA— - EleB+ - EngineerB - GuardianC++ - MesmerD+ - RangerF - Thief

    Based on meta specs and in some cases the average of the viable builds per class.

    Had two groups, the Necro got rekt first always. Necro was a waste.I disagree with RangerI agree with Warrior and ElementalistGuardian would be an AMesmer I agree, can be an A if nobody pressuresThief? I feel like Daredevil would be good, but havent seen any

    Warrior I agree and anyone else who can CC you for 3+ seconds (engineer and mesmer?) is very strong especially if all 3 pouncing on you too.

    Since all 3 on you or stacked usually, That torment Revenant becomes super useful too.

  10. I'd like to see the new expansion focus on mounts and racing them.Maybe mario kart theme.

    Next expansion is nothing but a bunch of city zones right?Well how about a ton of NPCs on mounts and just zooming by everywhere.

    Make the zone have nice track for rollerbeetle to zoom around.

    I'd like 2 WP's in the zone, and since its mount friendly thats why theres just 2 WP.Racing in this game is fun, it could be a thing.No other MMORPGs have the racing aspect down.

    Sometimes its a niche thing that makes it good.Ex. World of Warcraft, its ALL about Open World PvP. Who versus who? Everyone knows who versus who. Horde vs Alliance.

    GW2 niche I see is Jumping Puzzles AND OR Racing.Maybe open world designing too, like In game housing, a legit house. Or just designing like in Fortnite, Rust, Minecraft.A zone just designed for player housing, you get to see the outside and inside of it, you own a plot, you do what you want.

    But seriously,if new expansion is taking place in towns.think about Racing. Think about making it sophisticated where the NPCs race all the time there too.make it a fast past town.

  11. @Ayrilana.1396 said:

    @Pifil.5193 said:A rehashed August festival, disappointing (to me) September release and now a rehashed October again. They really want to bring something a lot more interesting in November as Wintersday will be even more recycled content. Woo. Hoo.

    It’s been like this since like 2005 for festivals. I don’t see why you’d expect anything different this year.

    When did they add the racing to it? That was a ton of fun.

  12. https://www.twitch.tv/lana_luxShes more active then these developers I guess.

    @Baldrick.8967 said:The part time intern working Friday afternoon on wvw didn't have time...he was pulled off wvw to fix the shading of an NPC's shadow in pve.

    Every game I hear same story. 1 person doing the job, usually with no skills too.Difference is, this game is actually successful right now. There should be bigger teams and more people.This game unlike other games, the gem store is actually worth buying stuff in it too.

    @Solanum.6983 said:It'd be nice, even if they made it perma night time with some pumpkins put in keeps but I we barely get balance updates so I don't think they'd even do that.

    Yes this would be a ton of fun too.

  13. PvP Warrior too weak, make change. Warrior decent now in PvP. Crap in WvW decent in PvE.new change, WvW Warrior is decent, PvP Warrior is decent, PvE Warrior OP.new change PvE Warrior is decent, WvW Warrior is decent, PvP Warrior is weak

    cycle continues.

    My opinion.You have 2 elite specs and core right?Well make one of the elite specs good in PvPMake the other elite spec good in WvWMake the core spec good in PvE

    Balance 1 spec per gamemode rather than all for all modes.

    They did good way back then,you only had core, but weapon choice was big deal.Ex. Staff elementalist for WvWEx. Dagger/dagger for PvEEx. Fresh air, scepter focus for PvP

    Another issue can be,everybody trying to min/max, game has been out so long, its nothing but MinMax Wars 2A way to solve MinMax wars 2, is have a maximum dps you can deal on PvE and other modes.This way, overkill dps from back then 4 warriors and a mesmer, not really needed. And as long as other professions do the damage they suppose to do, you can drop stuff just as fast as with MinMax due to everyone can meet the maximum allowed damage, and overkill does not make them drop faster.Ex. A boss takes 5% damage TOPS in 30 seconds, sure 4 warriors and a mesmer can do 5% damage in 10 seconds, but now they have to wait 20 seconds to do 5% more, so pretty useless, MINMAX useless in this scenario, since it doesn't mean anything if MinMax can do it in 10 seconds or if a mixed group does it in 25 seconds. Both still did 5% in 30 seconds.

    GW2 handles it wrong, this should be in the highest tiers, not just for lower tiers to avoid something dying fast.

  14. Well, that is a true MMORPG definition. Pretty much all the founding MMORPGs had it.Look at OSRS, WoW, EQ. Foundering MMORPGs.

    Lets be honest too, with WvW is instanced not Open World, same with ESO.However, ESO has PvE content that people actually do in the WvW instance, so it feels closer to an Open World PvP feeling than GW2.GW2 lacks PvE content in WvW. None of it is worth it except for daily and one time achievement.

    ...Speaking of which.If GW2 decides to finally bring back the Underworld, if they want to do it right, they should put it in WvW. And yes, you'd have to travel to it like you do in ESO PvE areas.Like you do in OSRS PvE areas in PvP. Like you do in EQ and WoW, theres a good dungeon... But its in enemy territory too.

    This would make GUILDS in GW2 actually mean something, as in Guild Mission is go into WvW do this PvE content, with 15 of us no one is likely to mess with us unless its a zerg... But 5 or less of us going in, probably gonna get messed with.

    ...The one thing GW2 lacks, is meaningful small to medium sized parties. As in you login, you search for friends and say lets do this.Not at a scheduled time like raids or guild missions, not a random PUG squad. But a on the fly, with friends, with guilds, like 5-20 of them.

    GW2 needs to work on content where friends actually start mattering, guilds actually start mattering, 5-20 is good enough, over 20+ makes it just too easy to do. Over 20+ is hard to get together too, and starts to be a random PUG squad with meaningless connections/friendships.

    One of the core things about MMORPGs is connections and friendships.

    ..You can be on a losing server, but if you have around 15 people that always down to ride with you, the outnumbered server doesn't feel so outnumbered anymore. Sure that enemy zerg may come and rekt you, but you can do stuff, and that enemy zerg has better things to do like go after bigger fish than to rekt a 15ish group all day.

    As for GW3. All I want you to think about is.WoW does not have a WoW2EQ has an EQ2, but it failed, EQ is betterOSRS has a new Runescape, but if failed OSRS is betterAnd that GW2 was born along with Diablo3 and Elder Scrolls Online, so best pay attention to them.Diablo3 doesn't have open world anything, and I'm not sure if it considers itself MMORPG, but my opinion, they should make Diablo4 and it be a TRUE MMORPG....As for GW3 or GW2,And TRUE MMORPG

    IF you look at living story, the Charr are rebellion, the next expansion could be nothing but everyone rebelling.Pick your side.Tyria is now Open World PvP boys and girls.That would draw in a lot of WoW playerbase, because the playerbase of WoW, its mainly Open World PvP'ers.And ya know another fact....WoW is STILL the highest populated MMORPG...Let me say this again too, WoW is mainly Open World PvP'ers, and HIGHEST populated MMORPG.Think about it...Also thinking more, MMORPGs back then, you had to run to your place or get a wizard portal. I'm ok with WP, but I'm glad they reducing the amount of WP in zones. Sure its 2020 time to adapt, but you can't put the 2020 in a TRUE MMORPG. Be thankful when you die others cannot loot you. You don't have all your gold drop when you die too.

  15. @"lokh.2695" said:Please check the forum's search option before posting, topic has been discussed many times in the past.

    Just because its discussed 2 years ago, doesn't mean it applies to today, different thinking, other things have arised.Balance has been discussed for years, yet people make new threads about them.

    I don't see people telling others who make threads like "Guardian needs a nerf", that its been said many times in the past, search the forums and necro the thread from 6 years ago.

  16. Should there be a GW3?Say, 3 years after the 3rd expansion, who knows what technology we will have then. Thinking as of today, do you think there should be a GW3 in the future?

    Keep in mind this is an MMORPG.If you look at Everquest, they made a whole new MMORPG same game same ideas, just Everquest2. It did not end well.If you look at World of Warcraft, 15 or so years later, still #1, still just WoW, aint no such thing as a WoW2.EQ's EQ2 was a response to WoW threat.Basically remaking the MMORPG over again not much success.Look at Runescape and OSRS, much success you there? I don't.

    Those games were in a different time though.GW2 the games it should be worried about is Diablo3, and Elder Scrolls Online, these 3 games came about during same time.Diablo2 and Guild Wars is very identical btw, and now Diablo3 is MMORPG, GW2 is MMORPG.I haven't played Diablo3 in a while, but I don't think its a true MMORPG, so if any game I would suggest do a remake, it would be Diablo3.Not a true MMORPG because theres no such thing as 100 people in a zone just goofying off or doing whatever.I believe Diablo3 is more like Diablo2.GW1 only cities allowed for mass players. Diablo2 and Diablo3 from what I remember, its just servers, no such thing as mass players in city, NOR mass players in open world zones.

    It will be interesting to see how the future unfolds.

    GW2 though, its not a full MMORPG yet either, one aspect it is missing, is Open World PvP.Open World PvP is what full MMORPG's like EQ and WoW have. Something GW2 and ESO lacks to become a real full MMORPG.

  17. @Lighter.5631 said:you are definitely not playing something that has no teleport or ranged attack.

    the map with the most abusable teleport spots and ranged attack spots.you are not going to kill any one unless you have teleport yourself or you have decent ranged skill

    Exactly, it adds more elements to the fight.Not one profession can dominate in all maps...

    Oh I forgot, all the maps are flat, there are a select few that dominate.

    Diversity? You don't have to do it solely around a profession. You can make a map where....Range attacks dominate you know.Melee is tough to do you know.CC (to push off edge) is dominate you know.

    Right now, this is meta, all the maps are bleh, aint no diversity with all maps being similar.

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