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Boogiepop Void.6473

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Everything posted by Boogiepop Void.6473

  1. You will note that this was not my original argument. I was looking for parity of effort between two equivalent activities, not to play less.
  2. I made a reasoned, quantitative argument. A few posters responded by doing the same, and while I may not agree, I can appreciate actually taking time to think about and respond to the actual argument. The majority decided to not address the argument at all and just take umbrage that I would dare to even suggest that something might be a problem or need to be looked at, or to assume I am lazy or asking for a handout. Bravo for responding without reading or thinking at all. to Illconceived Was Na.9781: First, I would dispute "lots" as a characterization for meteor strikes. They came about once a half hour. In terms of rate comparison, I would have to do a lot more testing to be able to definitively compare meteor acquisition vs node acquisition (as you point out, you can get 0 masses from nodes). However what is indisputable is availability. Node harvest rate is limited only by the ability to get from node to node, so on average it should be greater than a once a half hour gather rate. And I would point out again that the main limiter is not Kralkarite ore (which you justifiably point out has many sources), but Powdered quartz, which comes from meteors only (yes, as Haleydawn.3764 states, you can buy on the store, but not all players have gold to burn, so I was talking about strictly harvesting and obtaining in game). Jayden Reese.9542 Again, the limiter is Powdered Quartz, not kralkarite, which you can't buy from the hearts. You will almost always have more Kralkarite than Quartz.
  3. I did note that in the op, but when compared to the required amounts, you get less total progress toward completing a weapon from these vendor purchases (ignoring that you also need the same amount of powder) despite the numerically larger amount of ore. It thus gives the APPEARANCE of a lot of progress while actually giving less progress toward a weapon than purchase of numerically fewer masses
  4. We have two Exotic weapon sets this season and involved in the Vision collections, Astral and DragonBlood. Compare prices to unlock the vision collection steps:Astral - 6 Weapons - 3000 Kralkarite ore + 3000 Powdered Rose QuartzDragonblood - 6 weapons - 360 Branded MassesThat's an 8 1/3 times larger price (in terms of map currency) for Astral vs Dragon blood. Now Kralk ore can be bought at vendors at 25/vend/day, whereas masses can be bought at 5/vend/day. Counting vendors, that's 75 kralk/day vs 20 masses/day. BUT you can get WAY MORE masses per day from Thunderhead by mining due to them being fixed nodes, and you can't get powdered quartz except from meteors, and at a much lower rate than Kralk ore, despite them being even in the recipe, which means your are gated by Powdered quartz, not kralk ore. I don't have exact values but the ratio based on my mining seems to be 4/1 kralk ore to powdered quartz. Dragonblood weapons require Exquisite Serpentine Jewels, but you need 18 total and can get about 4 per day from fixed timed events (total need time per day is only about .5-.75 hours for both meta events and the dwarf tombs), which is much less time invested than the powdered quartz.So therefore it requires a MUCH higher effort to make Astral Weapons, despite both recipes yielding exotic weapons with equivalent collection value. And due to having a much more useful stat set, one could argue the Dragonblood weapons are higher in game value, despite being easier to make. Items with nearly identical value should have nearly identical effort to obtain. I haven't even gone into if you want to craft all the Stellar weapons, which requires a ludicrous 10000 kralk ore, compare to only 2400 masses for all the heroic dragonblood weapons, which is again ludicrously out of balance for equivalent items (ignoring the fact that you will probably need to stat-swap the stellar weapons for most characters). We need to bring the price of Astral and Stellar weapons more in line with their value. The comparative effort needed to make these is far too out of balance.
  5. Can we get identification on the items in the loot box? I can't identify them all, especially since some have duplicate icons.
  6. The bounty for Lady Shamshir never comes up on the bounty board. This makes the Istan Bounty achievement impossible to complete.
  7. Having the sticking function with just the forward movement is causing a lot of accidents. When ascending a cliff, it's causing frequent accidental stick and jump off because of course while rising you are already hitting the climb button (default space), and you want to be hugging the wall so you don't miss moving forward. At least make it so you have to release and repress climb so that if you stick by accident you don't eat your dodge bar unnecessarily. It should not be possible to accidentally use up your dodge bar, as this turns simple ascents into tedious multi-attempt way to mot get where you want on time.
  8. If it's as rare as Tequatl and Triple stuff, it's still more doable. You get ONE chance at Tequatl and Triple per day. You can get hundreds of mistborn chests in a day. Frankly, they need to severely lower the rarity of Tequatl and Triple. It's far too high for a one/day try.
  9. People are leaving maps when the meta phase pops and bridges stop, causing maps to close down.
  10. My issue isn't that there is a timegate. It's how it's being handled. Day 1: do 3 collections that mostly involve going to the same 20 places over and over on the new map. Boring and representative, makes people bored with the new map inside a day.Day 2: This is really good. Makes you go to all these places you wouldn't normally. I never did the dwarven ruins before and now I am happy I did.Day 3-7: It takes 4 days to finish this part. 2 out of 3 can be done in a day (with an awkward system; it doesn't tell you when you get the item, but when you deliver it). The last one is literally 4 days of hitting 2 three times and then not being able to do anything. Just so artificial a delay and you aren't even doing anything for 3 out of 4 days.Day 8-?: no one knows yet because it takes a week to do the previous steps but probably at least another 2 days... So the whole thing has only 1 really good chain so far. Oh I forgot, better hope you have plenty of charged quartz, since you need 22 of them to do day 3-7 and they are still themselves timegated to 1/day. So if you have none you will be waiting no less than 22 days, assuming nothing else with it's own timegate comes up in the unknown steps... To fix: make the 3 first day collections into one (requires slight story mod) or otherwise change them so you go to places once, not 3 times. But regardless, lower the number of steps, it's ridiculous to have 80 collection steps in a single day. Leave day 2 alone, it's fine. Day 3 needs to be cut down to one day, and change the notifications, so we get progress when we collect. Also, either untimgate, un-acount bind, or outright change the recipe to remove Charged Quartz. No one should be punished because they haven't spent years charging quartz every day. Compare to the beetle, which had, TOTAL, only 28 items to collect. Some were annoying to get due to event linking, but it was a reasonable number. It sent you around the newest map a good amount without making you sick of it, and around Tyria to do stuff a good amount that was only slightly annoying due to bugs.
  11. The timegate is not really the most egregious part of all this. It's the Day 1 collections. 3 collections that involve 20+ items spread across the map with many in near identical locations is long, tedious, and not at all fun, and rather then making you explore the map. it just makes you sick of it by the end. A single collection would have been fine, but this huge stacked and repetitive collections are tedious and boring.
  12. It requires too large of a map population. People cannot complete both cargo collection achievements because there are simply not enough people on the map, combined with the way it's advertised. Most people don't realize there are 2 events to complete since they are so far apart you don't receive the notice at the same time. So they complete 1 and leave. You only get the Hunted achievement if you complete both AND THEN the event that spawns only if both are completed. With such low population, you don't get enough random people doing each to complete both, and organizing a PUG to do it is impossible since pugs follow the tag and there isn't enough time to do both one by one.
  13. Can the Spears also pick up automatically when near, like the mines? It's way less immersion braking when you don't have to dismount, pick up the spears, then remount. Not to mention it can leave you not able to remount because of how combat and mounting work.
  14. I like Taimi and do not want her killed. My only problem with her is that she, and the Asura in general, have become the Deus Ex Machina of the game. Have problem, an Asura (usually Taimi, but can be a different Asura, especially now that Gorrik and Blish are around) will have a solution or explanation of critical information.
  15. Wait. Why is the Claw of Jormag one bad? It's even easier to get done than Shatterer and Tequatl. In Shatterer and Tequatl you are always doing something that advances the boss. Not so for claw. The design of the event is bad, and has been for a long time. The first part is nothing but ability spam (and tends to lag out so badly you can't even see what you are doing) and the second part is several minutes of standing around waiting for the boss to go prone from the golems, which you can neither speed up by succeeding nor slow down by failing. The measure of a good event is if it's interesting and your presence is impactful, not how easy it is. Claw is neither. That’s because players are choosing to be lazy and just standing in one location spamming their skills. There are ways to speed up the entire fight. If there are they are so badly communicated that no one knows what they are. As far as I can tell there is nothing to do in the BUT stand there and spam skills.
  16. Wait. Why is the Claw of Jormag one bad? It's even easier to get done than Shatterer and Tequatl. In Shatterer and Tequatl you are always doing something that advances the boss. Not so for claw. The design of the event is bad, and has been for a long time. The first part is nothing but ability spam (and tends to lag out so badly you can't even see what you are doing) and the second part is several minutes of standing around waiting for the boss to go prone from the golems, which you can neither speed up by succeeding nor slow down by failing. The measure of a good event is if it's interesting and your presence is impactful, not how easy it is. Claw is neither.
  17. BTW while this thread is about Orr, the other events in the collection could also use some spiffying. Claw of Jormag in particular is pretty bad.
  18. It's great that you are giving people reasons to go back and do older content. But if you do, please make sure that this older content is in some kind of playable state. The orr temples have multiple issues that make them very unpleasant to play. Very long timers that can't be sped up. If you miss the event on a map you can't get it back for 2 hours. Which would be fine except....Irregular timers. The event timers are instance-based, so you can't even tell when they are going to come up. This leads to crazy map hopping or people sitting around waiting for them to spawn.Encourages map hopping. Because the timers are instance based, the best tactic for a group is to pound the servers trying to force a new instance.Inconsistent credit. Some temples give credit for defense, some don't, and for those that don't you see map chat filling with people begging to let the event fail. For example the Melandru temple. Depending on an event to fail is NEVER a good thing (this also needs to be remembered for new events, like the bramble wall regrowth in Kourna).Inconsistent difficulty. Some of these can take 30 min or more (due to pre-events), while others can take less than a minute, frustrating people who desperately try to run over only to find it died nearly instantly. Sub events within also have very problematic difficulty, with some being very hard due to scaling and others being so weak that mob waves drop so fast that most people can't even get a hit in if the group size is high. I myself had had the Grenth event go so fast that the lag spike from it loading in took longer than the event.If you are going to utilize older events, please take this as an opportunity to update them, or at least tune them a little bit. Showing off old content in a bad state speaks badly for the game and ANet.
  19. Can confirm. Talked to them and then nothing happened. If you log out and back in things seem to resume, but there is no map marker for where to go next and if you find Taimi outside nothing will happen.
  20. OK, I just got it thanks to TTS. Thanks. If they would make the rewards worth it for people to organize regularly then the event wouldn't be that bad. Also, Good God ANet fix the horrible lag in phase 3!!!
  21. Serpent's Ire needs to be fixed. The difficulty is poorly tuned, resulting in a failure rate around 90%, and the rewards are so pitiful that most people have no reason to do it outside of getting the Funerary Collection and the Golem Backpiece recording. This results in massive frustration because there is no community learning to do it or organizing, just a bunch of random people beating their heads against it and then never returning to help the next set once they beat it once.
  22. When I said I had been doing it multiple times a day for over a month I was NOT exaggerating. It's gotten me to the point where I'm so pissed off but OCD enough that this is all I can stand to do in the game outside of raiding. And even my OCD won't carry it much further... And it should be noted this is far from the first thread I have written about this event. I have been begging them to fix it since the release of PoF.
  23. The public calendar is UTC, I think, but I'm sorry. I somehow missed you were EU based, and thought you were NA, so it was much more suitable. Apologies for the wasted time. I am NA. I thought the calendar auto-adjusted to the local time zone. That said, I was on Tuesday night where according to this schedule there should have been a Serpent's Ire run and there was no organized group that I could find at that time. That dosen't mean they weren't on, but I couldn't find them to join if they were.
  24. @crepuscular.9047 Not sure what is up with the scheduling but all the serpent's Ire stuff is at 2AM my time. Not doable.
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