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  1. Oh nothing much just here to vent. I can really only play on reset nights with friends because real life work etc. and I get a Q bug 🙂 PLEASE STOP ACTIVELY MAKING ME WANT TO STRAIGHT UP QUIT THIS kitten FIX THE kittenING Q BUGS IN WVW ANET FOR kittenS SAKE FIX THIS kitten THANKS 🙂 🙂 Really I am honestly burned out by this. When i open a god kitten game on a weekend I expect to be able to relax. If you can't get that what even is the point???? Honest to God sometimes i feel like the biggest mistake of my life was ever investing time and effort to build friendships here cause now i feel like i am stuck when i should just really really quit this kitten once and for all. Instead it feels like I'm playing russian roulette every weekend to see if i get on the map after waiting in Qs for 30 kittening god damned minutes staring on a dead screen in obsidian sanctum or armistice bastion. You can't even do something else while Q'd up since moving maps for pve or switching characters kittens up the Q FIX. THE. GOD. DAMNED. BUGS.
  2. Yep bugged. tried it in wvw multiple times if the enemy is too far away the blast does not happen. You only get a frost field.
  3. Don't you play with KREW?? You and NEW had a map Q of 60 players nuthugging each other two days ago fighting Shw and OP in one of the alpine BLs. Imagine complaining about blobs when you yourself are running in a blob. It's just your blob is made of two guilds running 30 players each.
  4. NA servers Account: Zeesh.7286 From: Sea of Sorrows Current Team: First Haven Needed Team: Dragons's claw WvW Guild: General Alliance Guil [WvW]
  5. Oh and if you mean you want YOUR character to turn around while casting there is an about face key option in the keybinds you can set it up and it will instantly make your character turn around when the key is pressed
  6. I think you mean "steal" Thief's have a skill called Steal and it will interrupt any skills you are casting. There are more mechanic details but you can read up on it on the wiki or roll a thief and play with it in the pvp lobby at max level to test its skills and profession mechanics.
  7. Terrible weapon. Auto attack speed is slower than engi rifle autos and they're all single target, engi pistol autos hit 5 targets at least compared to ele pistol. OH and no piercing lmao trash weapon The dash on air 3 dashes for the distance you move in a single dodge while having less evade time!! Compare that to the warrior dash on staff right now. Heck dagger fire 3 and earth 3 dashes are better than this. The bullet mechanic is TERRIBLE and so time consuming to set up especially since you only get them on skills 2, 3. Water 3 improves movement speed by 33% so like.. swiftness but worse since its only on the field and it lasts for like just 4 seconds? Not even surprised by how clunky and bad it is. At least give us access to new condis if the weapon isn't going to do much except be worse than everything else we already have on Ele WHILE being single target. Maybe I dunno add torment/poison/confusion access on pistol??
  8. More guild slots please thanks! I would pay 2k gems for extra slots at this point. Having 5 is not enough.
  9. Just came here to vent a bit. FIX YOUR kittenING GAME ANET. WE DON'T NEED ANOTHER kitten EXPANSION IF YOU CAN'T ADDRESS THE ALREADY PRESENT ISSUES. Skill lag actively KILLS the joy in wvw. Skill lag used to be an issue with 3 way omni blobs on reset nights but now it seems be to an ever present problem anytime you have 30 people in the vicinity on any map at any time.
  10. watch them buff long kitten cast time staff 2 in air, earth and water and nerf lava font and meteors again because they have never played staff ele and will never play staff ele... The devs last logged into wvw maybe i dunno a decade ago... Melted to meteors and to this day remain traumatized or something. Nothing else explains the nerfs to meteor shower and staff
  11. Can we PLEASE have the original meteor shower back or maybe remove the root on casting on meteor showers... It is a skill that hits like a wet noodle now compared to how difficult and risky it is to execute. Staff is already dogshit everywhere.
  12. I love how they NERFED elementalist fury uptime (and overall dps) by that ridiculous internal cooldown on raging storm. It was an amazing trait before the patch and allowed dps builds like lightning rod and fresh air to have near 100% fury uptime (builds which did not need any nerfs anyway). Now it is dog kitten. LMAO group fury for 4 secs on 8 secs ICD that only procs when an ele crits.. Why....WHY???? You had NO reason to make it group fury. NO one asked for fury sharing crap on elementalist as a form of "support".. ridiculous. First the nerf to meteor shower in last patch for no reason, and now this nerf. AHMAZING.
  13. Water is fine. Have you looked at arcane? That's the real dumpster fire right there.
  14. Are we all ignoring the raging storm nerf? before there was just a 1sec gap between having fury and and the ICD (2secs of fury, 3 secs ICD). now that's a 4 secs of fury but 8 secs of ICD??? Yea let me land a kittening crit so my team can get some fury every 4 secs... That's a very reliable way to support my team *facepalm*.
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